'1 ii aaet" Silver By REX BEACH Z COPY II I CUT. IOOU, BY M'NUI'MS OP I'UI'.CUDINd UIAIMIIKS. ' Ilnrl Hmton anil "Flnaerlns" lfr rnlrr Kalvlk. Alaska, and mt a yuuni Mlilln woman. Clwrry jLlalottf, who lil lrl lhm Chrrry nrrltt tli tliiinn flitterl ainl Mrli, Hi urirruiuloua lirnU uf Hit Kalvlk innnarl I'livrry own a ranntry llr Kmrton. (Ivors 1111 and li so lulu mrliirhlp Kinrim ilrtrrllx' lit fallm to "mk inh" In Alaaka i:mtun kl C'(irnr roodtjr lull. rrr and Kntaraon whuIv lu tli.lr IIvm In Kalinal t and tit I a ll.i. train er al Katnint on llirlr way out In vat iltat Aflrr rtrilful irtvllnii lUry ratrh th linnt at Kadtak amt at un rn rmit fur Chicago Knierauii -k Mli Mlldird tVaylatid. Him ami Ihnrranit r rimaant Ht fa-trit-r, Waviie VuUint. I a iMlllluiiati Alton I'lyita uRei IIO.U'J liird Hi ian liry. Itflt t ami Kmtrinti immI Mnrali In t'hl rasw Matali la a aultiir fur MIMlixI'a band MmmIi Irlla Mlltllnl nlMtiil Clinty MaUitln II ami Wii)n Waylnml t'l a eallliMlra Iril.t Mllilml l-rn Dint Itmrrmn ami Clirr ry am tmrliii-ra IMnkrr IIIMUitl, Hiwtll". irfiti.a in Irnil Uihvouii IWM". t'lietry, who haa itrilvnl In U-Ntlii Ht'rtta u din Mar Invitation fiimi IMIIIniiI "Don't want til Why. 1'ie Jim gut ti. Hint nil. Tin' flo.UUI la your." A limlltti tmil clflpaiHl when UlIllT son nt lnt epreed to (leorgu the lilirourngemeut ttint hnd Iniu illetitly ill Ixitll men' militia. "You'te plnjed jour string mil. ehl" "Ali-hllely. ro done eterj thing except burglary, hut I rttti't rtlai that S l(JD.a. 'lime arc hard, and l'u Met! in) friend of fiery dollar they can spare." "It'a an awful Id il-er of money." Unit admttlnl. IHi n lh. "I neter fully realised tM'fnr Imw ery large." liojd mM. "AimI )ft MlilHHit tltnt nimnuit tin MmIH twnli Mruu't liMrk nt fir tin fi'iiiMltiiliT." "Ob. It'a ih u to tHfklf tbt tmt tvM mi h awnll jliM IHk (lfft IHimltTul. "UVil ntlKbl 1" l" tl tllf lit now. W'v re ah) t'.'.VUJU. vUT' "Yi-" Hut I lit" eli la Mere tituHii awity frvr ! after hIm-h Alton llyl tliren iIohii I weiil) 0e jl MM 1111 ! J.rr li)il kiI from n mlertHi a nrve h lid h lie refiteil in name. I'nufaoti titler met ll' lemllllK milior laalite from lilmn-lfi fur Mllilreil U'a) la till a liallll. N erwaffe hUikm- exat etire if felt mi h tOHtlnunl liH'iiare lie t UllInK Mllilrei) at Iter Imhim. lliwtiHK K'Ue tHitalile Hie library, tlie yomik man aakeil Imrrleily '(lri me Mime time bIiiiio mIHi jwi, tny lady. I mint Uwte iiirl)." '1'liere h time fur no more, for V)he U'h)IiiihI eiilereil. fullovreil by nliollier k'eiilleniHli at tile flmt alullt of Mlmiii Kniirmn alnrteil. ulille lita tulml nv ii rT Into n ill it) ulilrl of Increttii Illy. It roilhl not le! It una ton uro t(HHii-tiMi rlillriilmla! tint irniik of lualkloiu fitlo win tlilO lie tnrneil till c)ei I" llie door nKln In ee If liy any cliuneo tliero wure n tlilnl Ulior, but lliere una not, anil tn fort'isl to ri-Hiiiil to .Mr Witjlnnil' creeiinii Tlie oilier limn lnul tuennwlille iviMtl Ulrectly to XI I M nil. n If lie lnul eyea for no one ele. anil ivna Imwlnc over tier tin til when tier fnllier ioku, "Mr. Kniermm, let