V f , c S' h i The Pioneer Wood Yara 41 Cull on or telephone tis for nil kinds of WOOD We saw Cord Wood and Limb Wood on short notice. Orders Promptly Villcd. W. P. DOWNING, Proprietor. PRODUCTS OF GOLDEN WEST SHOWN Fine Display of Fruits, Grains and Vegetables Make Great Northern Exhibit Effec tive Advertisement W V " T GET THAT- Tim oomUiIIIHc of Oropm Im nn iijjrlcummil nml fruit Mule n ( liltl . .t It 1 at - III l.k I I... r Ik- O'NEIL BROTHERS COMPANY, Inc. nu iicririimiim mm mill aiaio nre lie . i.... ..i....t .... .. i.. i.. .1 ,,.' i"K i'in)i up nidniKiy u.v i no ureal J Northern Halfway nt tlioir Kxlilhlt In Ta ' fUtiiii.l.it III.!.. .... I ,.- .11 I . itiiiuiiKim, Minn, nun inr loiioiviiif; ex tract of article, taken from the Columbu Journal (j'' nonio Itfen of (ho beauty 1 of nml litUTVRt created by thin Kxhlblt. WHOLESALE LIQUOR DEALERS i and JOBBERS IN WINGS, LIQUORS nnd CIGARS COLE AGENTS for Stonewnll nnd McCoy Whiskies, and The Napa Soda Springs Min eral Water. Distributers for Edel Hrau, Schlitz nnd Rainier Beers. We also carry a largo linu of Glacwnre, Bar Towels, Playing Curds, etc., especially adapted 'to the saloon trade. Orders by phone or mail will receive prompt nnd careful attention. Madras, Oregon niul nil lnlllrlc made by vNtnrt nw cheerfully nmwvrtxl.liy tlinmi In clmro'. "The dreut N'nrtlirrn llnllvrnv Im not n fmit of land to cll," onlil I. 0. Slnut. wlm In In cliHrgu of the illtplny. "I'renl' ili'iit ttlll xviiutH (lie moil niul women of ymir city ti riulltn tlio ureal poihilitlc of tlio bltf, now wnt," SPRING SU NOW. i ;-) I tI" x h M K3B it & Jffi I I faJL IbaAt li f 1 H P" "7l ail Jsiat Jsr 'tt W "' IpWvstVsHk 4aM Haam.H Lmm CMkJBBBHBMBUBl mi- l.9bm9uh HBHiBBBBBJftl nHMHMH rM F&'SiflHBHHiiSHHflHBHHBiS l HHP'! f i . 'HBBBHHpHI9HBBBBk',!HBnBHQL3KtH TEe Ureal Northern Agricultural Kxlilt.lt at Mclit, tT North IIIkIi Hired, CoUiiiitnm. Ohio. BuDWEigk Saloon Complete Line of Wines, Liquors and Cigars Bond Street Between Greenwood and Oregon MYERS (& WILKEY, Props. "fio west, young man, mul prow tip with the country , raid (irceley. The ecr pave pKxl adtlce, but ho Mopped tlirrt. Oil wmI. Vinini ttlillt. iviiinan 1uii- I .... .... ,v . .. . ,.v --.-......., .. - nml pirln, uml crow up with the prut new well," unlit U iV. 1 1 III. Then .Mr. Illll, who U rreoMrnt of thetirmt Xorth rrti ltailwuy, ami mm of .In mm ,1. Hill, bnrknl'lip ill mlvlcf by making It p tf fm rmtlNMly to ff wwt. That tlio Hiiple nf rolunibiu am! vicin ity may lnvome better npiUiitnteil with tlm wonilcrful wentrrn country. frre exhibition of the pmin nml frultn of .Montana, Oregon ami Washington ha leen owneil at 47 N'orth High itrcct by the Orcat Northern lUllway, The exhibition i well worth the iliit. Rrrnt alien vet of golilen wheat, oal ami other grain mlorn the wall in nrtlntle array. Illg cryntal Jara tllplay th fruit of the far wet Literature ile wripliie of the wonilcrful opportunities awaiting tlio honiMcikcr are illitributcil. Mr Slnut lm many large photograph of orcharil ccnc along the railroml ainl In tho ailjacent territory which tell In forceful language the tory of the fertile wet. A a proof that tho apple Imltmtry I i great iMiurce of reenue in tho western country, the