tf 40 NO AlORE 'Freight Troubles The Oit'Kon Trunk Railway is open for busi ness to Opal City, just north of Crooked river. The Jones Warehouse Company OliOIUlH A. JONHS of Bend, Miuinger will handle all freight at Opnl City for the railroad. The old Shaniko Moody Ware house system will be employee!. Merchants will net their nxds promptly and without inconvenience. Oi-ai. City will be the Ireiflit terminus for 110 days more. Have your freight consigned in care of " See ROWLEE For Free Information on Crook Co. For Homestead Locations For Dry Ranches For Irrigated Lands For Town Lots For Acre Tracts For Five-Acre Tracts See ROWLEE If you want to buy a business If you have money to loan If you want to borrow money f- If you want to rent If you have anything to sell If you want to hire an auto HI: SURE AND SEE ROWLEE. Fight years Experience In Crook County. BEND Call tip Rowlee for Autos to All Points BILL YOUR (100DS TO Metolius Warehouse Co. J. V. HOONH, MnniiKcr. We are prepared to handle all kinds of freight and do h general forwarding business. Satisfaction is guaranteed. Metolius Warehouse Co. JONES Address communications to licud. I Meal lUtate Irariafara, I (I'utiililitilliy llir Ciuok tbinily AUlfntl Co j l,ii I'liie Towimltc Co to I). I I'cler oil, '"I ,15, Mock 27, I,h I'nif. fl J. J MliiiKtr, el II x Ik C J. Vox, lot 1 6. Mot k tfi, iUilinoiiil, f I. J. II. CoiirIiihii Id Crook Coiinly Inv, Co . lot unit J, Mock )i, llllliiiiin. I. II. A. M)if, il ii x lo W. M. KoiImihii, !( n 'j, iiinl uv( tv(, we. ), 15 13. f 1 3,500. A. M. Drake, el lix to The llcml Co., i nr1,. mill nr.V w4, aee. 7, mnl 11 i i nw,'4, iiinl w',( nw'f. ' H. IM-U; lit-;, nr. 1.1, lH M. w!4 tittl, aec.j7.lMl1. fi. I'llut Unite Development Co. to Tin llcml Co., lot I, lilock 1, Demi AKo unplatted triirta III it( !)',(, aec. Z7, 17 I), In w,'4 liwf, nn,U ,'. mill wU !4, aec. J. 17-11. Aim (.Kit ol ti ".V. ec Jl, 17-W, lyln et of tile ' livacliutea river, fi. I'llot Untie Development Co. lo The i lleml Co , If) cubic feel of water ill I'llot Hut te Canal anil Unlit lo flow water i airoMiw.V X, 31, 17 11. I'llot llutte Development Co. to The llrml Co.. m Jt netf. )i netf. -t'A, ' tt'4, 111 ,'4 m, '4, mill kr4 II , , ec, 30. 15 13, nw,'4 nr,'4, uvi'4 -!4 !i!4 !4 !4. anil l)n4. M.-C. 16, 13 14; U!4 lle,'4. Yt, w'4 li, m-c. 30, lb 13, w,'4 ;(, ire, 13, 17-11. wVi lie'4", ; ne,'4, neij nvt,', ni x ami lilillrar on nt-,'4 ih-'4,hc 14, 1711; '!( n'. aer. lj, 17 11, nw,'4 ne'4. , K',i, ie'4 n,', mill Ji, aec 1(1, 17-11; 114, ate 1 3S 17-11. nw,'4 ii-,V, me. j. 17-11. Jot 1, !i lie,', w Jj ej4, anil m-'4 ol an,1', ec. I to, 17 11, 'j nr,', w 'ie ,4!. ',4 iiw '4, ami io"i 2 anil 311IMC 31, 17-12; hIm)wii ol t h.;f .31, 17 12. X H nuil nt-14 iiw'i, mi- 32, 17-12, anil twit ol 4 iiw'4, aer. 32, 1717, all ael. ,0, 7 . 