The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, May 03, 1911, Image 1

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    Sanford ScliulU
NO. 8
In Special Stitlon Held Thursday,
Slept Are Taken to (Jet lllg l!n
frrprlse lUtabllihed litre
Tikt ot the Resolution.
Hy unanimous voto.tho City Coun
cil, nl a niwcinl session held Thursday
afternoon, adopted a resolution pro
viding for the iit Idk "f aliomiH for
tin; eittnblliihnient of a woolen mill
hereby Dr J F llnlley of Portland.
If tin mill Is constructed forthwith lit
a conI of $:ir.(),(KK iiiul employs an
many ax MO eoplo a day. the city
agrees (o pay annually to Mr Hulley
a Mini i'tiiul to the auiouul of the
cit taxes levied against the woolen
mill until they aggic-giiti $2o.00() it
Major Coe was the only member
if the council absent anil Mr Allen
acted im mayor pro tern. Council
man Sellers introduced the resolu
tion. which had Ixrn drawn up Ity
Cll Attorne) Forbes. The follow
ing is its text
Wlirtmi. iimc J. I'. lUllry .lcllr to
ffftliMtth oiilld nl ciwttmel n woolen
on) t Ihr ol) nl Hil. Die . ami
Ulirirm, Die mid J. I' Wmlf) K"
irr Hut llir mII mill Hill rtHl ptfO'
lllltrl fv . nml
Uhrir., lie fiittrier i:ttmnter lliat
i'ir mi I mill Hill fuiiiUh rm)ilvmenl to
t i ie plr. eir HMiie. j-cr ily, swl
U lirirnt the uMliiIlnK H1 the opeiH
i .11 . 1 .mil HiMiteil mill Ml the city ot
I rn I nr , Mill l 4 Kirt tienrfil ! the
. it .! llni.l. it. iitini nn'i inh.i'iilmii..
il.rirl. ir l.j It ir licit ti) tile CiiIHHhhi
i muii. il nl the mi ( M'l that, il the
..1 I IUiU htl (uitliwilh pun "'I
i . iMiitliuil ami litl wuulH Will.
niiil..)iiii; .iiuiwlrly the HMMlwr ot
,uilr himI ctMtlllg tf lHlrly Ihr
mi m almeMiil wtMthHM'd, tVw rlty ul
lleml, in iihleitl'W Iheiwf. Iierehy
i milt itwll tu jty to thr will J I' Mrnlr).
lu lime or alKH, nriutly fur Mll
Mi.ictme )rm, ftrl the Mid wowlcil
mill i it.tiliiu-ri mhI limine hHIiIi
time U Iml Mw ofwrMnl, i amount l
tiinuri rijual to the amount w( rll) lr
a aM-r I limn teat to yeai uiiiM the
aiiI J I llilri, hl ltllMl aeAlglii, fw
the ( ii'iwin eiii.iMIH ol Uh HooleH
j mix Ihr ailie to the ittrlt)
that i nrtty or IhildeMt the
.. i u.r ami iHwUtriMMCr ol U1
HiHilen mill, the ihl amomi to lw jwtd
liom ear to )rar iIhiIiik the oiatin
ol Mul mill until orli aimmnt thall, in
the ameKale, amount to the itii'i ul
Communications woie received by
the Council fiom Hubert H. Gould
and YmtiiK & I'nderwiMKl rcKnriltiw
the con! of tlit preliminary work
of ileH.KniiiK -'Wl'" "JHtein for
Why Farmers Should Keep
A Bank Account As Well
As Business Men.
Their hank dejitwit liook uirunlii them n complete record
of their ciimIi receipt, whilu tho Htuh of their check hookH
ateaiierfect record of exH!nnea and paymentH. I'ltyinK n
laborer, n More account or any other bill with a bank check
i much wafer than vv ith money; becaubo you avoid the rink
of liandlinK tho actual cash, and tho endorsed check rcturiuil
hy tho hank Ih tho btwt kind of a icceipt.
FitimeiH, try tho experiment for one year of keepinK it
bank account and eo If It doe not pay you. A large num
ber tif tho bout farmorH have accountH with ua now wo
want every farmer to have one with ub.
The Deschutes
Banking & Trust Company
Of Bend, Oregon
"Conservative Banking for Conservative People."
I,. B. IIA1KI), (1'rcaMen!) J. W. MASTHRS, (Vice TreilileHt)
V, O. MINOR, (Secretary)
' I,. 11. nAIr),.-l O. MINdR, S. V. HAIRI).
