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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (May 3, 1911)
C. Al. DAVIS A. .1. MORRISON ! FARMS, CITY PROPERTY, ACRE TRACTS, IRRIGATED LANDS, .'& K 320Acre Homesteads I Business Chances, Timber Bought and Sold. List your property with us. We will sell it if it can be disposed of at a saelable price. We can locate you on the best Al. J. Morrison has lived in Bend for the past eight years and has made a business of locating and cruising govern men t lands in Central Oregon. He knows the land and will locate you on the best to be had. If you arc going to take government land find out who your locator is, and whether he has lived in the country long enough to know the lands; also if he is reliable. This Is a matter of importance to landseekers. We have some very choice acreage platted in 1 1-2 to 2 1-2 acre lots with streets on all sides, at $150 an acre. Good terms. Fruit or residence property. One mile from depot site. Homeseekers' Land Company bend, oregon For Sale and Want Ads. M. J. Morrison can locate you on ,820 acre homesteads. tf Wasted Cook nt Pilot Butte ranch. Telephone or call. 8p Rye hay for sale will sell cheap for cash. Ed. Hnlvorson. 4tf I can supply alfalfa pasturage for ten town cows. H. J. Overture. Nyal's Family Remedies are sold in Bend by the Patterson Drug Co. 8 Bailed clover, alfalfa and wheat hay for sale. C. P. Becker, Laid law. 50tf Your City property listed with us will find ready sale. M. S. Lat tjn & Co. 8-tf R. M. Smith Clothing Co. has n splendid line of men's clothing in stock now. S-tf List your property with the Home seeker's Land Co., Wall Street, Bend, Ore. tf See the B. M. & W. Co. for threshers, onginos, steam pang plows, etc. tf The Peerless Pressing Parlors are now located nt The Toggery on Ore gon Street. 62 tf Eastman Kodaks are the best, and the Patterson Drug Co. bus what you want. S Found A 50-ft measuring tape. Owner may have same by applying at Bulletin office. For Sale. Barred Rock eggs for hatching, $1.00 jer setting. Mrs. E. W. Richardson. 51-tf We Write Fire insurance, Auto mobile insurance, Surety Bonds. M. S. Lattin & Co. 8-tf Kenwood Add. is now on thci market. Prices range from $75 to ' $125. J. Ryan, ngt.' 8-tf j Wanted Woman to work in home two half days each week. Inquire S, care The Bulletin. For Sale In Wiestoria, lot 2, block 17. Price $00: pnymonta $10 I per month J. A. Deomor.Bend. 8-10. Four to fifty milus per hour. "On j the High," can be made with n 'Oakland." F. F. Smith. Agt. fitf I For Sale We have two good lots on Wall street. Price reason able if sold soon. M. S. Lattin & Co. 8-tf Dirt wanted for lawn. Will let contract for delivery of same, by the load. Enquire A. A. Bulletin office. 7-tf For Sale 12 horse-power up right boiler steam engine in first class condition. Stevens & Hen dricks, tf If you contemplate the purchase of nn automobile, investigate the "Oakland" line. F. F. Smith, local Agent. (5-tf Wanted. Relinquishment in the vicinity of Bend. State location and price. Address Vb'4, care Bend Bulletin. 1-1) Sek those stylish Oxfords a R. M. Smith Clothing Co.'s store. 8-tf For portraits at home Imliviihml or group interior views, general out door photography and kodak finishing, call on l (5. Seward, tem porary quarters opixmite the pout olh'ce. 2tf For Sale I'iieai Forty acres of irrigated land 'A miles from Bend, on Bend-Bums Road. Address P. O. Box i:i. Jtf Wanted To borrow $2,600 for three years on 1120 acres of good timber land. Address K, care of the Bulletin. 7-H Kenwood Add. is the only good view residence property on the market. J. Ryan, agt. 8-tf Bend's Best bailor shop Is what the patrons all call lanes & David son's establishment. Four barbers are kept busy now. 8 An e.xrienced bookkeeer desires employment on books. Will work by the hour, day or month. Ad drum N'emo, this office. 7-'.lp Lndies. I have n few of the large sixo lace front, tnllor-iiwde com ts. flowing out nt cost. Mrs. Shtiner, Putnam build'ng, Wall street. The "Oakland" Automobile are made in seven different nt les uf bodies. ;io and in horse Hiwvr. (Juiek deliveries. F. F. Smith. Agent. i!-tf Homestead relinquishment for sale five miles from llend. Water right Included. All fenced and 20 acres in cultivation. Inquire Hunter & Stunts. 7tf ARRIVED FlR.sTshlpmcnl of straw berries, lettuce, radishes, tomatoes, green onioni, etc. Other fni'iueiit shipments to follow. Postollico Cor ner Store. 8 The Iaim;e stock of furniture which Millard Triplett received u short time ago is being sold rapidly. He has a choice line to select from yet, however. 8 We Own a property in Wiestoria facing on three good streets, capable of making four nice lots. We will take $226 for the whole property. M. S. Ijittln &l'o. 8-tf Strayed From (leorgo MHIIciui's ranch, -t-yetir-old Imy horso. Sour on right hind foot from cork. Findi r notify Bulletin. Foil S.U.K Nlnety-thieo Keren of timber land nvHr Rend. cruWiig 626 M. Price. $660. Addnw, II. Fruechtenieht, IU2 I'iHshii St.. Port ImiiiI, Oregon. 7-s MILL TO BE MERE (I'oiiltiliiitl Inini M)i I.) of the ik'Ni(M at a few of the larger Willamette Valley points, it will ho as line as any in the state. "What Impressed me iwilnqw more than anything else while m Portlnnd." said Mr. Sawhlll. "wan the tremendous and rapidly grow ing Interest In Bend. It Impia-ned , that nunouueemeut of my unUnl i appeared in one uf the evening piqHirs, stating that I came fr-nn llend and was Identified with the commercial club here. The next morning Ix'twoen 20 and 26 hiV called iimmi me at the lintel, : anxloitttto gel accurate infoimnti..n concerning our town mix I ruunm Many of Uhwo will mme in Intn " Tli'KKTO NiR the Sllv er ( "best .Irim lug at Pttin' Drug St.n,. .,.,. nearly all ytimv. Vu"II ha..- i . htirr tn Ket one. LmMKKvxmn&vznzasnarxxsxvz traKrar.nmOTrraKgsH:3Dg3 KmmxsoESBsxaBassm Riversid and Additions One Hundred Lots We are offering one hundred lots at a reduction of 25 per cent from list prices. Alake your selection early. List prices range from $100 up. Size of lots 50x140 feet. The biggest bargains to be had in Bend Z5 Off 20 Per Cent Cash and $10 Per Month An adequate water system will be installed and in operation in these Additions within 30 days from the time the railroad is completed to this place. A large water wheel and piping is ordered and one and one-half miles of ditches for water mains are already dug A 20,000-gallon water tank is under construction. Along the railroad, which passes through this property, are natural locations for manufacturing plants. Let me take you over this property and quote you prices. You will find Just what you are looking for. J. A. E A S T E S, Agent. OREdON STREET. FIRE INSURANCE. NOTARY PUBLIC. FARM LANDS. BUSINESS PROPERTY. 320-ACRE HOMESTEADS. WE HAVE TWO AUTOS IN OUR SERVICE AND A CIVIL ENGINEER IN THE FIELD TO LOCATE YOU ON THE CHOICFST Piim ir LANDS. OUR FEES ARE AS REASONABLE AS ANY RELIABLE LOCATOR'S. ' UD1-"-' J 1