hip reont yon to II r. Mnrali I Itellero you lime neer ImpiM'tiril lo tnrvt liern." Mnrnti ttiruetl n If riU-clnnt to releflao the Klrl'a Im nil, nml not uiilll til oun win out atrvtcluil it lil lie recok'iilie the other. The Io mumbled thu lUatomury anl utatlona. "Vott two will Rut nlons fnmouMy." anlil Mr. Wnyliiml. "Mr. Mnrali la nc iltinliileil wllli your country, llo)il," "Alii" Mnrali oxchtlimil ijulcklv "Are jou nn Alitaknn, Mr. Kiiiitiuii)" "Inileetl, ho U ao uetlilisl to Itie cotiu try Hint lie la itolnit hmk tomorrow." Mlldreil orferul. Mil mh'a II rat look of ctmllenev now rlinueeil to ouo of the llrvlleat lutereat. nml lloyil linncliiiil the fellow enilenr orliik to link hlin. throtiKti the iirfnlr nt tlio realiitirnut. with thu preaeueo of 111k (U-orKu In CIiIciiko. "Yea," lln)il utiawereil ciiutloiialy, "I ntu n tyiilrnl AlnMliiu-tlUniiolnti-d, but not illNcouniKetl." "Wlmt limlucM)" j JHiWA "MIiiIiibI" iPjW?''' "OliI" Imlirrerrnlly. "llnjil Iiiim aoiiiethlni; fir bettor thnn mtiiliiK now." beu'iiu Mllilietl. "lie wan tnlllliK uie nbotit it nu" "You Intcrrupti'il ua," Inlerjecleil ISmerMon, imulc Mtrleken. "I illilu t lime I line to explain thu niiluro of my on terprlau." Tlio girl nna nbout to put In n ill rlnliuer when ho Ihuhiil a look nt her which alio coultl not help but heeil. "I nm wry atuplil nliotit audi HiIiik." nIio orferetl eiiNlly, "I would not hnvo underatooil It, 1 nm iiuro." To her fnther alio continued, lenvlnit whut alio folt lo bo dunuuroua cruund, "I didn't look for you ao early." "Wo Unbilled looner thuu I expect ed," Mr. Wnylnnd nnnwered, "ao I drovo Willi to hi hotel mid wultrd for him to drean. I wan ufrald ho mlht dlaapnotnt ui If 1 let him out of my aljtht. My dcr, 1 haro effected a won derful deal today," went on nor father. "With tbt help of Mr. Uinb I closed Uie last detail! of cousoUdatloa e Authof ol Tit Spolleri" sad "Pi namr" II A II V I II t UHOTtlCIII I'M , which Im iKCllpled ma for tuaiiy mnntba." "Another triiRl, I upnne." "Certain people mtKhi call It I Imt." cliutklrd Hie old num. "Willi win the Inaplrltitf p'tilu and did moit of the work; the ciedlt I hi." "May I Impure the nnttire of thl merger?" Ktneraoii ventured. "Crlaluly," replied Wnyur Wajlaud. 'There I uo loiik'er any -eret. about IL 1 have inmhlued the pnckltia In dualrle of thu I 'or I lie conl llluler the nam of the North American 1'aeker' aaaoclatlou. Iloyd fflt lilniaelf Krowlnjr tiiitnb. "What do you iihmiii by (miLluu In dtlktrleaT" naked Mlldreil "l'iinnerle - hiiIiiihii flnherlral We own ISO M-r cent of the plant of the rllllre coaal. Iu lllillliK Aliiakn. 'I'lint'a why I'le Ih'i-ii mi (.ten iiliunt thill north cunuiry. Iln)d You neier eiieaaiit II eli" "No. atr." IIomI Hnmmereil. "Well, we iiiitrl the atlpply. mill we will rejtnlHte Hie uiHrkel. We will iillnw mil) tv lint iiiinpiillloii we ile al re, It wh u lieiiuilfiil trnnHeHnn" Wil he ilretimlliK) lli)i wnndereil 111 IHiiUlh wn ill), but he lliNHHl.Mil I" Impilre: "Wlmt nbutit tlio Imlepi-ndent cmi lierle'" Mnrali laiiKlnil. 