i i YOUNG (& CLARK 1 Engineers and Architects Office temporarily with J. A. Eastcs, on Orcjron St. J Wo are prepared to handle Engineering and Architectural 1 Work of all kinds. t Irrigation Engineering and Modern Bungalows our specialties. The Men's Toggery u.j HCaU W Foot i44--l4-f VUIHUCI RIOHT PRICES RIGHT GOODS. AL. FRENCH Oregon Street, BUND, ORK. PUSHING H AlANY BUILDINGS RISE IN BEND. Nlneteen-Room Mouse Near Depot Site Will Soon He Completed Work Started on Several Mandsome Residences. CASH SALE We will sell, until May 10th. nil kinds of lumber ut reduced rates, as follows: 1x12 Common $12 Per M 5 t t Dimension Stock . . . Shiplap No. 1 Common Shiplap No. 2 Common Flooring No. 1 . . . Flooring No. 2 . . Finish No. 1 . . . . $10 Per M S15 Per M $13 Per M $30 Per M $25 Per M S30 Per M I Three Creeks Lumber Co. aisT, oReao.N. J 4 HTHE most refreshing drink, the best of all spring tunics and the purest be er n jr e obtainable, is BUDWEISER b;eer i The Silvertooth Saloon is the befet place in Central Oregon to buy beer. Our private coltl storage plant, soon to be erected in Hend, will give us every facil ity for properly hand ling beer. At Port land the beer will be loaded into refriger ator cars direct from the cold storage, and hauled to Bend and placed in our cold storage without being allowed to vary one degree in temperature. Any expert chemist will tell you that this is the only way to keep beor RIGHT. And that's the way you want it, of course. If our schooners aren't large enough, we'll put a handle on a keg for you. Yours to please, The Silvertooth WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS Family Liquor Store. Corner Bond and Oregon Sts. If you want something to eat try Pure Ice Cream CAAA'CDT A lC Pure Ico Cream Every Day OAVl O i LALt Every Day. on Bond street. Annex to Stephens & Puttie's saloon. The Deschutes Bar BOND STREET Wines, Liquors and Cigars EVERYTHING TO DRINK BUT DESCHUTES WATER." GIRTON 2b COMPANY With n large number of buildings under construction now and more being planned, Hend showB substant ial evidence of n healthful growth. Many persons who contemplate erect ing residences or business houses this summer are waiting for the coming of trains, but at present the sound of the carpenter's hammer and saw Is hennl on all sides. On Evergreen avenue.only a short distance from the proposed site of the Oregon Trunk depot, II. D. Brown, who came hero in Mnrch from Portland, is having construct ed n nineteen-room building. It is a two-story structuro with basement and is being erected as a rooming J and apartment house. All the mod ,ern conveniences, such as baths, toilet and electric lights, are being installed. The building is Hearing 'completion and will be ready for occupancy by May 15. It was erect ed at an approximate cost of SK.OOO, J. W. Dimick doing the work. About the middle of next month Councilman V. H. Sellers will begin the erection of a seven-room rosi I dence of the bunalow type in Center i Addition. It will be placed in the j center of two GO-foot lots, with nn 1 npproximntedimonsion of 110x40 feet, jone and n half stories in height. I Work has commenced on a resi dence that is being built for G. Pj Putnam, on lotu-l and u of bldck 10, in Park Addition, near the Ijihi house. It will be of the bungalow type, ami will have two stories, with floor dimnseions .IGxIl feet, under half