'i lie',, a'i'1 ",' '. aec. 10, 1; U, w'4, arc- II. IkiliMjMr 2J, in 11. n-'t iih'4, r 27, ih 11, m , ait- 4 , S H II. '4 H"I M-,'4 W'4, MC JO. iHii.h'i iiw ., w ) i,e t-4, iiml 'i I 4, on. J. IH 12. I"U ft ami 7, ".' 'in- 1 ," l- He I I. anil iim 1 4 v 1-4. et 0. iM 12; Into I, 7. 3, 4 ami e 1-4 1 w I 4, tt 7, IN 12; w 1 ami e 1 4 uw 14, tc. H, lis-lJ; ei ne 14, ami 1 I lie 1 4 e 1-4, wo. , loll; 11K w 1-4, 1 I Me 9. Kill. (OiilttUlin ilrcil. ) ! I I'iWI Imllr m-rlvnnrnt Co la llrml Watrr awl ' l.i lil .u . Ilt In )( '!(. M' .'. 17 11. I'u ' lUhl In Htalnlalu a ilim In llrKhuItt llntr 111 ! u( '. unit ilnlil In (1 lrf mff iii'l rriMi tiU. V WV. e jf, atnt r lie H. 1 imI nri (,. ie Jl. 17 II l. ' I ItriHl Ti,H.llrC tu Thr Ikml Co., UM j. 4, I . : 'j1V t. tUxka6 aiw) j tula j 4, v 1. 7, 1, vamt la. Mwk l.ltliiml 11, I4ck 11. lula 1, 4. . ami ullh 5 fret lt I, all Wt . block I ij. 14 MuW it, Wta 1, j, 4, J. 6 anil v, Uu 17 Ma 1. j. 4 and J. Murk l Ma (.7. I and . Wtnk. iv Ma I. , J. t. !Ut aaJ 7, Muck 11 Mai tu6. I ik 14c k j Ma 1, 1 ani J. 14. Ma l.. J.I i, ' anil j. (thick IJ.M i, Mwk K, all I4urk "A ' In Html Mwka 1 In iy. lot , l'ar aiM Ma 1 lu. Inc . Muck w all Muck 11, Ml la lo. Inr , Mk 11. all lilock lj. Ma 1 lo I, Moik 14, all Mucka tjaml ft, M I. I. ). I, u. 9. 11, IJ. 14 anil IV Mk 1; all Mticki . v ami . all In I'atk adit litnit Mock 1 ami Mai, ). j. :.l. v. 11. antt 11. I4xk 1. 1.ava Kaail aiM , llrnil, titurka I lu 11 Inc Ma 1, 1, j. 4 9, ia. 11 ami 11, Muck 1 Irfcxka 14 lu a. Inc . C.nlM aiM , lirnd all t4ocka I ami 1. Ma 1 tu J. Inc . Muck j Mncka 4. , t, 7 am v In Metlh a.U . Itrnil. h' ac4. are 41 ami ) "!. ate ). 17 u.nch' titV.ut let I itf ac ,ikii klaoetftaln attfajr tfaeta. alaut), tt( 4t ft S iH,ii!( na;.aml tutt,are(5, I ii, tirrpl ccTUin artrage Kaeta. 1 I mtl Amlrtaun lu Claia It Wafutr. eS n!. ami anl4 iic4 arc 14. !. aaU.arc. IT, 17 17 Jt.h Innrattut lu John U'tf, Ma ? ami t. Meek il, lleachulta. .w. Chailta W. Cutby lo Cot a Colt., aS nt U. ami 4ni.atc 17, 171I. aw)4 acV. are. 11, IMT. ' awi;. arc 11 anil a), nV.c. if, im 11 H are it, ia-i. 11 H nt, and k'J ni, rc M l-ll fl (.liailta Atlacrmt tt ill to W'm M. Vamtrt4, Ma 1 and J, Muck , Thlld add , l-iliirvlllr. W ilia II) el and hu.Un.l to Mallmla J Kam 11a. 1( ). t and 10. Mock i, Ntwra'i Thlld add . I'tlnrtillr Jl.oi. Catuiuliui I Jshnwnclua to Hate Jenrt.M. jamlt I.I-ock i.Johna.Hradd , Itlncetlt aya Cnmk Counly luveatinrnl C 18 Maty J. Cat Hn M 14. Mock I), llllliaan. Is. Cluuk Cuwuly Invtalment Co. to I'. A. Clthimt. M al. Mi 1 and 5. Meek 94, lllllioan. (, Champ Hmllh H u In C. I. !lt. Wt I, Week t. Mileta (hi. achtMtl IM.ttlct to City