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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (April 19, 1911)
, jr 41 lf8rrtWEtf THE STORE THAT SATISFIES. THERE IS A STRAW HAT HERE THAT WILL Just Pleasfc You n ECAUSE we have ALL the styles. Because we have not considered tone the young roan or the old man, kut all classes of men, we can state positively that we have a Straw Hat that will exactly suit you. You know as well as we, that the same hat won't look right on every man. We take special pride in helping our customers select a style that suits their own individuality, and we honest ly believe that we are better prepared to serve you in that regard than any other store. No need to be extravagant, when you buy your Straw Hat. Ours are very reasonably priced. You are'sure to FEEL right and and LOOK right if you GET' YOUR NEW . "STRAW" HERE. R. M. SMITH Clothing Co. W al 1' -S t r e e t, Bend, Oregon. 10 BUILD SOON NEW SCHOOLHOUSE IS NECESSITY. Ueni) Mas Outgrown lrctnt Quirt- 'r-Lelln Cltlrt For Urictlng Rxclimlve High Skhool MuDdlng. (From Satunlny's Kxtrn) With every room in the present bulhiinK taxed to capacity and new pupils enrolling every week, it is evident that Bond will have to pro vide more accommodations, oiuier oy OreconUn AtlvertltlBj. If you want to Interest .people on the outside iu lands you have for sale or get hotucMcndcrii to locate, why not try n little advertising .in the Portland Oreoiiiiin in well ns the Bend UVU.KT1N? The Bui.1. ktin will take your copy here and send it in for you. We'll arrange for reader and display uds for you. The rates are the same an if you scut to Portland. Tl1. INVOSTMGNT OPPORTUNITY. A rapidly increasing mercantile business in Bend minis nddltlonal capital to enlarge and reconstruct it (juarters and to take care of the big Increajie In trade that Is already making itself felt. If interested in the formation of a stock company I along progressive lines communicate YVV f Tli. ilnlliiriiv tf .Notice If vou wish t- have your ex '""-"-"""'----;.' nress ami llRlit iicigtii come in enlarging tne uuiuiiiik ur n.-iiiKlilo wUh ym,r icUtr) lul daily T1T1 Hflflll If 1T1III llllt'. llt'llUl' 1I1U ItMil 1 an additional one. before the fall term owns. In the. opinion of a number of leading citlxens inter viewed by The Bulletin, a new building to bo used exclusively by the High School should be erected mid the present structure turned over to the grade pupils. Another papers, luvc it come in on tne tuuii line. Tint CoKNi'rf Stack & STAin5t Co 25' AHUM ION .MIU..UUN. If you need any mill machinery or repairs, K-e the Bend Milling & warehouse Co. Estimates furnislv plan propositi is to erect a building ' w 0n repairs nml new plants of any that will be used temporarily xor,jze. tr both High School and grade pupils rtnd Inter, when the town grows and a High School building is put up, 1YHhSRiM!K KimtU.NS. Typewriter ribbons on sale at If you want something to eat try Pure Ice Cream CA AA'C DT A f C 1ure Ice Cream Every Day jiYl J fJALC Every Day. on Bond strefet. Annex to Stephens & Pattie's saloon. E. R. POST, LOCATOR I ImveMocated the largest number of practical fanners who have taken up 320-acre homesteads. ' I am pre pared for the rush of settlers. 1 keep two men in the field and can locate you on the best lands open for entry. Auto and team service to lands. HOTAUNO BOM.DJNG, BUND, OrKGON. be given up entirely to grade clot.. ' Tlie Mullet In OAkc. record ribbons l ..u.nVtn. ..f Ih.. niHHMMitv nfliortltc tuiiuttiii iiiiikiniitn. un.n, hnvinir moro school room next fall. Kemingtnn, i ufj'' nil. K Harrington ' Superintendent J. C. F. said: "Every seat in the building, except a few in the first grade room, is now occupied and we have hud to .Miti.m.irit m-.tinil ti tirill'tll.. tl ' . p.niiiw"k- ...uu... w ,... .... ; uynces. place tor an pupns. am uie aust-cs