THE BEND BULLETIN. VOL. IX. HKNIJ, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, AI'KII. 10, 1011. NO. G fl Gl D nun i IbEND AlERCHANTS FORM ASSOCIATION Credit Wl I Not lie .Intended To Cuilo- mrr Who Tall to lay Account Within Slity Daya Tlrot, iHTcept Under Special Arrangi menl Permanent nriranluttlon of the lleml Merchant' Protective AmocIii tlon wn vHt'Ctvil April thirteenth. A conmltutlon nml hylnwH were adopted, nnil tliu following oIIIi'cth elected: A. M. Ijtra, President; 0. M. I'm teriwn, Vlcc-ProHldent; Floyd Do inent. Secretary; l(. M. Smith, Trrmoiier; E. A. Slither. S. ('. (al.l well, It. O'Uonni'll, Director). TIhhh! aIkiiIiik the constitution were: !:. A. Slither. S. C. Ciil.lwell. II. J. Kirjcleittoii, O'Donnell Hroit., A.M. Ijirn & Co., N. I. .Smith, J. V. Tajr Karl & Co., A. I.. 1'ieiicli, Overturf DnvlK-.MIIIet Co., The Item) lliilletln, Hend liarwiire' Co., ThompHon & Kennedy. Chan, lloyd. CIiiih. I). Howe. In forming the aotutdutlon the inerchantK have two main object: T protect (huinitelviw ly rule Mini ifKulntionH Kovurninc the exteiiHlon f( credit, and to originate and iuwIhI in plnni for the commeicial upbuilding of Hend. A iMilivy Im Hilopteil toward delln HH-nt account, whkh l ttod In the following by-law: "No nwdilu-r nf tlw Hwdtliin nSnll extend eiwlit to Mny iierwHt shi' ohiih' apH"rn on tin delln tiunt Hat of the MttdMtiHi." "Any jK'raon who InilnlitedihNW to amy InkMiilKT of thli HatMiclMtion ahull re main wnill for a imrliMl of 4xty Ik or mom (txeept hy h'IhI arrangement of the member with Mich peraon) idiall Ih din-lured de linquent." The AMtociHtlon Im no rule gulnt the extenaion of long credit by eon tiact ! other apwlul arrangement. It i the hindm of the lumnl of ilirectont to m that no tuie in un fairly put on the delinquent lint. Another liylMW rcwda: "No iiiviii lerof the Hwa'iatJon hhall Hulworibe i r donate inoitey.goodrt or chattel to liny kivou. committee or organiiui ttoii making a general tudlcitntiuii of the city for fuiida.or euivalent, for any purKH' whatsoever. iiiiImw xuclt norsoii. committee oh oriraiiiHition rball have Unit weured from the Iwatdof director! a certillcate of UlOVIII.' Mo regulation or price ih thought POINTS THAT INTEIIKST YOU, RELATIVE TO HANKS AND HANKING WE provide an absolutely safe place to deiwsit your money. WE are not an experiment but a grown, really existing reality. WE return your money (all of it) on demand. WE are prosperous as well as progressive, and MERIT WINS. WE Bivc you the best of service as the result of long experience. WE do not mimic, or meet, but create, originate and raise. WE appreciate accounts, large or small, and we are sure you can not commit a better act than opening an account at once with The Deschutes Banking & Trust Company' Of Bend, Oregon "Conservative Banking for Conservative People." 1.. B. HAIRD. (l-rcsblrtit) J. W. MASTHRS, (Vice Picslilcnt) J'. O, MINOR, (Secretary) Dihkctoka: - ' h. n. HAIltn, V. O. MINOR, H. V. BAIRD. of hy the mwociatlon, and kucIi Ih poidtlvely no part of it purpow;. The tendency will he, on the con 'trary, to lower pilceu through a muie economical handling of credit. BANQUET FOR VISITORS Railroad Attn Hnlarlalnrd Under Auipkta uf Commercial Club, Monday evening u party of Hill nnii'lalu arrived in Hend, mid were ontertulncd at nn informal banquet at the Hotel Hend, prepared on a few hour' notice under the -pointer ahlp of Uie llcnd Commercial Club. The KuentK of honor were W. K. Coman, tieneral Freight and Puh. Agent of the