al" Itlnrvllle.btotk 14. t'ltilad.. t'tlntvllle i Cllyutrilnrrllle la Khuut IH.UIrt No. i,al Mock ;. I'twtth add , l-iinrtlllr i. Maty Cyiutaml hutband tu W. Il Cytua, Hart III Neauin Actraur rilnrTllle fl HE WON THE HOUSE. l "I Vliy la tliu rnfi! ri'Vi'rnt'ili" "I think I ciin i-tplulii Unit," anld n rvncri i-fl lo'l.liii.' mini In Iho corner, "in lii-illi'Viil nuil inter pi-rlmlx iilirnnil men wi'ii In lliii ftmiom of wi-nrlnjf awnnla Tint atvonl tena tvorn, 11 a It lit now, on tlii- Iff t nidi-. CoiiMi'iiii'iilly In ilriiu'lnu Hii-lr vi-iipoti It wna ilmio hIIIi IIii tl.'lit hiiml, 11ml 10 net iiii-k-Iy ti"i itiinril it mini liml to luivii lila rlk'ht al to lila opponcnl: lu-ncu tlio rtiHlom of ki-i-pliik' to tin- li'fl. "In Anu-rl'ii wlii-ii fvi-ry uiiiri ffirrlcd Ilia lift- In hla luiiiil on nifount of tmv iiKi' Imlluna nil men inrrli-d itiina. Tim uali-Nt mill inimi 1111 1 111 11 1 wny to mrry ii ciin, i'IIIht 11 f Mil or inouiitrtl, la ort-r tin left 11 ran with tin- iiiiizzIk itoluletl oiHwiiiiI.miiiiI It tnki-a hut 11 vi-ry allxht niovi'ini'iit to throw the hull UKnlnat thv rlKhl aliouliU-r. Pur Unit renaon tlio i-iirly aeitlera kept to the rinlit of the roiul at their wruKiri i-otild In tnntly Ui hroiiKlit to Ix-ur on nny mark that win ne.ttiury."-I'hllBil(-l-pliln Tlinea. NOTICK OF CONTEST. lll'.l'AKrMI'.Nr Ol' INTItaiOM, L'nllrd Malta Mini ulf.te, The liallta Kr(on, Atll . IVM Tu Mfibtll A llrikman.til I tm1, Oiton, ton It.ltt Vuu air hrtthy liollf.r.l that K'mu- Howard, whojcl' IItihI. Hfr(wfi. aa lila tifalolUe ad ilirM, ilhl oil Maiiht, ivn.filtjli Ihl. o(fe hit duly (oifolwialnl aprtltaiiuii lu .utilr.l ami arme the t amrlUllon of yimr humtMrad, Unify No k74 arti N11 iahh oiailr.r.Maa-y 7 1910. f.,l V '. ae m "H in',' t i, Tp 4 H.Waiiic- 11 I'. Uill-ioiilr M.imIi-h and a. fltMllxla lot hlatolilrat l-r allrgratltbt hii n wit A IKtkiiiaa ha )nAy alwhdontd aakl Iratt ft nintr n mth U- m that he Mtl naalillalinl irMflrn.-r ui-un ..t mMlvatrd miy part ihno.r that aaul l.l ut i not tml ty 1 iiiuluymtMl 111 thr ar na t matlwr intp ol ihi I mil Mmr hi I urn- of war of uih fMriav Vun air Ih-trf.rtr Fiflhrr H'A fin) that Ihe mh alleMilon ..ill ir ukra I,) thv offxr a having i.r.ti onf, m1 t,y )im aMi yonf aal mil, wl 1 1- lantrllfil th'ttkniirf tnout ymit fallhrr unlit lot,- hill'' Ihrl-iH tuhrf hrfott IhtaofTH- otonapi al If yut Oil to lil-lnlhl. oltit. ihin IHrnty ila). nllrr I Ik I'fjl'KTII Hhtkalion ol Una iimm aaahon ltl,)iMir aHtMtt, .link, ,Mlh. atc ti.tniny ami re ioii.ihk lo allrKtloii. of c.n .M, r If yuu bill Hlihui lhal liuir mile In thia oilier due jifoofttt! wt hair artvrta etipyof )bur antrl on the Mid cHilralaut Hlhrt In peraon ut tr Iriitttrrtd mail If lln. rikr 1. made by the iltlltriy