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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (April 19, 1911)
! K J w .' -r j . BITS AHOUT TOWN. it A 1'uvtl Inn return! to Bnd 1 from San Joe, Calif irnin. W T. Cowan of Smkum a ear- S renter, has come to Hen. I to make his residence. i The Whatsoever will hold n food rale at O'Dur.nell's Meat Market this Saturday. V I). Harris left Friday for his homestead In I.nke county, taking a I big load of supplies. Mr. John Sllvortooth was the ! winner of the VmUm lot rallied loir la it week by J. S. Parmlnter. iiiu irunvoi uie navies nuiiiiing, oi tne use oiuo'-powuer ex.inguun Yesterday Mrs. F. 0. Minor en-'on Wall Street has been much linger. A laree crowd orathored and' itertalned the Iiridge Club in honor lot Mrs. C. A. Jones an.l Mrs.Ceorge (Jones. Henkle & Fori, the loca'ors. have (moved their ollice into the build- ling next to fie pnto!llw on Oregon street 1 fy the cold storage, and hnuled to Bend and placed in our cold storago without being allowed to vary one degreo In tcmporatuio. Any export chemist will tell you thnt this is tho only way to keep beer RIGHT. And that's the way you want it, of course. If our schooners aren't large enough, we'll put a handle on a keg for you. Yours to pleoso, The Sllvertooth WINES, LIQUORS, CIQARS Family Liquor Store. Corner Bond and Oregon Sts.' ' i n I I r........ ..t c,...i.. i.... i. . ... i it. ,u iuVZl ... I "' ,, ,KT to tutor up howid i thU vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Kggloston spent Sunday at the home of Charles Wiiuer, near I-iliIlaw. driving out In a Iteo car. Ijist weuk the April issue of the First National Bank of Bend Bank New;s apiteareil. it is a narticulurlv interesting number. Klward MctJulre. a homesteader tailoring shop in the o'tllce formerlv r,M il ntr nunr I nl.l u. I. o ........ ...I occupied by Henkle & Ford. ,r, , . , ., proved in appearance by Uie apnli- cation of a coat of green paint. F. M. Blaisdcll of Olney. Ore., arrived Saturday. Mr. BIiiI-mIoII is putting a.crew of men at work fencing his irrigated "0" two mil. i cast of town, and clearing the land, 'FHE most refreshing drink, the best of all spring tonics and the purest beer age obtainublc, Is BUDWE1SER BEER The Sllvertooth Saloon is the bent place in Central Oregon to buy beer. Our -private cold storage plant, soon to be erected in Bend, will give us every facil ity for properly hand ling beer. At Port land Uie boor will be loaded Into refriger ator cars direct from I Joe Howard of Lower Bridge has i been nppolntcd deputy county as sessor to ussoss the towtiH of H'.Tld, tl'rincvlllu, Mini run, llcdmond, etc. A. H. Mendenhull of I'omuroy, 'Wash., who lioiifcht land hero suvernl yearn nito, has coiiio to Hend to niHitid tin) Huminer und prove up on hi holding. tfuv. J. Anthony Mitchell hns! loilned some college song books which he asks tho horrowers to kindly leave at the First Nutlonal Hank at once , John Sllvertooth states that the Sllvertooth Saloon will construct and oerato at Hend a cold storage plant with which probably will be con nected bottling works. Last Sunday evening tho Y. I'. S. C. K. gave a Hpeclal musical pro gram at the Baptist church- In the morning the Sunday school sang a number of special Kastor songs. V. I. Smith, a homesteader who ha Ir'oii working In Bond, was joined by hit wife last woek. and lhy expect to go out to their home In Whltaker Valley In a short time. 11. C. Muhs and sister, Mis Ito ImtIii Muhs, were in Hend Sunday night from their homestead claims In Whltaker Vulley. It was Miss Muhs' first visit to town in six mouths. A Winton Six auto has just been purchased by Stewart, Itichards & Steele, locator, with whom Is as sociated J. A. Kites, making two cars which they now have in thwir iM'rvlce. There will Iw two services next Sunday at the Baptist church, con ducted by Itev. C. M. Cllne. In