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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (April 26, 1911)
'A ' CLOSING OUT SALE Wo arc absolutely closing out our entire line of Wfagons, Harness, Barbed Wlro, Poultry Wiro, Noils, Building and Rootling Paper, in facd EVERYTHING IN THE HEAVY HARDWARE LINE. om Reliable Peter Schuttler Wagon The one wagon that has stood tho test of time. This is tho wagon chosen yoars ago by Brigham Young to movo tho Mormons across tho Great American Desert and thoy mado tho trip "without oven having tho tiros reset Thoy aro just as good a wagon today as thoy wore 50 years ago. Tho 3 1-2 inch ond larger sizes arc fitted with tho patented stool collars, making them absolutely tho strongest wagon mado. All sizes aro fitted with tho patent metal sand guards, making tho axlo dust proof, an advantage that it is well to consider in this country. Another thing to remember Is that "EVERY PART IS GUARANTEED" by tho manufacturer. Now for prices: 3-inch Old Reliablo gear only 3' -inch Old Reliablo gear only 3'; -inch Old Reliablo gear only 3 ' -inch Old Reliablo gear only 10-foot Pctor Schuttler bed 14-foot California rack bed . ... $ 90.00 95.00 105.00 12r.50 30.00 40.00 Wo have in stock extra polos, reaches, axles, skeins, collars, etc., so that if an accidont should happen to a Schuttler you can get fixed up without a long wait. This is a good point to remember. For SOLID WORTH Buy the Peter Schuttler Wagon. 4roc "Tho Store of Better Values." BEND, ORXGON I plowing. He reporU also that travel Is heavy in that direction, nine iwagonH being met by him mi he came In within a mile or two, near Milllcnn. Ccorge Dewltt, Fritz Antiunion, T. It. Nevius, Phillip Cardinal. (Jeorge Mnrer and Charles Ferns trorn were located on homesteads in tho Hampton Butte country the lust week by the Stowart.Steelle & Rich ards Company. The library has received the fol lowing books for the pay shelf: "Old Row iiml Silver," Fnrnol; "Colng Some," Reach; "Mollle Make Relieve." Abbott; "Sowing Seeds In Danny," McClung. T J. Srhultz this week filed on a homestead in the fringe Flats section, securing the relintulfihment of W. T. Ing, of Sumner, Wash. Mr. Schultz's fattier also has a 1120 acre claim in that neighborhood. Manager J. K. Monon of the Dwtcliuto L'inil Co. returnetl to Im I'lne yesterday from Portland. He report that an engineer from Stockton. California, will be in next weeK to wt up tile dredger pur chased from Stockton manufactur ers. Jean SchitTer. proprietor of the PtMtollice Corner Store, says he has recoiled from the secretary of the Panama-Pacific Imposition nt San Francisco in 1915. aipointment as interpreter, for which position Mr. Fchiffer applied. He hi oaks 11 languages. (I. P Brookings of Tekamah. Neii., arrived lost Thursday. Ren Kesseler. Charles Taylt)r, James Rrickey, Cal Sackett and Charles Staulfer aatl family accompanied Mr. Brookings from Nebraska. All the party have homesteads in the Hampton country, and are going out to take up residence on their claims. There will be a meeting of the Little Workers at the home Mrs. K D Mcintosh Saturday afternoon at two. Tills Sunday Mrs. Mcintosh has Invited nil members to go on a picnic. Parent ore Invited. All are expected to provide their own lunches. John W. Searls of Spokane Is in Rend toduy on business. II. J. Kgglcston has just received a full line of garden implements. I can supply alfalfa pasturage for ten town cows. H. J. OveitTUKK. Mass will be held at the Catholic church at the usual hour next Sun day, at 10:30 n. rn. Rev. V. L. Wilson came in from Redmond yesterday to assist the Methodists in the building of a tab ernacle. I -idles, I have a few of the large size lace front, tailor-made corsets. Closing out at cost. Mrs. Shriner, Putnam building, Wall street. J. P. Clapp anil E. D. Angell of Fargo, North Dakota, are in town. Mr. Angell is the owner of 100 acres three miles north of town. G. A. Jones returned to Opal City .Sunday. Already much freight has been received there and is being forwarded to interior points by The Jones Warehouse Company. Only &. Mulkey have opened a lo cating and real estate oliice in the Putnam building on Wall street. They will make a specialty of lands in the Liidlaw district. J. W. French of Seattle, a Rend projwrty owner and well known booster for