of a cviiy of your auatart lu Ihr cunlrO ant In H turn piuololiiKliarfvicr tnu.t Lerllhtr Ihraakt x.iilr.lanl a wtlittii ackiiuMlrUxrmrnt of hiairiripl olihr copy, thawing Ihrdatr of Ha Ircrlpt.or Ihr alfflavii vf thr ptiaun hy whom thedtll.rry walnadr talitif whrn and whrlr Hie copy waa dttitrird If made hy ttalMrrrd mail, pt.Kilof auch arric iwu.l eunilit of Ihr affalatll uf the prtaun lr whom the copy waa malted Mating whtn andlhe wtulfKetu which II waa mailnl isut te arcom panled t y ihr p-MtmaMtr a melpl fot Ihe Irllrr Voti aluuM aialr in your anawrr Ihr namrof Ihe Mli,rirfe lu MhKh )uudtalie fulthtr autKea lot ari I to wa Hate of dm pollltalion May j. 1911 11 I W MuuMI'.. Mtgl.ltr Vernon A. Forbes LAWYER KIKST NATIOXAI. IIASK tt.IXi IIKNI). OHHGON WAiio 11. coiiu: jkssk i- sumrau. Coble & Sumrall ATT0KNKV8 AM) COt'NSHLOIUS AT l-AW. UKNI), OHECON. 'the wine bonlhcsB man Is particular about bta prinUnjr. Thtj PulleUn Job Prlutery vtrlvdii to preaw tbo partlciitar nw. Phoire uii or call t , Nad Harrlgan'a Pita at a Critical Point In a Play. IMwunl Ilnrrlpiin once anhl Hint the most lr;liiK iimment lu hla theittrlnil cnrttT ofvtimM tu New OrloHiia aoou nfier tlm t'hll w'ur. Ilu liml muic miiiiIi w llh hit 'niiiKtiiy himI. jli'lillni: miim--WllHt til HlplltMT tviiiH-at, put mi "Tho III1111 iiinl the tlray." Tlio piny Imil lnen 11 Mui-iHt up iinrth, hut ilown Htiiith, with the nlr Mill full of the lilt lelllivta of the uiir. It wita a ihlllKernlla eierluieiit. Tony Hurt vb to repre aeut th I'lillfitlenile BWy, an he hunt 11I up 11 uniform of tltt I iviilxlniin Ti ller, ninl when ho entiio umn-hliiK on. yoiuiif. aliilwart, ImmlMiiue. the typical Mihller hoy In the IioIiiwhI iiiilforiu, the houxe, men ninl women, rheoroil 11 ml ahoiiletl ninl erleil fur nil their heroes eliilmilleil III Ihla Ihi.v. Ilnrrluuu. Htniiil I11K In the wlnu" In hla imriheru blue. whIHuk to ko on, hiul Jut one thoutiht "They'll kill ine!" Then ho aleppeil out, tho euilxMlliuent of the enviny. 11 ml 11 colli, tleatl Hlleneo fell Umi)i the hotiae. Not it hmiil moved for him. Tho mulleuce wiia tenao with emotion, mill there wiin only uu lualaiit to net If the phiy wiih to la unveil. IInrrlKiiti, Mk. kliully, kihmI looklni;, cmno awlftly down to tho front 11 ml Hteppetl over tho footllKht KUtter, leuuliiK tlown to them. 'Tor tlio lovo of heaven, won't you kIvo tho Yniikco u tintid?" ho ox clnlmoil. At 01110 tho house wm caught nuil nil Iho pentup feellnK ttiruiHl the rlsht wny. There yen m yoll of p plaune, RULE OF THE ROAD. Daeldad Abroad by th Sward and Hara by th uuru BTrral trarelcrt wero teatcd In th hoUl lobhy Olacuulua; tho Utfernce lu customs of tb vartoua countrlea tbey hid Tlsllvd. "What struck m aa isost pscullar