The Packard Shoe for the man of taste, vl likes to combine .style and comfort in his foot flenr. The l'aeknnl shoe comes from one of the best of the Massachusetts factories a state that juts become famous all over the' country for its shoes. What the Packard car is to the automobile world the Packard shoe is to the footwear trade. Our spriiiK lint's are just in. Here are a few: OXFORDS. No. 15963 Button Oxfords 1 a t- out colt, fancy gray matt tops with x-nrl but tons, a snappy young man's shoo. Price, er pair $5.00 No. 15964 Bluchcr Oxford it- out colt, Cuban heel, a stylish dress shoo for all occasions. Price $5.00 No. 15965 Bluchor Oxford Ta n Russia colt, fancy bras eyelets, a good service able shoe for every day wear. Price $5.00 No. 15966 Button Oxford w 1 1 h fancy lirown stitching, something out of the onlinary for tint man who liken things dlircr out. Price $5.00 SHOES. No. 15969 Russian Colt much or tan, heavy stitched externum snlesstylish and comfortable. Price $5.00 No. 1 5970 Bluchor Volour Colt A shoo constructed specially for the young man. Price $5.00 No. 15971 Bluchcr Gun Metal Common wnw hwt, an esjicclully comfortable shoe for the business man. Price $5.00 No. 15973 Button Shoo Pnten t colt, kwIiik la-it, something eRiecinlly classy In a dress shoe. I'rlco . $5.50, thtSwsCC "The Store of Better Values" Bend, Oregon - - JL. For Sale and Want Ads. Perfection in IwnfceUons jm ney'H nt PnttorsotrH. 2tf M. J. Morrison ciblflfate Vou .'J20 acre homesteads tf Uyo hay for unlo- wllLioll cli for cash Kd. Halvorsoir. 4tf on terms for friends. The Pont Office Rooming House now open. The place will be remodeled In a few dayH. Jean Schiller, Proprietor, tf $80.00 per month straight salary and excuses, to men .w'ith rig, to Introduce onr Poultry -Remedies. Don t answer unhrta you mean busi lifidleH Perslnn belbjvery pretty nw- KureKif Poultry Food Mfg. BITS ABOUT TOWN. A. II. Grant returned t Mend Monday. Don Htm of Madras wh In Bund lust week. J. V. Bogue of U Pino was In Bend Inst week. George (J. Richards of St. Imis, Mo., is a Hond visitor. Neat wiwtj MifVur banket. 3Cc, at Howe's fconbiM' Store. The April number of Patterson's Orcgotiiiin appeared hist week. The return of Mrs. C. A. Jones to Mend Is exacted this evening. trade intKowe1 K. V. Ward, who has a homestead Ilutte. near Slitors, was in Bond last week. jjf nn,j J. V. Ilrown, of the Riverside Sunday for Inn nt taidlaw, was In Bond yostor- Madras. 'y. . Pete Jordan, n Whit Save yourVnioKlus, dlmus and dol- hnmuatoader, is sendlr lars by trndhV at Howe's Kconomy In Hend. .Store. You. Mr. Man. W -...,..... . -.--, Kgg taken in trade latitowe's J. T. Morson. manager of the Kconomy Store. v Deschutes lind ComHiny, iHuwed IJmlull Darby if Madras U u J,"J,UK1,1I1 Hun,,I ywtonlay on his way visitor here tlay l" lA ' mo' wiln n nu'Hr of other ' " gentlemen. AinoiiK the visitors in Hond s I,. n.mid.. pr.i ,,... -i i ii it nn ..r a....!.. y .Jlonkle ,t hord have purchased a i Moddanl-Hiiyton automobile. On Hoys' shirts extra UmI at Tuesday they took their first car Howe's Kconomy Store. load of homesteaders to the south- C. S. Hudson's new Hudson "20" tf,ul ntry. roadster arrived Sunday. i ltor M. Tozler has bought an ., ... o i i. . i Overland uutomobile from It. W. , Mr. and Mrs. S. I). Mustard of llVe wh(ch h y Prlnevllle scnt Sunday in Hend. ,,, homwlU.n(J ut Mlcan U)e ,Ml J. It. Couch of I .aid law is a Hend of this week, visitor, a guest of tho Hend Hotel.! J. L. Dickinson, L. Dickinson and K.J. Baumgurdner of Portland J"'"" Percivall, who took up registered yesterday at the Pilot I nomesteaus in wniuiKer