the morning he will preach on "Hook of Hooks," and in the evening on The Sermon I Got From n Lay man. Dr. Todd. Vi-...l'ril1l..nt of U'il. I Inmate University, proached last 1 nlK'tt anil will preach tonight at the 'church at 7:H0. Dr. Todd Is an ex- coptional fine speaker, and everyone should lx? out to hear him. Stocial music will Im furnished lfyi want something good at moderate prices in the furniture line look over MIHnrd Triplett's l stock. Something new in quartered look Im.iI steHils, Indies dre-wing tablet, jmahogauy rockers, blrds-oye maple f driwors and Vienna metal chairs. i J. N. Soper of KiNitenai, Idaho, IIihs Ik-oii spending several days in -"Hend and vicinity looking for a locution. He says he is so well lIwl wit'' Antral Oregon thnt lie' J1' ,i'tu"V ' r,tvn?'-,n VVi iiiiiui iih iiwiim nam II Ti iiriinr iiib ,. : i. i ""stocx oi turniture in nts store now iniiiii) w ik-ihi. Postmaster and Mrs. V. Schreder of Boyalt and daughter, Miss Mary Schroder, were In Bend bust week. guests at the home of Kalph SKjncer, where Emily Schreder has been living during the winter. Mian . I Qjtliritiiitr rfitiwk tti kitMwItiltt t nt. tn.t -tV VUIIIV IAJin,ilUI V UW- ' tend the Teachers' Institute. , " . I: Fre'' "Presenting the iiiuuiii-ni nnuui r.iiiiKUi!tiil.T VAI. f J'nrJIwMl. pve a demonstration I inun-iay niglit on wall street In iroiu 01 me u.mmercai liud rooms, saw a roaring fire nut out in a few seconds. Harry J. Douglas of Detroit, Michigan, a friend of A. 0. Hunter, came into Bend with the latter last week, leaving yesterday. Mr. Doug- las was so enthusiastic over Bend that he purchased $ 1000 worth of city proerty while here, ami in , June wi'l return, probably to nuikv jjond his home. Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Shireman vis ited Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Knott Sun day, at their home live miles south east of Bend. On the tables at din ner Mrs. Knott had several vege tables which were grown this spring on the Knott ranch. This is the first report of home-grown delica cies being served in or near Bend this spring. For Snle and Want Ads. i . fc For a sevejre cold 'take Patterson's Cold Tablets.- M. J. Morrison can locate you on 820 acre homesteads. tf For a severe cough take Patter son's White Pine and Tar. Rye hay for sale will sell cheap for cash. Ed. Halvorson. 4tf Photo mailers, largo and small, for sale at The Bullotin office. Threo glass countor cases for sale at Tho Patterson Drug Store, tf Best Koullel & Esser blue print paper for sale at Bulletin office. H. E. Turpin is tho Bend agent for tho Buckley Express Co. 2-3 Peanut Butter Kisses nt Tho Pat terson Drug Store this week, 2tf Send us your orders for heavy timber and ship-lap. Bend Lumber "Co. '.. - 43tf Txy The Bulletin job piintcry. .. Buy your fishing tackle at Pat torson's Drug Store and got the best. I-o wney's Candles, fresh and de licious, ut The I'atterson Drug Store. atf List your property with the Home seeker's Land Co., Wall Street, Hend, Ore, tf See the II. M. & W. Co. for j threshers, engines, steam gang plows, etc. tf The Peerless Pressing Parlors are now at The Toggery on Ore gon Street. R2tf Found Pair gold rimmed sj ec tacles in black caw. Apply ut Bui letln office. FltKK Lots of dry planer shavings to bed your horses with, at the Hend Lumber Co.'s mill. 4'M Foil Sai.k. Barred Hock eggs for hatching. $; per setting. Mrs E. W. lUehardmn. 61 -if Foil ItKNT Furnished house, barn, chicken coop and garden, all enclosed. CJko. BATKH. fitf (Jet out that old spring suit ami we will make it look like new. Peerless Pressing Parlors. Wit Victor double face records, 1 est talent in the world, two selections "Gets at Patterson Drug Store. WaSTKD. Hoy It to lti years old on small ranch. Work light and ploawtnt. Enquire at Hulletin office. Tlie Bond Hulletin has for wile the IkmI quality blue print paper; light and heavy weight, and duplex paper. tf Foil Sai.K 12 horse-power up right holler steam engine in first class condition. Stevens & Hen dricks, tf If you contemplate the purchate of an automobile, investigate the "Oakland" line. F. F. Smith, local Agent. G-tf Wantbd Relinquishment in the vicinity of Hend. State location ami price. AddrwM Vf4, care Hend Hulletin. 