abroad," said one. U th cnatom of fcMpIntr to th left ttUttA )t th tbjht. an si krf. Peter Lehrman GKN'l'RAI, ULACKSMITHINQ. Ilorscshoclnj; a Specialty. Corner Iloml and Oregon Streets. C. S. BENSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW Ofr-ICr! IN FIRST NATIONAL IIANK ULDfl. ROBERT B. GOULD ClVII. I.NRtNKKK ANI) Sl'RVKVOK. liullctin HullditiK Bend, Oregon. W. W. Faulkner, D. M. D. DENTIST Ilultctiu lluiMliiK, II c 11 il, O r e k o 11 ! Crook County Abstract Co. j I.SCOHItlKATKS. AIISTRACTS Ol' TITI.K to all laud and tow 11 lots in Crook count v, i B. 1 U'vi.m:. Secy. j l'riueville, Orejjon. Wc pliDtnyrnph tlic record. P. S. SANDBORQ, Al. I). 1 I MAV Al'AKTMHNTS ltONDSTKUKT II It N P , OKI! (i O N . U. C. COE, M. D. Physician and Surgeon OI'I'ICR OVKR I'IKST NATIONAL BK. OITiec Iloura; 10 to 13 a, in., 1 to 3 and 7 tu 8 p. in. Bund, : Orkgon F. O. MINOR l-OSTOKHICK BUII.DINO I.IFK 1'IRK ACCIDKN'T INvSURANCK Nolar l'uhlia and ConveyaneiuR All Legal I'ajwra Correctly Drawn. FIDELITY BONDS Dr. A. A. BURRlS,.NuAno.ffl Healer, Ularatea 8ureufull)r TTcateJ Without the Uk of Dtua or Haijery, by the Natural UtthoJi of lltallof. Chron Ic Dlaeaaea a Speeialtr. Ceniuttatloa rrec UenheToflhe 6(kte aa4 Natloaal Naturopath Gorier. Ctreft wethtlai BMa., ata.tjena GOOD COMFORTABLE STYLISH SHOES FOR MEN WOMEN AND CHILDREN AT BREDENHAGEN'S HIGH CLASS BUGGIES AT. Bend's New Harness Shop lanufaettircr of HARNESS AND SADDLES Dealer in WAGONS, BUGGIES, AND FARM IA1PLEA1ENTS, Hay and Grain for Sale. Shoe Repairing. H. J. Eggleston Wall Street, - - - BEND, OREGON The Palm FINEST SODA FOUNTAIN, IN CROOK COUNTY AND THE MOST DELICIOUS DRINKS YOU EVER TRIED ICE CREAM CANDY, CONFECTIONERY AND SMOKERS' SUPPLIES Oranges per dozen 40c and 50c Lemons per dozen 40c and 50c Tomatoes per pound 12,4c and 15c Bananas per dozen 40c and 50c TURPIN & BRANTON Wn I I Street. O'DONNELL BROTHERS UNION MARKET J E. R. POST, LOCATOR Choice B'JO-aoie homesteads. Soil from 5 to B0 feet deep, abundance of water at 15 to 25 feet, entirely free from rocks. Grain and dry land alfalfa successfully raised tor several years. Let me show you the best in Central Oregon. HOTAUNO Bl'IUHNO, BKND. ORKGON. Did you know that the Bulletin Why not get out some advertising job bhop can print your visiting, blotters, large or smalj? The Bull cards of the beat stock with hand- eUn has the stock and can do the ... , work on its new press, some script typei . n . ,.,.: i The Bend Milling & Wnrehnna Photo mailers, large and small, I Co. has secured the agency of the . . m. n-. I PM-tlnrtI !. W.l.- .it for sale at The Bulletin oflice. Jnsi try The Bulletin Job Prlntery Portland Iron Works for their en-, viru uric, uan rurnisn estimate f coats for repairt. v tf .