The BEND COMPANY MVHMfHMC Whether or not. you wish to buy, if there is anything you desire to know about Bend or Bend property we shall be glad to aid you. We have just purchased a new automobile, which is to be at the service of you and your friends who wish to see Bend and the surrounding country. Remember where our headquarters are in the old Pilot Butte Development Company's office on the corner of Wall and Ohio streets the south end of the big lawn. Address all communications Relative to Real Estate to A. O. HUNTER MANAGER. OF REAL ESTATE DEPARTMENT. L fiiirt tcrnoon, arriving here Monday morninj?. They came in by way of Shaniko, Prineville, Sisters and Laidlaw and left here Monday after noon for Burns, Vale, Ontario and rniiMTnv crnrfi c to ItJnn0 Pmt3- In the party are I. W. COUNTRY SCHOOLS TO . Buzb 0e Geddfa A F Cur. BE IAIPROVED .County Superintendent Will Appoint Board of Four Members Bend Man Expected to Bo Chosen As" One of Them. Bend'lresidents who attended court at Prineville last week brought back news that County Superintend unt R. A. Ford will in a few weeks announce the appointment of a rural school supervisor and a board composed of four members whose duty it will be to act with him in the conduct of rural schools in the county. The last Legislature passed a law providing for those appointments, the act to go into effect June 1. The work of the new officials will be to investigate the conditions and needs of schools in the rural districts of Crook county and recommend what step may best be taken to better them. The supervisor may devote his entire time to this work, receiving a salary of not less than 51,000 per annum. Heretofore rural schools have not received the attention necessary to make them as effective and efficient as they Bhould be, and it was to fill this need that the law was passed. While the personnel of the board I tier. Messrs. Currior nnd fiodriis are ranchers and Mr. Buzby sells threshing machinery. "We are just looking over the country," said Mr. Buzby, "and are well pleased with what we have seen so far. When we got here we had traveled 374 milos and have not yet 'had to have the doctor for our machine. All the roads we traveled have been good and we sailed along at a good speed, without so much as a 'blow-out' in five days. We expect to be on the trip two or three weeks and will probably go , down the Snake River in going home from Ontario." SOON TO START UP Cigar Factory of 11. G. Ruffe Will Be Located On Bond Street "Made in Bend" cigars will soon be on the market, tho factory which H. E. Ruffe of Portland will operate here opening in a short time. Mr. RufTe arrived Sunday night from Portland, bringing in a large stock of leaf tobacco. He has secured a location on Bond street, in part of the building formerly occupied by J. R. Williams, and expecU to be turning out Havana smokers within j a week or ten days. With the exception of shingle and sawmills, this will be the first and Klamath counties will be eligi ble to membership in the league. Beautiful Bend Residence at Less Than Market Value. Five-room Bungalow, three blocks from Dej)ot site, on good 80-foot street. The lot lies level nnd free from rock. Walls of the house are covered with high grade burlap, and painted. The floors nre solid , and varnished. The den has a window i seat, book shelves, and a receding bed. There is a fire-plnce and chim ney, and a veranda on two sides, size 10x20 feet. This property is well worth $2,000, but we will take $1,050, $500 down, balance easy terms. M. S. Iattin & Co. 8 Bend, Ore. TyMjVV KiTfiS KIBBU.NS. Typewriter riblxnis on sale at The Bulletin Office, record riMmus for the followin in.icliuu-.s: Oliver,! Remington, Visilile and Royal. NOTICK FOR IM.'i.MCATIOX. IHrMitmcnl of Die InWtiof. V h. Laud mfcc at The IMIe. Ulrica! Autl iwh, ')" VMItf ! hrrehy Btvtn 'kil Wtll'im J McC.MI vrsy.fif HcHd OrvtfAtt wh wi Jami-ry ijtfo yiA, mAt HfMfiriiMMf Hnliy No iv Klll No. OJNI fifwKK " w,f H ! ton Flip . n range ural WillMmelle MerdMn. h4i flint ItMl.r of IntelltHHI t' make HlHat FWe Vrar 1'roof loeia)lih .taint to Ihr land atmve drxrutal t fort II C Kiln r H Com tfitMloritr at hi orfice at Hemt ur'KOii uu the ilh flay of June 1911 CUtniaiit iimea ilnewe Mil . U" U'llton, I'reit A lluniirll, Cur llr vcjIkju. srah I'rruutou alloflleiid "k ri C W MOOHi; HrKltier You Have the Right manufacturing plant to begin busi- is not yet announced, it ia said that! ness in Bend. Bend. Prineville. Laidlaw and Red-1 mond will each have a representative on it. ON LONG AUTO TRIP CALL IS ISSUED Meeting to Be Meld to Form Central Oregon Development League. The Prineville Commercial Club is issuing invitations to cities of Ccn-' tral Oregon to send delegates there Three Men Making Tour of Central and Castern Oregon. 'h,, up the on June 30 and July 1 to form the Central , Central OregonDovelopment League. own Bend will have one or more repre- "ee sentatlves there. g. Cities in Crook, Wheeler, Grant, t Harney, and the north half of Lake STEVENS Tte Number 520, Six-Shot Repeating Sbotjran at $25.00 It a hammerlcaa gun with a solid frame. ICatlcr to operate quick er and smoother action than any other. It nercr balks and Is perfectly balanced. Detailed description of nnr of our (una U In our ICO Tare Tree dtalof. Html or II TO-UA V If you ritnnnt olrfaln STttVI'NS liiri.i.t, MIUIIK.NS, I'MIUUS, TKI.KSCOrKS t!irnuih your dealer, wo win amp uireu, eiprraa upon re ceipt of eat ah. price. J. STEVENS ARMS & TOOL COMPANT v.o.iiotiooa & CIIICOPEE FALLS MASSACHUSETTS (t&TiF tvj DreDai ajtjM " ' j& M VH laaPjiV'v miliVii. i. . -? t,o file on 160 Acres of "Carey Act" Government Irrigated Land You must act promptly or this land will be gone as it is settling rapidly. Write for Information to Central Oregon Irrigation Co. LAND COMMISSIONHR, RliDMOND, CRIIOON 415 RAILWAY EXCHANGE, Portland Ore. BENjj, ORUQON