fnilt grower ho ent gor genu glowing fruit to tlie exhibition, I'itc anil crate of apple, audi a one Rclilom ee, grace the tallica nml cuun ler at the exhibition. Vcgvtahlc, too, of great iiic, nre ill, playeil. Ilenutlful llowcr fmm Oregon, nm nlnglv prierteil, nilil to the beauty of thp illply. If you have tlHillght of tho wet aa n 4Milile iHime, go ami c t lit exmv. tlon. If you Imie tint glim It a thought, then go nml ee the womlerful thing which the tree nml vine yleM the toll er who tempt fate ami win fortune in a ilrgin country. -J our mil, Columbu. 0 I NOW MAVI2 A VI2RY IJ1N1:JNI; OP WASHINGTON SYSTKM CLOTHES FOR MEN This clothing hit the quality thai wears ami holds its sliape As Itnifi nthe suit is in use. Ik-eause )t'the Iniifi wemantl lasting .satisfnt'. tion of these AniieiitHl ean reet)inmentl them to you iu the vtjvy .stn;n(e.st terms. I also have a b'vxy select line of Men's ami Women's low eut- SHOES for Spring and Sum mer Wear. You nre cordially invitrd to rail uml limped my uprliiK line. W. C. BREDENHArfiEN. $ m&m MAP Y0U1 -ARB GOING TO LOOKA'OUIl UEST in that new Easter suit You're going to be photoraphed in it of course. There's no better time forsome new pictures, and they make ideal rcmofnlfrnnccs be sides, you owe it to your family, your friends and yourself. Make an appointment. 1M Card Photos. SEWARD. Ihe E. F. Pitman Real Estate Co. IRRIGATED LANDS IN THE WALKER BASIN Farm and Stock Ranches for sale. We handle La Pine Townsite Lots. Tell Us Your Wants. La Pine, Oregon. 7 DESCHUTES Addition Adjoins Bend on the south. Most beautiful residential sec tion in Bend. REASONABLE PRICES Also Some Choice Business Lots. Timber Lands Bought and Sold. HUNTER & STAATS1 WALL STREET, BEND, OR. POSTOFFICE GRANTED, SERVICE STARTS. Mall Will tie Routed P. on llend to thin nnd Whlttaker, Second .New Office Hstabllshed In Home stead Country. Agriculture. Nf oilier hiiiiimi tK-cuotliin oixmi to wide n Held for Hit? prnHinhlo mil, ngn-falilo romblnntloii of IhImit with culllvntitl iIioukIiI n ngrletilturo. lire long I ho uiot vnIimIiIo of nil nrta will bt- Hie nrl of deriving n eomforinble ubltiiict from the muiillot nrou of 'and. AlirliH l.lmoln. TYI'KyRirif Rl TyKwritcrSAjxiiii The llullctiii for the followl KetninKtnn. 1 RIIIHONS. on nlc nt rd rilitxnin inucliinc.s: Oliver. Ible niul Kovitl. II. !:. Turpld In tlu lloiiil for the llucklcy Kxpriw Co. Kent l!:i " NOIICI'.lOCRHDirORS. In the County Court of the Stale of Oleuou for the Cmiillv of CfiMik. In Hie nutter of the Ititutc uf MUI llolitrt, Deceatnl. NOTteiC I hereby gitjuJiy the hhiIci Igiictl, alliillol'tlnlgr'iT Tlie e.lMir ol Malct llnlilw, dev-fateil, tir the rirtlilui of, and all prrwiu Iiviu(;Uihu gint the kibl decel to pWem them, eri ficil a leiiillrril liy IjA wllhlti ix hhihIIi alter the nnl puhlllou of tin. miller to Ihr Mid nilllllirflftor at I lie nrtirr nl Vetiioii A l'orlie1n The l'nt NtiMl IUiiW Itnibliog. ltend.l)irgtiH, the Mine Iwmg the pUi'c f.iryfjir uiimi turn nf Hie lm.ttic of MolveiiUie In the Mid Cilv, County and trlale Drflrd tln ;tb dav of March 1911. CHOIICI! IIOllllS, Administrator ol the rttJte of Mabel lloliln. ilccraed. -i Summon Ih llw 1 Ittvil Cm.il f ikr kuu ol ihti.