The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, April 19, 1911, Image 4

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    -im" a m
An 1 tuI c it ml cut newspaper, Mamllng
for the square deal, clean bniltieM, cleaiv
)iS1Uic, anil tiie best Inltfctts ot llend
nml Central Oregon,
One yffnKMi
tfi monlhv.. . .....
Tkrtt nionlh
(tnnrUblr In tTnc.)
.... At
Never has the future held more
brillinn tpromsie for Rend than it
does today. Scnrcoly. even, did the
announcement of the railroad's com
tap, made two years ntfo, moan so
much to Rend as does the recently
consummated townsite transfer.
Now, perhaps for the first time in
her brief history, can Bend assert,
Session Well Attended and (lood Pro
Kram Carried Out Topics o( Inter
est to Educators Discussed
' In Papers Read
The annual Crook County Teach
ers' Institute was held in Rend last
Friday and Saturday and was Intyely
attended. There were present teach
ers from Prineville, Redmond. Laid
law, Rolyat and other towns, ami a
Train Your Child.
Correction docs much, but encour
ftRcmcnt after censure h na tho sun
nfter n shower, i
MtasiM bo tlio baud tlmt prepare h
pleasure for a child. for there Is no
nn,vltiR when und where It tuny bloom
lu tin? man whov childhood liaa
known wtfiwii there N nlwuyw n fiber
of memory that can bo touched lu sen
tie lnM
When n cbllil return from n neigh
bor'a hmtv don't question blm as to
what vta mild or done then tnlci
you wUh to now seed of coMtlp and
Chum With Your OppsilL.
It Li it tine Idea for the biwlnei girl
to chum w It It her oiHwlte. If you uru
Inontltiiitoly Im lined to piyrty or last
neiw a -ti'rtiHH. Intvllcctuul frlcud will
tono you up.
If you need toning down In tho way
tif iia.ri.ii t.tiil ii Iimi Mthtnlliilla rt mill
number from rural schools nearby. , y01, flm fr,.mi wi, ,,H phjsUal
A splendid program of addresses' exercl'. J- Uw, divumuikliu: nud
and papers was carried out, and the homok.vpitui
If )ou h- a natural writ nifhorlt
try to linbiinb with the clrl who ule
fudge partle and e the world from
another ntiste.
ThatV tho enlbte way to lower the
.reni?. don't you think no J
ivixf'.m il f lh? ttiitttor,
V .ml c. M TH It U Of .
prtl h ihi
Nstic i hri itr-n ihd C.rl It IUlh
oCLjihIUt nn i.i ait K. Snnrr Tt i
mU' Ii im ir4 1 !( Nil ii- IMrnl So
!.). ft r 1 i , id i c 1 i U II K.
W M h a'nl w ttTtnlriilfcH, Ismakr Anal
' :. I. ...1. .....:..:.. .....1
without fear or posslbilitj of con-, n8truct,TCt A pIoasant fonturewas
tradiction, the absolute certainty of the muscal nun,iWK tfvon at the
hor big destinj'. With large saw-' several sessions, these being ospeci
mills assured, with flour mills.woolen ' ally enjoye! by the visitors. In
mills and distributing houses look-' every way 'Bend showed herself an
t . i t . i !,:- ...:i, excellent host, vie stall of the local
ing toward Bend for location. ih school oxtcn(lin a hearty wolo(.me
n double railroad terminus, with t0 nll vWl0 atuj showing them
the greatest tributary free-land tor- tnuch hospitality,
ritories rapidly developing, -with The initial session of the Institute
Oregon's greatest irrigation enter- was ojwned with a vocal solo by
nHi surroundinir her. with unlimit- J- Roeder. "Asleep in the Deep."
..a ..... .... n,ti. ttmv,r n,i Mw. Lindborg accomiKinying.
UU t4tll fj tt v.iivvvj (.
cJimnte and sconco uncquaueu, ana t0k. ,inrtn ..:J:ui. ui- x... i iMiw h jct i Rtmi o tn un ih
nw with the backing of the most ,)ladnK before her heaVers fira.t
powerful interests in Central Ore- scenes from the Trojan War and
eon. Bend cannot but forge ahead later visiting Rome, Venice, France
from the thriving town of today into nd England, with the aid of excell-i ". . . J , .',"
em siereonucwi views inruwn up-, u.u.uiun j nunbu
on a sheet stretched across the
E. L. Coe. of the Prineville schools,
read an interesting paper dealing
with the importance of moral edu
cation in the schools.
