X AJF itf u J I Silver v s By REX BEACH , COPY HI GMT. IOOU. BY 1 M'NOI'SIS 01' l'KIICI!l)IN(l CIIAI'IHNS. Jlnrd Km.rton and "Klni.rl.." "r"l inlrr Kalvtk, AUaaa, amt mrct yuum iMrhlto woman, Uliarry Malolta, Htwt ill! tara them Cli.rrr drarrlbat ttia aalrnnn nariarlai 'lillit Mmah, III" uiiaeiliiuluua limit uf Hit Knlvlk rantiarlM J Cli.rry uwm a eannary all", l.mar.on, oor Hull ti(1 aim no Into .artniralilp, Uinrrauii riaacrlltaa hi falluia lu "mall (KhV' III Alaaha. Kmarawi alaaaa Charrr a-oiMliy Halt, Kraaar and Kmaraon rioarly loa thalr llvra III Katliml aaa amt inlaa Ilia attain r at Katliml on their way out tu grt capital Aflrr dreadful prlvatlnna Ihoy rilrli Ilia Ixmt at Kaillak mi.) Mm iiwii rti ruuta for CtilraKU. Ilmaiaoii a4ka ittaa XllUIlaO WAylaltd, film and Hmrrann ar nar1 llrr fa thrr. Wa)li. Waytitiid. ta a tiilllliinalta Altmt t'l)il urr.t IIU.IM) luwniil Ilia culi nary. Hull nn1 Itnirrann ii-t Marali In rhl hikii Marali la n ailltiir fur Mllilind a linnd alnrali tlla Mlldrrtt ntMtiit I'hi-try Mn lotto llii anil Wano Wnyluori plan a iwriiirrli-a trim Mll.tii-I Imriia tliat llHwrann atMl Clirr ry am iwirtnrr. llflnktr llllllant. Htiltla H-fil.w, tu litml :mrlMill IHKuo Cllrliy, iii liaa nrtlu-1 In Hallli airita a itln r Iniltnttnn fiiwi lt)lllarl Plirtry itlar.v,-r tiiat Itmcmiti ta In inariy Mlldrrd .Marali muava annoying ilfkiya fur Itnioraitn a party lumnu r fitara KlHMaim a Iimii llyrt. uol Hint Cliviry van got III loan (rum llll llar.t ICmrran rnraura Clirrry ty irlllclaltu lirr frlallitly r-latltia Hltll Milliard L'liar ry r-a Milliard, Ihi iinfi-H-tr-dly fur nUlioa the iminy Marali rH a atria, rii-laylna' Ilia litaitlriK of ItHiat attli'a ma- cljjHtry "Ami you tlltln't rceoirntie cither iM-nlterr" "No Hut I dUcoven-d tit tti office tlmt room 010 ntnl MU-ltin milt I rww Hint iti'lit'tho ruining nut of-nri' occu pied hy n .Mr Jonra of New Yiirk. lu Hrrltrd three dnja nc I'll I t tutr thliik' )uu irni' t tin t ymt'll titftr fnun llloo Co "Ittiln tHi'iit)- four In u r mnt Hint Ihf oo'titmiit of Hmw ttaitiM nt Hit lluii'l llttllir U Wltlli Manor ItlK (inirnc Im'KNIi Io iuhHit prufnni1 y "It liMlka III,!' tln-jr IiniI tia. Hllil alt lHHIIf rrawTK lilttutli- la lltltlK In ' mltttllo" "Alt ttlr Mm. Wi'tl tafftlf II Hit." Midi :mhii Krlmly "If I mi ralw Unit HHHti'X In TnriHitn" AhhIh lh IhI' ilnnic U'll iHlalftl linlally llo A '." HMtirtl ('Iwrry. Imt far ! WM W TartlK "A will trvm 'IViiotMn." M ltoy( tlir nvr Io hla r: "It wiwi W (liu K'tHHtHtl NnIIihwI. Tlll'jr WlTf Hill lo let ihi kwiw till totwimiw " TlinmKli Hie nwn itwir of I ho mlliiltiliik' room (ta wonli cftitto ilhtlttftly. wlillo Ilia OtloTM llall'Hltl III t !!! Nlll'lll-H. "Ilelltil Y.-n! TliU la llojtl Kinrf rum." 'l'lii'ti folkiwiM n I'hIIm'. ilitrlliK wlili'h Hit' tlilii. rMNiliiu Milfo of tln itlttMiil aiHiki'r imirmiirtil tiiiltttolll- Why not? Can't jhi Hire iw n rtfi- (Oil) I tllCHKllt MI Mlrtl ry UfJl. tliMNlliy." ntmrmtii litiiie tip the rwchiT tbh fully mill with the atttiK' itolllrritlon turtjt-il to fm hU coinimiiltiiii I In limliliil ntnl airvntl hla lintnU utitwnrtl tu nn itiiiiil'itnkHlilo Ktwlurt'. "What, nlniiilyl" qurrtiil Ihc irlrl. Thi'y intiat hnr Un nmcluil by phono." "Tlmt flrtrrtlvo tuny have cnllitl Mnmti up from there." 