Oregon Trunk; W. C. Wllkeit, Aunt. Freight Agent; Kalph lludd, Chief Engineer; O.W. Taylor. I'reri. of the Ituth Truxt Co. of rortland; Aunt. Kngineer llaxter; l.yman (SiIkwoM, engineer in charge of work Mtuth of Mndru, and M. MrKce, of the contracting firm of Henry A: Melee, riftyfuur wit down to tho npiead. Ilrielly Intio ducetl by Manager Suwliill of the Commeicial Cluh, MewrH. Coiniin, lludd. Taylor and Wllken noke for the vlnitorH. A. 0. Hunter, inlilrenn ing the gathering on behalf of Hend, in IiIh nK'ecliel(Mucntly hetting forth llend'it appreciation of what it owen Uie railroad and the constructive geniuMof J. J. Hill. All the viHitingHHiakerMexpre4wl great pletuturc at the reception ac corded them, and e)ecially at the apletidld "Head Spirit" iluinonntnU id. "Trackluyiug rocordu will he broken wlten we get McnniH Crooked lllver hiwI huNiled for Howd," pre dlcte.1 Chief l-iglner lludd. During th lMVUel the Iwml plHel. WILL VISIT BEND I'uitland I'ulillclly .Man Starta nn l.unc Tourofjlnterlor. On a publiaity proncliing tour which will include all the towiw of Central and Kuxtern Oregon, .Intmw .1. Snyer of the Oregon Develop meiil lwgue left I'ortlHild Satur day. He will travel 21(H) in Ik, urging the formation of commercial ImmIIo ami alHIiation by them with tin Development Ixxigue. Mr. Suyer will vlull Hend and confer with Secretary Siiwhlll of the local club. On hi trip he will travel over the new llcndl.urm nun I. The tour of Mr. Sayer in exacted to nwult in bringing about more elfective exploiting of the uriMtttlcd Mirtloi)H of the Mute. UASTIIK MALI.. Satuiday night, April 'J'J.nt I.Iiih ter'H Hall. BEND COMPANr BEGINS WORK Chiefs of New Organization Start Active Operations Lower Prices and De velopment Policy Announced. Thurmlay night A. 0. Hunter arrived from i'ortlund to take up ac tive work here mi the head of the real entxite department of the new Hend Company. "We are not In a hurry to ncll anything," wild. Mr. Hunter yenU'r day. "On the contrary, we are content to go nlow. Why? JuHt be cuiuh! we feel that In a way we're losing money on what we ell now It'll he worth ho much more In a few month. However, the chief rea ou 1 came in at once Im to give local eople lint chance at everything." Mr. Hunter wiyn Uie new company will inaugurate a vigor oun pub licity campaign. It Ih the intention to Ikmuc much advertising matter and to keep Hend In the public eye. "We've cut priced conniderahly," mild Mr. Hunter. "In fact, a cut of probably $200,000 ban !cen made from the total price of lots in Hend and our addition hh chcdulcd by Frank HolerUon, manager of the old Towimlte Company." The progrotM made with the IJeiid-HtirnH road came In for a nhnre of entliUMliiHtlc comment on the part of both Mr. Hunter and Mr. McKay. Iloth are agreed that the centering of thin big Harney County Importing and cxHrt!ng bunlnciw here, In addition to that which Inevitably will come from the enormous territory to the aouth, will add a wonderful im HUiK to Hetd'H development. "Kclng the termlntiH will'lielp Hend limnwwurnbly, bringing to it a tremundouH buxinuM," xnld Mr. Hunter. ''Hut what in even more Im iKirUint Im the character of the men now financially tntcrextcd In the town. 