The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, May 10, 1911, Image 7

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To the Ladies of Bene! and
Crook County:
arrival of a complete ttock of new
with moileli for each ami every figure,
ranging from Very tletuler to extra
stout. Each of the Nemo Models h
the most perfect corset of lit W that
bat ever been prwIuceJ. Come In and
tee them.
"The Store of Hotter
('. V. Mocker of IjiIiIIiiw win In
town Saturday.
W. K. Saylor if Tumnlo h-h-hI
Saturday In Mend.
Henry Whltiwtt loft Inst, week on
3i trip to Cnlifornfn.
C. U. ItlchunU haa bouj-litn Win
ton enr for use In his ri'nl estate
T. J. McClnln of Silver Uko wiw
u viiillor here Inst week, Mtnylnir at
N. I Welder In pftlntinjr tho
Frank May apartment house on
Hond Hln-el.
Mrs. Henry Whltm-lt ami little
Itutk'litor Vurn are vi-iitii'ir relative
in I'rinovllle.
r Mrn. S. K. Howe ha arrival in
Ilend to hmikI the itummvr with her
win, C. I). Howe.
Deputy linmo Warden S. (J.
Dorrirt made a busine trip to 1
j'rlnevillu IiimI week.
It. F. Averill. necretnry of The
Mend (Company, lelt Sunday for
I'ortland on buHinciw. I
.1. F. Foster and wife of Summer1
l.uko went in Hend Saturday uiKhtf
on their way to i'ortland.
Mr. nml Mrn. Leon FulkM have'
nfrivod In Hiiml from Wyoming,
III., to HK)nd the Hummer. '
Mr. and Mn. it. (!. Sturgeon of'
IjiIiIIiiw were vUitinK frlundt in
town Saturday and Suiulny.
B. M. Hall and Mr. and Mrn. C.
N. CennliiK "f Seatllu have comu to
jiend to take up hoinesteiiili.
V Mm. J. J. Underwood of Silver
Jjiko wiu a Hend vlHltor lust week,
itayjn at the IMIot Huttu Inn.
Foil Saijc 30 complete Iron hed-Hti-adH,
Yam Yam nprinir matronse,
feather pillows, all at your own
pricu. Nuw & Secondhand Furni
ture Storo,!l. 0. Corner. OM 1
1.-U 1 -----
..' ,., ' ,
HnviiiR iHirctinseil the in'orest of L. D. Kennedy in tho busi
ness conducted by Thompson & Kennedy, I wish to announce that
1 will continue tho business for tho pronent under tho same firm
name nml am prepared to supply as usual al tlo requirements of
our customers ami friends. I Imvo on hand a very- largo and com
plete assortment of furniture ami household supplies at popular
Your continued trade and pntronnito solicited.
Thompson & Kennedy
v E. MeTHOtoPSQfr Wopl- $
Whoro your dollar
Wull Btreot, near First National
Values." Hend, Oregon.
John Decker of Liberty. N. I).,
arrived lust week and excU to
buy projHTty near town.
Mrn. C. K. Swalford of Ijilllaw
In In Hend luwlstinir CIoukIi & True
in tho wile of Kay McKay lands.
Joseph Devay of Seattle wan in
Hend week and purchased 80
acreti of the Coddnrd estate through
CIourIi & True.
A. H. Mcndcnhnll and family, of
I'omeroy, Wiuh., has taken up his
residence on his irrigated "80" four
miles cost of Hend.
Miss Lottie Montgomery of I'rino
vllle upont Sunday at Hotel Hend,
leaving Monday morning for IaliN
law to vIhH friends.
John Stukmier of Madras wa3 in
Hend yesterday en route to Hold,
near which town he expects to lo
cate on a homostend.
(J. M. Cornell of I'rinovillo, pro
prletor of the Cornell Stae &
Stable Company, was a buxinocM visi
tor in town Innl week.
Henjamln Sawl-rid-- of North
Yakima. Wash., arrived in town last
week and hits a position in the olljce
of Tho Hend Coinpiny.
The dance nt Llnster's Hall Sat
urday evenlnir was well attended,
and those prosent roxirt that it wan
a most enjoyable alTair.
1.. H. McCann of Ilmwnnn, Al
berta, Camilla, is visiting his
daiiKliter, Mrs. Ralph S)encer. Ho
will Hjionil Huvurnl weeka here.
Jame Hoyco and Will Slovens
Med on iiO-ncro homesteads Satur
day. They wore located by the
Stewart Steele & Richards Co.
Mrs. CcorKo A. Jones loft Friday
for Op:il City to a-iend somo time
with her liushand, who is maniiRer
of tho Jones Wurehouso Company.
