The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, April 26, 1911, Image 3

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4at4at aa -
Iloyd Kmron ami "Klnc'lfi" Km "ft
anlar Kalvla. Alafka. an.l iiimI a ruuna
wlilln Human, tin-try Malotla, who atial
tir Mum
Chrtjr drarrlUa tha nlnmn ftaliarlta
nil Maiali tha uncruiuluu ! ut lt
Kaltlk rannarlaa
Cliarty iiwm a rantirry alia Umtraon,
lair IUII ami alia no lulu rttitrahlp
Itmarauti tUacrllxi III fatlura lo "nukt
imn)" In AlaaWa
Kinvrwui hlM Clirrry aooOtir Hall,
I'rmt ahil ICnirraoti nratlr n llirlr
llvra In Kalinal a anil tula Ilia alaam
rr at Kalinal on Ihrlr ay out tu t
Aflrr i1raitfiil rlv nttona ttiry ralrh
tha tat at Kaillak ami ui mni an nulla
for rniraKit Kinrrauii mki Mlaa MIMird
Hlia a l i.l Kmrraon ara nntanr.1 rr fa
ttier. Wayna WalAhil, la a Inlllloiialia
Allnii ll)iU uffrra IIO.UD toaiil Itia (mi
liary. Hall ami I'mrraiin inaal Mnrali In t'lil
rami Marali l n anlinr for Mllilml'a
liaml Marali Irlla MlMtril kIhiiiI Chrtry
Makill lit. nlhl Vana lall .Un a
IttllK-rlra Irual
MIMinl Uariia Dial I'marann ami ('hrr-
rr ala Mllmit llAMkrr llllllanl, Hiailtl.
lafuira In Irn.l I'Hirfann imiii ('Larry
Ihi liaa alflw.l In Hralllr Hrrria a illll-
, ir lnvlialtoti fMim IUIIlar.1
Cliarry Vr-iti that matton la (n
marry MlKlrnl Mniah iauM aniiyln
ilalaya fnr ItllnTat.ti a art Tarnma !
1 Intra Kmrfautt a lah (Mytla autifaala
lhal Cliarr) hii ! Ilia loan fiiim I III
IUI.I. limrrmn rnranaa Oirrry lr rrltlt lain
l.rr fllflfllv rrlallnna Midi llllllanl Clirr
ry r HHIIanl, wIhi uiirtnrtnlly fur
iitiliaa Ilia mutiny Marali raiiara a alrla,
tlnlaylnaT Ilia ruattlhat ut ICtHeraam'a IHa
ill) tiff)
MI tlon't know."
' "You ilun'l know?
"No; I mil it rvflil anj'lliltiK litlt Hip
,'at iHTforiiiniiiW awl lht funny
jiti'. Wltat lt-a It wiyr"
"It la tlir lMilr atnrr 'f "Hr i-tilrr-'lrltn.
inn rltllculiiinly yarlilinl ami ,.i-
HtKiTBInl. It M)a I Imvc liiHiiltM n
iu'w caiinliiK coiHiHttiy lu luirk lilt
trtiat. It it'll nImiui f,uric' fi'inl
Willi Marali mul n hi. Imti- Ih.iIi
' awrrlljr irt'Mir!tiK I" ! ti Imn..
