ff . '. i . t J TJLs Ln T i NO MORE Freight Troubles The Oregon Trunk Railway is open for busi ness to Opal City, just north of Crooked river. The Jones Warehouse Company OIJORUH A. 40NHS of Bend, Mnrmjtcr will handle all freight at Opal City for the railroad. The old Shiiuiko Moody Ware house system will he employed. Merchants will net their goods promptly and without inconvenience. Opai. City will he the height terminus for 110 days more. Have your freight consigned in care of T I i Address communications to Heiul. f See ROWLEE For Free Information on Crook Co. For Homestead Locations For Dry Ranches For Irrigated Lands For Town Lots For Acre Tracts For Hvc-Acre Tracts See ROWLEE If you want to buy a business If you have money to loan If you want to borrow rjioney' If you want to rent If you have anything u sell If you want to hire an auto BE SURE AND SEE ROWLEE Eight years Experience In Crook Cotnty. BEND i Call up Rowlee for Autos to fll Points tk TAI T ARE GOING TO lioOK YOUR Y I II) HEST in that new Enster suit---M. r your(, going to he photographed in it of course. There's no better time jfor some new pictures, and they make ideal remembrances be sides, you owe it to your family, yoi r friends and yourself. -Make an appointment. Pos Cart! Photos. SEWARD. HAS RIGHT START PORTLAND PAPER PRAISES BEND. Oregon Journal, In IMItorlal Column, Mm Much lo Say Concerning 1 111 Town's Development. (Send Appropriately Named. no iwoiifr rniw tilo nppotUlnjr ruliljer uftlern thnn, Aottlnjr down their beer, lln-r oncli aunk thi-lr tit-lli In onn. Tin', loo, unit In frlunilH for oj tvrn, I fried up no lean I linn throe old doornmfa and two ovcmIiwh tlmt April fool tiny. Tho wholo town Inujclieil, mid tlio pnKTM prlnto! funny ntorli nlMiut in JoUo. My joint Kot rwil popular. "In aliort, I wna unveil navnl from liniikriiptry iy rubber oyatcra." WaalilnKton Pont. Under tho cnjitlon "Tho Develop ment of Head," the Oregon Journal of Portland, In ItH fwtut! of April 20, makcH the folio wtnjr editorial com ment upon tlito town: Meter nil Infant town wnt appropri ately limned llrml li lliat place. Juit wlicrrihr S Ix-ml of tin river nun-K-t llir ltr fi-r Inrtorlraaiid Imliulrle anil rrililt-iura tin re llrlid l plated No one looked ner lliefiiliire lowntlte without conviction tlmt Mime day or Ditty and the Kitten. Hetty l only four nnd often In lior cxellement aim mnkea very oild ro nmrka. The other dnr ahe cried out. "Oh. mother, there' n denr maltlnn kitten all curdled up In tho cornerl" A Faat For Willi. Teneher- Willie. If you hnd flr. iggn In the bnaket nnd Inld three on tho Inble. how many would you then hnvuj Wllllo-KlKht.-I.lfe. It la better in hold back n truth than to apenk It unjrrncloiirlr -I) Hnlea. Acres 1 oilier men would l.e found mIio could i HCItr Hcilti, of tllC l)CSt 4 ! CHOICE Z h. ...y ..rrca. ine rrri.l.. ...Hue o. T soil ill the DesehutcSCOUn- I tile plate but had murage enotiKh In arl, ' ... ,, , .. ... ... I liralll.rcuu.m......0.l.rey Mo. I t ). C'"lUl "Haifa, X evrr lavoiable the altc it mi a real ' dl Sell lit It bargain. oj uiidettalliiK to create the town, to in W.M. Ol.l.Altl), Tncomn Wn Did you know tlmt tho Hullotin job Bhnp jenn print your vialtltiK cards of tho best Htock with bund nomo Bcript typo? Photo mallow, InrKo nnd Htnnll, for sale at Tho Hullotin ollico. Just try The Dullctlu Job Prlntery Why not koI out sonio advertising blotter, larger amuU? Tlio Hull otin has tho Huck and can do tho work on ltnow press, The Bind Milling & Wnrohouso Co, hna,tecurod tho iiKency of tlio PortlanJ Iron Works for tholr on tiro linj. Can funiiah eatlmato of costa for repairs. tf pile .Mill In the men needed In harnci the water mer, to clear the me brutb I lei-U, lo brliiK in Itiuilfer lilllli and In I 'liutrlci of couttrurtioii, to open rojiU i 4inl trail, to bull. I h jiuc anil acliooU and t'liuichca, to irrtntc xarileui and furina. All needed In be done on faltli, iluce wltliotit railroad to connect the tlting lnwn with throiitiideworld Imiiilnralloti I w.iiild laiiKiiUli, luduittie, if itarled, would ille lor want of tipiorl, dream ' "ili nrvcr become realilie. Hailroad 1 ibere wrie none in ulirli t tit twper riMiliaiid piluted prouilM. It eemed a if hoj c mint loe iti noiirltliiliK wer, ami there wai mithliiK tiiMiilaiu It until the mighty fuice ol cuieli!ion in !! alfairvcame Into plat and two railliMili, liutead of one, plane into active life. Now Ihe ralliond I tu tight. Woolen mill and lumlwr tuilU are provided for. at it aiir.tmticrd, ami other iuduilric are certain to be IjuhiIiI. The ame tpliit lliat n year or two ao iMinilrd the infant town to eitablith a liilih 'Cliixil and founded a library can t ttutird lo cie ti.lid foundationi for the development tint i to be. lletid ttaited rlKhl, and now the road It cleared for her laptd K'0"Im ' all that niakea a uccettlul city. ""ATE A WHOLE SHEEP. On f tha FaU of Nlchola Wood, a Famoua Olutton. The followliii; account of a ronn limed NUIitilat Wood, famed for 111" llutloti). waa written by John Taylor I tin "wntcr KKtt" of the noreutoeutli ; centurj : Mi'holaa Wood waa a ICeutUh yro mnu. "He It known to all men to whom them pri-mmta idiall come." wrtliM John Taylor. "Unit I. John Tay lor, wiilenuiiu of Ht. Sjrtora In Houlli wrk. will, with philn truth, bar and thn'Odlwrt. irertt of the remarkable ue ttoltit of Xlcholiia WimmI. "lie hath eaten a whole aheep nt one meal, iwnlou me! I think ho left the '.kin. the wool mid Nuien; nnd prtweut ly Hfter he Imth awnllnwi-d Ibrec jhi-Uh of ibimt)iii Two loin of mtittuu nnd one loin of xenl lire bin threo aprulH (o him. Once nt Sir William Ht. Ledg ers hotiM. o iilluiit mid Ntiitiui'h of tivlh he Hhowed hlmielf. that he nte ii h mueli n would HiiRK-e thirty men. and nflerwMnN he alept elcht hours. "One iiioriiliiK I ent for him lo the Inn to em briHikfii.it. lie had ulreud) eaten one iiile of milk, one inittle of pounce, nml liri'ml. butter, nnd i-heete lie Kiie me tlmuk mid hhIiI that If he had known uuy Keutlemiiii would have In v Hod him to breakfiiKt he would hnvo awrel III until al home. Never dieter he would do me the courtexy lo ahow me mime miiiiiII east of til.i of fice. When'UHni I Niimmonitl the luwt ' mid roinmiindnl that all the vie ItiiiU In thu house bo laid befurv Hi) KiiwL "The Inn win alenderly provldetl, but alx-peuuy louvea woiv tuoutited two atorlea ti lull like n rampart, three alx tx'titty veal plea, one pound of Hwevi butter, mid n numlier of other dlxheH wore aet out. all of wliU-ti were quickly bruiik'ht tu iiotlilui;." t J JUST ARIUVED HeMtKeuirel&Kiwer Hlue Print I'lijior, lijcht and heavy weight, X HO and M-inch width. Tracing J Cloth, Duplex Pajier, Cross Section Pnrcr, Profile Pajier, t Drawing Inks. Pencils, Taiies, J ComtuuKos. 