Tell us what wo can buy for you
In Rood enta. Wo will soon have it.
W. C. McCuihton Co.
does Its duty.
'"Hend, Oregon
F. Mllo Lobdcll, formerly of Hend
but now of Washington, 1). C, luifl
put In u bid for a painting contract
with Uncle Sam In tho I'annma
canal zone.
F. M. Marshall oiwncd n barber
shop next door to W. C. McCulston'H
Htore Monday morning. Tills makes
three toiiHorial establishment in
town now.
'K. J. McCrlckey and Chnrles
Harris of Park Side, Saskatchewan,
Canada, have come to Hend to look
over the Central Oregon country
with a view to locutlng.
Tho Fifth (irndo baseball team of
the Hend school will play the Fifth
(Jrade nine from I'rinovillo hero
Saturday afternoon. Everybody Is
requested by tho boys to attend.
C. M. Itlchards left last Friday
for n couple of weeks trip to Mis
souri, Kansas ami Oklahoma, to in
terest H!ople there in Hend project.
Mr. Kichnrds will bring his family
with him when he returnit.
The Christian Jiiideuvur Society
will give an Ice cream lawn party
nt the home of Mrs. L. I). Wlest
Friday evening. Everybody is in
vited to attend, and a Hecla! wel
come will be extended strangers.
William Nye of The Dalles Opti
mist, wife and child are in Hend to
Hjtend several months, having arriv
ed Monday. Mr. Nyo came up
i"ieciiilly on account of the recre
ative opportunities this place affords.
Antonc Aune, his mother nml sis
ter returned Thurwlay from un ex
tended trip to 1'ortlarul and Huget
Sound cities. Whllo away Mrn.
Aune received medical treatment
and cainu buck much improvisl in
Dr. W. T. I'liy, formerly of Hot
Ukc, Oregon, wishes lo announce
his H?rmanent location in Spokane,
.Washington, with ofllcos in the
Hutton Huildlng. He will limit his
i work to surgery, ofllce' practice and
, consultation.
1 Work haa been started on tin4
' tabernacle which tho Methodist will
' build on their lot on Ohio street.
' Kev. W. I, Wilson, who is rowistlng
i with the building, nays he expect
' to have the mooting" place ready by
I the time for his next appointment
here May 12 1 .
Hend will send a large delegation
i to Madras tomorrow, tho attraction
I leing the Al (1. Harnes circus. This
is the firnt show of the kind to come
Into Central Oregon by rail. Tho
Deschutes Hallway is now In oper
ation to Madra and will bring In
the circus train tomorrow morning.
Millard Triplctt has on exhibition
nt hi store an interesting souvenir.
It is n sheet of pnner. In a frame,
on which was written the first nnll.
nance passed by the Hend Common
Council. It was posted on the old
citv hall building and every word of
writing has been faded out by the
L. D. Kennedy has sold out his
half Interest in the firm of Thomp
son & Kennedy to E. M. Thomtsnn.
who will conduct tho businoiw for
the present under the name firm
name. Mr. Kennedy left todnv for
Vancouver. H. C whore he will lie
connected with the Mason & Hisoh
I'lano Co., Ltd.
A. II. Dorris. recently appointed
forest ranger, loft this week for
I-ort Hock, which will be his head
Himrter". He wits first nniolntcd
to the I'ino mountain s"ction but
Inter transferred to District No. 0.
Mrs. Dorris will spend never) week
visiting relatives at Hood Hivor be
fore going to Fort Hock.
Mr. and Mm. I.. A. W. Nixon of
Seattle arrived in Hend last week to
look over tho Cent ml Oregon
country. They shipped their house
hold goods, a team and wagon to
Mndnia and drove in front there.
After HMiuling some tlmo In this
vlclnitv thev Intend to Uike n trip
into Iiko and Harney counties.
Postmaster F. O. Minor has re
ceived Instructions from tho Host
ofllco Department to count everv
piece of mail passing through this
office during May. Tills includes
every class of mail and means a
great deal of extra work. Mr,
Minor says ho has had no advices an
to tho reasons for tho count. Tho
order seems to bo general an post
masters in other Oregon towns Imvo
received similar instructions.
F. C. W. Parkor of Portland,
state secretary of tho Haptist State
Convention, spoko horo Sunday
night and again Monday evening,
Ho nni) Rev. 0. M, Cllno spoko at
Redmond Sunday morning and
afternoon and then enrho up horo
oy auto, nits is Mr. Parker's lirst
visit to Hend and ho said that ho
wtuj grenjly pleased with ,tho town,
Tho freshest eggs, butter and
Vegetables arrive daily. W. 0. Mc
CuIston Co.
