K II I II 1111 NO MORE llreight Troubles llleirinniiitf April 17 the Oregon Trunk Rail- jwiiy is open for business to Opal City, just 'north of Crooked River. The Jones Warehouse Company (1 HOUGH A. JONES of Haul, Manager will handle all freight at Opal City for the railroad. The old Shauiko Moody Ware house system will he employed. Merchants will get their goods promptly and without inconvenience. Oi'ai. City will he the height terminus for IX) days more. Have your freight consigned in care of JONES Address communications to Culver .Junction. See ROWLEE F:or Free Information on Crook Co. For Homestead Locutions For Dry Ranches For Irrigated Lands For Town Lots For Acre Tracts For I Ive-Acre Tracts See ROWLEE If you want to buy a business If you have money to loan If you want to borrow money If you want to rent If you have anything to sell If vou want to hire an auto BE SURE AND SEE ROWLEE. Eight years Experience in Crook County. BEND Call up Rowlee for Autos to All Points w YSY T ARE GOING TO LOOK YOUR Y I Jll BEST In thnt new Easter suit - ' "" You're going to he photographed in it or course. There s no better tune lor some new remembrances be- ,'our friends and voursclf. Make an appointment. Tost Lard Photos. SEWARD. it or course, mere s no ucuer time pictures, and they make ideal renv sides, you owe it to your family, yt yourself. Make an appointment. Po " HELLO! Wlioro uro you going? . Down to Curler's after a cord of thaugood dry block wood. My wifo won't burn anything else. Carter in four bita cheaper tlinn othoru. Ho sells dry block wood at $4,60-por. cord. V Why not got out somo advertising blotters, Inrgu or small? Tho Dull etln Ima the stock and can do tho work on ita now press. Tho fiend Milllntr & Warehouso Co. has secured tho agency of Uio Portland Iron Works for their en tire line. Can furnish cstlmato of cota.foNropalra,-,,.4.v-rfw--tf''4-' RICE HAS PARTY LOCAL BOXER FINDS LONG EASY. Pour Rounds Agalnat Heavier Op ponent I'ult Spokane Alan Out of lluilnen Ulj Crowd See Oood llotiti. cc. 4, S) "till 8, tp iK-IJ. DjvM 0. ItoKcn, el ux lo Ortnon Trunk lly., im foot atrip for rlxht of way acroMiw,' nr', wji ae, tec 19, 12-13 aiidnw'l lie, ice jo, 12.13. Central OrcKoti It. It. Co. to IiU M. Koitera, nil hIkjvi! part of ec loaml Jo, itxcrplptcitiil rllil of way of Oregon Trunk. ' Oregon Trunk Ity. to David O. Uoera untile hi lait nlxne. Crook County Inv. Co. to M. V. & J. K. Parker, lolt 15 ami aO, block uj, lllllinaii. Jiy, t Andrew HaUKrn, ct ux to Oreat Wet ern l.lir. Co . rjj '( ami ae,' ne(, mc J9andtw'( iw(. aec lH, IM7. i7o Henry llvenvm toRrrat Weatern Mir. Co., nwtf. nejfawjf aiultw.V lie'. tc9. II 17 37yj. C.rrat Weatern Lor. Co. to Alexander Monday 11 git's box ng bouts rit Stewart. Irii.tee. etf. .cj7. 11.16: ntf Llnators Hall proved a Htrongdrnw- 12.16; twj( nw itJ (, tec 28, y, Ing enni for the light fans, who " ","; "W ." "' ; witnessed what wan probably tliUv. and aetf ec 31 and w'i w, ec boat contests, taken nil In nil, tiiutlJ1' ",,7- (-'" 7.'. itemnonu iowiitlte to. 10 jatnea I.. Courtrli(lit. loit 3. 4, 3, and 6, hlock 42 lot 7 and 8, block 12. lota II and 12. . i.i..i ... ....1 i.... . .1 - I. 1. J evening, that between "Jn.ly" Hice. k;',i,,,o7..I. f .-J,, ' '' "'"" ' of llond, lltld I)Ul lying, of Spo HerOcrtJ HKiilealnn. et ux to Illvlra 1, . . . 1 .1 1 . 11 1 r ' " I.eilliead. 