IiimmI Ijiril' It'a M'' lu iiwr II a
llli tin Iwnk ami iiti-i ilit il.iil"
"I llrllH'l Kin II I'lil "
"It l all tli.iif m jwir iMril'-liirljr
)ilrttiriiiiii l)l.'." ilWlaritt KHH'riM.ti
MiiHrlly "Allun "HiatH Ih Umiwa
IKillllllK nlMilll II, oo full imiol lmri
'lliiHf II. Il la ItM) riiaarl rnfrtH't 10
Iwit rmiii. fn.Hi m atrniiiit'r"
-WVIir' Impilriil I'matr iulily
"Tlio liar m la ilmir. lull I want li
kHw hhi la tn IiIahoi." U'lit'ii Hit
ntlir iiiaitt mi una hit i'i'cit id aunt
at lilin I'lirlnnaly i flu i mi I iii, "Wliy
'ItHl't iiHl fimfi-aar"
I'nr I In' Drat Mini' iltirtnit llirlr tie-
illillnlanrr "I'lliKiTlitaa" l"rnat'r aMliuil
"t n li" fur unfit. 1ml ulu'llicr fur
tiatlit' nr MHlin nllitT ninth i' lila ruin
.iaillntl na Uliallr tu It'll. Ilia liflllirr
vina an unnttl tlial tilt I'lirwllnlia ex
,ire(tl Itli'lltarlrra In way, tint nlwn)a
ity in follow. nihI imiw Iip iinrtily n
lunrkit). with nimrt'iit unllfiinoaa:
"I'm rertnlnly n hot fuvnrlio with
)0U" llo clninlK'fiil atlltly Utck Into
Ixtl ntnl turnttl Ilia tlfllaiil fnt'o to tlm
'wnll, nor woulil ho iiut! lila noctuvr'a
ryVa or oin'tt lit tip, oven when lloyd
'tluiiK out of the room, convlined Hint
Lu wiia Hut culprit,
j A telephone iiicnhiiko miuunnncd htm
Pfo the hunk nt 11 o'clock the following
tuornliiK. 1 "Tlmt meiint Irouhlt'." he told (leorj;i.
"Mil) he not," the Mk tlihurmnu ro-
.plletl. "If llllllnril took any Mock In
llieHtory It Hftiina like hu'd liuvv Jumi-
ttl you the next diiy."
"Our miichlnery lu ordered. You
reullzo what It will menu If ho bucks
.witter nowV"
"Hure! We'll Itovo to ro to Homo
other Imttlt."
"lltitiiplil I'll wrlim l'niBcr'M nuok.
mutteretl KnierHoti, "We hnve trouhle
iiioubIi without nny now ouch."
' It wit with no little nuxlety Hint
bo nuked for tho tmuker nt tho "I--
'iwlutod hour and wun ahown Into uu
anteroom with tho nuuouncctnont;
. "Mr. llllllnrd la buay. Ilo wUhca
you to wnlt"
, lualdo tho glaaa partition lloyd heard
a wotann'a voice and llllllnrd'a laugh
ter. Ho look' som comfort lu the
'thought tbt) bt Ranker vvaa In good
-" '
Aulhoi ol Tli Spoil'! uid
Th Kuim'
MAIII'tll t, n It 0 T II t M
liiinior at I imi hi. Inn. Iifinu too nrrvoiia
in ill atlll hi' aiiMxt Hi Ihr window :
rnzlnif with varum ... . .1- I.....
tr.vl rrowtla l'rlll hlui ncroaa ll.r , Utt ,f J',m "', MM fro,n l''lfl
wny wna a tiullrllii lu front of a tu wa I " '"" U"""-"
pnppr offlfp. nnd itftpr n tltnp hr noipd ! c'"rrJr ho1 OnMn-A hrr hrpkfit
Idly amoiiK lla rarioua llrma of In Mlt '"wrnliiif whn he ntllitl and
formation itir annniim ruirul th "''uk him. rlnil lu a hrown vplvat
tun II afpiimiT ytnt'ti hud arrlttxl at ,"" Mrh ott u,,r ,r1m n,,lr, ub
mldiilithi from HkppWlly p an.ndcr '" ,ll' 'ffpcHri-ueaa of "Willful tailor-
rd why Cht-rry linil nm wrlllpu Huri-ly '" Hhp waa aa iwrfect lo liny p a
ahp miiai U. iiiulnua lo know hla in- ! ,'"' '",nlnic llm.f.
rpaa Up .IioiiIi) hiMr adtlmd Iht of "Wll. did llllllnrd pXoip Ihp hid-
hla whi'N'lllMiitta dtn myalPiiiii of lh iHinklmx a)Hti'lll7"
Ihp door to llllllnrd'a ftlTlrp nit'nrd ' ,lp Hu walkitl dowu
and Iip hiaul Hip ruilp of n vrninim'a luwnrd Ihp wnti-r front
tlrpaa, Hun hla oh n until aaikiu I ""' " ' ' " myalrry ot nil
"Coiiip In. Mr Ciiirrann " "
Ilia alti'iiilnii i.' on Hip p ' "Thru It wna thill tipwpnM'r atory
liroui'hliiK intirUiMv hp did not uUw r "" frlyhtPtuil hint."
towitrd tin-ili'imrilnu t llior until Iip ' "Imtlra II piThupi Mo didn't men
alopinil mill, nit nl Hip mitrr diHir Hull It "
nnd rump iriili'til toutd hlui villi
otttatii'ti hid lunula
Up rliprktil tilniarlf nnd lurnitl to
fnri" CliiTri Mnlotti.