. Tho Library Clutj'witl irlvo a food
sale Saturday at tho UnloVr-Marketi
Tho ladies will make a specialty of
ureuu mm pica.
SEllirBIG 4"
Here is a sale that means money-saving to you. Four special
big bargains for three days. Sale begins at 7:30 o clock
Thursday, May 1 1 , and ends at 2 o'clock Saturday, May 1 3.
Men's 50c
Work Shirts
Only 30c.
Made of good chambray,
woven stri'H-n and plaids,
blue, gray a n d t a n
grounds, yoke back, ex
tension collars, Hkirt gun
v'ts. double stitched foiled
seam. Made with good
liberal measurements, not
the skimpy kind ao often
seen. Regular 50c shirt
at only ....
1 v to Poitofftce
BcnJ, Oregon
Ilaptiit Church Services.
Sunday School at 10 a. in. Preach
ing ftt 11 sermon on "The Obliga
tlon to Pray." Christian Endeavor
at 7 p. in. Evening preaching ser
vice nt 8 -sermon on "When the
preacher got Into jail." Mid-week
service Thursday evening at 8
o'clock. Everybody always woicome
At ull those services.
C. M. CtJNK. Preacher.
If you wish to have your ex
press and light Height come in
along with your letter and daily
pnpcr.s. have it come in on the mail
line. Tim Counktt Stagh &
STAiituCo 25tf
Only Hr Huiband, th Mian Tiling,
Had Pinchid Hr Wad I
Men hare oiuellilns to lenrn from
wo Dion lu the art of warding off
"toucher'" for coin. H'otncn rmpoaJ
to aueb re-urala once In ahout ercry
thoutaml cimn. but they are scientific
In their refusal. A Cleveland woman
with a rcputnllon ni a borrower
turned up at the home of one of her
friend the other tnnrnliiK with a nnicb
done over tory aUiut a xPlteiit and
llirentenlnij iln-Miinler nod the tmunl
roitient fur the lonn pnr It back to
morrow, certain" f 15.
''Why, my dear, certainly." wns the
pleasant reone lo her carefully tv
hearsed llttlo yarn, "you Knir thins,
you! Just nail till I run uostalra und
cet my purse."
Hhe ran uiwtnlm. The male head of
the limine lii!Micd lo be In the noin
here Hhe kepi her puro He saw her
tile I tie ptirne nut uf n ehlffouler draw
er mid dellliemtely reiiiexe a wad of
hill from It. leaving iiIhiui 37 cents
In tdlxor and ropier In the change
nn-eptaele. Tile tiiiin wns .menu enouuh
to lean oer the ntulr nilllug when
hi wife went dowuxtulrH lo the ('.tr
ior with her flattened pocletbook la
her timid.
"Oh. I'm so sorry.' tfenrle." he heard
her any. "but I really thought I hud
the money. I And. thoiich, that Prank,
nt usual, huit been at my purse I
hennl It I it say xouiethlni; alMiut set
lllui; n plumber's bill lat ulKht when
I was half aideeh-und the mean thine
has left me only eiiouuh for cur fare.
Too had' Of mui-ft, you know. If I
had It" ii lid so on. -Cleveland I'lalu
Th Anachroniim That Crowded a
One Famou Potm.
The medieval roumm-ei- are full of
blunders, making coiiteiiiH)nirles of
tucn who were t-cpuriited sometltnes
b) hundred, soim-ilmcd by thousands.
of yean, but us historical criticism
had not I lieu u being and the general
Information ot the age was not su
perior lu any particular to tlAt of the
nocllM their plans do uot umount to
much from u literary olut of view.
8uch au Instance Is the case of Arlos
to, who might be upHed to know
something at least of the truth of his
tory, but whose oiue famou poem,
"Orlando Furloso," Is a tissue of his-turk-ul
nbsurdltlit from beginning to
lu this poeni Chnrlemngue and hh
peers mv Joined by Edward 1, of Kuc
land, lllcuiml, earl of Wurwlck; Clar
cme und the UuKea of York and
Gloucester; caution are employed bun- ,
dreds of years before the time of (
Monk Schwurts, nud the .Moors are
tvpr-'seutetl as established lu Sialu lu (
plte of the historic fact that i0U years
chip-ted after tho death of Clmrle- ,
niague befotv they crossed fnm Afri
ca. In one place Prettier John, who
lived -100 years after, Chirloinague,
atd .Coustuutluo tho. tireut, who dleuS
flvo ceuturji .tiof.or uliu. ,are lutro-f
auceu unu uoio luouour vuiiivcim- mm
Here is a handsome Jap China sugar and
cream set. Allover Japanese scene, floral
and gold ucroll border, Tokio red edges
and bundle. It is a regular 7Cc set. Dur
ing till sale wo cut the price in
two and give you the bargain at
Galvanized Tubs.
