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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (April 19, 1911)
We BEND COM! Desires Officially to Announce That. It Has Taken Over All tho Holdings of tho 1 THERE'S A REASOP FRIDAY'S SALES. J SATURDAY'S SALES MONDAY'S SALES TUESDAY'S SALES Come in and let us talk to you about this sale. You don't may be of interest, to you to know why we cut, the prio moved restrictions, made easy terms and did many other 1 will meet with your approval, and greatly aid in Bend's WE CAN SELL YOU A LOT F IL Exhibition Cars and Their Part in , the Colonization of Un settled Territory First days of Colonist Rates to West bring large numbers of Homcscekers through St. Paul gateway GREAfflEHY HERE TheNerthwwt ti now welcoming every flay new eitizent Indirectly the result of the "high cost of living," but directly the Vame can be laid at the door of the practical advertising of the Great North ern Railway through the means of it agricultural exhibits in the large East ern cities, and above all, its traveling exhibition cam, now completing exten nlre tours throughout the Central and Eastern States. from fifteen to -twenty miles distant, to lnrx-ct the ear and view the wonderful products of the "West. Ileport from Morning Sun, Iowa, sent ui hy K. C. Levdy, Cicnrral Immigration Agent of the Cireat Northern at St. Paul, where the Oregon and Montana Car was on February 23rd, reads as follows i Vo wero met at the station by a large crowd aci-ompanied by the Morning Sun land. Great interest was shown in the 1 rl i ri-in iiii ) j' i JKLLmij. ui-Prct-iX-l-jCJ 0 TtTZ Or tXHIBITlOM CAS MVT OVT ST MEAT WOSTHSSN ttlLWAY TIISIC Of WHICH ASE hOW ENTOIR EXrlIIl!Q TIIK CSEAT hOSIIlttttT, I. No doubt if the comparative ..figures exhibits and also at the lecture. As a could be srctired which would (draw the proof of the results of our lecture, at uetual number of settlers secured as least twenty people came to us the fol agalnst the number of inmilrlt brought lowing morning regarding homesteads In out by the Exhibition Lars this data the Northwest. The whole town turned vould be interesting reading, and would out to visit the car, and the opera house how conclusively the great alnc of the was packed to overflowing at the cc Idea of, "Taking the Northwest to the tur?. I look for a big movement from Peddle of the Bait" if our tcrrUlfy Mt$ tnHgjplice.'' " be co)onized nujckly, ' - , ' jTyJnumher of reports similar to the An Idea'of th interest created- by fhov "above are on file, wo undsstand. in Mr. Arrival of the Great Northern Railway's LeedyV oflico "Jn St. Paul, which show Exhibition Canftln the dllfcrent Kasteni In 9, m,easuro what we, the people of towns can only be gained by the read- the great West, may expect in the way (ng oMho reports from th flt.tentlajjfs of rww .settlers during this spring, we in"niargT In the majority of plaees should make ready" to wewninn those vltttetl nearly tb entire adult nopula new eonwrs and to extend to them every tion has turned out, as well as farmer j lulp In getting located COUNCIL TO MRI!T TUESDAY. The City Coun il will meet in regular session at the Commercial Club rooms next Tuesday evening. DRIV E CARS FROM THE DALLES At two o'clock Sunday morning J. M. Lawrence and F. F. Smith ar rived in Eend, having driven their new Oakland autos in from The Dalles.- M: .Lawrence has a fUdJ'A fivn.nnssAnypri,nr.nn(f Mr. Smith a jrunabout. a . I NEW STORE OPENED MERE. The new grocery and house furn ishings store of the W.C. McCuiston Company, which was opened last Saturday, was crowded with visitors from 8:30 a. m, to 11 p. m. During the day 173 ladies inspected the new establishment, each receiving a souvenir, By 5 p, m. the supply of articles that hal Leen selected es- (jjeciuny to uetgiven away gave out and othcr4"had to be taken out of the general store stock. ? SPOKANE A1AN TO ES ; TABLISH IT. John V. Senrls Writes That He Will ltd Here Within Two Weeks to Start Work on C o-o p era t Ion Plant A new enterprise for Henri, a much-nveriuri creamery, is now as sured, according to information re ccive'ri by Secretary Snwhill of tho Commercial Club. A lettor Friday from John W. Senrls of SM)knne, Wash., statos that he will be here within the nexc two weeks to start work on the creamery, which will be conducted on n cooperative basis. Until he arrivos detailed plans for the project will not !e known, but in his lettor he says that it will bo located in Iicnd. The farmers near town have been waiting to learn definitely of the establishment of a creamery, and now that one seems certain they will likely enlarge their dairy herds and Henri people will be able to buy their butter at home. SCHOOL ELECTION You Have the Right Voters of fiend District to Name Suc cessor to F. ftt. Ray Next Tuesday. , Chairman Mlllarri Triplett of the School Hoard has called a special meeting of the voters of the Bond district, to be held at the school building next Tuesday at ! p. m., to elect a successor to F. M. Hay, who resigned from the board recently, lINFoTtCINtrDOOORIiTNANCE. Strict enforcement of the city dog ordinance was begun Monday by the police force, and three dogs not wearing a license tag were soon impounded. These were to be kept three days and, if not redeemed by the owners at that time, to be killed. But the canines outwitted tho officer, scratching out of their prison and gaining freedom again. to file on 160 Acres of "Carey Act" Government Irrigated Land You must act promptly or this land will be gone as it is settling rapidly. i , '"".'.. Write for Information to J: i Central Oregon Irrigation Co, LAND COMMISSIONER, REDMOND, OREGON 415 RAILWAY EXCHANGE, Portland Ore. 'ii . .... wmmmmHmmmmmmmmmHmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm BEND, OREdON