"Why. (Miffr) " Iip pjti'iilnlitt "tvhal
III Hip wor'il" Hi- Iih.U MiT two lunula
In hla. mul alii- imiL-liitl up luti. lila
fnen "In tin- tut mi' of lira it'll, w hrri'
.did J oil tiiino funny'
"I nrrhttl lnt nlKht on the Qtippn."
Iip aald "Oh. I'm tthid lo art' you!"
"Hut "lint hrlnc )u to thn KlntpaT
I thoucht you in KnT
"Hh-hr HIip Inhl n flnjrtT on her llpa.
with a (.'Inner urt-r hrr liouMrr to tint
Iniirr uitkit. "I'll It'll you nhotit It lot-
"Mr llllllnrd lll arp yon now. air."
Ihc nttfliditlll niliiouurid to CiiiiTaou.
"I iiiiit tnlk to joti rlKht nwny!"
limit t'irlnluit'll htifrlrttly. "I wou'l
In- lotik' Cnn jt.ii wnltr
"CVrtnluly; I'll wait rlht Iutp. only
hurry, hurrr!"
The Hiaatirp of arrltiR her waa o
iffHHlHf that Iip atjtiwriil her hanili
hpartlly mid ptiipritl llllllnnl'a mmc
turn with n attillf on hla lip
Htm hi ri'iiiriird Tht- amllp fmiH hl fa. p Illlllnril had now
rt'fn.ti to IlinUe Hip I.. nil of flmiain
rnMilriil for Hit. tin-nirUc Up iM
Cherry "W( mttt hat., thi iwmpy
or Ht arp rulnnl." a. hi thi jjirl
"Yit." anawrrt'tl Ihiyd wi-arlly Up
mnilr an enaraiit'inriii to im-et Clierry
Inter antt went to lll Iliret' nlhef
lattikera I ml ihpy all tHruttl hla projK
all lull tlowti.
rnArn:ii tx.
linitltY the next day demon!
alrmul her wiwer out all
aorta and condition of men
hy n-ttticlitK the hlaae youiiK
I'luhiiHiu tn n ainte of crlmilng ailml
rutiini "l'iiii-..ri.-." i-r.i..p Hi.i.m iiu.t
U't'ti mla.lnK from Hip coterie Me
had ...arotrrvil them fn.m a dl.tnnce.
lo Ih. atire. ami came ott-r to exclmnk'e
Kreetlunta with Cherry, hut Hip dtaaa
tniua reatilt of the fellow'a pnrnillty '
wna mill ao freah In lloyd'a mind thai j
he could nm Invito him to join them.
and I'raaer. with alnirulnr uuHteaty.
hud iittlckly wllhdrnwn. to wander for nulill.. iltl aliM.p .mini .
drove him to lied. Ilia dpjpctlon
nwnkenetl Utile aympnthy In lloyd.
tt tin fnll tinfinl..p ill., rerm.vnl .if
hi Irrltatlnc prenpnctt. i
In Hip morntnu lloyd wna hroiiBhl I
ahnrpty hnck to a renllrntlon of hla
dimcult Hltlon hy n litter from Mil !
dre.1 Waylautl.
"Knlher nnd I tin,, another acenp (
over you." wrote Mildred. ,"lt wna
the flrat ijunrrel we eer hnd. nnd I'm
hnlf alck na n reatilt. I almply can't Hint anrt ,,f thin... ami wn l,r..
nitn-etl to drop tho aubject Wlmt t
rtiuitetl him to audi a auddca fury I'm '
lire I don't know." l
llojd kuew. however, nnd the knowl- .
rdKe did not ndd to lila comfort I
It Bet'incd, Indeed, nn If the trul'a
enmity had mnrked him In the eyea
of tho whole tlnanclnl world. He wna
again dented naalatnuce nt the bnnka,
nnd thlit lime lu n mnn tier to allow him
tho futility of further effort.