'Tlmt ini'iiin It won't ilo nny pooil to try fitrtiirr In Tncotiin. The otlivr hauki hint' umloiililnlly ltct ilnil, or thiy iMii m Ik. If I 1'iiti allp nwny tinillwoviTiil I'll try VntimutiT nrxt. but I Imwn't much hnpc" . . "It look briil. dooau't Itr iinlil Cher i ry. "An wo atnntl nt prpaotit." Hnyil tie knowlttlKotl, "wo nri tlio owttora of n htinttritl thnunrtiii) tlollnra' worth of imcltiui iiinrhluory nntl utualnblo tip pllm." "Ami nil," mimttl the girl, "liocnttiio of n looao toiiKUo nntl a llltlo typo." CUAPTISII X. IiYDlt mat tiny UKeP"tPit tlmt Cht-rry cotiltl provnll on 1 1 ti ll 1 1 r t io itilviiiioi tin inoni'y. "Chi'rryy'nakitt llojtl. "How c emt hIio hi-lpT" j "Shu nut ilo miytliliic xho wnutn with fhlin " "Wltnl ilo you tnrntiT" f. "I iniiy be n hi'iivy imtumii frott nn t llllllliritT. lilt' JiiuiiK' r mini rriiiurn- il, "but when It roitinn to wtiiiuii I'm nn wIhk nn n luirf rut. 1'vu been wnlchliiK her work, uml It'n urmit. 1'i'oplt' linvt' bt'Ktlti to Inlk nbottt It Ilii'ty nlntit It'n it illnniT nml it lliciilrr IKitly. Kii'ry tiny orchltlM nml oilier cxtorlloiiiiii' botitiut'lH, with Ji'wi'l box ch lliil on with blue ribbons. IIIh mo tor U nt tier illNpoHitl nt nil Hiiiihi, ntnl nho trt'itlH hit rhniinVur with open con tempt. If tlmt dooHii't HlK'nlfy" "NoiiNfitHol" I'xclnltnitl Iho other with OlHRiiHt. "Klio In loo nlco n Klrl for Hint. You hnvo mlKcotiHtruMl Mil- llnrtl'H pOlllUlll'HH." rintllnj; his worltlly wliiloiii nt Issue, Clyilo tlufontltsl bliiiflclf Htotitly. "I toll you, bo linn gono off hts bloomlnK tmlanco. I know tho aymptoms. I-cnvo It to old Dr. Clytlo." "You any other pooplo hnvo noticed itr 'l do, .Everybody In town except tou and tho newsdealer at tho corner M M Horde! Author of Tit SpolUri" iumI 1 Tti Hariw' II A II P B II r B H 0 T II B It f he'ii bllllir' ICmemoti roar from lit chnlr nnd 1 Kim lo pnro nbotii alowly. "If llllllnril hm tttrnrtl thnt elrl' hr-ntl with hU nt teniloti I'll Clyde thri'W hnrk hU hcntl nnd latieti ril In oimmi ilrrlalon, "Ihin't worry alxitlt her hi In the one lo br pttlrd Hlie'a ItiklllK hltu oil n kci'Iok Hvitltli' trip of tin moat npprori-d mid vx pnialve rlmrni'ler." "Hhe Unl that kind." Cinernnii twtly dftiled "Now. don't be n boy until your trmnl trip you up. Thnt Klrl I uhout lo brenk Into Illllliirit'a mult, mid whlli" alio'a In thi-ri', with thr una lluht -) ntnl n anil iiimo to ItlK off Ihf blink IKiti-a, Mil)' lint toll hrr to loan III n fnu bilinllfa for tl" r "If I rnn'l iri'l nlniiK wllhont tnUtiic tiiuiiey from n iwiimtii I'll throw tip tint nholn ilrnl " Tho rtirlotiw look uhlr-h llo.ti) hnit llilli'il Hiiro Ix'fnri' riimi' Into I 'I) lb-a o)ex, nml I hi" llino. to jtiihri- b) Hit joiiiii: fflloM'N iiiiiiinrr. he tnlKhi hnw IrtitiHlntril II Into uoriU bill fur I In fill rn tiro hi Hint tiHiiiinil of t'lnrri herni'lf, ntroltlMlilnl by 'TlliKerltW Crnaor. "Wlint lurk In Vtiin'otivi-r" iho In itilnil "None whnlnvrr. Tho tinnkn won't llati'it to tni, uml I en n't liili-rmt nuy prlvnlo iHirtlea'." "He- heri'," lollinleerrd Irner. "why don't )ou let mo n-ll aotiio of your attH'k? I'm thrr- with Hie hie talk." Ktueraoii ttiriiiil on lit ill auddeiily. "You hnvo demoiiNtrnliM thnt. If you had kept your