4-1) rOlt SAI.K Chkai Forty acres of irrigated land it miles from Hend. on Hend-HurtM Howl. Address I'. 0. Box :i. 2tf Iwt. Between Bond and Powell Butte. n Friday afternoon, a straw covered suit c. itoturn to Bul letin ollice. 4-tf The $100 chst of Community Silver is to be given away soon at The Patterson Drug Store save your tlckeU. 2tf Mlltanl Tr'pJttt hu a splendid . a a -w lin(1 k wi ny you t0 Wtf hm fore buying. 0 , lv. fllP t,n,-hlnL' f mm m.r.. I.! Siher Iaceil Wyandottes. 31.00 ler setting. Mrs. W. P. Downing, llend, Oregon. tf Did you know that the Bulletin job shop can print your visiting ' nnpilj f link luui unitb attttlk 1 n r it wmie acrfpt ty)o7 Foil Sale. Cabin in block 11, Center addition. and household goods, t uargam u uiKtm uciore iny i. Enquire on premises. 6-7 1 Every $1.00 purchase entitles you to a chance on Patterson's chest of Community Silver. Your number may be the lucky one. 2tf If you want farm machinery, wagons, buggies, etc., see the Bend Milling & Warehouse Co. and save money. Stock in soon. tf Fishing Tackle for everybody at Patterson's Drug Store. I For portraits at home individual or groups interior views, general out door photography und kodak finishing, call on C. (i. Seward, tem porary quarters opposite the ost-ollice.- 2tf I hereby announce that I have severed all connection with the Bend Construction Company and hereafter am in no way responsible for accounts Incurred in their name. 3-7 Amthur Proctor. I Johnston's Milwaukee Chocolates, best made, at Patterson's Drug Store, 'Four to fifty miles per hour. "On the High," can be made with an "Oakland." F. F. Smith. Agt. 6tf I C. J. Hoke, who was formerly in tho United States land service as special agent, has opened a real estate and insuranco ofileo in Bend, in connection wi h Henkle & Ford. Tho "Oakland" Automobiles are made in seven ditferent styles of bodies, 30 and 40 horse power. Quick deliveries. P. Smith, Agent. 6-tf 1 Seo tho curiosities and work of art in our window. Ebony carved elephants from Ceylon, India, shields from tho warrior chiefs of Africa, Boer coins, etc, nt tho Secondhand Store, i) corner, 5tf Fishing Tackle for ovorybody at Patterson's Drug Stro, BASTCR BALL. 'Saturday niirht. Anril'22. at LTn. .teraiHjill. NEW SUMMER GOODS A large shipment of new summer goods and novelties has just arrived at our store, among which are Men's, Ladles' and Children's Hoso Men's and Ladies' Underwear Summer Shirtwaists Latest 1911 Styles Corset Covers, White Petticoats Men's Negligee Shirts Straw Bonnets for tho Little Tots Very Pretty And many other item In dry goods novelties, glass ware, china, etc. You are cordially invited to come ami examine the NEW goods. Rowe's Economy Store NEXT DOOR TO POSTOFFICE The Same Goods "VHBflHMmmHmMHH Since the Homeseckcrs Land Co. located Miss Dora Campbell of Seat tle, and Miss Pierce of Monroe, Wash., it keejw them busy with the many prospective land-seekers. Trips to the l)est lands every day. C-7 To ExriiANOE The SEtf of the SWtf . Sec. 1 1. T. 17 S R. 13 E. 35 Irrigable acre. Price 81600. Will trade for projerty in Washing ton or Oregon. E. L. Spencer, GOO North Ainsworth Ave,, Tacoma, Wash. 3-G For Sale A 33-horsc power Erie City engine and boiler, in firstclass condition. Reason for selling, we are doubling our capacity and have ordered heavier and larger machin ery. Mastin Lumber Co.. La Pine, Oregon. 