11 ', lot 9, block 3, lletnl. knne. proved the easiest kind ofa( w ir. staat.eial to I'arl D. iiouaton, party for tho local pug, Long going lota 1 and 2, block 19, 1) a-huiea, fs'. . .1 .1 ,1 .1 1 .1 .1 , 1 I Article i( liicotimrnXUnt ol the follow- to the lloor three time in the third j ,K co,,,,,,,,!,, ,,. ,.ctl fllril. round ami belnir ho completely put OverturM)L.Miiier Co. by II. J. ... , 1 , 1 ,1 .1 .1 . Ovrrltirl, I). M Davit ami II. A. Miller, out of bunlneiM in tho fourth that (.ocjion i. iumhI. hid (seconds tliruw up the Spoiltfe to J- ". llaticr Abstract Co., by I. II. ,,. ,i. -i,.,,,,!....- 1 Hauer. I. M lleclitell and Claudia Stop the HlllUKhter. j Wneiderly. Capital .lock f 5,000. I.o- From the start "Judy" had nil , cation I. Prinevllle. .1 1 . i, 1, 1 ., , , , I)ecbulr Valley Land A Inv. Co. by the bent of It. UhIhk his free hand w. ,,. M)rrt s. ,. M)er, ,, 0 In the clinchut, in the lirst round he! Vouiik. Capital atock f 25,000. Home 1 m . . in 1 1 ,. i''IIi(e la Portland, Indicted terrific punishmedt, pound. I ins; lsmu over the kidneys. The Spokane man.outwciKhed !tO imiuikIm, seeine practically powerlew. In ' the second and third rounds Kicc trnnsferrl his attentions to upjier- , cuts, lifting Ismx with hard blows I to the jaw every time there was nn opportunity for close work in the clinches. A big crowd from Redmond, where Inir had been training, came to we the mill. It is understood that many returned ixmror than I they came. Over J850 was realized 1 in gate money. J "Sin-ck" Woods nnil Harry Hoi j lard fought a bantam weight pre 1 liininnry. follmvwl by Gibbons vs. i (S olden and Kvmus vs. Thornon. have yet lieen pulled oir in Crook , county. The big match of the HIGH SCHOOL LOSES Slaters Win Hall (lame Played on Omii (Irnunda by Score II to J. Hie Ilend High School baseball ' team went to Sisters Sunday and played the nine of that town. The final icore was: Sisters 11, Bond 3. The schi)Hioys were without their 1 regular catcher, L. Hichanlson, nnd this was largely nonsiblo for their idefeat. Springer pitched a fine game for the High School, fanning thirteen. Hunter, nt second made a star catch, this being the ftwture of the game. The next game scheduled is with the t'ronk County High School team, to be played here next Saturday. Kcal llitate transfers (I'umUbwl U ll Ciuwk CWHly Abtrat Cn ) Matt CUrk. ct ux lo Albeit W. Weod nrd. v. 1, of w4, rc. 1, 13.12. tl'arl vtc-at of rallHn).) Con. ft. I'. M t.ritol P Hewitt, t inter. ett In lot 10, blk 33, Redmond, f I. Hciliiioiil Town. lie Co to Win. O. Phoenix, lot s mid 6, block 17, Kc. inond. fiy I.ei I). Wieat lo Mvnnr S. I.atlln. lot 9, block 19 Wleitorla. jl lleml Townalie Co. lo M. S I.aitin. lotf 5 and 6, block 13, Center Addition, lleml, fSo, It. J Neltletnn, el ux lo I.. K Sinltl1, lot 5, 6, and 7. block t5 and lot 23 if block 36, Kcdmoud. (Quitclaiui) Oardiier W. Wella lit John V Van Allen, lot 23 block 36, Kctlmoud. (Coi rcction deed) Matliia J Kelly, et ux to J. V. I.ane. tola 3 and 4 and i nw,. .'c 3, S 12 f75mt. Redmond Ton unite Co. to O. Well, Una 1. 2,3, and 4. Ilk 44. Red mond. 450. AIiJ Iota 9, 10, 11, and 12, bile 25. Redmond. 300. Redmond Totvmilc Co. to O. W, Wella & II. 1'. tone., lot 17, blk 25 ami lot 14 of blk 45, Redmond., fjco. Redmond Townttte Co. to J. II. Jack, ton, lot 4, block 36, Redmond. J 150. I, II Jackaon, et ux to Deachute Mut ual Telephune Co., lot 4, block 36, Red uionil. f, Arthur I,. Ooo-lwlllle, etux to ItuRcnc 11. Summy, aw,V rV, ec. 33, 17.12. 