'There I no senti ment III biialneaa! There nro ubout U) per cent ton uuiny plniila to suit u I Pellet e I nm tnmblu of iittindliiit to them" I "Mr Mnrali U Hie jcww-rnl mfltiBKi-r" WN)lntid 1'Mlnllitit. "Willi Hie mnr Let In our oh n linmla mid audit lent inpliHl to iiHTMle nt n Iihmi fur h )inr or two )eir. If nefiary. I dnn'1 I Ihlllk the Independent plant will cihiI ii much." Now fur the drat lime llmorwui re ' nllsed the liiiproprlei) of hi own pre ( eitt tHMltliili He wrh here In Hie Way i land Inline tinder fle pn'teni-; the) bad lutreil to lilm n-rei ihiI rlrlnl) ' tit Willi which be nilBlit arm blinx-lf U hi II tbl. !'' 1-e.Hllie known tu the tin Hitler lie wn.iiil r.-unitl lilm tint only a M preatltapluiiil etieiii). but a M irtilior Hi)i knew the old I) ram u well lo diMtlil liN tiurr f i Hun. tbeiHvfurth there wunlil lie war to the bill. The nniifiiiiicitiient of dinner Itder rupiHl bl illma)etl rettt lien, mid be ' walknt Hit In Hiinpnny with Mr Way- ! IstHl.'wbo Hnkiil arw with lilm na If lo afford Willi Marsh etery sdtan- lane. Dii'tlllK HMHlKb II ttillht prote. "He I n wonderful fellow." tb old KelitletllMIl otMcrted willu iH-e, luilleHt- llik Murh-"olie of thu Lcelieat bllal lie men I cut met." "Year "Indeed hu I. He I n money nmker. too; hi HWHK-lale swear by hltu. If I were 3011. my Imj). I would study him; he I a kxh nuin to Imitate." At the dinner table I tie mile nt flmt wna general nml of n character appro irtniu for Hie hour, but Ml Way bind, oddly enotiKh. dlsptajetl stich mi tin iiaunl thlrit for Informntlou recnrdlui; the North Amerlenn 1'itckent' naaecla Hon Hint her father wn moved to re mark tlMI It. "What In the world tin come over you. Mildred)" he an Id. "You never cared to benr about my dolncs be fore" "Picnic don't dlacournce me." she urged. "I tun really In enriii-at. I sliutili like to know nil n boll I till new iniat of your. lYrtiap my Utile uul uto Is crowlui: a bit tlreaomv lo me" "Ho far It Im been nil hard work." Wiiynu Way land nt leiiKth iiunouuccd. "hut Ii) the fuliiro I proporc to derhe , some plenauru from tbl nffulr I nm j 1 1 nil out. 1 or n ioiik iimu 1 nave necu plniinlnu n trip somewhere, nml now I think I shiill make 11 tour of Intpec linn In the spntiu' and vlatt the urlou holdliik'S of the North Atnvrlcun Puck er' nssoclntlon. In thnt wny 1 can combine recrenttou nml builueas," "How far will you col" ijucitloncd llO)d. "Clenr tip to Mr Mnrsh's slutlon." "ICnhlkr "Yea; thnt In the plnn." Mnrsb chlm fit In. "You see, 1 ntu scMah In urulnu It, Mini Wiiyland. 1 exiect you lo Join thu party." "I nm sure you would llko It, Mll dreil," the miiKmtle milled. lto)d could scarcely believe Ida cars. Would thuy come to KnML? Would they nil iisMetublo there In thnt unmap ped mink ? And. stipposlui; they Nliould, bnd ho the couniKo tu coutluuo Ids mnil eiiturprlHoT It wus it'll so tinreut! Ho wna torn between the dcHlro to hnvo Mildred ucrvit nml fear of the In (liienco Mnrali mlcht K'Hu during such n trip. Hut Ml Wuyhmd cUdcutly had nn eye lo her own comfort, for she replied: "No, Indeed) Tlio 0110 tliliiR I nhhor nbovo land travel Is n sen voyau'o; 1 am