the town, arrived Mon day. Mr. Frcrich says that it is probable he and his family will send the summer here, and that they may build, with the intention of making this their home. We represent the Victor Tailoring Co of Chicago, suits from $15 up the very latest. We will move into our new quarters in the Putnam building on Wall street this week. Fashionable dressmaking of all kinds. Mrs 0 W. Shriner and Mrs K I) Mcintosh 7-tf KAY McKAY. WANTED 40 or 80 ncrci of good land near Bend, Have buyers for one or two good improved farms. Also wanted n good wheat farm. If you have a bargain we want It, li you want a bargain we have It. PEROXIDE OP HYDROaPN. WHAT IT IS. I'xroxidr Hvoroorn li powerful germicide, dlilnfecUnt, unit propliy luetic. Iti action it quick mil polltlve, and it It free from the undetirable feat ure snd danger attending the ute of tuch pottonout article at carbolic acid, cor rot He auMimate, etc. At it 1 virtu ally without odor or tattr, itt ute i pleuMtit, afe. convenient, and otherwlie not objectionable for cut, liruftea, woundt, burnt, tontllllit, tore throat, etc. 2jc tie Peroxide Hydrogen ijc joe " " " jc tt.v " " " joe PEROXIDE CREAM. A toilet luxury. Thl it a non-greaty face erejtn, antiteptic, hygienic and act at a mild tkin bleach. It it free from glycerine, and it rapidly ami entirely absorbed, and it in every way a ttrictly high cIjm and tntufaciory article to ute, SPECIVt.. Jjc Jar Peroxide Cream lod PEROXIDE TOOTH POWDER. A MMl excellent dentifrice free from any abraiive might injure the enamel. Itt regular ute will prevent the formation of tartar, ttreugthent the gumt, makes the teeth pearly white and leavet the breath delicately perfumed. jjc Peroxide Tooth Powder loc PEROXIDE FOOT POWDER. It it very efficaciout for the relief ot aching, tired and pcrtpiring feet. A remedy for that burning aud tmarting 'Mutation, and with bllitert, caltoutand tore tpott on the feel, immediate and marked beneficial effect it felt. Try it if vour feet trouble you and the retultt will be a turprite. SPRCfAL. 35c Peroxide Foot Powder aoc RED CROSS DRUG STORE K BITS ABOUT TOWN. Willis Cirahnm of Phm-nlx. Ariz., is Rend visitor. "Rooms to I-el" lgn for sale nt the Bulletin otllce. The Rev. C. M. Cllne will hold hervicos hem Sunday. Roscoo Howard arrive I from Portland Sunday evening. Bert Chusby f Vancouver. Wash., was n Bend visitor Friday. Mm. R. M. Smith, who has been ill with llie grip, has rocoverel. Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Ho lfi terday fr Sun Diego. California. J. I'. Tnggnrt & Co. are planning tn remodel their store ami hotel. Trout llshing In the Deschutes is now reHirted good 1 local anglers. C. M. Richards has purchad the Sellers residence oil Ironwood nve nun. A. Ruse of Moody. Ore., whs Hinting the arrivals in Bond lust week. J. M. Cahlll of Burton. 0r.. was in Bund Sunday, registering nt Tag gnrt's. J. C. D. Thomas of Cheyenne. Wyo.. was registeretl at Tnggart'ii Sunday. Mr. ami Mrs. Frank Bogue of Iji Pino were Bond visitors Friday and Saturday. . J Wo Now Have J t Jn Stock J 5 a I Z Carload $ I: of t LIME CEMENT and PULP Plaster. 1Kb OVERTURF-DAV1S- 1 MILLER COMPANY OKH1CK IN UEN80N 111.00. T ON WALL ST. ' The Redmond City Council has purchased u street sprinkler for that town. I.. P. Benedict was In town Sun tiny from Portland, registering at the Hotel Bend. C. C. Stevens wns in Bend from Portland lost week, a guest at the Pilot Butte Inn. I). I.. McRay returned to his Port land home today, to Ih gone n month or more. A numlier of new show eases have Wen installed in the Patterson Drug Comjwiny's store. The Imnd gave a pleasing concert on the lawn of the Pilot Butte Inn Sunday nfternoun. A new ganige has been built ad joining Dr. Cue's on Oregon street opHsite the MMtolIlce. There will lie a meeting of the Bend Merchants Protective Asso ciation Thursday night. Saturday Mrs. Hiram I. Allen, mother of II. K. Allen, arrived, probably to remain all summer. B. C. Doyarmond is having a HOxflo fiMit shop built mi Hawthorn avenue, near the railroad grade. Mrs. W. W. Faulknur ontortnined the bridge club Tuesday nnd the "BOO" club lust Wednesday evening. E. McCarth ami son, John (I. Mc Garth, Nooksack, Wash., are in Bend looking for a homestead loca tion. Gustavo Zlmke of Corvallis, Ore., bus bought u $!),000 ranch near Laid