of which there will be a collar. The building will be shingled. II. J. Overturf soon will com mence the construction of n dwelling in Park Addition next to the I -urn residence. Clyde McKay nl will build, at an early date, nn eight room bungalow, of one ami a half stories, on lots 2 and II of block 1'2, Park Addition. Real lislnte I rnnsftfrrt. (FurnWhtd by It. CtouV Ciwnty .bUl Co ) Martha 1,. Cram to John I). I.nfullcttr, lot 10. bile 7, l'lr.t add., rnticvlllr. ijoo. I Redmond Tnv.nite Co. to J. J. JeK". lots 3 ami 4, WW J, RhIiwjihI. f joo. 1 Redmond Towmite Co. to MackdonaM Wright. Iota 7, 9 ami io, Ulc 56, Keil moml. ft. 1 Urilinnml Tnwluitc Co. to W. C Hra- lean, lot 3 ami 4, bile 24. Keiliiwiul. iyu. C. C Cooper to Chat. 1 Cualioti, lot t, hilt 57. Iaiiww. ioo. C. C. Cooper to Chat. I'. Chalfon, h netf. sec. 33. 15-11. fM. Inland Umpire Co. to Mctollu. State Hank, loti I and 3, blk 32, Metolius. Con. fi.auo. Inland Umpire Co. to Hugh Carr, lot 3, blk 4, Meloliut. f 150. Samuel K. Gray, et ux to Tnm-A-I.um I.br Co., lot 3, blk 5, Ncot add , Mad rai. fiw. Uea Hros. to T. H. Jones, lot 9, blk 15, Madras, ft SO. Sidney Lewis to Htliel Wakey, ni lot 13, blk 15, Madras. fiu. Kea Hros. to Jlirdle llurtotl, lot II, blk 15, Madras, f 150. J. I'. Morrlf, et ux to James I,. Mc Daniel, lots 9 and 10, blk 3, Newborn's Thlnl add., l'rineville. fy. 0re0U & Western Col. Co. to I. S. Dobbt, nej liwtf.l, 1517, ami etf scjf. C. 35. MI7 I'.ooo. Redmond Townsite Co. to Hen Cotter, lot 4, blk 37, Redmond. $150. Warren I. Davenport, et ux to Davrn port-Stanley Ranch Co., scjf. sec. 6, S 14 e. I'rank R. Davenport, et ux to Davenport-Stanley Ranch Co,, ue,V, ec. 7, 8- 14. fio. litnory Davenport, et ux to )avenport Stanley Ranch Co., se,iec. j, 18-14. f 1. Mark Dfyeiiport, et ux to Davenport Stanley Ranch Co., netf, 7, 18-14. and c X sw Jl.se&ii. 1813. (Quitclaim) l'.dltll H. Sims and husband to Davenport-Stanley Ranch Co., swtf, 13, 18-13, lUrrett Park to Geo. W. Md'arUue, wjj lots 13, 14, 15 " I". ' M Kel niond, fiooo, Arthur R. Rogers to Hend Timber Co., )i nwtf . nej wtf and nwtf nc.sec. 13, 1410, 1 10 Crook County Hank to W. A. Ilelcher, et al lots I, 3 and 3, blk 47; lots 1, 3 and 3, blk 46; lots ni3, blk 38, Red mond, $6,615. U. Ilaumler, et ux to J, 1'. Morris, lots 7, 8, 9 and 10, blk 2, Newsom'a Third add,, l'rineville. f, 1. I.aldlaw Townsite Co. to Kittle G. Turner, lot 4, blk 66, Laldlaw. $85. Harlon P. Oiig, et al to Adolpb H. l'Ucher, lota 1 and 3, blk 4, Kenwood, 155. Mrs. Martha A. Farrlsn to A. A. Bur- rls, lot 4, lil- '. Madras, ft. Chester Starr to Robert W. Zrvely, lots it nml 13, blk 3, Thlnl add., l'llnc vilte. Jti,ixu. Rrditiond Townsite Co. to I'loyd T. Williams, lots 3 mid 6, blk yi.Redmoml. fay. Crook Co. Inv, Co. to II. II. Wallace, lots 33 mid 24, blk H., lhlltiinn. loo, Samuel Giiiv, et n In Milton (5. I'll lette, lots 4 mid 13. blk 13, l)eHit mid., Madras, ft. (Qiilti-lulm ) Mlllon I', l'lllctte, et ux to Sniniirl It. Gray, lots 1 ami 17, blk 6, Depot ndd Mmtrns. ((Jultolalm ) I.aldlaw Townsite Co. to IMmona M, Alidetsou, lot 6, blk 5(1, I.aldlaw. fcj.v CtihimbiiH J. Johnnoii, rt ux to Hdyth A. Rldroiit, lot 1 blk 2, Johnson's add., l'rineville. fuo. Rrdinond Townsite Co. to Rlmrr 1. Covert, lots 7 and 8. blk 53, Red mond, fi. atuiniion mii.iuTn. Ifyounetnl any mill machinery or repairs, see the Bend Milling & Warehouse Co. LlstimatoH furnish ed on repairs and new plants of any sire. tf UUIU)IN(1 PLANS. J. W. Dimick is prewired to do all kinds of high grade architectural work, make plans, blue prints, etc., for business houses and resi dences. tf Notice. - If you wish to Imve your ex press ami light freight come in uloiiK with your letters and daily papers, hnvc it conic in on the mtiil line Tint Cohnktt Staou & Staiilk Co 35tf TYPUWKIVl l'.NCIKCUI.AK UJTniRS The Bulletin has just installel 11 supply of imitation tytiewriltei. type wiUi which it is prepareil to print all kinds of circular letters, etc. This means that merchnnts, real 'estate men, etc.. can reach their entire mailing lists with jiersoiml I letters. The exact apKarance of 'original tyH'writteti letters, both in color of ink, tyie face and impres sion is duplicated. If desirable the Bulletin will not only print such let ters but will address and mall them. tf EXCURSION FARES EAST I 9 l' FROM AM. POINTS ON Oregon-Washington Railway & Navigation Company TO KAItrW Chicago $7U.oU Council BluUs) Omaha . .. I 00.00 Kansas City. . St. ,loeph. . j St. Paul. . . J St. Paul, via Council iHiiirs.... fliJ.90 MinnoaiM)!.. dlreet (50.00 MiniieaiMilis. via Council Ml nil's K.'M) Duluth. direct HO.iMI Duluth. via Council nlulfs M.M St. Louis 70.00 SALE 1MTI:S May 1(5. 17. 18. HI, 22. 28. 21, 'iXu 27, 28 and 20. June f.. 7.0, 10. 12. 10, 17.21,22. 28. 20 and M0. July 1.2. , 1.5. , 19. 20.20,27 and 28. August 3.-I. f. II. IB. 10, 17. 21. 22, 2.1, 28. 20 and 30. September 1, 2. I. fi, (5 ami 7. MtlMmn within limit. IH rllkrr rllfKthHi I'ImI rttMCH limn iHlttlHr 11 H l)w way thruyxli CallfofUM f $ iM4.lItta1 Iniiuireof any O-W. It. & N. Agent For More Complete Information OR WAl.McMURRAY General Piussenger Agent 1'OltTI.AND, OltWJON It Will Pay You In dolluvs unci cents ami in the siitisfnittioii i' hiivinn CiD,Jc the very best, to trade at 3 i II C S Fine Stock of Dry Goods and SHOES Just Received. Wo Soli Only tho Best Lino of Footwear . Tho Famous "GOTZIAN" aid "SELZ" SHOES! They "lit like yourfiHitprint." It Will Pay You in dollar, and nuts and in tlie satisiaiHion of h the very best, to tru the satislaetion ot Having r ii amI, tradeat OctlllCi' 5 THE OLD RELIABLE E. A. SATHER CENERAL MERCHANDISE 1JKNI), ORIUION BILL YOUR (1()()I)S TO Metolius Warehouse Co. J. V. IIOONI-. MnnnKcr. We are prepared to handle all kinds of freight and do a general forwituliiiK business. Satislaetion is iiiHianteed. Metolius Warehouse Co. Wimmsm jBl .I . iv?'J!ijS 3. I 1 WLiratJlf0rZMSmP M il CALIBER MODEL 1910 Self-Loading Rifle It Strikes ABlowof2038ibs. This new WinchfiBtrr uhoots a heavier bullet and h ta a harder blow than any other recoil operated rifle made. It is more powerful than the .30 Army, or big gnmc hunting fame. The loadin;; and firing of this i.fle arc controlled by the trigger linger. It JUTS LIKE THE IMUMEII OPTIIOr. 5nJ lor lllailralii tlrtular tally ditcilbing Ihll ntw till! whlth hat ttrtntlh ana povtr plut. WINCUESTB UEfEATlNO AMIS CO, Ntw lisrta, Conm, D, S. i. DESCHUTES Addition Adjoins Bend on the south. Most beautiful residential sec tion in Bend. REASONABLE PRICES Also Some Choice Business Lois. Timber Lands lioiijjht and Sold. HUNTER & STAATS I WAM, STRIJKT, IJ1JNI), OR. Subscribe for The Hend Uulletin$1.50 it year. Attractive premium offers and clubbing rates. . 1 -. - fsmtrm . m r