TAXES SOAR SKYWARD ON WEST SIDE BYRNE REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE New PALACd MARKET Oniric lloyd, Prop. MEATS Vegetables, etc. Crook County Taxpayers Complain Values Unreason ably Increased In Western Districts While Prlne vllle and Eastern Territory Decreases. REALTY f Of All Kinds Bought, Sold and Exchanged. We have n very extensive list of DESCHUTES VALLEY IRRIGATED LANDS. We bring the Property Owners and the Outside Buyers together. BYRNE REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE Hotaling Bldg., Wall St., Betid, Ore. , Wo are prepared for the rush of homesteaders. Wc keep two mon in the field and can locate you on the best lands oen for entry- Auto and team service to lands. Inasmuch as there has been considerable complaint front residents of JOHN LEOAT DHAt.UK IN harness and Saddlery Trunks and Valises Repaired the western portion of Crook county in regard to what thoy allege Is tin-1 reasonable increase in their tuxes, the Bulletin has taken occasion to pub lish the following table sotting forth tho amount of taxable projwrty In the school districts of tho county. A comparison ia made of tho assess ments of 1900 and 1910. and the decrease or Increase, noted: CITY DRAY NAMK NO. 1009 1010 IN 'OK iikYk UUK I.K.I (.OIITJKN, I'HOI'. I IS3GSSSR E. Xiswongkr, Prcs. G. D. Makkki., Sec. OREGON INVESTMENT CO. Wall Street, Bend, Oregon. IN TIIK OLD CKKTRAL ORKGON RK.U.TV COMPANY OKFU K. We have what you want at prices that will please you. IRRIGATED LAND We have the largest list of irrigated land in Crook couuty. If you want a bargain, call and see us. 320-ACRE HOA1ESTEADS We can locate ou on a 320acre homestead, the best wheat land iu Crook county. BUSINESS PROPERTIES We have some good buys iu business and warehouse property. TIMBER LANDS We have a number of choice buys in timber lands. FIRE INSURANCE We represent some of the strongest Fire Insurance Companies in the West. They have been tried. We al ways have our losses paid promptly and without a question. STENOGRAPHIC WORK Notary and stenographic work accurately and neatly done, and receive prompt attention at any time. All in quiries receive prompt attention. Call on or write Oregon Investment Co. Wall St., next to Opera House FUNERAL DIRECTORS EMBALMERS UNDERTAKERS A Full Line of UNDERTAKING SUPPLIES .WEST & NISWONGER J. I. West C. P. NisNvonger T! l'rineville Lower Rye Grass. Johnson Creek .... Mill Creek Howard Upper McKay .... Lower McKay Powell uttes Sisters Culver Grizzly Bend. Mountain View .., Killingbock Mud Springs Falrview Crooked River... Ash wood Reams H recti1 Madras Summit Prairie... Mnury Post Red Hock Beaver , Ulizzurd Ridge.... l'B-IClHWBMRr.Da1 2! 35l8,s :iS722l :i 171I3 25723 i! 03772 r.iisiuu) 87:i70 (5 lSlMtilVUHUM1 71 (501 111 01576 8 1074071 103445 ,J878,.tro;y(,,27,2r io, ;iti!iori 7Kf,:i u, osuor 110:108 10270 :io:m, 7780 20711 12370! aiir.r 250I81 8;77.' i22;u mil . MTiKI CARTER IS CO AUNG WITH SOMIt FINE DRY WOOD to mnke the wet wool burn. Tnke a load inul Irv It Drop me a curd In the P () Ihx fi P. M. CAKTI2M pji-is's'oftMiian'iui1 i:i :i28t;:nir)8it 8205t' mi :7ioi 15 152101 Hi! 22722, 17j 2082H 18' 51571 80001 1025158 710(52 (57152 (!() 15 10707' lOltJII 10210, 403311 i 10 20 21 ) 07117! 55120 ! 03108' 82.122 18851 012G1 1 00385 20011 lU58.207a07, 0121. 5550 11007 I. O. O. F. Uend Lodge NV 218 Keg. Meetings every Monday night Visitors welcome E. T. Htitts. N. G. V. A. rVrbos.Secy. 21 107431 120 lift 21981 45.133 ' Ruck Creek.... Alien Nye Cross Koys Hay Creek Pear Creek Upper RyeGrasa 3D Warm Spring -10 Alkali Flat r 41 Roslnnd , -Ill Cloverdale ' -15 Lamonta Ochoco Cline Falls Axe Handle Methodist Hill. Laid law Shepherd Paulina Valley. Huston Paulina Opal Prairie Redmond Vibbert Plainview Lamson Lone Pine C3 23588 25 05750 112190 20 288(50 03108 27 173000 201310 US 7M21 13425 20 100351 101053; 30 31253; 00085 33 205100 1042741 31727105(550072! 35 20051 12371 30 83220 110010 37 112(537 175000 3Si 805(51 '865 II? 20101 21380 0208(5 (51915 12015 40823 117251 1(5278-1 Mil 07 152271 .ijl ftviin: m:t? 10 03015 89315 48 40201, 40101 50 34118 75021 Gl 14135! 14550 52 10113i 3570(5 53 198604i294502 M 10711! 28087 55 54009 50 89207 57 09479 58 8576 59 53548 00 9301 01 103751 02! 5213 10440 3 1 302 28214 28050 jXjfi iffic Deschutes ldgc 103. K. of P. . K4A Meets every Wednes SVjp '"' evening at 8 p. m. 21420 30420 03353 1920 i 15527! 