vniley re Mrs. A. M. I.ura left a horseback trip to U. N. HolTnmn is now nsMsting ' outing llannols nigl) 0. P. Putnam In conducting The ' Kconomy htore. Hullvtin. i,. p. Wakefield of Croscent was K. S. and A. J. Lucas of Seattle, a Hend visitor yesterday, stopping cently, arrived in Hend last night from Seattle. ' Locator O. C. Henkle left yester- flm nfliirniutn tim .i... I...m......m.I "'V .livillinill U1 UIU IIUII1V91VIU1 grounds with K. H.Sakr of Seattle kur Vniley nnd K. II. Clark of Hlalr, Okla.. a few days looking for free government land. . C. C. Morrison of Chicago, travel one of our ing passenger ogent for the Great Monday at tho Pilot ' nt the Pilot Hutto Inn Henry C. Muhsof Whitakcr Holuet lilrU. Howe's Northern, was in Hend Monday. He rejHirts Hint Oregon continues to be the Mecca for eastern land seekers. Mr. and Mrs. K. J. Titus of Wos ley, Iowa, are in Hend for the pur kkso of making annual proof of im provement on their section of were guU Hutto Inn. 9 Thursday H. A. .Miller relume! , vicinity was in town the first of the Uwrt claims in townshln 0ranLM. from a ten days llmler cruising trip week to get lumber and feed. I .JMt? l0Wn8,,,P -. ru"K-' Htouiesouin. P.Htmiuter Minor vestertlav re- V. S. Helfich has ojhmiwI " shoe ceivod -IH new boxes which will lw reimlring shop in the old Kelly store I iiwtnlle.l at the oitoHico iinmedi on Wall StrwJt. I atoly. John HIimw left last Thurlay to1 W. M. Smith, a new Hend rosi- V..u.nil n u-iHtk at (:. It. A lit) nilich it. nil vuli Him IIim uimliui nt 'IIW1 .HXI.U .... ..- . --. . 1.W ...... .. (. ..V...U.. .b ...... Mon Little Itiver. pounds, is ill with the grip ut Tag 1 . W. S. Stephenson of Portland, a t Hrt n,1,10X I). C. Smith of Springfield, Ohio, and W. K. Hurke of Miller, S. D., piwsed through Hend unroute for Iji Pine. Mr. Hurke owns lai)d in 1 thu Doschutes Linil Company's sugi-egatiou. .' On May 1 the Circuit Court will I have h hearing on tho findings and friend of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. W. W. Orcutt has been confined Dimlcks', is visiting them. to his homu for n few days on ac- Ih'Harriman Deschutes railroad count of lllnoiw but hla ondition is ... ..I..., titiuf liniiriil.'iifl is i xp cteil to lie comiieiwi io rtiaii now improved. Mr. and Mrs, It. M. Patterson left Sunday for Tho Dulliw. Mrs. Patterson exccU to visit her people at Walla Walla. Fred Yonkera of Hryan, Ohio, ac- ras aoout the end of April IjisI Wodnosdny evening tho "CO )" club was entertained at tho henuof Mrs. C. S. Hudson. A W. Davis of Senttlo nrrived lost Thursday. He Is looking over.companlod by his brother, Phillip local conditions with u view to lo-i Yonkera. of Knlispoll, Montana, nr- cntlng here. rived in Hend Monday. W A C A. and I'lovd Mitchell of .Inlin nioi. who U nt C. It. Allnn'n thowolnh, Wash., wore In Hend lust ranch on Little River, ia having KLxutk Inoklnir over the country with irnmt lurk. Alrunilv Im Iiiim onnulit a view of locating. a dozen Dolly Vnrdena. Vr i W l.'nlWiirvinn luff Thnrmlnv nr n rv....i n nim in for Port and. HO OXPCCta tO PUr-l. Wlnnlnn,! nf llnvnntnn niflnlmmii chaso a now picture machine, to l j arrlvetl Sunday, They are InvestU maiaueu in i.mniui o ....... unit nir bus ness onun nmi. at Howe'n Kcononfy Store. Photo mailers, largOsjjnd Kinall, for sale at The Bulletin ofilce. Three ghuw counter coses for sale at Tlie Patterson Drug'Storu( tf Rest Keuffel & Iviacrblit! print paper for sale nt Hulletiri office. Peanut HutUir KIsflwul Tlie Pat terson Drug Store this"week-. 