mouth abut we'd hnro iM-eli nt aen by now." The fellow'a fnro pnled allchlly n ho replied, "I t 'il j on once tlmt I didn't tip )otir mitt " "Don't kiip Hint up!" rrled Iloyd. hi iHitrh irleil letHper remly to Khe wny "I run put up with miythliiK but n lie." NollnK the alKtia of n rtlnic atnrin. Pljile rwrnHlbbil oMI of Ilia elmlr. any In. "Welt. I think I'll be eollitt" He I'IiI.ihI up hi" lint nml cllrk mid hur rtiill) left Kit raiin folkmed In every iiiiiii'ttirul ty the mitiry rye of I-'r t-er. who twemiil on tin- "lnt of mi ex pliralou "Von Hre tlreil and oTfrwMtinht." hl C'lurry inileily to llo)d "The tme rew of thl" outervrlav, with Mtiy bap plnnM It limy brittle you. In I worth h Immaii II ff. nor In It worth, ubat yoti art runerlMK" "rerham toil, from tHir alnt of view." ho "alii rouxfily. then atnti-U hU palm with hta eloeil liit. "What an Idiot I wan to IhIii all thl to think I rotild win with no wtiin mid no aid except n half mad tUher iiwii, mi athlle bralliial ItulHVlle. n rou tldeiH-e limn" "And n woman." atippleiiienled Cher ry. "I'm the one to blame." "No: I blame no one but myatlf. Whatever jou'ro ra"maUle fur there' only ouo pernoii jou'ie bnrmeil -jour. elf" "Wlt do )ou inoanT" nkil Cherry Iter atirprUe left him tinlmproaacil. la-fa la frrtnk." he anld. "It U beit In hit re audi thine out. I trndiil my frletidahlp for tnouey. mil I nin ruined. You aro atnktiiK ynur nonor ntjnlint llllllnrd' banknote" Her alienee only innd- liltn the more flercely deter mined to force an explanation. "Uh, I'm lu no iiknh! to apenk m-ntly," ho .tl.l; then mlded. with it 111111: of con. tempt In hU tout'. "1 didn't think jnu would pny quite thnt prlio for your copHr mine." Cherry Mnlolte puled to her IIh "Kindly be moro expllt-lt; I don't know what you nru tnlkltu; ubotit." "Then, for jour own cood. you'd bet ter tinderalnnd. AeconllntJ to neceitiil atnndardi, there U ono thltiK no wo man Khould trntlu Umiii. You huie et yourself lo trnp llllllnril. nnd from what 1 heir you tiro auceovdlnK. He In n tunrrled mnii. lie I utitorlon. nnd yet you hnve dellbernlely yleldiil your elf lo him for n price." Hiiiltlenly he found Iho Klrl ntnudlni; over him with bttrnltiK eyes nnd iulv erliic iKMly. "Whnt rlKht hnvo you to sny nueli thliiK to mo)'' she cried. "A luomeut sko you nckiiou'liHlKiil yournelf 11 inur-derer-nt leo"t In thoiiKht. You nnltl jou would Mflerlllee nnytlilnB or every thltiK to Kit In tour ends. Do you think I'm like that tool Are. my methods to he culled nhnmefiil hcciiuxo ,otir own nro er I till mil T And suppoHc they werel Do jou ililuli tlmt you nnd jour loe for Hint tiiifeelliitf wontitn, who Kent win out to loll nnd Hiiffer nntl Hwent your soul dry In the solitude of Unit horrible country, nru the only Isiiie. In the world V" "Wo won't spenlt of her," lie broke In slutrply. "Oh, yes, wo will. You sny I hnvo sot n price on myself. Well, she emi set 11 price on herself, but you cuti't see It Her price wnu your honor, Hint tuiH crumbled; your conscience, thnt tins rotted. You hnvo pnld It, nnd you would pny double If she exuded It Hut ono thltiK you shall not do; you shall not judge of my bnrualus nor do cldo wlmt I havo pnld to any man." Never before had Iloyd seen a wouv an ao transformed