(F BYRNE REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE REALTY Of All Kinds Bought, Sold and Exchanged. We have" a very extensive list of DESCHUTES V&LLKY IRRIGATED LANDS. We bring the Property Owners nnd the Outside Buyers together. BYRNE REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE Hotaliug UUIr., Wall St., Bend, Ore. We are prepared for the rush of homesteaders. We keep two men in the Held nnd can locate you on the best lands open for entry. Auto and team service to lands. FILINGS HEM LOCAL RECORDS ARE BROKEN. Slnco Plrst of Year J00 People Have Taken up Claims Uefora Commissioner lillls County Population Ualns Large, n K. Kiswont.hr, Pres. G. D. Markkj., Sec. OREGON INVESTMENT CO. Wall Street, Uend, Oregon. IN THK OLD CENTRAL OKKGON RKALTV COMPANY Ot'PtCU. We have what you want at prices that will please you. IRRIGATED LAND We have the largest list of irrigated land in Crook county. If you want a bargain, call and see us. 320-ACRE H0A1ESTEADS We can locate ou on a 320-acre homestead, the best wheat land in Crook county. BUSINESS PROPERTIES We have some good buys in business and warehouse property. TIMBER LANDS , We have a number of choice buys iu timber lands. FIRE INSURANCE We represent some of the strongest Fire Insurance Companies in the West. They have been tried. We al ways have our losses paid promptly and without u question. STENOGRAPHIC WORK Notary and stenographic work accurately and neatly done, and receive prompt attention at any time. All iu quiries receive prompt attention. Call on or write Oregon Investment Co. All records for land tilings in the ollice of Imd Commissioner 11. C. Ellis here have been broken during the first four months of this year, there being an approximate total of 300. About half of tlie.se were made ilvphu' n:ui land man. Four years' experience as Sioclal Agent, U S. Government I.nnii Of fice, both In Washington, 1 C, and In the vivrloiiH state and territories, has qualified me to give advice and to handle Government laud matters. Bring your cases to me and receive prompt and satisfactory service. Also fire and automobile Insur ance. , The patronage of iiiorclmnt.s, prop erty owners and others is respect fully solicited. C. J. Hoke, with Ilenkle & Ford, two doors east of postolllco. 8 Hcautlful Uentl Ncnldrnco nt Less limn Market Value. Five-room Bungalow, three blocks from Dei ot site, oi good KO-foot street. The lot lies level and free from rock. Walls of the house are covered with high grade burlap and painted. The floors are solid anil varnished. The den has a window seat, book shelves, and a receding , uJW' i, T at"""!. JpliaUaV iaaatoMaaaaaitaaa'n'B .MM layS LHaBaaaaaaaaaVKiuiiwSaLaaaaaaaaaHaaaalB JOHN LEG AT DKAt.KK IN Harness nnd Satl tilery Trunks nnd Vnllscs Repaired durini; March, and since the low fare rates on the railroads from the! I,wl- l,!,M'l, ' " ""l"' ' ney, ami u veranua on iwo sines sue 10x20 feet. I This property is well worth $ It ,000. but we will take f I.UfiO, $r00 down, . balance easy terms: M. S. LvTTIN vt I'll. ' S Bend. Ore. ' East were discontinued on April 10. there has been a big falling oir in filings. It is estimnted that on an average each entrymnn took up J120 acres of goverment land, giving a total of DG.OOO acres in Crook county that) KAV 'UKAY has been tiled on. Commissioner! WANTKD 10 or SOaeiesof good Kills estimates that the entries madel1""'1 "01!r "0,M,'I "BW h"y" , for , , . ., . one or two good impmved farms, here are only about half the num-1 Al wiintttl n itihmI wlivnt farm. K ber for the entire county, as many , you have a bargain we want It. if were made at The Dalles and Prine- you want n bargain we have it. ville. This gives an approximate , l YPlitt Uill!U MIHIIONS. total of nearly 200,000 acres entered i T twuritt-r mMmiiih on ..'