In hla perplexity ho turned naturally
,n i'li...-r- it'll.. tlul...i.ut tn l.ta ,nl lf '
w ..m.., ...... ,..... iw ..." .... w.
repented failure with furrowed brown,
Ininderlng the matter na aertously ui
If the reMiHilllty hnd been her own
"Tho luiltle linn begun aoouer than
I exiectetl," who mild nt length. "1 nev
er dreamed they could tlx tho banks
ho cpilekly."
"Somehow I can't bellovo this Is
tne won; oi tup truai utipie. i uon i i
ace how lltey could iii'oiiipllsli so much
lu ho abort a Hi no. Why, It enmo llko
n thunderclnp."
"I hopo I nm wrong," aho answered,
"hut aomethlng unexpected mtiHt lutvo
hnpiieiied to chaiige Mr lllllltirtl'a at
titude. What could It be except pris
btire from higher sourees?"
"Has ho tlruppcd auy hint before
"Not n hint. He wouldn't let go of
anything. Why, ho Is too close fluted
to drop his 'r'H. "
"Wilt you take dinner with me this
evening mo that wo can talk over nny
further developmental"
'I nm to dine with Mr. HUltard,"
aid tho girl.
"Oht" lloyd'a tono of disappointment
seemed disproportionate to the occa
sion. II endeavored to dUfulse but
feeling by aaylng llghtlyt "You are
breaking. Into Mclustvo circles IIp
1 1 Ma In illlh' ii imiiiii'. inn mki) '
"I I'm mil iIiiiIiim ut hla imtiiii
('lurry hcaliiiU'il. unit Unjil fliiHln'il n
"Inirp k'mim r nl Iter A fulfil mint
ritliui'd Iht rliii'ka fia mIip i'iilnlni'0
"He collltl not aci uit' fit llir nlllri' lo
ilny. ao Ii. nrrniiKitl fur mi1 to liikc din
iht with hi in H
"I apo" lloyd dPfrrtpd n notp IiIIIht
In atriitiKP In hi" own vnlr. "I nm i-o
ItiK lo try llipTirimm Imnka tomnrroir
Would joti llkp lo nin out with hip In
Hip mornlliK? Tim aounii trip U hvull
"I would InVP to," ahp xrlftlniPd. "I
limy hint- annii'lhltiK l r(Mrl If I run
tmikp Mr llllllnrd tnlk."
"Out of rlirloally. I ahntlld llkp to
know whni lulliipucpd him I'll rnll
for you In tlmr for th U o'rltM'k txint,'
I l"' additl na Iip aroap to f(l "Mpan
"UIihI did hi- anyV
".Nnihliia! Thpn hnw"
"Up iiifuriiinl int. Hint you nrc pii
KnifMl to tuiirry Mla U'njlmnl "
"Vi-a. Hut Hluil tlld hu ay nlxillt
Hit' iiMtnr
"Oni what I hn.p told you. TIip
rrl la ifN HhiI )otl Im-i'Ii It-aa M-
crpthu I uoiiM liuvo known tuatitntly
nhom to hlnmp for thli iroiililn.
Wnjiit Wnjland and Willi" Mnmh nro
worklus ilotihlp, nnd tnnamuch na ou
i arp prraoun nun crntn"
I "Who tokl you I nm prraoun non i
vu told me yotintclf wl.lmut In-
tciulltiy to I'lrnae kH'o me credit for
mini' alirrwilneaa. If you tint! U-cn n
j mpIcouip aullor you would huo had
no dllllcully In raUlnR twlco 1200.000
chlcnKO Thrn. too. I rcmrmher
u,u .lory jou told urn nt Knlvlk. your
mruial nttltudt mnny thlnca. lu fnct
oh. It aa ti-ry almnlp."
"Well, w hut of It) What hna nil that
Kot to do with my irt.t'iit dllllcultyj" .
"Maten! Von want lo marry Hip j
daiiKhttr of the ;renltt tniat hulUlt-r
ltl ,,, ,.Mnr., HIH . ,hMn'l want
J(ii for m win In law ou timtiTtnkP '
Bn tnlrrprlap vt hhlt aerliiHaly thntt'lia i
lua tlniiu. tal Inii'rwtH.Miiil If atirii-taful
j tim, ,,rt,t,i ,!,.. i,it ottianitlon
Iii Hit' other matter Now, all pe
well until he leu rn of )ur plana
then tit at Hie Willi hla 0W II WtttlHina
A wont lure ami there, h hint to thf
Imnka. Mini j our tint.' caile comea turn
hlltiK down Hlxitit your trt. 1 thoucht
joti had itHiri iwrffptlon.'