72101 41571 25700 0200I 41503 415 25(553 95893 17370 021 10 8047 129901; 40754 79492 10013 27390! 18815 2305(55,177017 40709 31348 in Castle Hall, pnst-of. lice building. Visiting IKlDOi Knights welcome. 35732! F.lmer Niswonger. ('. ('. 10835 M. K. Knutson. K. U. & S 71093 - - r We I tantllr l! ery thine. Leave or dr "liti Nick Sittlih Wall Mll. hH. M. W. of A. 'Vol's ,,,ot ,,ulu' ('ni111' ,N'"-u"lM 4712 MeeU every Tmwday In hall over jxHtolllce. 1792 Visiting Neighbors always welcome. M. J. Morrison. V. C. I M. It. Knutson. Clerk 140875i 57342 30253 J3end jVlachine hop All Kinds of Saw Mill and Farming R-E-P-A-I-R-S We Carry a Large Stock of Auto Repairs and Supplies Bayley Forked Horn Sears Round Ilutte .... Youngs Willow Creek... Tctherow Butte. Guerin Reynolds Richardson 01 05 00 07 08 09 70 71 72 73 1028511110039) 4209 20447 27824 31051 3002 2008G 9808i 34159 4940! 19857 01)80 87723 10015 18051 39305! 55425 280 1M01 37124 52129 0005 2788 23555 11204 17084 04291 14911 80743 0430 10000 14121 II 15 N I) 1.01)015 No. ijv A. F. & A. M. Meets on Thursday on ot lcforc the full moon of each month. Vuitittg brothers always welcome. M. o. iiua. ?. o m Ntoritio. w m Palace Restaurant Rooms for Rent Confectionery, Prult Picnic Supplies, Cigars J. F. Taggart & Co. 1 """"" Tho Buckley Express Co. DAILY 15xpiei Service between MrfdntH and llcnd. Careful Attention. Ilcnd Agents, llnrpcr (.and Company. No ulwf" 1. I. & 1. M.KiiineiiU not ineluilnl. "ilouuiUriek clinnil. In many instances Individual assessments in western Crook county have increased from 60 to 150 per cent. The increase in tho Bond dis trict is $107,341. in Redmond $177,017 nnd In Madras $200,231. How- ever, the l'rineville valuation has decreased $10,270, while districts in the eastern portion of the county, such as Howard, Ashwood, Reams, Maury, Buck Crook, Boar Crook, Upper Rye Grass nnd Alkali Flat, all have ex perienced considerable decrease. A curious froak of tho Inst assessment is tho decrease of the Allen district (surrounding C. B. Allen's ranch on Little River, 20 miles south of Bond) of $71,093. Those complaining of the increased taxos point to this as uncxplainablc, maintaining that it shows tho haphazard methods by which the valuations must have been reached. While admitting that the coming of the railroads and the recent big development on the wost side of the county has of course materially in creased land values, thoso who have experienced the greatest increase, notably in the Bend, Redmond and Madras districts, ask if l'rineville real estate really is worth less this year than it was last, as would seem to Ihj Indicated by the figures. At Madras a committee of three has been appointed by taxpayers, ac cording to the Madras Pioneer, to wait upon tho County Commissioners to ondeavor to Bccuro a just rebate on our assessments." Whether any such action will be taken at Bend is an yet uncertain. TO BUILDERS WE HAVE A NICE STOCK OF FLOORING Rustic Shiplap and Rough Lumber .... and can furnish any bill on short notice Sond us your orders for FINISH LUMBER.. BEND LUMBER CO. KICK AdAINST RAILROAD. A referendum petition has been filed aga'nst Rranting of terminal grounds and a street franchise to the Prineville &. Eastern Railway. It is perhaps only fair to M. D. Powell and others to state that they are not opposed to granting term inal facilities to tho prnpoced rail road company, but thoy object to MOMliSTliAD LANDS VAl.UAHLU. R. W. Martin of Tacoma filed this week on 280 acres of government land In tho Prlngle Flats country, T. 20-19. Ho secured the relinquishment of James W. Youk of Tacoma, pay ing, it is understood, $1000 for it. This is said to be the largest sum yet given for a relinquishment of THE STORE OF QUALITY S. C, CALDVVOLL, Prop. the use of the streets upon which j homestead land to tho southeast of Bend. Tho deal was put through by Walter Taylor, who has a home stead in the new farming district. There are no farm Improvements on tho claim of Mr. Martin. they live for railroad purposes. Tho matter will como up beforo the electors of Prinevillo -at' tho city ejection held next December.-Crook County Journal. Hardware Groceries We carry anything you want in these lines. All kinds of building1 mater ial. The only place to get a guaranteed Stude baker Wagon. Our Prices Save You Money. H nr fr v.-