. m in the county, or about 50,000 acres I I'he Hulle'in OftVe. iwrnd rtidmii- a month nr me loiiowm in icnines uiuct i IJ..llilillli,l .. .lllil If ill r. I U'1.11.. .. ..,n..lt....r .1 , rv.-.ii.,.Ki.M,. I-.IUIC ....w ix... iiituv t miajuiifcj ji ti; unit j iitvii arc unmarried, it is believed that ench filing represents two cople. If this be true, some 00 people CARTER IS COMING Willi SdMIt FINE DRY WOOD In make the wrl wood born. Tnkc n ton.) mill in u Drop me a i.ird in the P () box oi V. At. CAUII-K New PALACE MARKET Charlo lloytl, Prop, MEATS Vegetables, etc. CITY DRAY CIIAHI.KSIOI(TJKH, I'MOf. . JV -tV . Vii F W T :-& UiV i..n' Wo Handle l'vcr thing. I ruse or ilrrn wlih Nkk Smith "nil .lull lliuil I. O. O. F Bond bnlge No. 218 Keg. Meetings every Mumluy night Vial tor welcome K. T. Butts. H. I',. V. A. FrlHs.Si-cy. ! 101111 ll On March I- ,Iik itarl imn mir Min. to Itiv Urr ! ttiilr. iMrtha-l ul IWitd N hur. liram! ' I I! ' wi I. ft hwti.lf ih I aNhiI uw InhumI. .Iililir. i.l'nkLl l have been, or soon w be. ridded to hkickmin. Html. t)r-n i the population of the territory trib utary to llend, nnd about 1,200 to the county's population, in home steaders alone. From almost every state in the Union these people have come, and some nre foreign born. While the records might not indi cate such, Senttle has contributed NOTICK FOU IMMtlilCATlON. IIHIHTMHNr OI TII1I intiihiok V'llllr.1 M.lt. I..HUlltK.l Thr IHIIr..lHr;H. April ulh in Nolkr I. hrttliy (Urn lhl I' iu(tl ttmlih fotHitily I' Vwhf Hrnl. r HfHil iHtmw, oKn on MufTli 4h i mlf llnm(., Ni ixM, Mtul Nn . (m !, .S Mr V rJ r ,j m S m -r l I i H K ll l(., WllUmrllr MrtKlUH. H ftlt.1 tnKr n( H Irnlton l m.Wr I'ih.I I'l.r .mr I'iiW f. UlMuh cUlm In lh UnH Nt it-.. rttt Wfuf II C mil. I . iwimixm.i t hi. hic. m IKwI. lllfiriMl nil Ih ji.l rty ut M)r wit CUiutaiil ii.ni-. a wiint.-. IfvtHie I Mr.1 mnrn oottl.irj hi fiinlrnl Dr.uron limn Jamr. H Krr.1. 1'ml , llunnrli I'tl I" biw.lrf ...w.w .v...u .-. w.w I hua, Jnhn MrMI all uf Iwn.t uik any other city or section. Within " u """ H,"x" avmfa1 ttti'norilr-iai nlftnak twir fnrtv 1 ' ' (Tx V t4 J ltx9 ItlUllx.) IIUVU IVIta loa. K of V. V I,.., a..i..xla... .. U a. a.. V III Pflaltfi. Ulllt tU.all.Jlf. III twin (( r"fVTt lice building. Visiting Knights well-nine F.lnicr Nlswongor. (' ('. M. It. KtmUon. K. K &S 8.aa M. W. of A. IMIot Hutte Camp No. 0704 MeeU every Tuesday In hall over IMwtolllce. Visiting Nolghlmrs always welcome. M. J. Morrison, V C. M. It. Knutson. Clerk NOTICK Fill. IMUHiIOATlON l)rtailmrnt oflh Inlf.Hif V S Un4IIA, al Th llalln Or Aurll rlh tan Notlcr It hrrcby (l'n thai Call II llauh ! maitr humr.trait entry Nu Mj INrial ohai.I, fur lot. I ami 4, ft 6. (j xjygr. end jyjachine hop All Kinds of Saw Mill and Farming RE-PA-I-R-S We Carry a Large Stock of Auto Repairs and Supplies Wall St., next to Opera House FUNERAX DIRECTORS EJV1BALMERS UNDERTAKERS A Full Line of UNDERTAKING SUPPLIES WEST & NISWONGER Jl I. West C. P. NIswonger -( miles from Bend, twenty-five or more Seattle men nnd women have taken up claims. The Oregon delegation in Con gress nas ocen requested to worK ,,:,, pfoof u ,,1.1,11,1. ,i.., tu ih, i.n.i m. o. llib. ., .1 .: .! 1 1 !, dfKTlbnl. Ufuir 11 c Kiln. I' H Cum ' iui uic cuuuuii ui unuuiur iuiiu , ,.,,, ., huorr,- ., ru.,.l ii.r... on ih. -.. --. -- - -.--. ollice. either at Bend. I'rinevillo or "fflf-aSi .,iw or Lahllaw, Or, on hu un fcbiuary lift l'A t -ll. I..-A INll.l NU itl. for lot. i.uili.tvc 6. T it s K it l . alurava wrlcoiiip W M . hai All nuOc,irint,nllan In makt Bn.l .. .. 