"We hatmt't flpirttl Mnrah In at
H." he wtld tenlnthely.
""" HKUrea neterthelraw, na I In
"d ' "It""' " ttMlny. Tn tiecln
wl"'- Idt-aap ttollce Hint unohMruxIrc
man lu Hie iv-ray attlt .Not now! Don't
ItMik around for n minute. You will
ee hint uu the op(Kalte aldo of thn
treel -
lH'tl lurnetl. to obaenre n rat fnciMt
fellow ncroaa the way, evidently hound
for the Tnrouw Itoat.
" ? followlnc ur
"I f liltn eprywhpre I iro."
lloyd'a face clotidctl ancrlly. nt which
Cherry cxclnlmcd. "Now. for heaven'
flW'. don't mimic lllc (Icorco or we'll
't h-nrn nnylhlnc"
"I won't atnnd for a apy." he growl.
rinnlly the plrl nnld. "Yon really do
enre n gn-al deal for Mlaa Wnyland.
don't you?"
Ill" only nnawer wna n deep breath
and n alow turning of the head, hut
once ahe hnd aeen thp look In hU
eyttt ahe needed no other. Bhe could
only any: "I hope ahe la worthy of
all ahe la cntn-lnu you to auffcr. lloyd.
Ko few of na nrtt .
tfhe did not aenk npnln. but In her
heart wna n trrent henvlnea. They
renchetl the dock and loat alcht of the
apy, only to hnve htm rcnppcnr noon
nfler the bont cleared, nnd. while
neither axkp of tt. they felt hla prea-
nice during the whole trip.
At Tacomn lloyd left her to go about
til hualueaa, but Joined her Inter nt
lunch, with the Joyful announcement:
I've hnd better luck thin time. They i
said there would lie uo difficulty what.
ever tn handling the mntter. nnd they
are to let me know definitely tomor
row." "Did UnwUhnw hound you to the
hnnkV" she Inquired.
"I rather think so."
"Then tomorrow will tell the talc."
"You meuu tho batik will turu mo
Yet. If I've nUed up the situation
correctly. I daro any these bonks nro
oh ctiutloiiM na thoao In Henttlo. and n
few wordj over tho telephone would
do the trick,"
"I'm Inclined to glvo that shadow n
llttlo personal attention," tho young
man mused, hut when alio questioned
hlui he only mulled unit assured her of
tits caution,
Aguln on the return trip they dlscov.
ered the fellow nmoug tho passengers.
Cherry noticed as they reached the
dock that while Kmvrson maintained
a How of couvcrsntlon his eyes were
coustnutly upon tho fellow'a back and
thut he kept a position close to his
shoulder, regardless of Jostling from
the others. Hbe could not tell what
this foreboded, nor did aho gain a hint
of Boyd's jturposo until the gangplank,
waaln place and they were out upon
tt. A narrow apace separated the boat
from the dock. A they crossed ttdj
lloytl allppcd nm) hnlf ffll on (he
InnlliiK pluuka. Hi luiiccd vlolctitly
itKtilnat ihv mtin tu urny. who wna next
him It occurred with the amtdpntiuaa
of purr ncrldriil. ntnl tin lint alic
nw wna Hie MtrutiiviT pluiiKlnu down
wort) itliifitt Hip plllliK. fllllthlnu wildly
at lli vi-axH'a aide, while lloyd cIiiiik
to Hip Kiiurd rupu n If nlxitit to Ion?
IiIm built lieu.
The mnn'i cry na Iip truck tlir wo
Irr ulirmitl thp rrud nnd tanned a
mnini'iilitry Hintnpfili'. In which Cherry
nnd lloyd wprt tliniat ahnri.wnrd, hut
Hip roiifiialoti ipilrkly aulmldrd an an
olIlitT llutiK n hfttrliiK llm lo Hip ttnn-
ItiK rri'iiturp ht'iii'iith A mouii'iil Intt-r (
Hip hiiHraa py wna drnfjv.-tl to the
d(K'k. Iiidhrtintit nnd aputlcrliiit ,
"I'tn fi-ry aorry. air" lloyd nrmlojrte
rd profuaply "Jt wna all tny fault
Tht plnnk wna itpfp. and I n forrcti i
off my fcpt. Whencrer I'm followed
too rjoarly I lone my hcud. It'a a I
wi-nkucaa I huvp."
