BYRNE REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE REALTY Of All Kinds Bought, Sold and Exchanged. Wc have a very extensive list of DESCHUTES VALLEY IRRIGATED LANDS. We bring the Property Owners and the Outside Buvcrs together, BYRNE REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE Hotaling Bid p., Wall St., Bend. Ore. Wq are prepared for the rush of homesteader.. We keep two men in the field and can locate you on the host lands open for entry. Auto and team service to lands. E. NiswoNGUR, Pres. G. D. Makkki., Sec. OREGON INVESTMENT CO. Wnll Street, Bend, Oregon. IN THE OLD CENTRAL OREGON REALTY COMPANY OFFICE. CHOICE RESIDENCE LOTS Choice residence lots in Wiestoria Addition, adjoin in? Bend on the north. This is a Mrictly first class residence section and the first too lots wilt be sold at half Drive. IRRIGATED LAND We have the largest list of irrigated land in Crook county. If you want a bargain, call and see us. 320iACRE HOMESTEADS We can locate ou on a 320-acre homestead, the bcit wheat land in Crook county. BUSINESS PROPERTIES We have some good buys in buiiuesj aud warehouse property. TIMBER LANDS We have a number of choice buys in timber lands. FIRE INSURANCE We represent some of the strongest Fire Insurance Companies in the West. They have been tried. We al ways have our losses paid promptly and without u question. STENOGRAPHIC WORK Notary and stenoeraphic work accurately and neatly done, and rect-ive prompt attention at any time. All in quiries receive prompt attention. Call on or write Oregon Investment Co. FUNERAL DIRECTORS EMBALMERS UNDERTAKERS A Full Line of UNDERTAKING SUPPLIES WEST & NISWONGER J. I. West C. P. NIswonger .. AULO LANG SYNE COLLEGIANS OF COUN TY BANQUET. ! Col If Re ,Men From a Score ot Instltu- ttuns Throughout the Country (luests Saturday Night of Bend University Club. In - KlaMBMBStS. ', . "-WSWBI .,. ." - Crook County's first organization of college men. the University Club of Bend, held its first banquet Sat urday evening, nnd as tfUo.sts il had a large number of former col legians who are now resident (of the county. The dinner was served at Taggart's. at D::I0 o'clock, following the Teachers' Institute program. More than thirty members of the club nnd their gueubt sat down at Cautat and rUmtdlsa Dlicutitd Cornell Unlv.rslty Dullalin. Ihillotln U7U of Hid Cornell university ngrlctilturttl experiment station glc the distribution, cause mill control of Unit common dtscitso Uioun tin t tit lonch curl. No pooch seems Immune to tho dis ease, ninl most grower rcort Hint ttio KIlK'tln Is the imwt susceptible to It, The symptoms ari iNislly nvognlicil. Tlu leaves become not only abnormal ly swollen, thickened mid distorted, hut curl mnl become sickly jellow In color, often tinted with rotl After n few weeks these lcitos fall from the trees. In m'tvrv eases Icmlni; them nearly or quite denuded of follitKO unit ilmt hi n llini' of I tic .vi'iir when the tree cnu III afford to lone Iheiu. It Is true that n uex crop of lemes U soon JOHN LEOAT DKALKU IN Harness and Sntldlery Trunks nnd Vallns Repaired the table. After a bountiful meal had been pnrtaken of, iqwclcmnking pnxlu. ed. but this effort of u,nuro to wns in order. The guest.s iucludeil reiwlr ihe lo Is a heny lnln on the a number of I'rinevillo iron, aid vitality of the tree The disease often they a!! expressed great pleasure at being present and beniHike for the club ft sueoeful career. The is- itors from the county seat wete Prof. R. A. Fonl. Prof. E. L. Coe. Prof. J. E. .Myers and Prof. H. I.. McBnin. After every man present had made a few re-i arks. .1. K. Snwhill led the singers of the crowd in a m.mKr college melodies. Before adjourn- mont th Hub decide! to hold i's next 1 a'nuet on Saturday evening Mny 20. when it will have iu u.s guesU the four Imys who