by tho passion of encer. Bho wns the plcturo of defiant fury, -The mask had slipped, ,and be c-uitlit a iillniusa of J lie jiuked, pas slomtie souT, tipTienved lo lis rtepfis "I Im-k your pnrdon," he snld "Ynu nro your own mistress, nml you hiire the right to make any burg-Ill )oii choose." He saw Hint her eyra were rnlsty with te-nra. "I wnnt you to know," she said, "thnt I understand your por tion jM-rfectly. If you ilon'l atu-eevd you not only lone the girl, bill ruin yourself, fur you can never repny the men who trusted you. That Is n very big thing to a man, I know, yet there must bo a way out there nlwnys la I'erhnpa It will presenl Itself when you lenst expect It" Hhe gme htm n tired Utile smile before lowering her veil Ho roe nntl Inld his Imnd on her arm, "I'orglio my brutal blutiliiena. '11 'atur IIIOIIT llvr Tit TO BAT MJCII TlllMin Tii lit' ' I'm not eleier nt atii-li ihltiKs. but 1 would lime atild us much to my alater If 1 hnd one" It was 1111 ho neat attempt to com fort her. but It felled, "doodby," sho snld: "you muatu'l give up." All tho way hnrk to her hotel her mind dwelt bitterly upon hi" pnrtlng words. "Ilia alater! Ilia alater'" ahe kept repealing. "Hod! Cnn'l he aee!" Dunk wt" falling when the girl, with net, delimit fare, went to the lelephono' I to eall up llllllnrd nt the llululer club. "I hnve thought over your proK I slllun, nnd I hnvo chnnged my mind," , sho atild. "Ye. )ou limy nentl tho I car for me nt 7." Then. In reply I to wiiiiii nipteM. ahe ImiKlifd Imek I through while III. "Very well. If oti j wlah It. the bltto dreaa-yi-i, the bluu dei-olleie dreaa." Hhe hung up the re ceiver, then oIimmI with liHIlil" rllnrheit while a ahlier ran through Iht "litnb-r laaly. Hhe atepxil to 11 elinel and llung open the iltHir to "tare at the ar ! my of gown. I "lo till" la the end of my gtaitl n Intlona." ahe taugh-ii ami tmlcln"l h partiH-nt reekb-Kaly from It" hook , "Now for all the ml-wrable trtcks of Ike trade!" I tleorge Halt. Clyde and I'niser 1 furim-il n glum trio nt tlH-y oat lu a 1 nook of the hotel enfe, alpplng mood II.V at their glNaaea, When on the following afteriHMin ICmersnti Jolueil Ihelii. Hut they wiiil mime uulowanl I I hapiH'iiliig i-ioii before he aHike. for Ma fare worn n liKik of dnyed Inenilti ' , Illy, mid hi" innnner wn no extrnor- 1 illimr.v ilmt I hey iuotloited In clioni": ' 'What' the mnllerl Are you slek'f" "No." aald he. "but 1-1 liiuat haiu j lnt my mind " "What l Itr 1 "The trick Is turned." I The trick"' 1 "I hale raNiil the money." With n about thnt ntnriled the other occupnntn of the room Unit nntl Clyde Jumped to ihelr feet and begun to enMT nliout In frenxy. Kven "F1n prliss" rruscr'H exprvMlonlewi fnc crncknl lu 11 wldo grin of the blankest ainnyement. "A Unit noon I wna rnlled on the phone by llllllnril. He rukeil mo to come down to the ImiiiIc nt once, nnd I went, lie mild he hnd rtvotiMldcrcd mid wntited 10 put up the money. It's up. He'll Imek uh. I'to got It In writ ing. If a ull clnchctl-$tOO.(X.i, nnd more If we need It" "You must luvo mndo n great talk," declnretl 01 ile. "I snld nolhlng. He offeml It him self iin it pvrsoitnl lonii. It tins nothing lo ilo with thu bunk. I'm going to tell Cherry now." Alton Cljtle tittered. "I told you she could pull It off." he sold. Till wn I 111 I bird's own notion," Itojtl returned eoltlly. "He merely re considered hit decision, nntl". Turn uer! You're on your bnck." "It wits only yeHtonhiy nfternoon Hint I lulkeil wlilClierry. 