Thp mnn wn "till too unmnnncd hy '
hla cold Immt-raluu lo do more thou '
i hnltpr uuurlly tu Hip htihhiih Kmrr i
ou ltd hla coinpniilDii out Into Ihp
trifl, whrrp ahv iM-hfld hltu ahakloK
With MUpprfarl'd llltlUllHT
"lloyd." ahp rrlrd In n ahia-ki d tolcc.
"tlii'll It wna Von ytm mlclit hnve
kllh-d him! HupMjc hla ht-ud hod
truck ii Hmhi'r!"
"Yt"t. tlmt would Injip Ufa too
hud," hi (l.tliiritl Tlit-u. ut llm ultctit
"'u vhmt nonnr. atn."
of her facp. hi chuckle chanced to
a wollhth itnarL "He'll know enough
to keep away from me herwifltT "
"Don't! Itoti'tl I never mw you
took o. Why. It mlKht hare bwn tnur
"WcllT" lie atnntl at tier curlotialy
"1-1 didn't think It of Jt.u" Shi
atitltltliTtt Heakly. Irtit he only alinijc
ptil hla khouldrra and vnltl. with a
Duality that rut off furthpr ditruaalnn
"lle'a a apy. I won't Im ajilttl uijii "
When llojtl eliterttl hla room at the
hotel, whither tie had none after lav
lue Cherry at llllltartra hank, Ills
(corse urtfiitl htm excitedly.
"Here' the tllckent lo aay. We can't
Ret that harkentlmt."
"The Mnrjirei? Why not? Tlie i
charter wn nil nrranxil." I
"The ncetit teleplHiUed tlwt we could
not Iwve her."
"Wliat reatMitit did tie offer?" .
"None. Wo can't hare her. that's
"" ......
"Shfa the only nyal aho ah p on the
wwnA Our Muff will he here In n fort
"borae of It will.
",, ' ""V" n
'!, ''" 'Kla up
! " Hfld that. Unit towed him n
! tclerttm.
'Shipment delayed. " rend lloyd
"Well, thl ! jrrowlnR IntereHtlng
Thank hettvrn, oilier eopte handle ma
d'lnrry. He renchetl for a blank
, " burrtr wrote n mmaage cnucel
' ,".on,,;r1 ' W" C,"7Jr wn.'!
'V.. . VB i .'K ,0 .. Wl
I " U'(:nu " r7".M of.U,J' ,u"r" l"? ". V
currence but U.fore he had nnlahed he
wn ,n H'lj'Phone.
I Mort' bad ttewa. lie exclaimed na
re-entered the room. The Jncknon-
.i'imr .ii.,mny nny lury nin iuc
5i;"j!'.17 of U,l',r orJ,"r' ' wow,er w
"We don't need anything more to crip
ple u." George declared blankly. "Auy
one of theae blows 1 n knockout,"
It waa iKThnpa nn hour Inter that
Cherry entered unnnnouitcetL
"1 Juat run In for it minute to tell
you aomethlng new. When I enrae
up from the batik the elevator twy
,,,e h01''' " ""oke nnd enr-
rled me past my floor. Without notlc
Ing the difference, I went down the
halt, and whom should I run right lu
to, coming out of n room, but our de
tective! Aa he Aliened the door 1 heard
him say, 'Very well, sir, I'll report to
morrow.' "
"To whom wan he reporting?"
"I don't know, A few minute later
I called you up to tell you about tt, but
while 1 was waiting for my number
the operator evidently got the wires
eroned or left a switch open, for I
heard this much of n conversation:
"'Our contract covers r0,000 cases
at So. We thought that was at least
20 cents under the market.
"I was about lo ring off when I re
membered Hint you had t-uld your out
put of 50.000 cases to llloc & Co. for $3
A case, so I listened ou n chance nud
heard another voleo reply"
"Whose volcel"
"I don't know. It nnld. 'We'll under
aclt that by l.'
" 'Good Lord!' said the first speaker.
That means a loss or And then 1
was cut oft. I thought I'd better come
over tn persou Instead of trusting to
tho wire."
