I li i fr' STAR BAKERY FRESH BREAD Pastries, Rolls, etc. 13 Urnnd Tlchnli ft I 00 3 Urend Ticket 2&c A.enls Served from 6 n. m. to 8 p. 111. Furnished Rooms Put Your Duds in Our Suds Bend Steam Laundry V. The Home Land Company Real Estate and Insurance. HOMESTEAD LOCATIONS. Timber Lands, Irrigated and Dry Farm Lands. Hotel Dalles Tho Dnllos, Oregon Ycmi air ni.lmllv inwtnl to nuke Till. lldTKI. IIAI.I.I'S our irtllliK pUrc wlillc mutiny rr iM-turrn Irniiixin mir way to hhI (nun l'liitlmiil Net. iliiriiulil riiiipH-l, itiiMlcril halrl, olcntit litnt. rlrvntnr antic aim! rtxiina with ImiIii 1'itit cl c(c. KM, f I rntil upMiitil Ideal SloppitiK Place Going to nnti from Central Oregon. PETER KUEHNLING, Manager. Hotel Bend Corner Uond and Oregon Stl. AMI:RICAN PLAN Rates $2 and $2.50 a Day HUGH O'KANE, Manager J. A. HAZUKA W. M. AlcGREGOR Contractors Builders We are Always 'Glad Lo Furnish Estimates Shop in Krai of llowlir lliiildinj,' on Wall Street WMI:N IN BEND STOP AT THE PILOT BUTTE INN Tablo always tuppllod with the ball that the town affords. Ncnt nnd Contfortnblc Rooms. Hkni, Qkhcson My Restaurant SSSirr Open All Night SHORT ORDERS QUICK SERVICE Sandwiches nnd Lunches n Specialty BILLY'S PLACE W, H, ADAIR MLLY'S PLACE Wood! Wood! Now in tlie time to order your winter wood, for the cold nights demand n large pile of dry wood. Can be bought of V. M, Carter at a reasonable price, delivered at any time. Leave orders at A. M. Lara's. F. M. CARTER MRS. NELLIE WRIGHT V S TORS W Wenandy Livery, Feed f& Stable Co. J. II. WUNANDV, Prop. All kinds of light and heavy Livery. HKKI) lfOU SAI.1J. HORSES VOR SALE. Uond Street Hend, Oregon. man school nine de feated TWICE. I'rlnevllle Schoolboy Oct Lone 12nd of Three lo One Score, and Sinter AiCKrrKallon 'lake (lime by ll2 Walkover. DvftnU'd twice In two day on their own ground, vwim- the bitter pill forced ujKin the Hend High Schtiol lmK.bnll team the pant week. On Saturday the Crook County Ulgh School team M;cured n It to I victory, and on Sunday a Sinter nine ran up eleven rcorcH to the local' two. Both gnmcfl were wit- neoned by wvcral hundred fjh;c Ut(ir. The vinitoni won the game in the flrnt inning when hard hitting, coup led with mom, ave them a three run laid. I'roctur, pitching for Hend, proved Inelfective ami after a few inninKS retired In favor of Carl Hunter, who BtopjK'd the HluKKinjr, the only wore Sintem made while he wax on the mound beiriK due to errnm. He fielded hit position in line Htle and chowed much promise. 'I he Hend team wan not only weak at the hat but erratic In the field, KiviriK their twirlcrs jioor support. The lineup Sunday wag. Position Hend cf Sprinuur McKeynoIda Jnhnoon Steidl Wheelock I'roctor.Hunter M. Itichnrdnon Hunter.I'roctor L. Hiclmrdrton Proctor, -I; by 8d m lb If V rf 2d c J Sinter Gist. L. Harr, Hill. SKK, Cork. Afchmore, (5roKn, Ward. C. Harr. Struck out: Uy Hunter, fl; by Aslimore I. The ile fen t of the locals SMturtU wan due lo their inability to hit Lister's curves, ten men striking out. TIw support Klven Springer, wlm pitched a Rood Ktn was rnv; Kfl aral this ahiod the vitdlnrs in their nin-Kettintf. I)cMte the erron, the Kmo wiu n niy exhibition, clever plajsand head wm k Kivinir the spectators their iiiiine' wortli. Each team inn li- thru hits. The lineup was a fi.l'oWS DoKchuleu stocked with them may obtitin eKK by applying to the State Game Warden. ROAD 10 ASM WOOD SOMB DAY. 'f he Deeehutes Hallway has filed a resolution with the county clerk at Prinevillc netting forth that the company desires to build a branch line to Ash wood, 21 miles from the main line. It is the company's In tention, accvirdlnK to General Man ajcer J. P.O'Hrien, to build whenever the necessity arises for such a road. RAISING DAY APRIL 29, 1911. The above date has been set apart by the rx'ople of California in which all are asked to join in eating raisins in the form of "Haisin Bread," or in whatever form is desired. The object of this special day is to create a wide-spread raisin senti ment that will result In a greater demand for that fruit, and to direct the attention of all good house-wives to the excellence of the raisin as an article of food. The good people of the Northwest arc invited by their neighbors to participate in the pleasant custom and "break" raisin bread on April 29. 