1 dure nay she liHsu't in hltll hIiico." "Well, 1 happen to know thnt she Iin, A I ciiiue home hist night I wuv t hem together. They enme out of Unit l-'rench enfe nenw the slnt't nnd got Into llllllnnra cnr. Hhe wns dressed up llko 11 puny." "WlmfH Unit got to do with Itr tie intiiiiled "I'litKerless" l'rnser. "She pulled the old fellow's leg, Hint'" nil." explained Alton. "If I thought she hnd done Hint," snld l.iuersoii elowly, "1 wouldn't touch a penny of the money." "I don't cure where the money etiine from or how It got there." rumbled Halt. "U'h here; tliiifa enough." Hut Hojd clung to his point with n stubbornness which ho himself found It dllllcult to explain, Tho arguments of tho others only annoyed him, The walk to Cherry'H hotel afforded hltu time for rcllectlon, which, whllo It deepened his doubt, somewhat lessen ed his Impatience, nnd when he was shown Into her presenco ho did not be gin In tho Impetuous mnnuer ha had designed. "What makes you think I had any thing to do with Itl" she asked after ho Jvatl spoken, 1 Tttitrv V "You were with llllllnrd Inst night" Hhe nodded slightly "We cloned our negotiation for the copper mine last night." "How did you come out 1" "Ilo tnkea It over nnd does tho de velopment work," sho miawered. "Thnt menu Hint you are Indeiieud cut! Hint you enu leave the north coun try 11 nd do nil the things you want to dor Thl time her smile wna pus--ling. "You don't seem very glnd," ".Not Itenllxntloti discount anticipa tion about DO per cent. Hut don't let's tnlk ubout me. I I'm unstrung to day." "I'm sorry you nren't going hnrk to Knlvlk." he snld, with genuine regret "Hut I mn," she doclnred ulckly. "I'm going buck with you mid George If you will let me. I wnnt tu see the finish of our enterprise." "Heo here, Cherry; I hope you didn't lufliietir-f llllllnrd In this affair" "Why probe tho matter'' "HccnUHc I haven't hmt nil my man hood." he answered roughly. "Ycater dny you nnxumed the bin rue for Hit trouble nnd iike of aaerllli-pa, mid well, I don't know iihkIi nbout wom en, but for nil I know you may have aotne rldleulutt. quixotic atrulti In your makeup, I hue jou didn't"- "Whntr "Well, do mi) thing you mny bo norry for." At lust he detccti-d 11 gleam of Mplrlt In her eie". "Ktipiswi- I dlil. Whnt difference to jou would that mtiki-'r" lie nhlfti-d tiuroiiiforfiibly under Hie girl a acru Utiy 'Huppo!' that Mr. llllllnrd hnd cnll cd on me for rome great Hin-rlllce be fore he gate uti that iii'Uiej Would jou allow II in nffi" l .louf" "Of coumo." he miHweriil Then, tlinibli' lo all k'.III under her ix-archlug guse. he aneo' with llii'ii"l furij tu tni-i-t furthi-r tllv uiiillture a ahe con-tllitn-il: "Hieti If It meant jottrowu ruin, the lo of thu fortune you hnvo raised ninong your frtetids-money thnt Is In trusted to jou-und-und the relln iUlahment of ills WnylnntlT Iloueat ly. now" her voice hnd aofteneil nnd dropped tu n lower key "would It make nuy dl(Teruncc"f" "Certainly!" "I low much dlfferencer "I'm lu a very etnbrrniHinK