a" riwa I 1 -mi,'rT C. M. DAVIS M. J. MORRISON y 1 RSHSHfiSSHJH! FARMS, CITY PROPERTY, ACRE TRACTS, IRRIGATED LANDS, Business Chances, Timber Bought and Sold. List your property with us. We wil! sell it if it can be disposed of at a saelable price. We can locate you on the best i WW . g M.J.Morrison has lived In Bend for the past J II nvfi H ftinPQTP5irlc cik,u yenrs nnu hns mnuc n ,nis,ness f ,ocnt,,,K firfW lvl V llUlllVvlvClUw nnd cruising government lauds In Central Oregon. ; He knows the Innd and will locate you on the best to be had. If you are going to take government land find out who your locator Is, and whether he has lived In the country long enough to know the lands; also If he is reliable. This Is a matter of Importance to landseekers. We have some very choice acreage platted in 1 1-2 to 2 1-2 acre lots with streets on all sides, at $150 an acre. Good terms. Fruit or residence property. One mile from depot site. Homeseekers' Land Company SS , OREGON 0 111 CO s BEND'S RECORD IS ENVIABLE. Growth Since 1903 Has Been Re markableHigh School Compare Favorably Wllh Any In Oreron Four-Year Course QWsa (From Saturday's Extra) No bettor example of Bend's re cent advancement and future prom ise exists than is found in the de velopment of her schools, which played host to the educators of Crook County at the annual Teach ers' Institute which was held in Bend Friday and Saturday. Fronvone teacher and n handful of pupils in 1 191W to eight teachers nnd nearly 'two hundred pupils today is the record of Bend's school develoj) nient. The school which is now housed in the present hnndsome building originally was in the log cabin which is still standing within the town limits. It was in this primitive structure, some twenty-five yenrs ago, that the first school in this part of Central Otegon was conducted. On Janu ary 1. 1103, the little log cabin was abandoned and the building now; used by the Catholic Church became I I the place of learning. In l'JOO the school moved to the present build-1 ing. I From a three U's school of a, i quartor-contury ago has grown a thoroughly organised and modemly equipped graded ami High School that ranks with any in Oregon. , The High School today require three teachers. There are elm in nil branches required by the State course of study for High Schools of the first class, the course covering four yenrs, and the graduates being admitted on certificate to the State University without taking examina tion. Though large and still almost new, tho present school building will not accommodntc all pupils after this session. It is quite likely that buildings in other parts of town will Inter Iks erected and the school system extended asllend spreads out. The affairs of the school are in the hands of an etliciunt board of directors, composed of Millard Trip lett, chairman; L. I). Wiectt, clerk; C. L. Hotaling and another momlor to Ih? chosen to succeed F. M. Buy, resigned. The present teaching start" con stats of Supt. J. C. F. Harrington, and Mimes Anne B. Markel, Ada I.. Porter. Harriet L. Dolnen. Hon nee C. Young, Ida M. Anderson. It. Catherine Haskins and Nona II. Itichnrdson. To the Ucnd City Council. Now that I am forced to pay Sl.fiO liceme for my two dogs, I will kindly request the City Council to find a way of sprinkling the streets, at the dust is damaging my stock, and not merely sing a song of lieautiful Head. J KAN SailrTKK, Adv. Postollliv Corner Store. AGRICULTURAL EDUCATION. Then I bnnlly nay nucntluu at tr rut confronting tiliunliirs of iliu rutin try wliK-li U ileioamllui; moro nitIoii. ntteiillmi limn ttinl liitolvlnic h rorroln llMl of h ntmly of tirlMilluro with lite work uf our pulillv m IhmiW m u-oinlly on rr ls I no. Willi rviilUtug 1Mb Hie tMlMV tn HlHl Uf Uklng Ul I'll' It lo ttnutkni. many mh'Hi lo Initt ImiI doubt alum! l be hh.iIIU.v uf il'ilttr r In n pruetlcal ami c(Tvil- inniinvr. 