7 Try The Bulletin job pnntery. m NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Iwt!i7int cfthr lnlrnor t it IjwI Oftxr at Thr iMllt. Off Ron March tilt i . i Nlcc i. titrtby glttn thai ll.rnrtt K Iao-.II erf ln 1 iifrfcm who on tJnfmr t.t tA mart. Ilum..ir4 I'Hliy No M frrial No W( r..r ..i r' n. y and hr n , nU H1 riM, t tuwniliip i h fanxr h ra.i H XI h M.it tMHI.r ofinlrntloti tomakt final In. -r l-iuuf tu'.OMi.h ilaim to Ike lam' al. iI.k'iU.1 Ufuir II C I lli I Com mlMwxitr at hi. cOxr at wnd Uttann oa the ft4h aa) of May lyii Ctlanl hatitr. a. wttnr.a 1 tta M ArnoM Wlll'am ArboM alli A unn and Kay MHilllta allv-fhH) Ot.('rt1 C W WiKjk)1 Krtl.lft Sale of Timber roitland Ot.jon March 14 Dn f'clrdntd. marVtd autaid lifd Timbrr Nalr AMilKalton February ivn lHhutt. and MUml to Ok In.trkt lon.irr I'ut.M -stKT lMllaiid Orriron will br rrctlxd uu to and in ctwdtMK thr 4th day of May iii for all the HtrtcSaHtablt dd tlmlr .landing or down a ltd all the limxr m.tiM lur tutting ny inr lJofe.t otTxrr lvtrd on an arra to b definitely deMrriate.l tiy thr I'ote! offrcrr tjefore ctit ling igiti tnciuninga'MMii 3 44aer. in inr n t ' S ' -Mellon. tan.t hi S 14 I-' l, l, lnl K l I ".I". . 1, e it mh lt -I H SWS Nr-V '. rt I i - i" r i '. si r T tf K t y WM mthiii it Itewhute. Nat onat 1 lt rk..n r.timatcvl 1 br 4 ' a m t.el M M ufUvr and 1 . frri B M f trad w. leeti jr.bm ittnr mi' - . 'r.t II M of It r I rtlgruule- June1 nh tiwitf Ug.le mur or lwi St bid of v.. th.n f; pi till land fe.t H M l"orlte !'. w tinr.ot an I temotd iiwf to February r i.'4 and '.. that; fl . r thouind fret H M 1 r all live Vh tnne ci.1 and re-mowd after I rt ruary a . 4 fi v l thottMnd leet S M be dead " HM and tm T thOHMDct t.el H M f r 'nr luilgeiolemife w ill br cutl.idef ed andadepo-il t f paaV4e to the enter of (he Ht.t Nam lat Sank of Hvrtland .ttegoej moMl. M-nt to thai hak for rarh bit bm ltr.i t. the In.lrul tuf eater Timt r ukh a tl.laim.i. ni.lr trwm aale The iikI I tj rt t i Hi I ' ' l f.MtMl f r fu Ih.r ' ifM,m t n ail 1 reg i lallon. fcoinig 1 e. a. re. frT.t ijei v t !.cti tie. National .teit luiievo Mrrgott , ( J III kk it 1 k l'ittui t oreater i'liueville HvlktlHp lb Thiirnwm. cf Ymiic . 2b Itanium, tth I. Limit, p Kr.iwell. If Mieliel. rf O'Neil. ss H. Lister, rf Hend .McHeynold. :ili Steidl. lb I.. Hichartlson. e Hunter. 2b WlH'trbiek. cf Sjiringer, p .lolinxiii, a M. HichanliMin.if McGillvrny. If SCO II III) letOUr I!(1(1S. Master Fish Warden W. S. Clan ton of Oregon will receive from the United States fish commissioner a large shipment of black sxtted trout eggs for hatching and distri bution. These fish, generally known as "Scckled Beauties." grow to lie about the size of Dolly Vardens and are said to lie very gamey. They are favorite lly trout. Fishermen of Hend who would like to have the Sutherland k Mcintosh CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS JOBBING Promptly Attended to SHOP ON OREGON ST. Kt(itmtc on itipicatli)ii Wall Paper nt Portland 1'rUcv N. P. WEIDER PAINTER & Paperhanger Cheapmt and licit Wall Paper Sam ple In the county, Oct My Prices. Box 39- . Bend, Oregon. JnK5iilaiS'i'N'i' . S3-e . -j Pij.iii5 I fSSSBBBRffl p I ; . . Ini 1 aaa vri.. "t -?y SSSk i e 1 w t ssm -whjuK- ,,lSfarwxx,t'!' i "-r- X - " -w ' N'Wr f rjlJi ' n.M 11 imih iims in. 1, si liltflllillllil N ""Wtew m i, J. EqULESTON'S HARNESS STOKE IN BbND. Logging teams for the Deschutes Land Co. of LaPine, just equipped ' ' 'by Mr. Egg)e8ton, are standing in front of the store. Only Complete Stock of HARDWARE IN CENTRAL OREGON. (5) (oMs) OUR COMPLETE NEW STOCK OF Seeds WILL SOON BE IN. PRICES ARE RIGHT. (V) Bend Hardware Co. Fire Insurance That Protects Our Companies Have Assets of $150,000,000 Years of Experience Make Our Policies "LAW SUIT PROOF" There are other reasons why you should have us write your insurance. Call on us for information. N. S. Lattin (fb Co. (Incorporated) Henkle & Ford HOMESTEAD LOCATORS REAL ESTATE BROKERS We know the land open to settlers know the soil- know the corners and GUARANTEE EVERY LOCATION. Dont overlook these facts if you want to locate. If you have good real estate at the right price let us know of it and if we do not buy it, can sell'it for you. Call and see us. The Pioneer Wood Yard Cull on or telephone us tor all kinds of WOOD We saw Cord Wood and Limb Wood on short notice. Orders Promptly Filled. W. P. DOWNING, Proprietor. Shoe Repairing Experienced, Practical Shoemaker All Work Guaranteed Prices Reasonable F. L. HELFRICH In Old Kelly Store Wall Street r .. f AS aV I, ,