The First Grade pupils then sang
and went through a
... n n n . . .. . ' flc-tr to ntiHull cUim In th land
Miss R. B. Parrott then delivered I ht J. i-' -r.f.ii c mih.. v om-
2Wil tlAk tit M At 411
CUinmnt nm. tinni I'rr.' V Wl
Uce nr Vi.i- UcwbC Tlwf ikI K lUfry
Uivlrv iIUiumIi iirkon
fr-io . MiHIHK Rcjiitir
the metropolis of tomorrow.
The Dalles land office broke all
previous records for entries in
March, there being a total of 295
reported by Receiver Moore. Of
these 248 wore homestead filings.
During the first week in April there ' making a laughable
were 92 entries, giving indications "The Modern Teacher" was the
that this month's record would beat , Mo o M C. V. Conway's ex-
m. , :. ceiieiJi. jniiK.T iiu niiicti wiv ;.
NMI l ht'by lTn by lh" unittMltnril.
rcutor of th f ltc of Jon n Mvmurr, itrcraMa,
tuthr CTfJUiKaf. od nil prvm httn tltlm
IH,I ihr tM rtxtol to prrMHt Ihrm, t
IBcJ rrqultnl by Uw wlthla iU roaothi ftt
Ihc (IratlmMWitWtl of lhl iioIKt. to C. O Miwm
t h' tii t Hit llHtortVr il IItikI, urtfos,
the Mm twlBf Ihf pUc for the irnnMctkm of
thelMinr o? the Mhleiute in the ut4 ntjr
eotnty n. tute
Uftlhu hdrof pnl n
little drill. ! """,01 ?' i1", : f
- - - r
CO. if!
TEe W. C. McCuistort
IVERWHELM1NG CR.OWDS of eager buyors
marked our opening day, end it is not by acci
dent that wo enjoyed such romarkablo adivity
on that. day. Tho substantial reason is that
our lino is booked upon reasonable prices, fresh,
clean and up-to-dato goods. It costs money
to bo behind tho times. Wo will bo adding to
our lino each day until wo havo completed our
stock with evory article of good eatables to meet tho demand.
Woman votes in somo of tho states and it is said sho rules in all
of thorn, so wo cator to trade that influences all tho buying.
Nothing will appeal to a Woman as quickly as a clean and neatly
kept grocery storo with a frosh and up-to-dato stock to select
from, and all of this wo expect to have just as soon as con
ditions of freighting and rates will permit us. Wo will adver
tise our very low prices just as soon as wo can make our stock
moro complete. Our terms aro cash but our prices aro tho
lowest and if you don't trado wi h us wo both Ioso money.
Corner Wall Street and Greenwood Avenue, Bend, Oregon
that of March.
ning's exercises closed.
. .-. f Al-!.. ..MHA..?Mn l.tltnl
mg loauire in u.. ,..... , The pngnm o Saturday morn
a big portion of those applications nR.s exer,. at the school house
for government land were made at included addresses by ten of the
Bend, and that the torritory is trib-( local faculty and three visitors.
utarv to Bond. With a good road ' After a musical number. Miss
pene'trating the heart of the new Harriet L. Dolsen spoke utHn
. u. . &E?J'J2SKI
will profit by trading in Bend and f0l0weil by on oddruw upon "Prim
marketing their products hore.while ary Reading," in which Miss Ethel '
on the other hand, the town will Moore had much that was of inter
rw liw-i.. o-rMtlv lwnf.fitl. With est to say concerning methods of
' instruction. Miss Nona Richardson,
whose subject was Language." had
the natural advantages it has, and
atWed to Uiis Uie lact mat n. win much to sav of value, and was fol
be the center of a rich farming lowed by J. E. Myers, who discoursed
upon Antnmeuc. u. t. coie
grove closed the morning session
with a talk upon "Industrial Work
in the School," in which he dwelt
Mileposts along any highway are uPn the Rawing realization of the
.,.. -m . .,..-- nn,t imporumce of this branch of modern
Saturday afternoon, at Linster's
Hall, the program was as follows,
commencinsr at 1:30:
Song 2d Grade
History J. Alton Thompson
Literature in Grade
Miss Theresa Cassidy
I lr, Y
tcautlful colors when there are no' Aianon uawrence ann uooerunnoa
frotf whatever. The present autumn , Thoroughness in Fundamentals ....
Klre nice Illustration of the truth of J. C. F. Harrington
the abore atateiuent, ai soft mapjes The Domands of Our Public bchools:
community, Bend will surely go for
ward by leaps and bounds,
a crreat aid to travelers, and the
move to have such on the new Bend
Bams road is in the right direction.
