The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, April 26, 1911, Image 4

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An ImlciKtiilcnt newipper, UntlliiR
for the square ileal. clean biulne, clean
politic, anil the let intercuts ot Demi
and Central Oregon.
Hit month .........
Three '
(tnra.ria.blr In ttn.)
. .to
Though a Republican, he was cam
paign manager last fall for Governor
West, and his appointment is de
clared In some quarters to be n
clever political trick.
Some of the people of the Harney
county eal arc Routing the buiMliiK of
nroail between Hurtia anil lie ml. Natur
ally the Hum abator ltae many up
porter at Bend in tlwir sclu me.
Hum people have titel Hcml with the
result lltal work i. reported to have hem
trtrd oA that road.
The Hum, agitators In oril.-r t
create entimenl aaint the Vale route,
are watteritiK report of Iwiil roaiU over
uiwnUins which m till little work can
be made into a pleniHtl highway. In
iKMttiitK (5r the Hend Hurti roaii they
ay nothing of the bi ilecrt that ha to
be traercl. For oxer thirty-live mtle.
teyoml Burns the county bin not n ilrop
of water There is no grtn or feeil to
be hail. IrelRliter would have to luul
enauch water ami vram to lt nn entire
lUy. Iucharoail feasible to heavily
IoJmI friKliilm? outfits? The deert t
MHily, almost imputable, ami jet ih-- I now locate I at The Toggery on Ore
talk of the plen.lul proportion. Of , gon Street. o'Jtf
ciurc iii only a'latul boomer ciieme FoiWD Pair gold rimmed spec
of .tartlnc people to rcacn num. aim wc tace3 jn l)lnck easo A)p,y at jh,j
interior by the way 01 uemi.
All these encouraging
At present the mail from Rend to
Madras goes first to Shnniko, then
to Portland and then to Madras.
Undoubtedly the postal department
has its troubles in adjusting service
to the rapidly changing conditions
tn Central Oregon, but assuredly not
even the most anient admirer of red
taie can congratulate it on any
present elllciency.
For Sale and Want Ads.
M. J. Morrison can locate you on
320 acre homesteads. tf
Rye hay for salewill sell cheap
for cash. til. Hnlvorson. ttf
Photo mailers, large and small,
for sale at The Bulletin otlice.
Three glass counter eases for sale
at The Patterson Drug Store, tf
Railed clover, alfalfa and wheat
J hay for sale. C. P. Rocker, I-aid-
law. 50tf
List your property with the Home
seeker's Land Co., Wall Street,
Rend. Ore. tf
See the R. M. & W. Co. for
threshers, engines, steam gang
plows, etc. tf
The Peerless Pressing Parlors are
the new Rend Burns
road appear in the Malheur Enter
prise of Vale, in its issue of April
15, prefacing an appeal for the im
provement of the road between Vale
and Burns. That Vale should wel
come the building of the Bond
Burns route with little enthusiasm
letin otlice.
Foil Sale. Barred Rock eggs for
hatching. $1.01 per setting. Mrs.
E. W. Richardson. 5l-tf
Lost Bay horse, braid 77 on
1 'ft stitle. Finder return to Aune
stable and get reward.
Get out that old spring suit and
we will make it look like new.
Peerless Pressing Parlors. fi2tf
Four to fifty miles per hour. "On
Fot'Nl) A fiO-ft measuring tape.
Owner may have same by applying
at Bulletin otlice.
Foil Kxchanuk. Fine ilvo-acre
tract near Seattle, for property In
or near Rend, 0. L. II., care Bul
letin. Dirt wanted for lawn. Will let
contract for delivery of name, by
the load. Enquire A. A. Bulletin
olllce. 7-tf
V.NTKri To borrow J'J.BOO for
three years on 1120 acres of good
timber land. Address K, care of
the Bulletin.
An experienced bookkeeper desires
employment on books. Will work
by the hour, day or month. Ad
dress Nemo, this otlice. 7-l'p
Lost On Saturday, probably near
the postollkv. n key ring with eight
or nine keys. Finder please return
to G. M.. care the Bulletin.