Hi'iitl. A motion to employ Mr.
(Jould to kcI up a data to he nub
milted to a H'wer expert vviih IokI
hy a vot of four to two, and the.
1 matter wuh temporarily droped.
The Council adjourned to meet In
rt'Kular nwnlun on Tucuday cwnlntr.
May 9.
Local Credit Urganlzatioa'a Affaire
I'fojtreialnf I'roiperoualy.
At a mcetlntr of the Herul Mer-
chunU' I'roU'Cllve Aiwociutloti held
ThurNlay nlicht a Koncral dlcuHHlon
of the work of the orjfiinirjttlon wax
IndulKcil In. Many of thu merchnnU
expreimed tlit'iiiwIvcH im already
liuvlnif derived much benefit from
the aiwociatlon. A mattei tiiat wan
eiiH'cially (IIm'iiwmiI, and which il
wim decided to IuIiik to puhllc at
tention an thorouKhly an powlhlc,
wan that nriv perwiii wIiom- numc
lutH heen placed umiii the inmociu
tlon'H ilclliuiiiuiil IImI may. if he con
Miilura riuch action wai taken without
duu cuiiN', lay IiIm ciimi hi'forf the
hoaid of dliectorH. If the hoanl
decldei IiIh crellt hy inoinherH of
the orKiinlrjilion liim heen unfairly
withdrawn, hucIi action immediately
will Im withdrawn and the com
plulniint'ii name taken from the de
llniiuent lint. The Ued Cnnw I)ru
Co luiM Jolniil the HNwrclntlon.
Wllllflinctto PrcalJcnt to .Speak at
School Cloilnic.
The prlncliwl ijienkerMl UiUyuHrV
coininunctfinunt of the Mend t'hiHl
will lw Dr. Fletcher Iloiimn. puiii
dentof Willlwiifttf I'nhomliy He
will deliver hii wldrewi on Wwlm
dny. Mny 21. KinK from here to
I'ritH'ville t fill h iinllr enKt
inoiil there.
School will clow on Friday. May
HI, hut the icrHilualUm oxerclMrt will
nut he held till the follow inn Wed
iiwulMy. It wrw neceiemo' f"r I'rin
ciwl Harrington t wlecl thin ilate
in order to weure Dr Hoinan.
Central OreRiin CollllllCfClal, HoJIca
I'lannlne In Ori:onlc Smin
A call for n conference of tla
commorciHl ImmIIuh of Central Ore
won will prolmbly lie iwiueil in a
uliurt time to tlhwuiw the formation
of n Central Ori'K Development
IxnK'ic to work for the advance
ment of thin part of the State.
Secretary C. C Chapman of the
Oregon Devolopment Iauo in
formulatinK plan for the prnMml
Union Company Will Install $250,000
Plant Here Immediately Upon
Completion of Railroad.
The location nt Hcnd of the Inrjfeat woolen mill in the Pacific North
went Innwiured.
A contract for the erection of u $20,00" mill immediately nfter the
completion of the Oregon Trunk Kallroad to this place, Htlpulating thnt
It nhnll bo In operation within mIx month after that date, and that It
ahull employ JIOO worker, ha heen idKtied' hy Dr. J. F. Hailey, on behalf
of hi organirjitlon, the Union Woolen Mill Company of Wanhougal and
Union. In return IJend furnished four ncre of Huitnhlo hnd gratiH, the
city rebate taxes to tho amount of $WM), and 31)0 horw power I
Niipplied f r it term of year ujmhi an arrangement, detail of which a
yet are not completed.
Manager Sawhlll of the Commercial Club, who arranged the con
tract with Dr Hailey in Portland lat week, i working out the detail of
the undertaking. A number of power proposition are under con
Hideratlon. a ate nito for ta. m;. Definite data concerning this end of
the elite rprbw and many of llie detail, a yet undeeidet, will he suttled
and announced In the course of the next few week.
'I hi will he a lx wt mill, having CO complete loom and C0O0
Kplndle, the mme a thnt ojoratcd nt the Oregon City plant. However,
the I lend etahllnhinent will he superior to the other, lnamuch a all the
machinery employed here will he entirely modern. Between 'Md and
KM) worker will be employed.
Three heparnte building probably will he erected to houbc the plant,
all of brick, and the Inrgeat with dlmenion COxlOO feet, of three stories.
