MMMimnii Put Your Duds In Our Suds TiTe RIGHT KIND OF CLOTHES FOR Young Men's Modern Clothes Bend Steam Laundry The Home Land Company V Real Estate and Insurance. V HOMESTEAD LOCATIONS. Timber Lands, Irrigated and Dry Farm Lands. t Henkle & Ford HOMESTEAD LOCATORS REAL ESTATE BROKERS We know the land open to settlers--- know the soil --know the connere and GUARANTEE EVERY LOCATION. Dont overlook these facts if you want to locate. If you have good real estate at the right price let us know of it and if we do not buy it, can sell it for you. Call and see us. $10 to $30 lm J Mi r IMk fflU m y Clothes that aro distinclivo but not freakish stylislymit not oxtromo different but tasty tho sort of clothes the jusu 01 UNG MEN OF TODAY Hko to wear, are now being shown hero to thoso interested in the now Spring styles. You may not bo ready to buy yet, but you are surely ready to look. You should hnvo a now suit for Easter. R. M. Smith Clothing Company Hotel Dalle; The Dalles, Oregon Yon ire cordially invited to make TIIK HOTHT. MLI.RS.ronr icstinc ulsce while waitini! ocr between trAiuiorl vnir vv to anil from I'ortlaud. New, thoroughly equipped, modern hotel; tteamt neat, elevator; tunes ami rooms vtim imius. t'trat class cale. Kates ft anil upward. Ideal Stopping Place Going to and from Central Oregon. PETER KUEHNLING, Manager. THE STORE THAT SATISFIES. IKING TROUBLE nnnnnnininrnr ' "v IIIIIIILLJII U UL . L u Marih uii'. DUUUDniUIVMLnta'rtSf THIEVES ROB HOME STEADERS' HOUSES. Hotel Bend Corner Bond and Oregon Sts. AftlgRICAjN PLAN Rates $2 and $2.50 a Day HUGH O'KANE, Manager ttllllcan Neighborhood Sceno o( Van dals' Depredations Settler Aro Taking Uncle Sam's I'ree Tim ber Prom Reserve. days on hi 820 acre cIhIiii, loft f r Hood Hlvor. HI KojiHr and Henry Mulkv an siionding miio time on (loorgu Mll lican's Hear Crok ranch, ptittiitK in h grain crop for him. Mil Martini (.lood recently put up n enhin on hur hoinoriUmd, which , joins the MillicHii ranch on tho oast, j Tho new Ibml-Hurim road Ih not '"c"' CoWy Commences Well on hointr travttiW in thU viclnllv. timm. ,"Prly and Orders .Much liuip- AlODERN PLANT AlAKETHEiM. TO in WHEN IN BEND STOP A' THE PILOT BUTTE JJXN Table always supplied with the best that the town affords. Neat and Comfortable Rooms. I5ND, Okhgo.v My Restaurant IB THE ONLY PLACE IN BBND THAT IS Ojjen All Night SHORT ORDERS OICK SERVICE Sandwiches and Luifches a Specialty BILLY'S PLACE V. H. ADAIR BILLY'S PLACE 8:oni ruerting liiat it lit not proper condition yot for two. I Thomas Gray of Whitakur Hole. ..,, rru 'wh ha Imhjii ill, ha recovered. MlUJCAN.Ore., April 11. Taking. , advantage of the abwmce of Mrs. I r. J.o,h A. Pargm. is in Port- i.. ii. ,w, ...mi.. !,.. ... n .. vlalf i n on uiutinuiw. KadUk turwjjr tiiiiiu eti ct v to her sister. Mrs. Ada It. Millican, vandals broke into ami ransacked Mrs. Husey's cabin, carrying "IT a large amount of eatable ami othr oo. Wlwn Mm. Busy roturnwl to hur hom Inst week h fouml things inakle toNt'-turvy. Article wura scattorod alout over the floor and in the mftldle of tho nxim all ment With InlcniliiiioM'roduc. Ini; llmt Class .Material. the cooking utonnial. which hud why not tryXJitt linos rou iiA-untiNO. Iiarruil Itockh andXrixe winniiiK It. C. It. I. KtiU ycfl.Wl (Kir nottinx: . Iwve orders XtO'DonnulPu Meat Market. .IriliN K. PumcK. tf Oreonlnn Advertising:. If you w.i nt to interest people on the outside in liuitMyou .have for wle or (JeLhouieMeders to locnte, Wenandy Livery, Feed (8b Stable Co. J. H. WENANDY, Prop. All kinds oflight and heavy Livery. FEED FOR SALE. HORSES FOR SALE. Bond Street Bend, Oregon. Wood! Wood! Now is the time to order your winter wood, for the cold nights demarur a large pile of dry wood. Can be bought of