will grad uate from the High school. The University Club was organ iied for the purjoe of bringing together often and keeping alive the fraternal and sodnl spirit among local collegians. The memliership at present is confined to men living in item! and the immediate vicinity, but later it is the purpose of the club to include within its ranks all the men in the county who have at tended college. The following are the olllcors of the club: W. D. Barnes of Ijddlnw. Northwestern University, prumlent; G. S. Young. University of Cali fornia, vice-president; J. E. Sawhill, Western Reserve, secretary. The other members of the club are: u. r. rutnntn. Harvard: M. C. Ellis, of Michigan ami Chicago; E. M.Larn.Cornoll; R.V. Poindexter. affects the shooK caunlugc tliem tii well mnl cease growth au.l even In ome cases kills them. This iIIm-hxc In caused by n futicus thai lives as a ptintxltc In the HtTivlivl pitrtH. It outers the jotini; leave- and stunts tery early In ihe leeloptiieut nn. I openlm; of the laid In Ihe spring CARTER IS COMING WITH SUM It FINE DRY WOOD In make the wet wood burn. T-ike .1 hud ami m it Drop me u card in the P () box 61 P. M. CAKTI-K New PALACE MARKET Chattel Boyd, Prop. MEATS Vegetables, etc. ,1 ! I.I- . I. O. O. F. Bend IxlgeNo. IMS Reg. Meetings every Mondity night Visitors welcome E. T. Mutts. N. 1;. V. A. F. rlHM.Seey. Dcsvhut-s lxlge No. '"" V ,,W' K "f I' 'wRv' Mttts every We I ties ,I! ''' l'v''n'"K nt K p. ni. sWft'fc'Jv in Castle Hall. XMt-of-vrftf lico building. Visiting Knights welcome. Elmer Niswonger, ('. C M. R. KnuUon. K ii.AS CITY DRAY LiiAHi.rsnoKTjKi. rsor lfe .&'" K il i?9 cirr m.nv We Handle IhcryllilnB. I. onso or der" uhh Mk Smith Mer.l lnl (lllutrjtttn h.Ktinic ttw nHt l. uin it ounit ir in Ul mm rtirr rull of rrtoua wnlr In Jury 10 lh tmr'A at I ho main rtut )!, Irt. lh i.illitr Thu Mim a prr nr Hta W brmiiihl ulaiyt hr foll.lMr. Uk ct nnd ht m liank-iil Injury or (Irdllnr -IMwtotratih Kram llulixiti Sw Jroy Agricultural Kxt-rtHit Huihm J I'or this reason nil efforts to control It lire iihxI elTivtlvo If made In'forn tlm buds lccln to surll In the prliiu-. The lm.irunt factors In the control 0.A1C: O.M. Patterson.WajiWiigton . .'l - -" - . c..i r- 11 ii....i.. 11 i-.i. r mis iiim'sm win in io ui unif or State College; Douglas D. Uwncr. appllcton ,Sl ,.,,, ,, (3 Missouri; U. C. Coe. fc.c!ectic Med. ,,.' ,-,.,? f . - , .1 tl f hiv iMiiajiimt: hwi, Min mmmriii hjf- Iiwtuute 01 tincinnnti; hilw. h. -,,- nM 1 1.. ..r,i..r f if,w.Mn. f M. VV. of A. Pilot Hutte Camp No. D7U I Meets every Tuesday in hall over postolllce. Visiting Neighlmrs alwavs welcome. M. J. Morrison. V. C. M. R. Knutsiiii. Clerk HliND I.ODC.K No. 139 A. I'. & A. .M. Meets 011 ThiUMlav on ot Itefutc the full inixiu of each month. Victim; bruthnt. always welcome. h o. iLLia, a.. o m nroriiiLO w u :A Palace Restaurant Rooms for Rent Confectionery, fruit Picnic Supplies, Guars J. F. Taggart & Co. TiTo " " Buckley Express Co. DAII.V Service lctwccu Mutltas nut) Rend. Careful AMcnlton. Mend Agents, Harper l.nnd Company No Stops! j)end Jyachine hop ' All Kinds of Saw Mill and Farming REPAIRS aaaaaaiiBBaiBaaaMaaaaBasaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaisaaaaaaBaasnaaHBaaaaaaaiBMaaaiaaanafli We Carry a Large Stock of Auto Repairs and Supplies Wall St., next to Opera House Chittenden. Whitman College; K. rJ. Gould, California; J. II. Scott. Mis souri School of Minos; II. A. Scog gin of Tumalo. 0. A. C; H. J. Over turf, of Oregon nnd Nebraska; D. M. Davis, Sanford; I. T. Tholstrup. Washington. J. C. F. Harrington. 