11KND I.ODC.K No. 139 A. F. & A. M. Meets on Thursday on or twfcrc the full moon of each mouth. Visiting brothers o m nroricio. w u Palace Restaurant Rooms for Rent Confectionery, Prult IMcnlc Supplies, Clears J. F, Talari & Co. " """ The ' Buckley Express Co. DAILY KxprcMi Service between Muclmi and llciid. Careful Attention. (lend Agents, llnrpcr l.nnd Company. No W.Wx Madras. The members desire that a general canvass be made to ascer tain the sentiment throughout the regions affected, thus enabling them to act in accordance with the popu lar will. Snubbrd th. Compoi.r. Oustnr Mnlilir Inn n quwr oxprrl once la Munich one dnr for which IiIk nntre whs imrtly riiKinll)le. Ill new symphony wns trflnrx rehesrsed. nnil he ternk ndrantnee of on hmir' intermlnfilon to pot mime fn-nh nlr "On rrtdrnlns to the tiullilliic." ny a Munich paper, "he lol hi wny and trlril to mic-h the hall throiich a ror rldor In whleh plasterers were at work. You cannot pu through here.' he wan told. 'Hut I nm Mahler.' iMiihlrr I the German for imlnter 1 'Ynu look It.' rns the iinxymimtheilc reply of ihe man who lilix-LeU tiln way. 'UV are not ready for Ihe piilnlerx yet. ru nin on.' Ami the cornpoNiT. reullzlne that nrsru ment would he tiMele. plunciil Into the lahyrlnth and tlnully niu-lnd his deatlnnllou." titnr-a. Iff' N Wal- lac,, lirrt Mlllrr larubC Thutp ami H Harry najri,). an 01 iaituaw, iir,,i,i 6-iu C W MOOMK. Mfjlilrr, UXRCUTOK'S MII'ICI!. NfSlcr 1. hr'lijr xtrn liv th, uni,rlnnl ,i i ,oilor ot rhr citai, ot luhn hiMMtwr, itrxratMl tulh, cmlllunuf, ami all ..n h4Wncl.lM. I acalntt Ihr all ilratl lit prrnl Ihrm, ,r- i Innl aa rfqmrnl tijr taw wlihln ,it mihiOi. aHrr , .ut hi. imini..,ivii mi ... ...r.... .w n .. .... at h'.urTx, .1 m, 1-u.lurrwr al lirwl. iii,(mi. Ih, um, Iwlnirlhr filar, rue ihr HaH"MkHi wf lhrlHi.ln,.a olih, ukl ,.lal, in Ihr aal'l city, county ami UI, l)all thl. ivlll Jay ut AMll lll. I. C SISliMOKK, iiifcuior 01 m,rut, i I.hn Sia,imr,, IxtMMil tu POP. SAI.I!. Two glass show casos. (IihmI condition. Moderate p r I c e. Inquire at Bulletin ollice. m 1 1 T w0 Camtl In Arabia. There ore two varieties of camels In ue In Arabia, the dromedary on. I the freight cornel The dhelul drome, dories ore celebrated for their eay rid. Ins Knit and speed. A dhelul carries about ,100 pounds and tnirela about six miles a day. It can he purchased for 100 to t.V) .Jnrln Therma dollars (M2-V) to sm,7.'l. A frelcht camel carries about HO0 pounds and travels about two nnd a half miles an hour. It rosu 200 Maria Ttivrena dolluni (tl'JTl ur more. I We Now Have X in Stock a Carload of LIME CEMENT and PULP Plaster. Not Id! Curiosity. I Mrs. Wanterknowe I should like to know. Mr. W . why you ore no cross when I ask question". Burely you don't think I huve Idle curloMty? j "Oreat Hcotl, no! Yours Is tho most perniciously active, wide awake, sleep- 1 Ichs, energetic rurloslty It was over roy fate to encounter." TFo : : : i! TO BUILDERS WE HAVE A NICE STOCK OF FLOORING Rustic Shiplap and Rough Lumber .... and can furnish any bill on short notice. Send us your orders for FINISH LUMBER.. BEND LUMBER CO. Anothtr V.rtlon. The latent rendering of tho tlurns lines. "Ob, wad some power," etc.. Is given In a Iondnti evenlnjc paper thus; "Oh. wad some power the Rlftle fjle us to boo some folk bft-ro they seu us." - I OVERTURF-DAVIS- MILLER COMPANY I t OKKICE IN IIKN80N III.DC. ON WALL ST. A Pr.vloui Quettlon. Sho-Pnpa asked what your Inten tions were last evcnlne, George Ho Didn't say anythln about his own, did bcT-noston Transcript If you tit nntxy with a man or wo man mik up your mind what you are rotas to y and thon don't soy IU YOU ARE ALL CLAIMING that Bend is going to bo the largest city in Central Oregon. Be preparedmake it artistic. And the only way to do it is to have n fine electric sign in front of your store or building, We are agent for the most famous sign makers in the Northwest, tho Portland Sign Co. signs of all description, Jean Schiflcr, Prompt delivery. P. 0. corner. THE STORE OF QUALITY S. C. CALDWUU., Prop. Hardware Groceries We carry anything: you want In these lines. All kinds of building mater ial. The only place to get a guaranteed Stude baker Wagon. Our Prices Save You Money. i, A u - - wrr -miQ T.-'i ' -'- -J ' . .