The cartoonUt of a well known dally
jiapcr of tbe mldle wet rrvently rlc
tured Jack Knwt la elan garb palatine
tbc leavea of a maple tree. Tb- entl
meat U a ratber attnicUre one and
quite generally beld. but tbe fart
Mrcs. oo tbe contrary, to be tbat tbe
learc of drciduoua trees take on most
The Best Dry
Slab Wood
Delivered, for
a Load
If Ordered Before
May First.
Lumber Department
1 Men's Toggery
I Ins Just Ilm'iml n New nud Pp-To-Date Line of
Direct from the Factory of the Curlee
Clothing Company. Don't fail to .see
the line before huyinp
$12.00 to $27.50
Also n Complete Line of SHOES. HATS, SIUHTS.
and eren bur oak hare abown con
siderable color wben lu aus of
wrty froat they frequently bov no
coler at all.
C. O. Patten of Cbarles City. la., one
of tbe veteran bortlculturUu of tbe
country, wbo baa won medals at
meet Ins of tbe National Pomotoglcal
toclity for tbe beat display of applen
p-own by exhibitor, has this season
picked set era I specimens of a new va
riety of apple, which be baa named tbe
Standpoint of a Newspaper Man
George P. Putnnm
Standpoint of an Agriculturist. ...
L. D. Wiest
Standpoint of a Teacher
Solo Mrs. Lindborg
Recent School Legislation.
Supt. R. A. Ford
On Saturday evening, J. C. F. !
CoulanMIybrtd. It la a crow of a pip- j Harrington delivered an illus-i
pin oo a native wild crab. In form ro-' trated lecture upon South American ,
hembline Its wild parent. In color Ita i travel, M(ss Evelyn Lane Walker
tame and ro flavor barlns the peculiar-1 jjjgcuased the "Normal Course in
lllea of both. The fruit U of medium , H, ,, g,, and Mig3 Roga B.
alxe. peeo iD-cplor. and the tree upon , t fc .Schoo
friiMa tm ikvarai amirTiai wn rvaa narrnpnr
as a Social Center.
The evening's musical program
, was as follows:
.Solo, "That's What the Rose Said to
Me," J. Keeder
A man who employs farm labor
doesn't need to be with hU employees
more than a couple of week to form a
pretty definite opinion aa to tho men , Oni "iTntn Thv Hnrt."
having tbe stuff tn tbpru to make suf-. Mf8 rjndborg
llclent headway wist day to own ' ' rva weat
farms of their own. The hired manb'iat0 '," T"' " A ,,u.
who U alack. Indifferent aa to bow he I Accompanied by Mrs. Douglas.
does his work and soldiers when the 'Solo ..... J. b. bawhlll
boss lao't looking It U pretty safe to Duet, The Crucifix
aasume, will continue to be Juat thU ' Mrs.Wenandy and Mrs. Lindborg.
kind of unsatlafactory help all bis Among the Prineville teachers
day, if be should by chance have a wj,0 attended the institute were
wife and children deindent on blm prof R A pord( prof Et L Coe,
U U fair to assume that the former p f M R L; McBaln M,M C
will have to take In newlns: and wash- v c' p Rmhst Mrs E
tog to can. enoueh money o clothe" alrn& Te Jy M
and educate the children. This chap 1VIaker,A,, ?fe ?"i ?
referred to U not only a worthier ' Vivian Allan, Miss Ethel Moore.
.... ..... . Mlua Plan I Qmlth Mlaa Alllldn
uttnie rnr iinv man in rnrj iiur a noor "" m..m v. m....v., .....
oxcuse aa a husband and provider and
of little or. -no worth tn tbe community
in wblcb he lives.
Wilson and Mrs.' Elmer Clark, all of
whom were guests at the Pilot Butte
This clothing has the quality that wears and
holds its shape as long as the suit is in use.
Because of the long wear and lasting satisfac
tion of these garments I can recommend them
to you in the very strongest terms
I also have a very select line of Men's and
Women's low cut
for Spring
and Sum
mer Wear.
You are cordially invited to call and inspect my spring lino.
A. L. FRENCH, Q"gn strMt
Subscribe for TherBend Bulletin $1.50 a year. 'Attractive
premiumoffers and clubbing rates.
Adjoins Bend on the south.
Most beautiful residential sec
tion in Bend.
Also Some Choice Business Lots.
Timber Lands Bought and Sold.