Stkaykp From George Millican's
ranch. 1-yetir-oM bay horse. Soar
on right hind foot from cork. Shod
all urnund. Finder notify Bul
letin. 7p '
The "Oakland" Automobile are
made in won ditrerent styles of
bodies. IK) and 10 horse power, i
Quick deliveries. F. F. Smith. '
Agent. (Mf
HomoVond r""miulhment fur
sale live miles from Rend. Wnter
right inc'iufed. All fenced and 20
acres in cultivation. Inquire Hunter
& Staaui. 7-tf
Foil Sm.k Ninety-throe acres of
timber land near Rend, cruising .r)2.i
M. Price. S.VUl. Address, II.
Frueclitetiieht. IW2 Gisan St.. Port
land, Oregon. 7-S
Foil St.K. t'hwji, mmt com-'
plete 20.000 capacity sawmill in
Crook county. Machinery nil new.
Reason for selling, timber all cut
out. Write or enquire at Bulletin
otlice. 7-tf
is oui nniunu. uui. m iia wim.-,"" , rne nigh, can ue made with an
ing desire to slur the enterprise, the ' Oakland." F. F. Smith. Agt. Otf
unhappy Malheur Enterprise rather The Bend Bulletin has for sale the
wanders from the straight and nar-Jbest quality blue print pnHr; light
' nml Mauil it'nnrht uml tltttiluk
uiiu IIUJ ttVilili dill UUUC.
Two glas show case. (iood
condition. Moderate p r i c e.
Inquire at Bulletin otlice.
row path of fairness nnd accuracy.
Tn t,n firat tilnr.. Tliirrw is not I!"-'-
,,,..i,. t.inm..- fnr tho " For Salk 12 horM-nower ui
. ,,' i i riirht boiler stonm enirine in first! A". ?' ! f-r .m !,'r.
mtr. 11 IS UOliCVUU. cumnn:iitvu ,- , .. ... in( ' ririnim
. Vu ... , ., . , . i. ciass conimion. aievens cc tten
chiefly in Bend. Not only is work'j tf
roported to have been started" but I ., ,
, . ,, - i . i r i " ou contemplate the purchase
work pracUcally ts completed; ale f nn automobe investigate the
would shut the stable door after the "Oakland" line. F. F. Smith, local
horse has departed. As to
alleged mlslcadingstatements of the
i"Burns agitators" concerning the
unsatisfactory condition of the
Burns Vale route, and the excel
lence of the Burns Bend road. Not
only from Burns men, who perhaps
might be prejudiced, but from many
others familiar with the country.
the . Agent.
Wanted. Relinquishment in the
vicinity of Bend. State location
and price. Address VS-I, care Bend
Bulletin. 4-9
Fob Sale Cheap Forty acres of
irrigated land 3 miles from Bend,
on Bend-Burns Road. Address P.
0. Box 93. 2tf
Lost. Between Bend and Powell
have come to liend reports oi tne Butte, on Friday afternoon, a straw
transportation difficulties encount- covered suit case. Return to Bui
ered on the road from Burns to letin office. 4-tf
Vale. That there are numerous Did you know that the Bulletin
steop hills -by many termed moun-' Job shop can print your visiting
tains-that there is much rock and I car,ls 0'the "' stock with han(1
, in .t some script type?
heavy mud, would seem unquestion
able; that the route is far from ' FoR S;,:?;-Cab1i" in .bj"ck "
' , . . ,, ., . ., ,Centernddition,nndhousoholdgools.
good the Enterprise itself admit j A barffan if takon bcfofe May ,
when it calls for improvement of the Enquire n premisos. 0-7
wholr4lr luiuor
iir mtifnnr wni a wnoirtilt liuur tlPAlvr
u witaiH lh mrtntng of tht orlmH(r aittl l.i
pfiTtir tui,inmpiii ani pnili rortnrtiuU
Irun of any ofthc p'oti-iunt of thi orilittance
KCTtON t A whotrMtr liqvtnr .Iratrr wiihiii
Hir munine of lhl onllnintr i. onr oho ri
cnrlnlhr bu.lnrx of IIIn bttt ami mall
tvrrarfr In quanlitlp of onr tiarrrl or m ite
ami In Mtimc winr. cMcra whuVrjr ami ltllu
ouatrquoM tn U4ntttlrof are gallon or morr
SHCTION It No twfvjn or txrxint. dim or
cafporalton thatt within thr corporate llralu of
mr vnif oi nrna oirrtujr or innirrcux in ("'"n
or by another aril barter lrr tmty or In an
manner ilHr-xe of any ler or malt heraea
In quanllllea of one barret or more or anjr wine,
elder, wbUker ur ipl'Uuou. lluo In quanll.