'Hie fact that two of the largeiit timber companion operating in Central Oregon have a big interest In Hend alone Ik enough to iuure a great future." J. M. Ijiwrence, general manager of the company, arrived Sunday morning. I. O. O. F. ANNIVERSARY Hend l.mlce to Hold Public lixercUc Ncl lucJy livening. Tlie I.k-mI lodxe I. O. O. F. will olwerve th' Miinlvenmry of Odd Fel lowship at tin? church next Wcdneit day at K p. m. The following pro Krnm has Imhmi Hrninvrcl: OlKiniiiK S-iiik. Iteailfnj; Mrs. A. I.. French. .Music Mrs. J. II. Wenandy. Hemarks Mayor U. C. Coo. Music .Mm. Z. W. I.indbonj. AtldroM Itev. .1. Anthony Mitch oil. Subject: "Something of the Principle ami Work of Odd Fellow hhip." Miwic Mb. Iva Want. CliMtiiiK Sinjr. The public In cordially invited to attend. I'INUSr IN INIliKIOK. Hy the aildition of a handsome K't uf mirrorH and a new chnir to their m,ui..rn i.nriu.r .!... .-,.. ..n.i the remodeling of one of their well npiiointcd bath rooms, lnne&s & Duvhlwin now have the most at-, tractive and lumt apiwinttsl burlier shop In Central Oregon. 00 TO N. P. SMITH FOR YOUR FISHING TACKLE. ALL NEW All Kinds of FISHING. RODS, REELS LINES, BASKETS LEADERS AND FLIES. Every tiling yoy need to the big fish. My N. P. Smith Wall v- MUCH CASH PROMISED Commcrclnl Cltib .Mtctlnc li Scene of (icncniiiH Contribution At meeting of the Hend Com mercial Club ItMt night $1272 er your wail uMcribel for the upiort of thu organisation by thow pres ent. TiiU tiMik the form of monthly i . . eonUMutioiw in nddition to. monthly duo of' $1,' $10f n nAn the inth lieing promiiied. The committee nppolnted to cir culate the petition, .Mewix. Iira, Hotallug hihI Caldwell, will work with it thirf week, and exjiect to double thu amount inibtcriboI by thou at the meeting. The lint of nulMcrlherx will lw iniblMied ne.xt week. Alxwt DO inuiidx)r.s are in the club. It in o.K)eted to increuse tliix number greatly. j lie leature ot tne meeting win an addresri by A. O. Hunter, who 1lK,,e nt 80'" length concerning the IH-'woncI nml backing of tlie Hend Company, its plans and Hend's prospects. AdKICULTURAL STATISTICS. WASiUNcrroN, April !. Census Director Durand issued today the GOODS catch the little and prices are right. Street first official Rtiiternent from the CenHU Hureau relative to the agri cultural utatintlcs of the Mtiito of Oregon collected at the Thirteenth Ihccnnlnl United Suites Censuii, April in, 1010. The number of farms reported n 1010 was 45,128 an compared with 35.M7 In 1000, an lncrcac of 9,201, or 20 per cent. The total value of farm land and buildings was Vivcn in 1010 as $-1,071,000, w against $1.'S2,:S38,000 In 1000, an increase of $321,233,000. or 243 per cent. FINISH ROAD WORK Crew Returns, Msvlnr I'ut Finishing Touches on llendUurns Road. E. W. Kichardson and his road making crew of six men returned Monday, having completed work on the Hend-Hurns road. "We've done everything that needs to be done on the road from here to the Hums-Fife road," said Mr. Richardson yesterday. "All the road now needs is travel, to make It one of the best highways in the state." NEW FORJST RANGER A. K. I)orl of tlend Appointed For I'lne Mountain Territory. Following the rapid settlement of the land around Pine Mountain, to the southeast of Hend, the United States Forestry Service has appoint ed a ranger to have charge of that territory A. It. Doris of Uond is naided for the jwaition, which pays $000 per annum. Mr. Doris, with his wife, will take up his residence near his field of lalxir alwut May 1. Uncle Sam furnishes him a Iioumj, fuel, etc., while he himself must provide a mddli horx a jwck horse and out fit. The new ranger will be under, the superviw'on of Kangor Cridor. Tlie stationing of a man near line Mountain will lie a great benefit to the honHMteadeni thereabouts, as they