n wrotchetl sailor." "Hut this trip on a yncht would bo worth while," urged ber fnther. "Why, It will ,10 n regular voyutfo of discov ery. I nm ns excited over It as u couu try boy on circus duy." Marsh socondod him with all bis powers of persuasion, but the girl, greatly to Ktoerson's surprise, merely reafllrmed ber determination. "Are there any women In Alaska V Horde qufilnm-d Hie clrl. "In llie milling cninp. ea. Inn w Oahermen lite lonelj llu." "Hut the coy. hrlnklni liidlnu timid fti' I tuivp rend 11I10111 tlii'in ' The) nro terrible 11 fTu I nt." Marsh (IihIiiiihI. "Not nlwnyal" lloyd Ke voice U ht ueuiTill Hlilioyniue "I ItiMe aeon aome M-ry iilirnellve siuuwa, purllc- uliirly lireuU." "Whi'ieV" tleiiuinditl the other "Well, nt Knlilk. fur Inilli in e-y our homii. You muat know Chukiiwnmi, the Klrl Hiey cull 'llie Hiiowblrd''" "Nn." I "Come, cornel Khe knows you well." "Ah. a mysieryt He I cniiieiillui; omelliliiL'l" Died Ml Wn)hiud. CIIAITUIC VIII. AltKII dlre ted a abnrp ftlnnre a ....... ..... . I.... .(I M prmume you refer 10 Con- almilllle's alvler. I wn sjieuV- I iik Kcuernlly. Of (-our there are ex cept Ion. A a mallei of fact I wnn't exactly rlnlil when I said wr hud no w till women whatever al Knlilk Mr linifraoii doublle has met Cherry Mn lotler "I hnve." ncknuwledecd lloyd. "Bhe wn tcry kind lo us." "Oh. dellithlfuir exclnlmul Mlldrnl. "Ilil 11 beiiiillful liidlnu Klrl. now a in)Hlerluu white woiiinnf Why. Knit Ik I dtildedly luti rellliK " "'there I" iitiihlnu myaierlnu nlxnit the while wnliinu," niiIi) Murah "She la unite Oplcnl-JtiM 11 plnlii tnlnltiK cmnp liiilifcirou who drlflnl down our WH)." "Not nl all" lln)d dlM'Inlmiil niiRrl-I)-. "Ml Mnliille U 11 lino woiuiin." then ill .MhiIi'k xliorl IhiikIi. "Ami lii-r toiiduct In-ill faiornlile couiirlon iiltm. "l-iltiNaijil with Hint of what tn uv Ni.inr Hie other white Juniple Nt Kultlk" Marsh allowed hi eyt to water at thl. but to Ml tired be aHlinfle.l. "lie it imt lb aurt otw care to ill-i-u." "IIimv M ymi ktww)" demamlnl j Cherry' cuhniiIoh "la ymi know ' no) ililnic avalUMi her clHtrneterT" I "I knnw ahe I a disturbing element 'In Kalxlk and Iinn i-HUeil 11 n Krtatt I deal of trouble " j It wn llo)il' turn to lunch. "Hut j surely that baa nnthliijc to do with her character. 1 "My dear fellow" Ma rh idiniKEn! , hi shoulder apolocctlcall.v "If I bad dreamed she wa n friend of yours I neter would have xkcn." I The dinner was tluMied. nnd Mr I Wnyluud hnd naked for hi fuvorllo cljjnra, so Mlldnsl rwe, nnd lloyd ttc 1 coitipatilrtl her. lenvlnj; the other to i smoke. Hut. strangely cnouch. Marsh I remained In such n stnto of prcoccupa I tlon. ecn nfier their departure, thnt Mr. Wnylnnd' altemptn tit converan- tlon elicited only thu vnguest and bortcat of ntiswers. in the inunlc room Mildred turned upon lloyd "Why didn't you tell tus sImiiii this nomiiii beforui" "I didn't think of ber." "And yet she I young, benuilftil. re- rtniii lit i4 ti rninnnflt? url nf ux.Mt etice and entertained you"- She tosaei her bend, i-iiiliil herself nt the piano uud stmck it few Idle note. Inuulrliii; ciiNiutllr. "Knlvlk Is the tstssit.. its atti. nlria likll ft-Pit IVailflt latltt ur "It Is." "1 suppose you will sec n (Trent denl I of thl-Cherry Mnlotter "Undoubtedly, Inasmuch as wo are partners." 