The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, May 03, 1911, Image 2

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J. J. Hill' Offers $1,000 Prize Cup
For Best Wheat
At Lit, New York la Rolnc to have
land ow. Thr ha. netrr own
land hw In New York City ther h
r.etur tx-vn a world'a flr. Hut.
Martini; the morning of November Jrd
and oitlttn? th wvwilng of Nowmlwr
i:tlt, I11. there will b one of the blt
wml ami bt land aliowa In famou
Madlaen Square Garden, New York City,
that lh world ha eer en the Amr
lean I.and and Irrigation Exposition.
New York City hi the l.rcext (xrt of
entry for Immigrant In the world
over one million (l.OOO.oOO) forelum-ra
come to New York eery year Think
of It a million a year' Moat of thvni
are farmer. Mime of them are better
farmer, than we are. Thin big land
Khow will Kt moat of theie hard-work-lnir
people "back to the land."
It would be of tremendoua benefit to
the Northweat If aome of tliee peoplr
could be lnducel to move out on the
farm., and either buy land. If they hue
the mean., or work fur the Northwestern
farmer, until they net .utllclvnt monei
to pureha.e farm, of their own. a. the
Clerman. and Scandinavian, did a gen
eration ago. In.tead of dolnif till., thear
people work for .mall wiiRt-. In over
crowded, conceited center, like New
York City. They do not know about Hit
I'PPortunltlM of the Northweat.
All nie reader, of thl paper an
a.ked to do I. to compete for the valu
able J J Hill prlie or one of the othel
many prlae. offered. Canaila. the ftoulh
the Houthweit. North, North weat and
Kant will all exhibit and .how- their be. I
Kraln.. fruit, and other farm produeta
It I. very neoeiuuiry that the Northwct
ahould make a allowing better than that
of any other section, mi that the bettei
liana of the Immigrant., ami of th
tliouiand of native American.. In and
around New York City, who have tin
mean, to buy farm, but do not undei
.tand th polbllltla of the Or wit
Northweet, will come to our .ectlon,
In.tead of the other.. Then the prl
r extremtly valuable and are well
'worth while.
J. J. Hill Prize Cup
Jam oh J. Hill, Chairman of the Hoard
or Director, of the Oreat Northern
Hallway. orrra a 11.000 prize cup. live
feet IiIkn and elaborately engraved, for
the lxmt 190 pound, of wheat raided In
the United State. In 1911 and exhib
ited by the actual grower at the Amir
Itan iMntl and Irrigation Imposition
The condition are ea.y. and any
farmer In the 1'nlted Htate. NtamU u
good chanoo to win thl. II.UOO cup It
would be a great honor and a wonderful
ndvertUement to till, locality If IIiIh
run were won by one of the reader, or
thl. paper If It were won by you.
The Oreat Northern lull way ha.
alway ln ready to co-operate with
nny wlncere effort to make the North
went and the Nuitliweatf rn farmer more
Vroaperouii. They have lued a hand-
D. E, Hunter, senior partner in
the D. E. Hunter Realty Co., of
Dayton, Ohio, which has a quarter
interest in The Bend Company, and
a director of The Bend Company,
arrived last Wednesday, Mr. Hun
ter probably will remain here for a
considerable time. Upon his return
to Bend, which he has not visited
since the consummation of the town-
Whether or not you wish to buy, if there is anything you desire to know about
Bend or Bend property we shall be glad to aid you. We have just purchased a
new automobile, which is to be at the service of you and your friends who wish
to see Bend and the surrounding country.
Remember where our headquarters are in the old Pilot Butte Development
Company's office on the corner of Wall and Ohio streets the south end of
the big lawn. Address all communications Relative to Real Estate to
a7 O. H U N T E R
nome four pasi- leaflet printed In two
color, with an lllu.tratloii nhowlng the,
Jame. J Hill prl.e cup Thl.
leHet tell, all about the omdltlon. gov '
erning ini. ami oilier pnie eoniwtia.
The radir. of thin paper are advlixd It
I. J. SU1 1,000 Prize Cop.
write to II C I.eoly, General Immigra
tion Agent of tho (irrut Northern Hall
way, located at 116 Orent Northern
lt.ill.lf . U. ...! !....... ...,. l .
..ui.imhk, r-i M mil, mum num. nnu IIMM
Informed the editor that he will be glad
to wend til 1m leallet and any other In-
lormanon ueaireu io any reader or u"
site transfer, Mr. Hunter expressed
himself in moat enthusiastic termM
regarding the rapid progress that is
being made by the town.
If you want farm machinery,
wagons, buggies, etc., see the Bend
Milliner & Warehouse Co. and save
money. Stock in soon. tf
Get out that old spring suit and
we will make It look like new.
Peerless Pressing Parlors. 62tf
a aV ' t&w ' IB
8015 1 TRAIL
Hut, Unlike Jeffries, They Come
Mack, Deciding There' no Place
Like Home anil That liend
Is the liest of All.
Overcome by the desire to see
what is doing in therailrond Held, two
Bond boys, Floyd Carney and Ernest
Stone, aged rosjiectivoly 1G and 111
years, loft Bond last week bent on
"hoboing" n while. Like tho cat
and unlike James J. Jeffries, how
ever, thoy "came back," three days
of "seeing the world" sufficing
With $1,150 between them the
lads left here Thursday morning, say
ing to themselves, "We tlon't know
where we're going, but we're on our
way." By hiking and free rides on
passing vehicles, thoy made thoir
way to Madras. From there they
I got n crosHtio pas on the Oregon
Trunk and set out toward The
Dalles. When within about two
miles of Mecca, a station sixteen
miles from Madras, they decided
that "homo, sweet home," was tho
best for thorn and faced about, tlo
torminod that Bond was their real
meet a.
They arrived hero Sunday morn
ing, much begrimed and weary but
withal not penniless. During the
three days thoy bought one square
meal and slept in one bud, getting
home with just fifteen cents above
financial zero. From Redmond to
Bend they rode like aristocrats,
on a motor truck, and also during
their wanderings had the enviable
distinction of riding on a railroad
train, though work train it was.
Floyd Carney is the Bon of Mrs.
W. A. GrifTith. Ernest Stono'B
mother lives in Colorado and he has
been staying here with Mr, and Mrs,
H. Emery.
You Have
to file on 160
Acres of
"Carey Act" Government
Irrigated Land
You must act promptly or Lhis land will
be gone as it is settling rapidly.
Central Oregon
Irrigation Co.
Write for Information to
-4 t