2tf Send us yourVordejrf' for heavy timber and ship-lnplknd Lumlwr Co. 4tf Hailed clworoTfalfa ami wheat hay for solo-C. P. Becker, Laid luw. f WJtf Lowncy's Candies, freh and, de licious, nt The Pa'tferaon'iJrug SUre. 2tf See the H. M. fc iV. Co. for threshers, enginefllsteam gang plows, etc. T . y tf The Peerless Pressing Parlors are now located nt The Toggery on Ore gon Street. 62tf ya'.aM ofdo' planer shavings io iKHi your notes w ui.artne Itend n.umber Co. 'a mill. . lUtf I-oii Sai.k. HarrciiRopKcggs for hatching, $1.(XJ per Aprting, Mrs. E. W. Richardson. Cl-tf Foil Rknt FurnisJkHl house, barn, chicken coip nufl gurden, all enclohod. Gko. (BXTra. 5tf Get out that old trincuit and we will make It lookipa; new. PeerleM Proving Parlors. f2tf Victor double face rccorJ. Iwst talent in the world, tfvjelection 7ocU at Patterson Drug Store, f Foil Sai.k A disc plow nndfi 12 disc wheat drill both as brood as new. It. (J. Sturgeon. Laidlau4-n The Hend Bulletin ha.4 fowde Uie lost (jiiRlity blue print Uper; light and heavy weight, and duplex MIH.T. Have you en tneuirvrs-eye maple aiwl nuar.ter wurtd QXk fur niture Millard TScihnt nor haa in stock? Wantko Roll vicinity of Bern and price. Addn tl..ll..In Fob Sale CiiKAr-;Po irrigated land 3 miles on Bend-Burns Road 0. Box 93. It Lost. Between Butte, on rrulay.utornoon, a straw covered suit cWe. Return to Bul letin office. 4-tf Tlie $100 chest ofCommunity Silver is to be given yway soon at The Patterson Drug Store save your tickeU. v 2tf Eggs for hatching frotn purebred Silver Laced Wyaridoltos. $1.00 iwr hotting. Mrs. y P. Downing, H.....I r .. ' it nfjulslnnot hrthe ii. tate hrution V84, tiyC Bend Co. (Incorporated.) East St. Louis. III. C Foil Sai.k oh Rknt. NW of SFtf , Sec. 13, Tp. 17. R.12 E., 7 miles from Bend pn PrincvilleRoad. 30 ncres in crop last yenr; proof mode; G-roorn houiw. Make propo sition to W. H. Hayden, owner, 410 Fidelity Building, Tacomn, Wash ington. 4-7 The workjnjjman'a friend has come Ut stay atr Bend. We buy. sell nnd exchange nil kinds of furn iture, tools, Jewelry, coins, house hold goods nhd clothing. Highest prices paid. Call or write to the Bend Exchange Emporium, post office corner, Hend' tf We are the representative in Bend for the Victor Tailoring Es tablishment of Chicago, and the ladles of this locality are invited to call and insect Jhe samples for spring and summer suit. About April lGtll we will Jjo in our new quarters In the Putnam Building on Wall stro4t.'Until then we are over Patterson's Drug Store. Mm. G. W. Shrinor and Mrs. K. D .Mcintosh. 2-4 TRAINS NEARER OPAL CITY REACHED NEXT WEEK. Passenger Service to be Started Sun day and Freight Monday Jones Warehouse Company of Hend Wilt Handle FrclghtTfiere. I uiurr a. a cord of My wife HELLO! Where are ypu going? Down to Carter's that good dry block w won't burn anythingelse. Carter is fotir 1ts cheaper than others, He sellirliry block wood at ?4.50 Kjr cord. Real L$ut transfers. (I'Mf nl.twd by th Cregk Cm Mr Alutnrt C ) 1). A. Malrr to It K. MorRan. (nt H X nl 1 4 e,V sw X, e. at. 16 It. Con. U- Mnilrti Towmitr Co. to Mnlr Oate- ay Hotel Co. lots 6, - 8, 9, Woclc 4. I'aliintiii. fiioo. Sitnuel It Oray. rt ttx to Vm. C llettman, lot 2 acres ot rum Uend, ddrcss P. 2tf 'end and Powell Bend. Oreiron Did you know that the ion simp can jinnt .your . Zl. ate Uk tf Bulletin visiting with hand liasoen tej)n'i Your ntitlos you s chost of number 2tf order of determination of the State Hoard of Control in tho matter of apjmrtlonlng tho water rights on Tumulo Creek. V. D. Harris, who has a humostoad in tho Grass Hutto country, in Ijiko county, about 100 miles from Hend, ia in town for a second load of lum ber and supplies. Ho took out a load