Keckoning on the conservative btuit of three dependents to each
worker the coming of the mill will mean an increcuw in Hend' imputation
of at least KMK) eroii. All oiieratlvus are recruited from the rank of
skilled lalKir, and will lw Imjwrted. According to Dr. Hailey the pay
roll of the Howl plant will lw about $2(MJ0j,'a week. This figure is
reckoned .m h single ten hour hlft. However. It i the comjmny' an
iHiunctil intention to oiwrato a double hift, thus increturfng the iy roll
figure t limat nlxty jwr cent.
In ndditiifn to the woolen mill a scouring plunt will lw Installed, of
Millicient eapudty to ncmir all tho wool in this section. A Oregon wool
shrink from CO to 7. jwr cent In weight in scouring, the advtmtage of
scouting here before exiwrt sliipHngtotheenat, In ttw resulting eiiormou
riilurlion in freight tiwt, will tend to centreline atl Central Oregon wool at
lkml, lwth for hwl hihI export uhi.
'Hie mill will have a manufMcturing cnmcity of 1,200,000 iKnmd on
a single ten hour shift.
Its chief output will lw blanket. The Wnshougal mill ha Iwen
making theoe for the Chinese tniilo for several yotira, during all of which
a double shift ha heen employed.
.Many I'urclianes Aladc of Residence
Property Coat of Railroad.
That there i much demand for
residence lots in Center Addition i
evrilenced by the many salon of lots
there made during the week or ten
Among the purclin.N.1 made tire
ttie following: W. H. Seller, lots
1 and 2 of block 2l. George Hrosl
erhou. lot 0 and 10 of block ll.
Millard Triplutt, lot 1 and 2 of
block 28: K. W. Hlchanlson, lot 1 1
and 12 of block 10. It. II. Gould, I
CANNOT be excelled for quality,
durability and purity. Triple
plated, turquoise blue, inarbeli.ed
with a line vein pf snow white on the
outside and lined with brilliant snow
white enamel.
Full Stock
Come in and you
prices are right.
N. P.
lot of block 20. V. A. Forlw and
Ralph Polndcxtur lmve purchased '
lou 1 1 and 12 of block II. arsl lot'
i -.0.1,1 nt ,.r i.Lu.1. in i i ui ;
tin & Co. lout 7 ami 8 of block II,
and lot I of block HI. Cha. Stan-
borough lot C of bhwk 20. ami W.K. J
Kchternnche lotn 1C and 1C of
block 30.
Railroad Officials Will Accompany
Local Men on Harney Trip.
The trip to Hums which was post-
(Mined from last Sunday will take
place this Sunday, a large party of
Majestic Ware
on Hand,
will buy. My
local husincM men going by auto
over the new road to the Harney
county sent, where they will offici
ally announce the completion of the
highway, and for a dny lw the
guests of the Hum Commercial
W. C. Wilkes, Aest. Gen. Frt.
Agent of the S. P. & S., who has
general charge or the freight traffic
matters on the Oregon Trunk, will
ho with the party, accompanied hy
J. I. Springer, Traveling Pass.Agcnt
of the G. N. The party expects to
return Tuesday.
Population of 1910 by Election Pre
clncls Announced Front Wai hlniton
The Cenius Bureau has just i-
HUfd Htatistic of the population of
nil the minor division of Oregon,
showing how many jwople live in
each election precinct. The figure
for Crook county for 1010 are n
hwbvl ptttirrx Inetwllnf Athwexxl town
Aihww! town . .. ...
linr Crrtk . .....
! r Crrtk ... . . ... .... ...
Ilftiil ifMHnl, itnire with llfmlelljr
llUek Itullr- . 4, .
Ditrit M , .........
Cra)Clrli.... . .. .... .. .. . .
Cru Krj. . ... .. . ... .
lK-butr. inthtMnic IKhult irwl t.Jrtlc
Irvhulc town . m.m.. . .... 64
Lytic town -.. ...... . J
Ilirdlo . -. ....... - . IM
liny Crrtk . .... .... .....
ll.y.uck . .... .... . .. 4
llowmd . . .. . . .. -. . 5
ItrUtxl pttrtnti. Im4u4(b Xtxliml lawn ilj
Ktrlnd town X.