-n Id. imkiyvlCMMl. Crnlnl IH.h tit.llo4iiumMH I. Ik . I n4M IWH. H.lHlin I't.Mk MM IWfJ I.4B4 HllrflHlM K Tal'lilikMeniiMli I. lan.M.i. Ih lk K.HW 4 lw Mlf Hti uu ... kHtht iMHitnl la aw' M vXf m. . Hll IH )m ih IHf1,. rHlnlni . . 1 I HhlH H. HHk.ftUMt llMKt.t uflR. at I. ' nlKM o4 IMoKMm.m. kh.1 it wm l.il lu .1 yt h4 hm .hl ik..oir ih. (.,. ir ' oillatoH) luiatluHrlh.r Ii.IhiiI k m i , MHrfaiHl I..HII I . IH. .HrllaHM,H-l I ihk nl mitm ,uHityt i.ir. iki. -11 iy.4 Mh kil.n. ,.h flirt Ih. Ikkh ... IIII..IH.H Ol H I.MHA, aH.l .MiIHt I. MM pl.mli l.l.llHf lotk. MHl.M.HI ..f..n. UwU h4 ih. iwiikw hi h.i.i iifhl. i.i i I.MHl IH.I.IH OlkMl. W 11 .A iMHIr M. H.I lu MiNMImI h4 Milk, lrl.t M., . . la IH. t, tH.lt jM HH4 H.IM THI..HMI boh. M '.nil HP.H, ynm l.r Vn ihm ht lfcll hT.m 4i HfiHr Ii.h. II . hilt.. CatiHIy JJf uf Onat lott inr. .. MlMHtixJ.1 M 4.14 iH mih iwr .4 M. . Wl n4 I. duly ihhkM h4hI.iM in 1 I.UHII h4 toll IM. v( HfM IMHlkMlfcH, VI.icN 1, ,,,, J KM I rhMSn 1 7 AI4HHy Ihi I-Ihihi i You Have MlUJCAN, Ore.. April 11. Mrs. Mnbu! C. Tozlur, HMtnnuiter of the recently croatod iostofllce of Mllllcnn, hiu jut received her com inMon and ojHinml the ofllce. The homoHttMMlor in thki valley nre al ready having their mail addrowod to this ollice and in n short time it is expected thnt a lurKO iAtrona(fc will be fiervixl. Uncle Sam doos not reijuirc n regular carrier nor vice for the first throe montlm, but it h the intention of the iMtmaHtor to have the mall brought out from and sent in to Uend several titnoj n week. Tlie iwtiUon of wttlew in Whlt takor Valley, sent to WtwhinKton some time ao aakinjf for an ofllce to Imj called Whlttaker, with Mm. Thomas Gray an postmaster, has been granted, giving another new postolllco in tho country. This office will be about ten miles 'from Millican and will be opened within, the next few weeks. KEEP OUT OF RUTS. In That Way MotoHita Will Malta Highway BlUr. Few problem with vrhkb (be mth torit boa to cope bare prored 'more refractory than that of Improrlnir the road. It la ao unwleldly a altuatlon to handle and Its ramlflcattona extend Into auch multitude of tangle In Ibe field of IfffUlatlon and of public en tlrocnt that projrreM ha now been alow Indeed. None the le It la po alble for ench automobile owner here and now to jjlvo pntctlcaT naalatancV to (be movement If be only jrlll. Tlioo who bare carefully atudled tbo road maintenance problem find that ono uf their chief dllllcultle arises from tbo fact that tralll c Inevl. tably finds Its way into n ulr of ruts. Kacti succeeding vehicle dies deeper, and so tbo operation continues until there Is only ono part of tho road which can bo traveled with comfort. Bopposo that each vehicle should seek a new path. What would bo the result? A smooth, firmly packed sur face, In 'practically as koo1 condition as If a steam roller wero In constant operation. Now Is tbe time -when a policy of avoiding toe ruts can best be mado effective. the Rig;ht to file on 160 Acres of "Carey , Act" Government IrfigatedKLand You must let promptly or this land will be gone as it is settling rapidly. t Itefor Information to Central Oregon Irrigation Co. LAND COllAUSSIONBR, REDMOND, QREdON 415 RAILWAY EXCHANQE, Portland Ore. BEND, OREQON