will, without doubt, be larger next fall, owing to the coming of new families, and more room will be ab solutely necessary. The High School will be increased by about n dozen pupils who graduate from the eighth grade this year, making the present facilities inadequate. In my opinion Bend should have a High School building and use the present one for grade pupils only." Chairman Millard Triplett of the School Board said: "What Bend needs is a building for its High School. There is no question about the need of more school room, and this I believe the best solution of the problem." "I am in favor of having the High sv and Royal. UUILDIMI PLANS. Dimick is prepared to J. W. Dimick is prepared to do all kinds of high grade architectural work, make plans, blue prints, etc., for business houses and resi tf OPI-ICliSO.N WALL STKIHJT. Roomy offices In new building on Wall Street. Ideally located iu center of town. Directly on street. Apply at Bulletin olllce. TRUUS NOT DAMAlllii). My two-year-old trees cscaed damage by rabbits. Extra fine ap ple trees at 10 cents each, or $18 per 100. Howard Spining. Bend, tf ItflUS FOR MATCIIINU. Burred Bocks and prize winning H. C. K. I. Beds. $1. er betting. Leave orders at O'Donnell'M Meat Market. JoilN F. 1'IKIIO:. tf found KXICKmjN, Itrml. OirKun. J Oh Utch 1? Itaytlaik im mrr ramr to ...- ....... r ...... I ... School and grade pupils in different , ,,o. mam! i i; m in .in.i vn,h. 1... II. !!... mwI K t il.i BIWtH V ilt- 'wi' . '." this is to have a central High School building," said A. M. Lara, when interviewed. "The time has come for BentU to NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. erect a new school building, and I believe it should lie for the um of the High School," said 0. M. Pat terson. The school enrollment figures at present, as given The Bulletin yes terday by Prof Harrington, are as follows: I'tiltttl Mtr LiikI ORtrr, Th Ihallr . Orrgoii. Match Mtl lyll Total in High School 29 Eighth grade 15 Seventh " 17 Sixth " 18 Fifth " 20 Fourth " 18 Third " SO Second " 22 First " 27 Grand total l'Jti The average daily attendance around 170. Nutk I. hetrtiy turn lhal Ihr .S'.Kthttn ractlic K.llway CiHMiuny, lw Kt ultxr ail iltrM l M. I'aul. Mlnnciul. ha. Ihl. Illh ilay l 1 tcbruaty. l"ll. filcil In Ihlavltxr It. anu.twil In kU1 unJ.r Ihr piotlalun. l Ihr att ul I Cuntra aiipruvnl Julr I. IVIWW.I o I ralriHlrl by Ihr Ait uf Cunfira aiiru. May IJ. ty, Ihr !i, ' '". hllii H. ot( kV.iH V. 0hi " rwp ittuHlh. Kauvr II KaX. M M . cuhUiiiiiiic Juu acic. (vtHal.No. lM Any and all prraout claiming a.lvrtwly Ihr Undailrdhril.ur UnltlHctu H'il ln uf Ihr mlnrral charartrr uf Ihr laml, ur U any ftlht r rraMiil, tu Ihr ilUtMil Iu ttpMKnl. .hwMkl filr Ihclr altMlaiU of fwlrt In Ihl. ullKt. un tT Ufetrlhr ahtla) ufMay lyii ,, . W MiKIHI' Kffl.Uf WILL CLOSE MAY Summons In tbr Cltcull Ccutl of Ihr hlalr ur Orricnii l.r Ihr County oTCrouk. Crnlral Orrron Itllf.lkio Company, a cllta lion. I1alulln Crank Mrorna, n l Ihw and LHMrl Laud Ituacd of Oregon, iHfrudanla To frank Slcvrna and H. I Ixw. (Hfrndanla is In tbr namr or Ihr Hlalr of Ortfon. Voii air I hrrcuy icnu'.iru toafp'ar anu an.nrr inr coin. i plaint Alrd aralmt you In Ihr ahuir rnlltlr.1 toll I within all weekt iron ui uay 01 inr nrri puoii- T calloa of Ihl. tumuiout awl If you f.ll Iu ao r 1 Q prar aodnrr. lor want Ihrrrvf, Ihr ptalnl If 7 will apply 10 Ihr Court for irllrfpfayrd for In tfa complaint. 10-wii ror inrcaucruaiionaiMl ri Four iibv.ilili of certain contract, ilalra Octotr. Will 'l.iVMi niaUr betweru you and Thr Ilrarhiile Irritation & lowrr Company and Mljrnrl to 1 aald plalutllf rrlatlur to the arlllcuirnt o'crlUln ' landi, and Ihr purcliaM ol walrr rlfhta appur- 1 tenant thereto, ailualc in Crook rouuiy, Oiriou. Will awl lor auch other and further relief aa may .rem , . 