Ilea ol Art eallont or niof-, without Aral obtain
ing a brenae therefor In the manner hereinafter
pronged anl tvity per-on, Brnt or curporatlon
to whom inch lltenae ahall U.ue (halt pajr Into
the cltr treasury the mm of two hundred ami
tty doltar per annum In adrauce
SUCTION III Noperann firm or eorroratlon
IKenveit under the prorlaiou of thl ordinance
hatl direetly or indlrrctlx In prrn or by
another e, barter eichante or In any manner
dKpnae of any beer or mall Ta-teragea In quantl
tleate than one barrel or any wine elder
whlikry or plrlluou.lHuuf In nuantlllea lea
than fife gallon
SHCTIOV IV Vo peratin firm or corinratlon
lkenl under the btutimoii "f th a ordinanee
hal direcOynrl-Mlireelly In prra.m or by another
dlir or c .u In be delivered Id anr iMirchaef
or any perxn whalaeee any beer m ll beeer
rxtd and says the job will be a big
"When a competitor knocks you, I
put him on your pay roll," is a good
burjinoss axiom, for a "knocker" is I
a splendid advertiser. So Bend and
Burns gratefully acknowledge the
gratuitous publicity the Vale paper I
is givin,'c the Bond Burns road. '
Every' $1.00 purchase entitles you '
to a chance on Patterson's chest of
Community Silver. Your number!
may be the lucky one. 2tf
If you want farm machinery,
wagons, buggies, etc.. see the Bend
Milling & Warehouse Co. and save
money. Stock in soon. tf
For portraits at home individual
or groups interior views, genera
that Bend in going to lo the
largest city in Central Oregon.
Be prepared make it artistic.
And the only way to do it is to
have n fine electric sign in front
of your store or building. Wo
are agent for the most famous
sign makers in the Northwest,
the Portland Sign Co. signs of
all description. Jean Schiller.
Prompt delivery- P- O. corner.
m w.
C.JMcCuiston Co.
marked our opening day, and it is not by acci
dent that wo enjoyed such romarknblo activity
on that day. Tho substantial reason is that
our line is booked upon reasonable prices, fresh,
clean and up-to-dato goods. It costs monoy
to bo behind tho times. Wo will bo adding to
our lino each day until wo havo completed our
stock with every article of good catablos to meet tho demand.
Woman votes in somo of tho states and it Is said she rules In all
of them, so wo cator to trado that influences all tho buying.
Nothing will appeal to a woman as quickly as a clean and neatly
kept grocery storo with a frosh and up-to-dato stock to select
from, and all of this wo expect to havo just as soon as con
ditions of freighting and rates will permit us. Wo will adver
tise our very low prices just as soon as we can mako our stock
more completo. Our terms arc cabh but our prices aro tho
lowest and if you don't trado wih us wo both loso monoy.
Corner Wall Street and Greenwood Avenue, Bend, Oregon
age wine, i V' w!i .aey . tmttii U u r.
! ant i aniiiv lr, than thai m hi h thry are d t -el umlei the if Hi
old naiKf if It. a 1 iw r pr.tttil ant mnha"
.if any KrMin I dftna any .,1 thr . malt
lt.-rrar wine nl-r. ah Ik'l r ! Mtu.n.
l-.ji, r pur.ha.e.1 f.ui a lKur un tr. Hi',
nt lliiance uimih the reiule cwwred h the
tucnte ol M.h ll.ene
KkTIOS V Aliplwutlim unlet thi. dl
uath-e .hall he'e.w! lu the rll r..unril and
. Ii lit the name of thr aptdwanl and thr ItM and
likaV upon hhh thr ai-ylWaHt t'l"-i" "y
oh hulHr. lehe any lcen.e ahall I . IT 1lte
the apidtcant hall We a wrely lwn.t In the pen!
,un ol fie hundred dollara running ! the -H
of hend and cnllliel thai the Tieenare .hall
not lolate any of the prott.lon f Ihl ordl
nanre and uch tmd mul lw appmel by Ihe
mayor before .h ttrenae .hall t eOretlie
MHCTION VI Any peraon flotallng any f
the proelflon of thl ordinance utwn annate
tlon Iherefor hll tie nlhdby a fine nM ea
ceeitlng fifty dollaraor by Imprlaonmrnt In Ihe
dly)attnut eaceedlng twenty daya or by rwlh
auch fine and impttonment And In raw any
tteenee u"der Ihe prollon of Ihl aedlnanre
ahall be found guilty of a violation hereol Ih.