from hero about ten days ago. John L. Weir, James Weir, John Vagen, J. Jackaon.S.E, Door, Jamea P. Kelly. W. H. Gilbert, C. B. Jay, Morlco J. Powers and M. L. Cash moro wero located on homesteads tho past week by tho Homoseokera' IjuhI Company, Fivo wajrona loaded with lumber and household aupplica for as many' homeateClera loft Bond todny for WhiUikor Valloy. Those going out wero Johp MichaelhofT, John Fod- Appordlmr to the Madras Pioneer 1 ,, ....,,.,., ... orolT. E. Stoiilmnnfr . ..... Vt... -. i'....,ul.. Piimnnnv l..w ' ' " ntarsniui m uimr, un-ii., an ;, "::""r"' TV """""" """ IIIO nillUllia '""''" Y "". .,v.l,.,1o,wl l.i.rlw... on Hn,l lnnb. VI . . ... ... ..... ll.l It.... nla AllillUUVUH U.....U.. .... .'U..l .WWI- lurreetl 10 give 111 wiu vujr .... ii , ., .1,.. i ..,i.ij. upon which to erect 11 cuy nan. V. E. Fanning has come from Pomoroy, Wash., to take charge of f. E. FitZRiirald'H place on ino i.nui- law road. With him camo 1-runK Fitzgerald. J. E. Sawhlll, iviiiiiuiiuii. wno navo ami non. ing for qunrtera in which to open on ,n,i"3 in aoct'0'a 13,14 and 22, T up-to-date tonjorlal parlor, R. H. Guild nnd wero uou K nouiu 20-17. 1 D. II. Yoomnna arrived from Pomoroy, Wiun., Iiun Wednoaitny. With him ,voro Aliox Wnltora, Jack' Right au i Joo Edwurda. Mr. Wnl tora has .rrlgntod land north of tin. II. J. Eggleaton haa on exhibition I'Hot B .tto Ranch; this is hta fir t nt hia harness nhop a 10U mo lei trip in Mr. Right also owns irri- J, S. Stephens, who hits n home stead near Whitakor Holes, boa re turned from an extended visit East and U Hpending a fow divya in Hond. Mu Itnlnititutn rturvoy work near tho Sawhlll home-' Reo automobile that is att-ac ing Rated land, upon which ho livid last ntond on Big River Sunday, return-' tho attention of tho motor ear en-yer. TI1I1 j Mr. Edward'a i.r.-.t ing Monday. i tnuwnsui ot iiend. , ''. cards of the best some script tyiw? Every $1.00 purcli to a chance on Pattejj Community Silver may be the lucky one. . Why not get out sortie advertising blotters, large or small? The Bull etin haa tho stock and can do the work on its new prew. If you wyint farmTnachinory, , wagons, bugenod, eji-f, bee the Hond Milling & WitceJxluso Co. nnd save monoy. Stock in soon. tf Foil Saw: oiiThadk. MwSO-acre farm, with lota of fruit sot out; 6 room house nnd good wiring. $1300 $2o0 cash. R. E. OSliOKN, Wost Sound? Wash. Tho Bend Milling & Warehouse Co. has scoWed ihexngency of U10 Portland lion Wprka for their en tire line. vCanTurnish estimate of costs for repairs. tf Fon Salk At a bargain, ono wagon and harness, one pair . geld ings G years old,jvuight 1403 Ihs each -Telephone or writp E. G. Wright, Oneil, Oregon. 3-5 Colts To Trade G vnrlings and 2ycar 0UI3, on Slufniko rnnge. Will trade for vacant lota or what havo you? W. A.lMhynea, RR. No.! 2, Box 21, Gait, Cnnrornia. 4-5 Vo carry f largo stock of fruits, vegetables.tobaccos, cigars, grocer ies, etc. Wieapost placo in Crook Countj- to'buy. PostOlllce Wniting Room, pos ollice corner, I end. tf For portraits at home individual or groups intoriorr!J)vs, general out doo phatojjrttphv and kodak fiiUshingtcftlkon C. G. Sownrd, ten-" pornry (iiiartors opposite thcfost ofllco. yxi I ThJ boKt larso Jjcts. Rooms at GO cqAU. $2.S0ly week, siecial Jl and 24. lilock 17. Ucnot aililitlon to Madrai. 