tal Hon," he said slowly. "You must re nlle that with others deH.'inllng on me I'm nut free to follow my own Inclina tion." Hhe uttered a little mocking laugh. "I'anlon me. It wa nut a fair quel thin. hihI I Nhouldn't hale sakiil It. but jour hesitation was nulllcleut nuawer" Then at he broke Into n hvateil dental alio went 011. "I.Ike imwt men, jou think a wntnan hriH but one aaet iimhi whk-li to trade I low el er. If I felt ruionlble fur jour illttlciiltl-" that was my affair, and If I determined to help extrleate you that alxi eoneerueil me alone." Ilestepi-ml forward as If to protit. but r-lie hllelic til his cHfi with an ImperloiM little (lamp of her foot. In plt of llw elieerlug tnrn hit for tunes bad taken. It wa lu no ery ami ablf hmmmI that he left her at last no whit the w-lter for all hi questioning In tho hotel lobby Ik'Iow he encounter ed the iiewaipT i(Mirter wl had fallen under I'rftser's ajiell uon their llrst arrival fnun the north. The man greeted hint eagerly. "How d' j' do. Mr. Kmorson) Can yntl give tilt- any nuws about the flsb erlesr "No." "I thought there might le something new hearing n my story " "Indeed! Ho you are the chap who wrote that article some time ago. ehr "Yos. sir. Hood, wasn't ItT' "Doubtless, from Hie newspaper point of view. Where did you get Itr' "IVim Mr. Clyde." CHAITRIl XI. C I.YDH! You mean Trnser Frublslier. I should say," CasK-d Hojd to the reHirter. 1 "No. lr. Allou Chile! He whh pietty titlkiitlrc the night I saw hltu." The reHirter Itiughed iiUHHilng- iy- "Drunk, do you mean!" "Uh. not extictly drunk, but pretty wet. He knew wlmt he wna anylng, however. Citn't jou give me hoiue thlng more?" "Nothing." Iloyd It u rrled to hi hotel. 11 prey tu uilugliil auger and contrition Ho Prnser hnd told the truth, after all, nnd with n kind of milieu loyally hnd chosen lo remain under n cloud hlmxclf rather ttinu Inform on a friend. It was quite In keeping with the fellow's pe culiar temperament. As It happened, Hojd found the two men together nnd loot 110 time In iu-qonlutlng them with hi" dlwoverj". "I've come to nologUe to you," he snld to I'niser, who grinned broadly mid wna nclacd with 11 sudden nlmsh nient which milled bin tongue, l.tuer win turned to Chile. "Why did you penult ii)i lo do this Injustice?" "I I didn't menu to give out any secrets I don't remember doing It" Alton nioloKicd lamely "You know I can't drink much. 1 don't remember II thing nlHittt It. hoiuwtly." Iloyd re Kiirdcd hltu coldly, but the young mini's penitence seemed so genuine, lie looked no weak, ho pitifully Incompe tent, that the other lacked heart to Mmatlae him. II rcqulron rcnUtnuco to develop beat, nnd ngnlnst the alwence of character It Is Impossible to create nuy sort of emotion. "When yotl got drunk thnt night you not only worked n great hardship on all of us, but afterward you allowed mo to misjudge n very faithful man," declnretl Hoyd. "If you can't keep a ;lose mouth and do as you aro told you'd better go back, to Chicago," "Dou't climb nny higher," ndmon. Ished "Klngerless" Frnser, "no'a all fluffed up new. I'll lay you 8 to 1 ho dou't make another break of tt)o kind." (To bo continued.) SEEDS It is time to plant Garden Seeds, Flower Seeds and Onion Sets. We arc again