law, through Clough & True of Bend. Bend streets were glvan the first sprinkling of the season Friday, when the tiro hose was turned on them. Henklu & Ford located S. C. B. Jay of Soattlu InT 21-10 and George Richards of St. Louis In T 19-10 tho past week. II, J. Eggleston has had his store building painted yellow, with trim mings in green, giving it an attract ive appearance. Youug & Underwood, civil engi neers, ami Mr. Clark, an architect, will open olllces with J. A. Euates on Oregon street. The Royal Neighbors of America will give 11 "calico social" at Wood men's Hall Thursday evening, A unique program has been nrranged. After aupper thore will bo dancing, Workmen have lieen putting in ' during tho past week a numlier of , culverts at street crossings to carry water for irrigating. I W. R. Sellers soon will begin the construction of a residence on lots 1 and J of block 20, Center Addition, which he has just purchased. The most attractive and best equipped barber shop in Central Oregon is that of Innos & Davidson. They now operate four chairs. J. S. Jackson, a homesteader, hail n line horse to get away from him lust Friday at Millican's rnnch. He wn in Bend Monday looking for it. John E. Peters, a San Francisco traveling man who visits Bend about every six months, was here last week. He was accompanied by his family. It is underood E W. Richardson eH.'Cts to build n house for his daughter, Miss Nona Richardson, on the hitter's proiwrty. lot 12 in block 10. of Center Addition. Mrs. Ralph Sencor entertained n party of ladius at "BOO" Friday afternoon. Mrs. C. D. Rowe re ceived the head prize and Mrs. John Steidl the consolation prize. F. M. Marshall, a recent arrival from Oklahoma, says he has secured a location in the Hotalng building next to F. C. Rovvlee's, nnd will open a barber shop in n few weeks. rlend people are nlrendy arrang ing tonttend tho Portland Rose Fes tival. Juno B to 10. and a larger j number than ever will go. owing to 1 tho improved railroad service this jyear. I Report from Cove orchard, where many Bend people buy fresh fruit during the summer, aro that tho peach crop will lie nearly a failure this year, frost having nipped the budiN j County Superintendent R.A. Fort! says he will apportion tho county 1 school money as soon as Sheriff T. N. Balfour turns It over ,to the treasurer. This will probably bo done this week. This ovenlng, at tho Baptist church, the Rend lodco of Odd Fol- ...-.., ... .... .-...,.- . lows will holt! n public anniversary meoiing, beginning at 8 o'clock. Tho program was printed last week in the Bulletin. Wnlter Taylor camo in from his homestead on Pringle Flats Sunday nnd returned yesterday. Ho says the settlor near him are doing much I NEW SUMMER GOODS ftT the Ladies OU certainly will he interested in the pretty creations in summer goods that we 1 are now showing. Our store Is running over full with new merchandise, just ar- rived, and the ladies who have been in to examine and buy, are remarking over the remarkable values and low prices. We now have on display a new line of beautiful shirtwaists, handsome white petticoats, corset covers, corsets, ladies' underwear and H hosiery, children's and infants' hosiery, benutitul straw bonnets for the little ones, new D handbags, etc. 1 ou are cordially invited to call and look over the goods. Nothing to equal our shirtwaists have ever before been oflered in Bend for the price. They arc new, stylish 11)11 models and include mercerized embroidered panel effects, lace fronts, nnd entire fronts of heavy open embroidery. (t r J (11 CAi The illustration tells the story better than words. They ;ftl ?) 1 Jl rill m.wmms mmakm wAVV v are remarkable values at JWW ' fir LADIES' UNDERWEAR. BLEACHED RIBBED VESTS Jersey Ribbed Vests, crocheted neck and ja armholes, only IUC Ribbed Vests, wide lace at neck and arm holes, only 15c Ribbed Vests, cluny effect sot-in yoke, laco neck and armholes, mercerized y j tape, only XiOd Ribbed Vesta, lisle thread, lace neck and armholes, mercerized tape, ij. only OOL, UNDERWEAR AND FANCY SUMMER SHIRTS FOR THE MEN. I OMUNSuiti I I Torchon 1 ROWE'S ECONOMY STORE "THE SAME GOODS FOR LESS MONEY." NEXT DOOR. TO POSTOFFICE. yoke, lace houldcritrap ucc ana itp iicctcaud arm bolct, balloou only ., "v. UNION Suit Flue aautr, lace and Up trim, b.Uuou bottotn. only -40c- v;