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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (May 10, 1911)
i C. M. DAVIS M. J. MORRISON 2, FARMS, CITY PROPERTY, ACRE TRACT IRRIGATED LANDS, MHMK 4 9 Business Chances, Timber Bought and Sold. List your property with us. We will sell it if it can be disposed of at a saelable price. We can locate you on the best Al. J. Morrison has lived in Bend for the past eight years and has made a business of locating and cruising government lauds in Central Oregon. He knows the land and will locate you on the best to be had. If you are going to take government land find out who your locator Is, and whether he has lived in the country long enough to know the lands; also if he is reliable. This Is a matter of importance to landseekers. We have some very choice acreage platted in 1 1-2 to 2 1-2 acre lots with streets on all sides, at $150 an acre. Good terms. Fruit or residence property. One mile from depot site. 320Acre Homesteads Homeseekers' Land Company BEND , OREGON 8 UNITED STATES BEST. For Second Time W. J. McOillvray Is an American Citizen. W. J. McGillvrny. who lives soven miles southeast of town, attended court in Princville Inst week and secured his final naturalization papers. This was not his first ex- perienee of this kind, for some years ago he moved from South Dakota to Alberta, Canada, and in order to take up a homestead there swore allegiance to the British King. On returning to this country it was necessary for him to become natur alized in order to be an American citizen again. He is now as patriotic a subject as Uncle Sam has, for in referring to his citizenship papers he said: "I would not give them in ex change for all the homesteads in Canada; SUR.VEY OF RIVER Possibilities of Deschutes Will Be Investigated. The enormous water-power possi bilities of the Deschutes River is soon to be made the subject of n social investigation anil report by State and Federal oflicials. Tills will give the public, and esiecinlly interested capital, definite information which is necessary for intelligent invest ment in works for the development of water resources. It will also harmonize the apparently conflicting use of streams for water-power nnd irrigation purposes. About sixty new strenm-gauging stations will be established in the state, and it is very likely that one will Ihj at Bend. VA L I DATES ENTRIES to Congress Passes Law Relating Lands Withdrawn. An act relating to homestead en tries allowed in conflict with lands withdrawn for forestry purposes was passed by Congress on .March 3. It reads as follows: That all homestead entries which have been cancelled or relinquished, or arc in-1 solely Ixrciute ol me erroneous valid allowance o( Midi entries after the with draws! of lands for national forests pur poses, uuy ha reinstated or allow ril to remain intact, hut 111 the ruse of nitric heretofore cancelled application for re instatement uitisl I tiled in the proper IochI land ollioe prior to Julv I. 191 J. That in all eases where contests wrrr initiated under the provisions of the act of May 14, iSSj, prior to the withdrawal of the land for national forest purposes, the qualified successful contestants mnv exercise their preference richt to cuter the laud within six mouths after the passage of this act TUMAL0NUVs7 Tumalo. May 8. Mrs. Jane Hasselberg is confined to her room with rheumatism. George W. Wimer. Irn Winter. L. II. Hoot and Frank Swisher went to Princville last Monday on business. Mr. nnd Mrs. A. J. Wimer were visiting Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Sponger nnd Mr. and Mrs. Ira Wimer yester day. E. H. Edglngton was hauling hay to Auno'8 stable at Bend last week. Miss ChliH! Wooley has returned from Bend where she has been staying for some time. George Campbell will take