1iii'it. Hit Joli Inin Ihh-o taiktat by mimI county uj-rliiteiHli-tit. nml tin di'itrvi it nuc muleicd Ity oin Mltiiicmitu ctlmiMor. rmfronir I'hil ll uf rrtvlHiru I'tiiiiii). nntki n brie? ketch of til Murk timely nml Inler fKllnu. Tim work done wn the reull uf mi nltuiiit to Introduce tin) ntmly of nirrlcoltup) Into tin nchooU of Al bert I .mi. n town of tl.oUl people. Aft rr ncciirltii: iinlMnnU from tin tirl rulliiriil achool mutiet'tc! with Hi ntntn utiliernlty tin aohool Ixiitril rur-tl liy ! or frc grout tlio tuo of MiltUlent littnl not fur from Hip nohool whero tin lxiy nml girl coul'l till tlio toll, Uli'l' tool uil Meru built nml Mucked nml need ru M.-.I. nml nl tlio proper lime ttir.o irnet were turned out tn the pupil. In nil nil) pupil took ui ttm work, liicltnllm: tlio.o In Hi nlftli Krmln mimI uNim ltni'li pupil vn n.ilKiitil n plot of crouiiil -I by 10 rft nml nlluHnl con ulilrrnblc livwny In llii cIhiItp nf nM) Tin' plot tn tlifii pre'wrnt fr llif vvi nml pUntrtl. IUi) nml irlrl to nt Iwtma itMiknl ii'ii Horklit In lb anlwi hi pnr t!nnlnry ik mi thl work ttlth iithulm. nml ib tttMli wore Mrprlliiic. U'hllr wirh i Imm wh RMlml M fpt'tlnl tlmr In w lilt b to vrtttti tlt.-lr ili. tby ? not rt trl'-lnl. Tlo'T inrrhil Ihfir KrtMlfn crHtliMin int. i tin- lot Hrnilo-r. imI 1S5 out of tin a 10 pupil nho to. -k tip tin work rniitliiiifil lo lix'U nfdr tbrir' Biihlnn after tlio regular cIimi )m liml I'll!-!! . ulinulnsr ilcflulli rrmiltn of lit work, mil rliihtti crnilo boy tout nt r tuil prk'i- t'i To worth ( niiirr on bu 4 by 10 patch. At ontialf thU nt an nrri of Inml would )li'M a rt-tum of II.IOi). liUli. ono limit ttilmlt. It pretty Micvroful farintnir. Anotttr vnlimbl fratuto or tin uork wai ttiit rarli pupil .rn rrqulrnt to krrp n rtnrt mvoiint of all aiiuia rrcvlml aial imlcl out. 'i)ti I'linblnl tlicin to know Alietlirr Hi l r operation bail Ix-in iik refill ami iniulil iliein rtncliieu iM yulelil Ijiler In Hie acatoii lli lk m Kiren n larger cv an astVul inral xlHirt emir lelns nrraucnl fr tbi lniMrlt f ly who er kept it Iiohh by fnrm Murk ilurlm: tti mer. '1'Im rlaM lartnl In Notrta lr ami cHitlnnl ihri inoutli. tke iHHir IhUk fnm 10 until ovt.. k MmHly. VeilneMU) ami ItLlnti Tbfc armUKWfut maile It hmiMii for tlt l) la ailwml ih. rlatxi if.raj rlnKix. Tb iubj.t In Mlit l. in trttetUm M' Kltftt Mi-rr acr ' ' lurr.' rart,nirr i:ocMh ami ariilmii-n Jllit try Th Hiillcliu Jol I'm ttry J1RUI. OMJUIIBVM Riverside and Lytle Additions One Hundred Lots We are offering one hundred lots at a reduction of 25 per cent from list prices. Make your selection early. List prices range from $100 up. Size of lots 50x140 feet. The biggest bargains to be had in Bend 25 Off 20 Per Cent Cash and $10 Per Month An adequate water system, will be installed and in operation in these Additions within 30 days from the time the railroad is completed to this place. A large water wheel and piping is ordered and one and one-half miles of ditches 'for water mains are already dug. A 20,000-gallon water tank is under construction. Along the railroad, which passes through this property, are natural locations for manufacturing plants. Let me take you over this property and quote you prices. You will find Just what you are looking for. J. A. E A S T E S, Agent. & OREQON STREET. FIRE INSURANCE. NOTARY PUBLIC. FARM LANDS. BUSINESS PROPERTY. 320-ACRE HOMESTEADS. WE HAVE TWO AUTOS IN OUR SERVICE AND A CIVIL ENGINEER IN THE FIELD TO LOCATE YOU ON THE CHOICEST PUBLIC LANDS. OUR FEES ARE AS REASONABLE AS ANY RELIABLE LOCATOR'S. ml' . ... .i, . f " itMJ ' v ''iWfsJtffijf -rr r -v t " 'rmV "f . T'T'