4ooo- Grace J. Goodwillte and huland to IttiKene II, Summy, iIkIiI of way acro-a utX, sec 8. aetf sees, aw.Vfi c 4, IH 12. Por ditch, Arthur I,. Goodwllllr, et ux to Huuene It. Suminv. aw nw,VC. ec, 4, 18.12, f.4cxo. Alto ne4 uwX ace. 4, i8.a. 4000, Altec I,mul & Cattle Co to Grace J. GiHtdAJIIIe, awAC aeV, ec. 33, 17-12. J. H. Snv.h'111, et ux to Grace J. Good,. willic, lot 3 of aec, 4, iH-ta. (Q. C. I) ) W. It. Guerln, Jr., ct ux to Grace J. tVi- . D,J Itugene II. Summy, el ux to Rend Park Co., awi e,V. ec 3. 17.12 f 10. Alaoawvuwu and nrl 1, u.1 ..01 tSTiTiftilitbt'wVrOr MlttU aciOYi' Coble & Zumrall ATTOItNKYM AND COUNSBIjOIW AT l.W. IIKNI), OltRCON. Vernon A. Forbes LAWYER riRST NATIONAL BANK DtDO.. HKND, OKHGON Peter Lehrman GENKKAI, IiI.ACKSMITHIKG Horseshoeing a Specialty. Corner llond and Oregon Streets. C. S. BENSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW OPPICK I.N FIRST NATIONAL UANK W.W3. UKNO. OKHGON GEORGE S. YOUNG Civil and Allnlnff Engineer Ilotaliiij; Building Mend, - Oiiecon ROBERT B. GOULD ClVIt. HnGINKKK AND Sl'KVKYOK. Uullctin Iluilding IJend, - Oregon. W. W. Faulkner, D. M. D. DENTIST Ilullctiu Huibling, II e ml, Oregon F. S. SANDBORG, Al. D. MAV Al'AHTMUNTS 110ND STRKUT n K N D , OKKfiOK. U. C. COE, M. D. Physician and Surgeon OI'PICK OVKK FIRST NATIONAL DK. Office Houia: 10 io 12 a. m.; 1 to 3 and 7 10 a p. m, Bknd, :- Orugon SAVE MONEY ft ,"&..!: with ma Hortlcaltural Fire Relief of Oregon (mutual.) Home office, Salem, Ore. Let me explain. S. H. SXYDUR Agent, Bend, Ore F. O. MINOR rOSTOHPICK BUILD1NQ LI VU VI RE ACCI DENT INSURANCE Notary Public and Convejancinn All Legal I'upcra Correctly Drawn. FIDELITY BONDS Crook County Abstract Co. mcoxroKATitD. AUSTIUCTS Ol' TITI.R to all laud and town Iota in Crook county, B F. Wyldu, Secy. 1'rlneville, Oregon. We pliotonraph tlie records,' IK Dr. A. a. burris,:,"?;:!; Ilcklcr, Dlwaxa Sucvvufully Trratni Wlihoul the Vk of Oruic or Siugcry, by the Natural MclhixU of llcaliuc, Chron. C ltacM a MiKClally, CoiKiiltatlua Cre Mrtnhtr ortht Wlate and National Naturopath A nUi . ftodttyt .- Office la HotalluK Did., iUuJ, Oreoa KINQ CRAFT FURNITURE MADE IN OREGON We now have on display a fine line of this Furniture in Dining, Tables and Chairs, Buffets and Dressers, in nil styles and fin- ' Ishes, and at prices that appeal to all. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OP BED SPRINOS j coil and woven wire. The price " pa itr rnnjfe from P&.OU Up MATTRESSES.in gilk flow, cotton felt, jumbo ex ceUior; plain and fancy tick, c fr .. Prices are from Cp.UU Up IRON UEDSFrom ?1.00 for a full size bed l as much as you want to pay. LACE CURTAlNSFrom 51.00 per pair up. Those are the best bargains you ever saw. FEATHER PILLOWS$i.90 a pair-abijr bargain. Come in and nee ub. We take pleasure in showing our stock. Thompson & Kennedy Where Your Dollar Docs Its Duty. On Wall street, near the First National uank. It's HereSEE! THE 1911 REO AUTO on exhibition now at Bend's New Harness Shop H. J. EGGLESTON, Agent Manufacturer of ' HARNESS AND SADDLES Dealer in WAGONS, BUGGIES, AND FARM IMPLEMENTS. Hay and Grain for Sale. Shoe Repairing. The Palm FINEST SODA FOUNTAIN IN CROOK COUNTY AND THE MOST DELICIOUS DRINKS YOU EVER TRIED ICE CREAM CANDY, CONFECTIONERY AND SMOKERS' SUPPLIES Oranges per dozen 4()c and 50c Lemons per dozen - 40c and 5,0c Tomatoes per pound l2Kc and 15c Bananas perdozen 40c and 50c TURPIN & BRANTON Wall Street. 7 L5!ll $:.imv iitjptfflitfeiy&K O'DONNELL BROTHERS u. 4 l mmmmri 4i -. ... ri