(To hp. continued.). .
Best KeulTel & Esser blue print
paper for Bale at Bulletin office.
I'll v- "i ill i VtA
A '' hr 'kip
U r ---M.rAlaf
i v -""'
It is time to plant Gnrden Seeds, Flower
Seeds nnd Onion Sets. We are ngain ofler
ing for sale the long tried and dependable
C. C. Morse (Sfc Co. Seeds.
In our stoek you will find every known va
variety of seeds obtainable. Reduce the eost
ot your living by planting seeds that will in
sure you a crop. The lest is always the
cheapest. Poor seeds are dear at any price.
OJA I U"l. Il
aallllllBSaa J&SUl
If ! with lo Improve the arvear.
& f ) Lr carmenti ami avoi X the
ct 'rtrrtMmfi.t of an unhooked ami
r t irg ikirt r walit, don't fail to try
W.Vjii I;
V. c tKonnntid thrm. at thry can't
c i. cut W.I.J ntAmh,li rr f t oJ
id a, l.iJ a ill bularar,
C. i, I roil cr trutli in ttw Uuntlf y.
S.I .,Le I.oclt nj tyt ir toip Ititrcrrt.
Om ittt
ca a tui
tarit aai
F. W. Silvertooth Silver Lake, Oregon.
J. B. Montague
Contractor Builder
Plans and Estimates Cheerfully Furnished.
See me before building.
Residence south of baseball field Bend, Oregon
gOLE AGENTS for Stonewall nnd McCoy
Whiskies, nnd The Nnpn Soda Springs Min
eral Water. Distributers for Edel Brnu, Schlitz
nnd Rninior Beers. We also carry n large line
of Glassware, Bnr Towels, Playing Cards, otc,
especially adapted to the saloon trade. Orders
by phone or mail will receive prompt and
careful attention. Madras, Oregon
No, 70 LUt Prlci, ffl.OO
viintutft'. You tliu I'urtrultfu
Kt hi thtH'humlx'1 You know
when tho uu ts limiluh
Gets alt the game in sight
IVnctlw Nov mul clean out alt
tho farm jh'U j? thU spring.
Points for th
SharDihooltr L
.. tt. ... t
nuu iiuutvr
I noakirifthtMllru Hunt
m! r TribM4lRir. !(
IWaUl IrlllBiT IlK tthkh lA laLt
IlkltlCalA VtMl Iliuat. Itv Klu kLktl
tvUU(.Haitlui.ltUlth tlu hlvtn
ytr Alwul Kflllhbt4kuRt,'tilli
k4 KU TIHVt)c. tfriti tit
ftTAik our dttWr J Utlt
VtlLNS. lffwM.nlU4lB
OkatM Fait, kUaa.
WE would again
call your atten
tion to the fact that
The Cash Store is
putting in a larger
.stock of Dry Goods,
Furnishing Go o d s,
Notions, etc., than
ever before. Our line
of Spring Goods will
cxcell anything ever
shown in Northern
Lake county, a n d
Give us a trial and
save yourself money.
60 YEAR8'
A nrona landing a aktlrh anj Oeactlptton war
nulcilr aaranalu our '!' i ii fna wbatliar aa
l'.aiillnn la pruhablr paiantabla i naiuualra
t. maaincilaruiiddtiitul. HAN0B00K oni'aiauu
lain Ira. IIIU.I auanrj fur aavutlua- laaauta.
k'alanta takan tBruuih Muim A Co. ralT
lpK-Untlt, without cbarve, lu tha
Scientific JliticricaiK
K hmdnn-alr llltntrata.t waaklr. Ireat clr.
rulalKMi jf aiir aclautlito louru.l, latua. IJ a
aart T.air ruonina, tu oom oaii nvwmwa
naBiBroida.r.Npw Ynrk
a Wf l WaaMnalaU. U.C.
ja uuauiBaa uiraciarr t vara v,
Town aad VUlaxo tn Oniw and
WaahUctaa. Htlu Dlptlo
Nkatch ot earh plc. Lomlloa.
Httlpplas VacLUtlM and ClaaaU
(Ud Ulractarr at cacb UiuliUM
,.. . . -a ...a. ui
avao rtMHtiw.
K. z. vovs m co, Ue.
Saaltla, Waala.