1 np Luiin ! luu luuiiautr close for the summer vacation toj Ti, IUnwin 1. ered upon yu i.y pui.iic. crivo trie tilinlln "n WUlROn of rest" llou byaulliorlly of an order oflhr lion 11. C. give me pupils a BUasun Ol real. kuh, County Jwlir of Crook County. Oregon, 'lTin l'lll.rz term Will onen On ftion- and Mid order I. dated inruinaay 01 iarcn High School Students Grsduite Soon. On May 19 the llend school ivtl and la duly recorded and entered in ..Ml Court and anil. IMtc of firt iiuhtlralion March vth, lyll. JI'.HHI'. hTHAK.NH j 7 Alluruey for I'lalnllff Notice day, September 4. Having completed the four-year, High Bchool course, four boys will receive diplomas which will give j Vi.m imlrnnnfl urithnllt vnmlnn-1 ..... ..... .v, ,. . ,.-. ..,.... . .. l ... III..I . .... tion. to the State University or any ' SSil"' day, the uimeraignca win apply to inr county Court of Crook County. Oregon for llcrnw to tell vluouaaud malt IUuora Iu iunllllra lew than our gallou oil Iitlvof Uluck v of I .a 1'inr, In aald ruuuty ami III aupporlol III. application will prcxiit Ihr following petition I.A 1'IMK IIHM.IIK, MACII I Sill. I4U To thr Honorable County Court of Crook college in Oregon. These are Bruce C. Deyarmond, Lyle M. Richardson, Max C. Bichardson and Steven Steidl. Thorn will l twnlvff or fourteen to graduate from the eighth grade ,"&;;. wr tf.. umier.igi,e.i f,eei.oi.iera roudv to enter the II Ml school. and legal volera reildlnglu Ihr I'reclnct of Irf rtuiiy lo t-HU.r lilt. ikii w-iiui. ,1h, f,,,, ptmiou your honorahlr lly to , giant a licruac loll. W, Knper toaell Vluoii. ami I Mall I.liiiioraliiiiaaulllealeMlliaiioiir iralloii on PI PAN.tJP AT SCHOOL Mw, p,mlM' """i 'M "" ' '" The wise business, man is parfjcular abopt his printing. The Pulletln Job Printery strives to please the particular ones. Phone us of call at office, Teachers and Pupils Make Oroundi and UulldlriE Tidy. Books, tablets anil pencils were laid aside Friday morning by all Bend school teachers and pupils and shovels, rakes and brooms taken up , instead. The occasion for this was1 "clean-up" day at the school build- j ing. Half a day's hard work was done, and when noon came the building and grounds were in a spick and span condition. As a re ward for their manual labor, the pupils got Friday' afternoon an a half holiday. j You'll get plenty of bites if you buy your tackle, at Patterson's Drug, 8tore. - County, Oregon i rfAr, I. AV, H. Hocue I, W.C. Ilolliniricait ,V . W. Hoguc 4 I'. Ilolea . I. N. Mmleii I, W. II. Ilollliithcari 11. V. frrlnuloii C. V. Carmtcliacl J. I,. Hggtra Tom hly A. II. Howard l.h. Carler f,M,llurl I'ratik Hogue . hhulti AIlDKI'.bH I.n I'lue, Oregon Kotlnuit. Orrgnti . . I.a I'lne Oregon I W I! I' 1'itinaii Janiea lllack " W.C. Itoidliam, Oregon K. II. Caldwell " tilinon Carr I.a 1'Inr, Oregon A. Kaprr " II. C. llamou W K. Beratey " Owen Kenny " I . Slnutafrrr " N, K. Smith " lred huillh " M, L. Karu CK.lurrou " l, W. WColt " jj. 'fcolonion Vohe " . PntedlbiazvtB day of Match, M j( , ti. W. RArHK. Spring Goods i $t the same old ROCK BOTTOM PRICES if you want to go CAMPING if you want to go FISHING SATHER has the equipment you need at tho prices you want. It will PAY YOU, in money and in the satisfaction of having Tho Beat, to deal at, SATHER'S. THE OLD RELIABLE E. A. SATHER ZZ GENERAL MERCHANDISE BENf). OKIEQON 12 Deschutes Bar BOND STREET Wines, Liquors and Cigars "EVERYTHING TO DRINK BUT DESCHUTES WATER.' GERTON 2b COMPANY BILL YOUR GOODS TO Metolius Warehouse Co. J, W. I10ONI2, Mnnnjfcr. We arc prepared to handle all kinds of freight and do u KtJ,,c',' lorwattlinjr liusincss. Satisfaetion is ftiaranteed. Metolius Warehouse Co. Fresh Fruits OP ALL KINDS Cigars, Tobacco. Confectionery Billiard and Pool Tables CARMODY BROS, AKcncy for Oregon Dully Journul und .Spokeiimnn Itoviow, IIONHTRKET, WOTWKBN 0RKKNW0QD AD flltblON. $W W S ' 4 snb flu Or A ' f .