oll'er iiitf for sale the long tried and dependable C. C. Morse (Mb Co. Seeds. In our stock you will find every known va variety of seeds obtainable. Reduce the cost or your living by planting seeds that will in sure you a crop. The best Is always the cheapest. Poor seeds are dear at any price. iJwUsolLj! Drsss-koks If yeu wi.h to Improve the appear. tr - of iur nrmCTt and avoid the triiTr rnci.t of an unite kcl and r , ing ikirt r walit, don't fad Li try Vn.tMi Dmi-ln'iki. We iKomawnd tbrm, thrr cui'l c i. ur.lolil acciaVnUllr, are fiat and in 1L1. an J i.l wilaear k rrl i-irmtnti, C tot roil or crath la lb liaodrr. .Not :..cl.AknoJrjnfcr loaplaitrom. Uae inn a a card lOc Uri.lU Sautl laCrit.MMk rwfau QUALITY F. V. Silvertooth Silver Lake, Oregon. J. B. Montague Contractor-Builder Plans and Estimates Cheerfully Furnished. See me before building. Residence south of baseball field Bend, Oregon O'NEIL BROTHERS COMPANY, Inc. WHOLESALE LIQUOR DEALERS nnd JOBBERS IN WINGS, LIQUORS nnd CIOARS COLE AGENTS for Stonewall and McCoy Whiskies, and The Nupn Soda Springs Min eral Water. Distributers for Edol Brau, Schlitz and Rainier Beors. We also carry a largo line of Glassware, Bar Towols, Playing Cards, etc., osiwcinlly adapted to the saloon trade. Orders by phono or mail will receive prompt and careful attention. Madras, Oregon TEVENS The STEVENS No, 33S Double llarrcl llammerless Shotgun In ftrouitit whero other gmiu nro wilf . The Iwr-it-ls and Iuks are drop-forgiil In (inepleee of lilKhiiresurtktivl, choke hvred for nltro powder with matted rib. I'l, k V tltla mm iohI fivl tti UiUikv of tt einuu thi veraiug Ivnta cliw It initl M-etlu Am' cure uml llni.li of tlt-t.iil -(ml w ill Ml il'a u wiMNrr, It hta ill only 920.00 and will Iw exitriMt-! trtiii.iiirtt mun tlic laiiury 01 ni" i'Mninnir K-i-rnt1 tt through 11 ilfilrr, fl Stt 1 1 mw Alt C at V IllovaM-inoa.! WfU uj. STtvtna amu a Tom rniiFANY lv,vosi.v A mi r.n. VBKVyf fliVUal I fi iV In Vi I ft-a-sl( V US" ariR.U. W j&lX- c r7ii 2mJLUJ.lrl , I . mm mt Trv nurf 1 j WE would again call your atten tion to the fact that The Cash Store is putting in a larger .stock of Dry Goods, Furnishing Go o d s, Notions, etc., than ever before. Our line of Spring Goods will I'xccll anything ever shown in Northern Lake county, a n d THE PRICES ARE RIGHT. Give us a trial and save yourself money. Store a i m 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE TnAoc Marks DCIQNS COPYRIOHTS AC. Anrona eprttn a l rh and daaeriMion ma aiil.c.r ai-arlaiu rniveini i ' wnalntf a4 IiitiiI)oii l pr a r p-l.ithlB. oninimilfa luiiitalri tiri lOJenllal HaNdBOQK iml'aianta .dm ttmA. HT 111 aalirv fur aiKUrlltir latllll. Tatanta taken ibruab alui A lu. leolra lyttIM nolka, Kilhout cbarnu, la tu. Scientific jfftuerlcan. k &. . m - a m.A-l I AAWtM V mml al Ba rulailmi it anaciniltlolt'uniat 1ariui,J yaari fior niontlM, It. tViMll ti.wadjaitra. .N&l'O''NeWTOrK "l Ti." WiaJ UUi lO..VI,.,.M. a J IW V " liajM'liariDiii POLK'S GAZETTEER A natlneM nlrctory of eaeh City, m Town and MlUxa la Orraoa and IVaihtttgton, jltlnc lcrtplUo Kki Hilt ll ami Hkatcb ol earn pur. Locution. htlpilac FacUltlr. uil at rUaal IImI Dlneturr fit tact Hualoca. aa l-raioaatau. K. X. VOtX CO, lu. 8o.HU, Waih.- , i!2E5EI