'TartneM" Mildred censed plnytnc and swuue about. "What do jou meanl" alio Is IntercMtrd In this enterprise. The cannery site Is bora." "I seel" Afier a moment. "Doc this new affair of father's hnvo any par ticular effect on your pl.tusT" "Yen nnd no,1' he answered, fcolIiiB ncnlu the weight of this Inst compli cation, forcuileu for tho moment. "What tlo you wish 1110 t do?" Nothing, only for the prwent please n't mention my scheme either b don lilm or to Mr. Mnrali I nm n bit uu certnln us to my courso. You see. It menu so much to tuc thnt I can't lienr to give It up. nnd jet It may lead to grent unpleasantness." She untitled coiuprebendlngly. On Hint u-ry night. In n little snow smothered cnblu crouching close against the Knlvlk bluffs, another girl wus sea ml nt 11 plnuo. Her hIIiu, while llngors hnd 8 1 raved upon tho notes of a song whleh Hoyd Umerson hnd buiir. In her dream tilled eyes was the pic ture of a rough garbed, silent man at ber shoulder, and In her ears was the sound of Ids volco. Clear to the last melting note aha played the air, and then a pitiful aob shook her. Bhe bowed ber golden bead and bid ber fact In ber arms, for a memory waa upon her, a forgotten Uta was hot lm rrrt. upon hcrllp 11 nil he wn very lonely At the hotel Kmersoii found Clyde mid I'rnaer In Unit's riiin nwnltliiK lilm, 'i'hey were notay mid exilli-d nt the Piiui-aa of the eiilerprlae uud nt j the pnpett of limiii-illnle iiitlon j Mo) d tnld tliciii little of th news I Hint had atnrlhd him eitrller In the cw-nliiK beyond the bnre tint thnt Mnrali hnd flouted n prickers' Irtist mid thnt setrecy for the inent wn now doubly mieaaiiry to the amieas of i Ihilr tiiidertiikliKC The full slmilfl ciime of the uierirer. therefore, did not I strike hi naaiK-lniea eti-ti when on the triilu the next day they rend llie nn- 1 11011111 emi-iit of Its forinnilnu In the 1 neuMpiipera. Unit alone took tintlco of t It nnd fell Into n furious rni;e at lil euvlliy' ll(ee. I No aiHiner were they fnty under j way for the wet than Cinernon beitnn 1 the deflulle ilinpltie of Ida plan. He I ...... ... ...:. 1. ninny detail of their mining work mid sent luuny menges, Willi the re sult thai oulOtlera In s dnreu line were swnlllng them when they arrived I tu Kindle Wllhnul los of lime lloyd ' liislnlleil hltnelf mid hi friend nt a hotel, snured a couitx-tetit nnd close mouthed Kteuognipher. mid lheiiought 1 out the banker wllh whom he bnd mnde n It-tiinihe agreement before K- j lug to ('hlingo. Mr. Hlllbitd gTt-etiil 1 him cordially. 