Jahnmn Crk . .. ........ ij
KHUSrr, Incrirdliir M4f. twn - .. - hft
M.ilrtt trn . . .. . JC4
UMkv liKti4lfl( IMlaw Kan... 416
LMtw tw . 49
IjIMMttlU .. .. . 119
I.ylrfrop . . Il
McKy tss
Mcy . ... .. Ji
Mitt Cfwk - .. - Ml
lBlcmMy .... - K
N'cwmmwC'kV. - ...... .-.. -lot
fimHt MH'. .. . .
If Inrrlllr ycdsK. Wtlile wHk llie-
14 1
lliKlltr cHf . - ... W4J1
K4hhmhI mrladlUK Clitw Pallt W 7H
Clin Vtii Ht a - - jo
SwMMit 44
Wmm H"a 44t
WiMow iak .. . . . it
WrM MKtltft ImIIh Kttr4itm fmtl a(). it
Te4l fef Wrm hH" IikIUh Krwrni-
tiM htCruk lad WwConllr . .
Jury Decides Sheriff Has ISo Cae
Against I'rolilb Paper.
PKINKUU.K, Ore., May 8. Yes
terday the Grand Jury by unanimous
vote decided on "no indictment" in
ttie criminal libel cam; brought by
Frank Klkins and John Coombs
against L. D. Wiost, R.V.ConsUhle,
G. T. Morehead, Hen Cotter, Earl
Hon ton. L. A. Hunt and J. A. Hoff
man. The accusation was made on
the grounds of alleged libelous
articles published in the Citizens
Call during the recent political cam
paign, when the Call spoke rather
plainly concerning the administra
tion of the sheriff's office.
The case of Linstcr vs. Overturf
was decided in tie latter's favor
before the circuit court.
iVaVffVfSl( i rffiyfffiffi
The First National Bank
Dr U O. OOE, Prctldtnl E A. BATHER. Vic Pr(ldnt
Ccpltal fullr paid ... S3S.0OO
StockholdarV liability S3 S OOO
Burplul SS.000
Statement of the First National Bank of Bend, Oregon,
At rtndtrtd to ttiTr(ury Dtptrtmtnt of Ih UnlUd State.
Wathlntton. D. C, March Tlh, 1011
Leant aul IllKOunt
IUuV. lluiniinE an4 Lot......
l'urultuit anil Hituret-....-.
ilir.HS oS
::-.. J$!s
..... l.JOO CO
I. . .. V i u. l.r.7.. ......
V, Ot IHJ1IU. MW .-- ... .-, -
five I'rr Cent Ketlrinptlou l'uuil 6) uo
". 59
Uend Depot of Concrete and Stone
Will lie One of Finest In State
Hundreds Will Help Celebrate,
A Qala Day for Bend. 1
With the contract for the woolen
mill in his pocket, assurance that L.
W. Hill, President of the Great
Northern, and many prominent
Portland men would be here to help
Hend celebrate the driving of tho
"golden spike," and bringing an
nouncement that this place is to
have one of the finest railroad de
pots in the state, Manager J. E.
Sawhill of the Bend Commercial
Club returned Sunday evening from
Portland, where he has been for ten
days working in the interest of the
Through C. C. Chapman, Manager
of the Portland Commercial Club,
President L. W. Hill has announced
his intention of being present at the
time of the Oregon Trunk's com
pletion to Hend. There is a possi
bility, though no definite statement
of such a visit has beon given, that
J. J. Hill may also participate in the
evonts which will mark the com
pletion of the Hill road into Central
Oregon. At all events, many prom
inent railroad officials will be pras
ont. The Portland Commercial Club l
much intereated in heijHng tho local
commercial organization make
Hond's first "railroad day" a mutter
of state-wide importance. The itofce
City business men already are en
thusiastic supporters of tho schome,
and with the cooperation of the
Portland publicity bodios and the
railroad it is practically assured
that the local committee which it is
planned to send to Portland later
will he able to get at least 500 Port
landers to $gn up" for tho Hend
trip. In addition to thoso Portlantl
will Mind, a delegation porhajw
equal in size will he on hand from
While the building plans as yet
are not entirely complete, newa
comes from the Oregon Trunk offices
that the depot at Hend will lie of
concrete, lined with native rock,
with dimensions 00x30 feet. It is
the intention to make the structure
the most imposing along the Central '
Oregon Jine, and, with the exception
(Continued on pave 10.)
Capital juM lu full.....,
IJJ.000 oo
, J ooo oo
tt...lll.ll i..c.
,.. ll,yo 00
8l M6 8j
f IM.JJ0 5