49tf Our Portland representative has bought a bankrupt stock of furn iture at 00c on the dollar, which will arrive In iiend in a few days. We will disjMHe of it at great reduction. Watch for it. Secondhand Store, postoflico corner. For Sale or Rent. NWV of SF'4'.Soc. 13. Tp. 17. R. 12 E.. 7 milos from Bend on PrinevilleRood. 30 acres in crop last year; proof made; 8-roorn house. Make prono sition to W. H. Hayden, owner. 410 tidelity Building, Tacoma, Wash ington. 4-7 SIS1URS Sisters, April 18. Mr. Courtney has the timber already cut for the frame of his mill, which is to be locatod about two miles south of Sisters. Sisters i$ making plans to organ ize a concert band. The local telegraph company is making plans to change the office from the present location to Denni son's Drug Store. Frank McCafTerty of Redmond brought homeseekers to Sisters re cently. The livery and feed stable be longing to Chos. Gist has been sold to Mr. Coulter. He Intends to run a freight business in connection with it. INTRODUCES LAND DILL. Congressman A. W. Lafferty of Orogon has introduced in the House of Representatives bills to eliminate all non-timbered lands in national forests and to create a land court in every land district, with a court of land appeals in Portland. KEEP YOUR, MONEY IN OREGON EVERY Oregonian INSURED and UNINSURED Has a right to feel proud of the UNMATCHED RECORD of OrcgonTifc The Only Life Insurance Company EXCLUSIVELY OREGON BEST FOR OR ETONIANS Home Office: Corbett Building, Portland A. L. MILLS, Pres. L. SAMUELS, den. Manager E. N. STRONG, Dist. Mgr. THE DALLES, OREGON ; Keep Your Money In Oftegoiir For Less Money" OPPORTUNITIES IN THE EAST. Any rencU'rof Kioto note wlio may b Inrcntlgatlas the cheap farms In eatit era states will be interettl In bulletin No. 01 Uticl r lh bureau of plsnt Itnliutry nt Wiulilncton and entitled Agricultural Condition In Southern New York." The circular was pro pared by M C. Ilurrltt nflcr a year's careful Investigation of tho subject. The author dlncuniwi not only present conditions and causes leading up to them, but suggests methods by which they may be Improved. In concluding a dlscuxtton of the movement to the. cheap western lauds and to the cities the circular nay: i "People are turning toward the coon. I try and the cheap eaitern lands. Suc cess In farming In tbs region will de pend on the practice of such a system of farming as will not enly Rtre a ro tnuneratlre canti return at the present time, bat will balld up the fertility of the toll. Once cool conditions are re stored the land Is well adapted to the keeping of live stock, particularly sheep raining: to gtneral farming, es pecially bay and potatoes, and to tho growing of certain klndt of fruit The Kou'hern New York lands offer vzrellent opportunities for Intelligent young men with energy. They can be purchased cheap, they respond readily to the proper treatment, they are near io our ere it nurketn. and tbey are cer tain to lncrae In value." DRY FARMING EXPERIMENTS. The directors uf the North Platte (Neb.) agricultural experiment station have been carrylug on some experi mental work along the line of cereal production which should be of practi cal value to dry farmers Jn other sec tions. On tfce forry-elght plot" devoted to growing wheat In a season follow ing summer fallowing an average )te!d was secured of 30.2 bushels per acre. It was found that plots which had been sown at the rate of two pecks per acre yielded as welt as those on which Ave pecks were sowed In fact, ibe two smallest returns were from plots on which Ave ecks tud been uned. The lowest returns obtained from growing small grain were on land which bad been In alfalfa the preced ing year. Fire to six bushels of oats' were secured following brome grass, on corn land from tea to twenty bush els and on land Hummer fallowed thir ty bushels. The evidence derived from the above tests seems to show a de cided advantage In favor of summer fallowing over any other system of handling. Jmi i