can secure permiu far cutting timber in the reserve with letu trouble than is now oxperfanced. URGE LAND' OPENING" Centrfll Oregon Towns Interested In Worm Spring. Reservation. Secretary J. K. Sawhill of the Commercial Club has written to Senator Chamberlain urging him to um. his eflorts to have the Warm Springs Indian Reservation lands allotted and oened for settle ment. In reply, the Senator stated that he has introduced a bill in the extra session of congress, but that it will hardly be passed now. Tlie Portland Chamber of Commorce has written the commercial organiza tions of nil Central Oregon towns urjring them to united action in asking for the opening. In the Reservation there are GOO, 000 acres of fine land agricultural and timber and, after the allot ment, a large acreage would be opened to public entry. U $!'jk &1M yjyvt.yj.'jw y jk yj U y Jri y Jvj Jij ivf tjvj yJivl . J The First National Bank OF BEND, BEND, OREGON Or, U. O. COC, Prild.nt e. A. 8ATHCR, Vic Prcddtnt O. 8. HU080N, Oaihlir Capital fullr paid 82S.000 Slochholdtrl' llabllltr 3 5,000 Surplut tS.OOO Statement.of the First-National Bank of Bend, Oregon, At rtnd.rtd to thTriur Oaparlmtnl oflha Unltad Slatti, ' Wathlniton, D. O.. March 7th. 1011 ASSETS LMuaiul DltcoiiuU ,..-. UllMi o Ort tlrn ... ...... i (fri 15 Hauk UuililluK anil Lot j,8oo oa U. 8. Boudt and lltraluma. i,,w jo I'lr lr Crul Hrleiuillou KuiiJ. ..... 6jj oo DUE FROM BANKS Sltil2k TOTAL. ... .M.7J5 DIRECTORS: U. C. COR K. A. SATlir.R C. S. HUDSON I V. V. SMITH H. C. RU.IS DEPOT OE STONE RAILROAD TO ERECT FINE STRUCTURE Service Opens To Opal City and Freight Rates tyre Announced Stock Yards Located Just South of Dead That Hend is to have n stone rail way depot constructed with the native brown or pink stone, is now practically assured. The dimensions of the building will be 30x00 fw-t, a ticket office separating commodious mena' and women's waiting rooms and u baggage and exprem room being at one end and a covered plat for approach at the other. Chief Engineer Budd states such a struct ure will be erected provided the local stone meet requirements. A team tract probably will be constructed immediately west of the depot, for loading and unload ing cars directly from and into wagons. On the east the dejmt platform will face the main track, east of which will be a passing track upon which will be constructed the forwarding warehouse of the Jones Warehouse Company, almost op posite to the depot. The dimensions of this building probably will be 200x50 feet, a small portion to be occupied by the local freight room of tho railroad company. The stock yards will be located on the Yn quarter of a mile south of Koa avenue. An engine houe will be erected on the triangle insid the Y. On Monday the first freight was received at Portluml for Opal City. I'sseongur service to that point com menced Sunday. The Portland-Opal City freight are as follows: Ct.A'.s KATMS crxi rr tftw ' I 7 j t 4 C j u;k i C.l. U ' !' oi otr-. i ,M r ( at !; . i i i COMMODITY HAT ' j I I 1 4 " 7 " c-lw iK.Mt rNrt).l opicnr-m h m U ,! WUed to Wth 0UK a4 Ojl Cjr h ll a cant. Today G. A. Jonos left Hend for Opal City to take charge of the warehouse business there. TYPEWRITER RIUUONS. Typewriter ribbons on sale at The Uulletiu Office, record ribbons for the followin machines: Oliver, Remington, Visible and Royal. UADIUTIE8 Capital paid In full .. . , , ""l''.... ..... .- U'""'IM . Circulation E- , . , IHjooo oo .. J.000 oo .--. jj 7 .-.. u.yu sa P0"- .iSijys s Total. - l-i.?M.