1 f Iowa; B. Ferrell. Nnrthwestern; F. H. May, Monmouth College; L. D. Wiost. Pennsylvania College:W. W. Faulkner. North Pacific College of Portland; C. S. Benson. of Minnesota; M. S. Ijtttin. of Michigan; Frank B. Clark, of Michigan; James Herb, of Washington; Jesse L. Summit. Washington nrwl Iee; Wanl II. Coble, of Kansas; U. N. Hodman of Millican. Trinity College. Nrth Carolirut.). thie three factors. The tliuu of Ihe nppllcnllon Is any lime within n month before the hods begin to suwll and bvforo rain periods, not nfter. Tl test of thnroush worts Is to find no buds on the trees that nre entirely eovcreil wIMi an evenly dUtrlbutiil OMtt of the spray III U til re. The fiimctclde insy ! ofie of several. Iton.fitnl exMrlmi-nts have sltowii that Itordmiuz mixture .'.-.-.VJ In X-l-wO wilt Mitrol weh lef curl I.Ihm tuliliur. home Ixdleil. or commerelnl roneen trsle of almost any brand Is sImi eua. y effective In the orchards where there Is Han Jo iile It has bin found that ajtrsyliiK for the scale with the lime Kiilpbur n'sn contnds Hut psch leaf . Cllr T,4 r,.M,, m .)M verllled at FIGURES MISLEADING ,ho nH,rKl experiment station, for be fore winter rprnyjni; lKsnmo necptanry " fn conlrol the Hjn Jo scale, nome leaf Census Unumcrtitor Says Rolnd JO, curl wns dlsi-ovcr-! In the orchnnls Not 126, as Krporlrd. Ilor-erer. as soon .as reptilar winter Bbnii. Ore.. April 17. 1911. To the Editor: Kindly permit me space in your valuable patxir to say a few words in regard to the census report which appeared in last week's issue. As the figuros arc rather mislead ing, I feel it my duty to shed as much light as possible on the sub ject. In view of the fact that I was subject to a ucvore penalty for imparting any information in regard to the census, and especially the count, I did not keep track of the figures, so I am not able to say whether the report of C3C for Bend is correct or not, but would state that I was instructed to enumerate Bend according to the town plat nt that time, and therefore the report does not Include either Lytlo or Deschutes. When we receive the report for these two places (the population of which really belongs to Bend) it will make quite a different showing. In regard to tho count at Ros- land, would say that I found less than 30 people and not 126 as re ported. E. A. Smith, w Censu Enumerator. Bailed clover, alfalfa and wheat hay; for sale. C. P. Becker Lald raw; 50tf srtrs'ln- was practiced the lesf curl disappeared. Poultry Pointers. Pnrlc pin feathers nlvo n dirty np pearnnc'. to a dressed carcass. 1 A hen's sppetltu bears directly upon lHr crk production. Hicrclmt kIvcs It st. 1 Hldft your henyard alsiut every year v two. The chicks will do better and keep healthier. Two kinds of chickens will do to kill those that haven't begun to lay and 1 those ibnt have )Ult. j It fanners take nmro Interest tn ) oxlilhltlnit poultry at tho county and j itate fairs. I'uro bred fowls will ad I vertlta jour farm. tr you wlsb your hen to lay well next spring It will be advisable) to provide range for thitm. This can be done by planting a wlnttr crop for their benefit. Turn the poultry Into tho garden. If posslbla, daring tha last fall days. If tho ground Is plowed let tbsm ran over It before seeding. Tbey will de stroy quantities of Insocts. Row a imall piece of rye or wheat near thu poultry bouse to give your fowls late and early greens. In very atormy weather feed equal ports of com. wheat, oats and beef meal ground together as a mash. TO BUILDERS WE HAVE A NICE STOCK OF FLOORING Rustic Shiplap and Rough Lumber .... and can furnish any bill on short notice. Send us your orders for FINISH LUMBER.. BEND LUMBER CO. THE STORE OF QUALITY S. C. CALDWOLI., Prop. Hardware 1 Groceries Teach the boy that it it better to be a man and a '(aimer than to be a' hand or an arm or a wheel in somebody's factory. IL We carry anything: you want in these lines. AH kinds of building mater ial. The only place to get a guaranteed Stude baker Wagon. Our Prices Save You Money. 5 ;.T7i,,Vsri, i ir . J -it v ; n -v v i . . .