up his residence on his ltiO-ncre homestead near Tumalo soon. Much hay is being hauled from the Star Ranch to Bond lately. Notice to Water Consumers. The Uhe of water for lawns is strictly prohibited except between the hours of f a. in. and f p. m. Tiik Bkni) Watkii Limit & I'owkk Company. imu Foil Sai.K Homestead relinquish ment, 320 acres, in I Well Buttes district; UOO acres tillable, soil A-l, '25 ncres in cultivation, some in crop. Good 4-room house and furniture, team of horses 8 and I) years old, weight 1100; new wagon, S'-inch tire, harness, mowing machine and other farm machinery. (100 rods of barlK'd wire, chickens. Price $1000. J. RYAN, Oregon St. Utf Notice to Civil Hnglnccrs. Neike l hfrrtir rlnn thst lh Cnmmun Council of the Cltyuf Html will irrrlir Mis lium rlr.t niilnrris .tatlng ihr f r hwir of iiv for HhKhthcv will ila thr mtftntrflti. wwrV ff throlr All bt.1. mml I Hlmlirl U-fiH Msjr ij tyii Theciljr irsrrtcs ihr H(h1 U rrjrct any siw all bfcl. u v. nil., siatur. II C FI.t.H Ktswdw BURNS EXCURSION K'ontliniril fltnii pn(i I I The Bums Commercial Club will build the stretch In uorthei u l-ake county. There will be a big dele gation from Burns at Bend's rail road day celebration. Among other entertainments for that occasion it is proM)sed that baseball teams from the commercial clubs of the two towns couiete. Practically nil the Burns mer chants were oitive in their asser tion that just as soon a the railroad reaches Bend they will route all their orders this way. It is planned to rush through a trial car load shipment at the outset, to be handled from here by auto trucks, thus illustrating the time-wiving KKihilitlort nf the new mute. At 2 n. m. yesterday morning the part)' started uMin the return trip, the first car arriving at l:'M) p. m. The autos used on the trip aie nulled by The Weimntly .ieiy Co . V ('. foe. J N. Hunter. W. II Stunt. Ijip) Vr F.lklns and Uenkli-X- Fori I. The two Weiiiimly dial ineis-Dettolt ems made something of a recon I by covering the entire trip without a single repair U-iia,; iiecoswiry. The Krsonnel of the party uhi as follows: C. S. 1 1 ud sau Dr. V. C. Cos J. N. Miinlrr If. A. Salher A. M. Lara l'lo)d Dement It. W. IMcliarilssw II. J. Omluif O. M. PatteiMit S. J Seiim Prince Staats (. C Untitle Harney O'DmiHcll I.. II. Ilaird Dr. II. I'errelt V. II. Su.t, JtcTi:Klt It. M. Lara jollllMtrldl 15. I. Putnam II. C. Kills John llllMS K, S. Lapp Car) Hunter II II l".nt I.. D I'm 0 M. I'owlerftV N.Ry.) I. L. I's J It. Sawhlll II j. KVf.-., A O. Iluuier K. M. Smith Jim Van T)le Hugh u Kane M. I. NatuiltiK Riverside and Additions Lytle One Hundred We are offering one hundred lots at a reduction of 25 per cent from list prices. Make your selection early. List prices range from $100 up. Size of lots 50xM0 feet. The biggest bargains to be had in Bend Z5 20 Per Cent Cash and $10 Per Month An adequate .water system will be installed and in operation in these Additions within 30 days from the time the railroad is completed to this place. A large water wheel and piping Js ordered and one arid one-half miles of ditches for water mains are already dug. A 20,000-gallon water tank is under construction. Along the railroad, which passes through this property, are natural locations for manufacturing plants. Let me take you over this property and quote you prices. You will find just what you are looking for. J. A. E A S T E S, Agent. FARM LANDS. OREGON STREET. FIRE INSURANCE. NOTARY PUBLIC. BUSINESS PROPERTY. 32G-ACRE HOMESTEADS. WE HAVE TWO AUTOS IN OUR SERVICE AND A CIVIL ENGINEER IN THE FIELD TO LOCATE YOU ON THE CHOICEST PUBI IC LANDS. OUR FEES ARE AS REASONABLE AS ANY RELIABLE LOCATOR'S. , ,u, lil'.' if. .1 wwK'vv.-AA'jaw'uivMKMt-mMmKmarmmsaa tin.. i a wrmf ptti nra'rcaamOTXTTraHwny.rTSTra w aWi,rln.r. Was fgggfrwmtwamnai I i