council ahall forthwith ruke the tkena(nh
Head firal time a ate amende. April II,
Head aetond lime Aprtt 13. 1911
Attetl Approee.1
Keeanter. Mayor
April . nil
Department of Ihe Interior
L' r, LandonVav at The D.lle. Or ,
April 7lh fill
Sot Ite ta hereby llren that Carl II llarh,
of l.aMllaw. Oregon, who on H.bruary ttrl, :
made hinetr. eiry no 14" irrtai r.
aaHI, for tola I and 1 c T f K 11 H
W M ha filed n'rticeufinlenlion lu make final
fire year wif I. r.iahll.h claim 10 thr laud
aUiee deacriiw.1 tyf.ire II C I'llla. f H Com
mn.mner al ht ortue at Be ml fliegon. on in
jrd day of May .i name a. wnne.aea I're" N l
lair Met! Miller Jacob (. Thorp and H Harry
llatlev all of I.akllaw Urriton
n.iu C W- MIMIKH HeglMer
porary quarters opposite
Already numbers of travelers have out door photography and kodak
made their way over the sandy and , finishing, call on C. G. Seward, tern
almost impassable dosert," not only
safely, but with apparent comfort.
It is interesting to note that hun
dreds of hard-headed settlers month
ly are taking up homeateads on the
"desert" and that all seem satisfied
with what they find.
If the building of a splendid roa',
free from hills, from mud and frcm
rocks, connecting Burns and the big
Harney country with Its most eco
nomical railroad oitlet, be a "land
boomer's scheme," as the Enterprise
uxncurou'S Noncii.
Notice l he'hy glecn by Ihe undrMla-Be.! ei
erulur of the r.lalr of I1M1M Maemwle deteel
I Ihe creditor of ami all perwMi haeina-cialm
again.! Ihe aaid deca-aU lu preit Ihem. er
thel a rriulir. by law wlihlH all month aflrr
Ihe Ural publnailunofthl HotHr lu K 11 Minor
at h-a nnVc at Ihe putturhce at bd oicgwti.
Ihe aaine linir Ihe place fiH- Ihe UaiiMrtlon of
(lie Imtlne of the a.ld eiale in Ihe aal4 clly,
co inly and elate
Ifatnl thl 1'ilhilay of Awll i'n
I'aeculiir of theettale of Hiaenaore. Deteavwl. nil
111 Men's Toggery
I Ins Just llcci'ivcd n New nnd a'p-To-Dnto Luu of
Direct from the Factory of the Curlee
Clothing Compnny. Don't fail to .see
the line before buying.
$12.00 to $27.50
Also a Complete Line of SHOES, HATS. SHIHTS,
the post-
I hereby announce that I have
severed all connection with the
Bend Construction Company and
hereafter am in no way resionslbIe
for accounts incurred in their name.
3-7 Arthur Proctor.
Since the Homeseekers Land Co.
located Miss Dora Campbell of Seat
tle, and Miss Pierce of Monroe,
Wa.'h., it keeps them busy with the
many prospective land-ieekers. Trips
to the best lands every day. 6-7
FOR Sale A 35-horse power Erie
styles it, Bend pleads guilty to the City engine and boiler, in firstclass
charge. And Bend regrets that the condition. Reason for selling, we
Enterprise doesn't like it. are doubling our capacity and have
I ordered heavier and larger machin-
Looking for an efficient man for I ? Mastin Lu nber Co.. La Pine,
Secretary of State to succeed ther""""'
.SFtf.Sec. 13, Tp. 17, R. 12 E., 7
late Frank W. Benson, Governor
r,.,. .....,!..! n nr m-. .t
MV9I, uiiihjiiiivu IJUII TT. WICOW OI ma frn r,ml prlnllnnn,l
Crook County. Central Oregon J 30 acres in c-op last year; proof
thereby obtains representation at made; 5-room house. Make propo
the State Canitol and its Intcrnst sitlon to W. H. Haydcn, owner, 410
will no doubt be proper'y looked .F,deI"y Building, Ttcoma, Wash-..-.
- aiu , . ington. 4-7
after, Mr. Olcott owns a ranch in
the southeastern part of the county1 a,.," ,ror n1a-c,n n r,rom r
cently we3t of tho mountains.
Eggj for hatching from runs bred
per setting.-Mrs. W. P. Downing,
Bend, Oregon. , tf
The Best Dry
Slab Wood
Delivered, for
a Load
If Ordered Before
May First.
Lumber Department
A. L. FRENCH, rg strcct
Adjoins Bend on the south.
Most beautiful residential sec
tion in Bend.
Also Some Choice Business Lois.
Timber Lands Bought nnd Sold.
Aw. AetfS-!W