1 "I ai-e )ott hnve enrrbd out your 1 pnrt of the program" Mild he "but be fore wedctliiltel) coinuill ouraelies we allotlM like lo know whtll effect till new trual I going lo lime on tlio cnriulng lniluc." "You menu 1 he X A. P A T "Pr loely Our t'hletigo 1 orri-iotid-lit can I tell u any more iinn wu time lenrmd from the prn" namely, Hull n lomliliintloti bn been formed. We an- nnturally aotlleulnl mtloui nbolil tltniielng n oiliilM-tl'He ptntit until we know wlmt ;ollt.y the trust will purmie" , Here wn exactly tho coiipllcntlon lloyd bad feared: therefore It wn wllh aoitii- trepidation Hint hu nrgucd: "The trual I In btialne for the mon ey, nnd It tery fortiintlun ought to be tnlirlualio etldeuce of )our good Jildg-mi-nt. However, you have bnckul so many plunt such n mine that you know hi well u I do the big proflla to Ih taken " 'Thnt ln t the jMiInt. Ordinarily we would not wnwr an Instant, but the WajIntHl Marsh oil I lit Is apt to upct condition. If we only knew" "I know." iKildly doclarnl Hoyd. "Mr. u)ltid ouiIImhI his policy to me before tho public knew nil) thing alajiit the trust." "Indeed? Are you nijualnte with Wayne Un)landr akil Mr Hll'lard. with a new light of curkwlty In bis eye. I "I know him well." "Ah. I congratulate ytj Perhaps tbl I er-Wayland money Im-IiIikI jottf I 'That I am not at liberty to discus," tbt youtiser mnn -pllel eahely. "1 1 bate taken step to Fell tny smmiu's outrmt In advance. The oiiiniolwlun tmu will be In town shortly, and I shall contrart for the entire catch at n stipulated price. I Hint satlafactory?" "I'ntlrvly no." dec la nil Mr. Illlllard heartily, "(lo ahead nnd order your machinery ami supplies. Ily the way, what do ymi know about the mineral rMlblthH of tho region back of Kal- uur "Not much: the country Is new. There ! n woman nt Knlvlk who has ome men out prostioctliig." -(lherry MaliitteJ" 1 "Do you know herV ntked Hoyd with astonlhment. "Very well lmliil" Then, noting Ilflyd'a evident curiosity, be went on. "You see. I hnve made 11 nuintxr of mining Inveatitieuts In the north My operations hnvo turned out so welt that I keep several men Just to folliw new strikes." I "Hum MIhs Mnlotte mude n strike?" I "Not exactly, bill she tin uncovered some prutllUlug copper proKpecU." I "ll'liil That U lieu lo me." I Three week imkh.iI quickly In streiiuou effort, nnd then one morn 1 "' "" l"rtnen. nwnke lo llie millm H011 Hint there "si Utile more for them lo do. Through II nil Cljde hnd lent them enthulntlc If feeble niNlHtniite. mid now that the ainiln wna off he cue tllllliK expression In his dellghl by get Hiik drunk. ItelUK tettiieruuieutal to a decree, he crated ciiuiun.v. uud. kuoislui; full well the opHlttnn be would encounter from hi friend, he nuiiexeil u blbutull followltu; of Imif era whose tlmu hutnt beuxy unit who I were ut all times eager to applaud n loone tongue so long 11 It was ne- eompiinliil tiy a Uniae purse. Toward , mldntght "MiiBerle" I- rtner. ituiIiik In n iiocttirn.il seiireh for udveniure nnd protlt. found htm In 11 nemlmaudlln state, descanting nKirouly to 111 tmlu. uud upon catching mention of the Knlvlk fisheries mintched hi in houifwnid mid put hltu to bed, after which be locked him Into ht rtKiiii, threw the key over the trnn-loui nnd Mood guard outside until assured thnt he slept. At nn enrly hour the adventurer was peremptorily muioit to llud nmerxou bnmmerltiK nt hi door In a ttuu fury "Wlmt la thlr demanded lloyd through while