160. Crook County Inv. Co. to Adam Cell ret. lota 13 ami 13. Unck 113. Ilillman. Con. f450. AImi lot I j, block 7. Ililluiau io w. w. Aiuriuue lor fa. Crook Counlv Inv. Co. to V V. Al Hriilnr. lot 5. hlock n4, Ilillman. (50. ToD.Calto. lot it, lilock 7, ilillman. fio Keilmoml Towmite Co. to Henry P DeSouxa, lots 1 aud 1, block 16, Red mond, ins. Wm. H. Taylor, et ui t.t Ceo II Rib becke, et ux. lot 1 7. block 8 and lol ty block 7. Railroad add. to Madras, fjva. J. C Roblnton to J. V. Robinson, 300 feet square south o( block 33, I'idmain. $1000. Alto lot 6 in block 6, Paluuln for lioo. Northwest Trut & Safe Deposit Co. to Minnie Rodoni, w 4 ueXsec. 16, 30 IJ. 6oo. Reilmond Townsite Co to II. C. Cald well, lot 3, block 49. Redmond, f I. Rea Bros, to O. L. Rust, lots 10 and II, block 9. Madras. $1. Redmond Townsie Co. to W. D. Mann lo's 7 and 8. block 34, Redmond. 300. Redmond Townslte Co. to II A. Ken lull, tuts 13 and 16, block 33. Redmond. fioo. Patents from the United States as follow: To Arthur Johnnon. twU sw U. see. 33, t)i ne' and nve4 iif.'4 cc 31, 1717. ToChas. M. Red6eld, sw-,V( nw' sec. to, 14-13- To Hubert G Caldwell, lots 3 and A and r-, nw ( ec. 19, 31-11 To Ifrh. P. KnriKht, nw, sec. 7, 19- Jh. R I,o-. w-l, sw'i sec 36 aud eh w,1 sec. 27 16-13. Commencing next Monday the Oregon Trunk Railway will re ceive freight to Opal City, four miles north of Crooked River, the point nearest It) the river to which the trains will come until the comple tion of the big bridge permit traf fic to advance southward toward Bend. Passenger service will be extended to Opal City beginning Sunday. The Jones Warehouse Company, a Bend corporation, will handle tho warehouse business at Opal City. George A. Jonos left today to make final arrangements at Opal City for the reception of shipments, the first of. which are expected next week. In a few days Mr. Jones will move to Opal City, to make his headquarters there to superintend the handling of the freight. The railroad company is con structing a platform 400x60 feet in dimension, which will have a special siding its entire length, and upon which the majority of the shipments will be 1 stored until londed upon freight wagons. All of this will be covered by tarpaulins for protection from inclement weather, and will be guarded by a special watchman, day and night. Perishable goods will be stored in sheds erected for the purpose. I shall have as large a crew as the work requires," said Mr., Jones, "and expect to employ not only enough men to handle the work to .the .satisfaction of all concerned, but to insure the smooth working of the business from the very out set I am arranging to secure the services of an experienced ware house man, whose special occupation will be the office end of the business. We hope to be able to handle all freight quickly and to the satisfac tion of our customers, doing away with all the trouble now being ex perienced." The general methods of the Moody Warehouse at Shaniko will be fol lowed. All advance charges will be paid by the warehouse company. It is now expected that the rail road may be delayed at Crooked Rivor from 60 to 90 days. The first of the bridge steel has just been put through the fabricating plant and is not expected on the ground for several weeks. See the curiosities art in our windoyv. elephants from Cy from the warriot uoer coins, etc. at ana Hbonv lorf. Chiefs work of carved India, shields of Africa, the Secondhand 1 Store, postotfice corner. 5tf KEEP YOUR MONEY IN OREGON EVERY J0regonian INSURE6 and UNINSURED lias alright to feel proud ) of the I iATfHPn DcrnDn of regonlife UNiY ( 0 The Only Life Insurance Company EXCLUSIVELY OREGON BEST TOR OREGON J AN: Home Office: Corbett Building, Portland A. L. MILLS, Pres. L. SAMUELS. (Jen. Magjtjlpr E. N. STRONG, Dist. Mgr. THE DALLES, OREOON Keep YourMJn flrjjon L er -juititofa In t '!). vi 71 attain twl .no ,ax3a ,1 i:-ur 7 a f t 2 V aobf i ii li ir