Made of heavy weight material, with
heavy wired top, patent mulleable handles
und large size. No. 2 tub, reg- 7Zr
ular S1.10, now only JC
Rowe's Store
Jolnod by the Hlack Prlucc. "
Audubon and HI Hair.
Audubon, the creat naturalist, early
In hi career wore hi hair Tcry tana
He wrote in hla diary one day: "I
1 sMr ft" hnlr at long a usual 1 be
Itero It dees a much (or mc Qi my
palntlnc." However. In 1827 bt
friend succeeded la perauadlng tiltri
to get his hnlr cut nccortllng to the pre
rnlllng fAshlon. On March It) of that
' year be wrel- In iJ'i Oltry: "ThU day
my hair sucrlOccd and Ilia will of God
' usurped by the winlies of man. As the
bHrlKT clipped my locks rapidly It re
minded me of the horrible: times of
the Prench revolution when the same
oicratloti was performed U-fl all the
victims murdered by the itulllotlnf, Uf
heart souk low." Further to xpr
his grief, the margin of the pace ou
which this entry was made he painted
black about th rtiys of an Inch
deep all around.
Still Wondering. -The
deaf man got out of the tram
car on to th other line of rails.
"Look out! There's car comlne!"
cried the conductor.
"Whatr said the deaf man.
"There's a car coming."
' Just then the car caught and knock
ed down the deaf man. and aa be pick
ed himself up be said:
' I wonder what that foot kept me
there talklug aboutr-Loudon MalL.
Juit th Oppoiit.
An Irishman at a filr got poked In
the eye with a stick and took proceed
ings ntralnst the otTeuder.
tald the magistrate. "Come. now.
you don't really helleo be meant to
put your eye out."
"Faith, you're right this time." said
Pat. "for I U'lleve he tried to put It
farther ln."-I.ondon Tlt-Ults.
Geo. W. McMillan's Life In
surance Policy in Oregon Life
On March 31, 1911, Mr. Goo. W. rcMillnn, President
of the MeMillnn Grnin Company, was examined for liffl
insurance by Oregon Life. He passed a first-class exam
ination. In settlement of the first year's premium the soliciting
agent accepted a note payable in thirty days.
In due course of business the policy was issued and sent
bv registered mail to Mr. McMillan on Friday, April 7,
1911, at 6:15 P.M.
On Friday, April 7, at 6:10 P. M Mr. McMillan was
accidentally killed by being-run over1 by a freight train, a
short distance) from his placo of business.
On Sunday, April 9, funeral services over the remains
Of Mr. McMillan wero held.
On Monday, April 10, a check for $5000.00, tho full
amount of his policy in Oregon Life, was paid to the widow.
Mr. McMillan carried insurance in six other companies,
and they will undoubtedly in courso of time pay the respec
tive amounts duo on thoir policies, but Oregon Life Insur
ance Company, as always, was first to pay.
U H our agents do not reach you, write, phone or call.
Homo Office, Corbett Bldg., 6th and Morrison, Portland.
A. L,.Mills,. t . LlSamuil, . E. ;Nv-$ity0ty&
Prcsldent.- . General Manager. . . ,; Dttfc Mfcr.' ' ' '
C. Cribb, Agent
for ladles. The boil bono
on the markot. WoofTortlio
3JV; how (not the cheap 30c
grade), in cither black or
tan, during this talo Ol
only per pair,.,,,.. ..JC
Laidlaw, Ore,, May 8, The
Socialist cntertplnpnent given here
Thursday night wbj attended by a
a large crowd. The program, con
sisting of Socialist songs, readings
and recitations, was well rendered,
after which the audience listened to
nn interesting address on "Good
j Citizenship" by a Redmond Socialist.
t Will Thorp, our enterprising' news"
i agent, has installed a soda fountain
land will serve ice cream through
' tho summer.
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Fry rear and
j daughter of Cloverdale were guests
I of Mr. and Mrs. Dart Nichols Sun
F. E. Dayton has moved his fun
ily to the Hartcr ranch north of
town, where they will' spend the
Mrs. Frank Murk has been con
fined to her bed for some time with
J. R. Benhatn and sister, Mrs.
Wallace, were guests at the home
of J. B. Nichols Sunday.
F. W. Lcverenz of Gist was a
Laidlaw visitor the first of tho week.
J. 6. Nichols and wife went to
Bend on business Tuesday.
J. L. Couch and wife went to
Gist Tuesday.
Furnished house for""rent. In
quire of Mrs. C. A. Jones. 9
We can supply your wants in
good eats for les3. W. C. McCuts
tonCo. for Crook County