lips, thrusting a morn ing paper lforo Praser'a sleepy eye. "It's a newspaper," yawned the oth er "a regular newspaper" "Where did this atory come from?" With menacing linger Hoyd Indicated a front column, headed: NKW ENKMY OF TUB 8AUM0N TtU8TI rinsT oun nnoo in bat-tlb rort P1BUIUESI N. A. P. A. Premised DttUr rtfht For fluprsoisf ol Alaskan Watarsl (To be continued.) ' SEEDS It is time to plnnt Garden Seeds, Flower Seeds anil Onion Sets. We ure ngain ofler in for sale the lotif; tried nnd dependable C. C. Morse (Sb Co. Seeds. In our stock you will find every known vrt vuriety of seeds obtainable. Reduce the cost of your living by planting seeds that will in sure you a crop. The best is always the cheapest. " Poor seeds ure dear at any price. rijH f l TK jB . 1 r- .: IWIiSOTV 1 Dress-kooks If ycu vi'h to Improve the spfier-a- f v.r rrmcnti and avoil the cit Uirriimr.,t of an unhoAcd and ( i itig skirt or vralit, don't fjil ti try .ilx . I'rtsi Loolcj. V.e ficniBnil lhBi. a thcr can't r - u I IK.L. d a ckh-tilailr. aio Bit r J ir.T 1', a iliilcuittrrfrralcarmcr.tt. l.nl fu-i 1 r truth In ll laundrr Sol ..ic l.ixV nj .jii or iop laitrerr 1. Oa itim a a cud JfflAl -10tr Larf f a SmII I.C.j.li M WUl M tl VSkV The QUALITY F. W. Silvcrtooth Silver Lake, Oregon. J. B. Montague Contractor Builder Plans and Estimates Cheerfully Furnished. See me before building. Residence south of baseball field Bend, Oregon O'NEIL BROTHERS COMPANY, Inc. WHOLESALE LIQUOR DEALERS and JOBBERS IN WINES, LIQUORS and CIQARS COLE AGENTS for Stonewall and McCoy Whiskies, and The Nnjia Soda Springa Min eryil Water. Distributors for Etlol Brau, Schlitz nnd Itninior Beers. We also carry a large line of Glassware, Bar Towols, I'Inytnpr Cards, etc., especially adapted to the saloon trade. Orders by phone or mail will receive prompt and careful attention. Madras, Oregon STEVENS The Number 520, Six-Shot Repeating Shotgun at $25.00 U a liaiuuierK-M gun with n solid frame. I juler to operate quick 1 r and smoother ni turn than nny ot'ur. It nevtr UdU and U jierftvtly UiLineed. IKIalliil iUrlitln of r-i- of our yu a u i-i n 1 I it I' i.v .v Catalog . Nnilura IXWMV If )u rwiml obtain STI K.N'S III I-1 l.s. Mlllltll.Ni, riirillJ., Tl.l.F.stOl'Ut t'iMugli m.r tUjlor, wo in ii mm i, vxpn-M uti.in., eeliituf rjttttltup prli-e. 1 J. STEVENS ARMS & TOOL COMPANY P.aitarAXU ( CHICOPEB PALLS MASSACHUSETTS V i- L W'aJ' jji v. lira min VaVa4 r LS&T MbJiV. BBBUJTy J . lmmiL 271 l Jirn. Wmmm WE would again call j'our atten tion to the fact that The Cash Store is putting in a larger stock of Dry Goods. Furnishing Go o d s, Notions, etc., than ever before. Our line of Spring Goods, now on the way in, will excel 1 anything ever shown in Northern Lake county, a n d THE PRICES ARE RIGHT. Give us a trial and save yourself money. 1 ,1 -ao-a : When mother cannot Mellin's Food and cow's milk can. Cow's milk nlone is too strong for baby. But it does nourish nnd it does sustain when modified by Mellin's Food. ... Send to our store today for a Free trial sizo bot tle. We recommend it. Red Cross Drug Store nend, Oregon Store