1 TEb Bend Bulletin X t NOTIC'K FOR I'UMMCATION (Ifrfatrd 1 tut ) II I I.IC .AMI liAM! So lJ V. H U4 0flkITheInltr, Offen. JUlch Jjlh. lll. Ntttlf It hfl.lir t Urn thai dlrrttrtl by Iht rimni'-wn.r oflh-;ntfl I iwl Ottirr undfr lulkHi. uf Ait oriofirrtu 4erfl Juar ij Ifii.l'uto S . ot elllulTcratniUkulr.lu ihe hiahr-l I, ddrr at iocUk a m , on the jfJ il.r ef Junr. in. al ihlaollwr. Ihrfollo-lnj llactelltHd luwll hU NHW and NWV SI'V. he it, T iH K 10. II..I w M Any r,;. claiming ailrtwl)r Ihr atwvr lrr'lbrj tandaare adrlnliaAlr IhHr dalmt, or t.J1los, oo or Ufoir l-rdar alxj.r rfrrnatrd lur talr M C W. MIMKK.Hrt liter. Vernon A. Forbes LAWYER MUST .VATIONAL ItANK BLDfl., OKKCON IIKN1) WAKI) II. COHLK JESSK L. SUMRAU, Coble & Sumrall ATTOUNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW. UEND, OKKCON. Peter Lehrman GKNKRAL W.ACKSMITHING. Horseshoeing a Specially. Corner Bond and Oregon Streets. C S. BENSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW omCK IN FIRHT NATIONAL UANK W.IK5. IIKNI). OKJICON RUBBER OYSTERS. Thy Drought Trad and 8avd Thlr lnvntor From Failure. "Ilttbber oyatem laid the fouudallon of my succe-a." mi Id a mllllounlro ho tel IIUIII, "I hud a munll anloon In them dnya, nnd thltiKM l(Hkel very black. They looked, hi fact, like bankruptcy. Ko In ileaporntloti I cut nu old rubber doormat Into o.vhIit ahnpeil i liven on April 1 and filed them hi egs mid liieiidcrumtm to u tasty brown. 'Them wiih only one man hi ihe bur when 1 fetched In tlmt dWh of Hiuok Inc rubber o.vHtew, UN eye Kllttonxl. uud bo Ki'iibbetl a folk, Jnbhed It Into n bit; fellow ami took ii hiiiiKry bite. "Scclmr I lu siirprbiiil hnik tlmt Bpreml over hlx fine, I turned uwuy to hldo a amllo. Ho cvo uu nwkwurd lau.'ili nid Hiild: "Them's fliio oyatcre. I'll brlnu a couplo uf the boya In to sample them.' "Sure ehoukb, he brought two fxleuda a half hour biter, Tho frljudj ROBERT 13. GOULD Civil Knginkkk and Scrvkvor, Iiullctin DuilditiK Uend, Oregon. W. W. Faulkner, D. M. D. DENTIST IluUcllii IUnldiiiK, n e ii d. O r e k o n F. S. SANDBORO, Al. D. May Aj'awtmunts DONl) STKKKT B K N I) , OR K O O N . U. C. COE, M. D. Physician and Surgeon OPI'ICK OVKH FIRST NATIONAL HK. Oftice Hour.: to lo n a. m.; I to j and 7 to 8 p. tu. Bknd, : Orkoon F. O. MINOR roSTOHPICK Hl'ILIWNO LIPK I'l RK ACCI DENT INSURANCE Notary Public and Conveynncinu AH I.enal Papers Correctly Orawn, FIDELITY BONDS Dr. A. A. BURRIS.rra llealrr, Dlwaav Sui-ctufully Trratrd Without the Ute or Drug or Suigery, by the Natural Mcthoda of lUaltng. Chroa. Ic tllKca a Apfctalty, CoDtutlatloo Free Mruibroftbc btale aud Natlounl Naluropalh Hociety, Offln la UoUtlng Bld( fiend, Oregon GOOD COMFORTABLE STYLISH SHOES FOR MEN WOMEN AND CHILDREN AT BREDENHAGEN'S HIGH CLASS BUGGIES AT. Bend's New Harness Shop Manufacturer of HARNESS AND SADDLES Dealer in WAGONS, BUGGIES, AND FARM IAIPLEA1ENTS. Hay and Grain for Sale. Shoe Repairing. H. J. Eggleston Wall Street, - BEND, OREGON The Palm FINEST SODA FOUNTAIN IN CROOK COUNTY AND THE MOST DELICIOUS DRINKS YOU EVER TRIED ICE CREAM CANDY, CONFECTIONERY AND SMOKERS' SUPPLIES ' Oranges per dozen 40c and 50c Lemons per dozen 40c and 50c Tomatoes per pound 12tfc and 15c Bananas perdozen 40c and 50c TURPIN & BRANTON Wall Street. O'DONNEIX BROTHERS UNION MARKET E. R. POST, LOCATOR Choice J)2()-nere homesteads. Soil from 5 to HO feet deep, abundance of water at 15 to 25 feet, entirely free from rocks. Grain and dry' land alfalfa successfully raised tor several years. Let me show you the best in Central Oregon. Hotaung Building, Bund, Orkgon. Crook County Abstract Co. INCOKrOKATKP. ABSTRACTS 01' TITLK to all Uud and town lot in Crook county. B. F. Wymju, Secy. Pelttevllle. Orecon. I4 v ' '-W Wc photograph the records. SAVE MONEY MtL WITHTIIR Horticultural fire Relief of Qregoi (mutual.) Home office, Salem, Ore. Let me explain. S. II. SNYDRR Agent, Bend, Ore. 1 M j