F, M. Carter at a reasonable price, delivered at any time. Leave orders at A. M. Lara's. F. M. CARTER . Estimates on application Wall Paper at Portland Prices N. P. WEIDER FfNTER & Paperhanger Cheapest and Best Well Paper Sam ples In the county. Get My Prices. Ilox 39. Bend, Oregon. beon uod and loft unwaahed, were piled. Thin is not the nrt occurrence of the kind in thia vicinity nnd the houioateadun) are becoming indlg nant at such duprodationu. During ths winter the eablrw of L. M. I'ozior, Morgan Adkim and other wore broken into and nearly every- thing in thorn carriod off. There are good clowa in tho latoat robbery t3 the identity of tho culprit and stei may bo tnkon to prosecute them. AiwiHtant Foroat Ranger Hubort E. Derrick of La Pino was in the vicinity last week marking timber h the rosorve for the free uwj of settlers. A large number of them tsok tho full $20 worth they arc oititled to cut before June 80. Speaking of some of the land about Pine Mountain, Mr. Dorrick said: "That certainly is good looking soil, and I believe it will grow fine wheat, and hero, on tho norUt slope, I do 't see why fruit would not be Bjccessful. I would like to have 320 acros of this land mysolf." Mr. and Mrs. Iwtor M. Tozior have taken up their rosidence on their homestead in this valley. Robert Tyler, who has-beon living in Bend, has just erected a neat house on tho Bend-Burns road and, with Mrs. Tyler, will take up his residence hero. the I'ortlutiil tnc Ilend lit itriN will tak send it in for for render The rules re the Mime silt to Portland advertising in iau at well ax c Ill'I.I.- our copy here and on. we II arrange display ads for yot. as if )OII TF. Try Tli e Biillrooj ol primary. II aM M C t-mW hrl( m ". 4i-o. Hd r iimi I mmh r tumul Ma A CaMphtll.iMi I mm lHt wrf uM, k4 lh t latuiMtiU IMWNM M Miiwr P ? CAMCMKU. . . ... . , MICH I'fAW mIiiW a4 Man to Mm mm Ihu Hk 4t nt Mia. im m Mt. ute m ... yntmm A. WMU. I xmuj ittMMiM iwc.,a. The ltund Brick ami Tile Coiiiimny vN'lwcU to commence well-drilling next week on .iU proMrty wtt of town the old Banuy Iwi hoim toad. Jarwen Ilrothrs Iiave tlie contract, awl, if uoceMMiry, will put the well down HIM) feet if water it not reachod at a lew depth. Water will be pumiMNl from the well for ukj in the brick-making plant. irwli ably with a ganline englno. A Mi) 1 mold Hiwiir brick-making maehinu, with daily camit)' of 20,000 lia lieun ordiinsl ami will bo iimtallwl in u briuf,timo. "With the modern maclilnHry wo will iiMtall," mid A. II. Horn, who has n large Intercut in the conin)', "we can make the very lwt of brick. Wlien this clay is properly hurtled the bricks will be so hard I . i. ......... i. .i i.i. .. ui.. .nui'ick b'nu iir ii.ifA'iMMv m tn v nviniuii umimi wuu n mu. I iUfk r. Mf rm lo Hilhr a.C Mra.l No i)fl HiM.Ufvff IS -If Hi A.MriM lilum.!' X I. UK RMn, B.l. tirrgofl , NOIICI! (JI'AI'I'I.ICAIKIN l'OI SA LOON I.ICIINM!. T lh tlnnof al,l' M)M 4 Cmmm (.Macll ullhfUl 4 ! I.I Ntl.KMKS Tlw ttwlft'Ml MM Si CMWn. fcar1M( iciltx.l 4 tulh 4n( htntm ! tMh4.trtftli j l niM SMa Ik tf eif utlh .Mr TtiMtr Sk in tnm "I lMllrf Ikllao awl HII Im a UralM ffOM Ik CMr if Mh4 lu aril ma. aftftlllHm moll lMMta a4 aiwnlnl ClaW mali ltq 4aa'r la Ik bHi'aiak MaaM aw M of I I) Ha). Hwt. W Ik pariaaj u tMM ! Hum Ik Sf4 mf M Aptil. lyll IHI4I k4. iHtfua IkH Mk 4ar ui March, I ail XtM i 1-aMpkall r MU tmp SSaWaUttpm i I CaanlvalCtavV ) I "ll akH ,l f amfia MIA w Ik ka4vaalIM Ik Ltt.m rpl.'alkM tar mall llqM Iwipna. Ikal I aM Aat-MaaN lliaHlh'l krM.-l liTHlvai.lllr' rf allw I of milk fa la lull, I ut a lla ift iniwaamiiH kan Mt aM Sale of Timber I'ortlaud, Oregon, March 14, 1), nslrlblil( marked ouUWc "Hid, TlmUr Halt Apllcatlti, February M, I'il. iHrachutca," ami oddreuol tolhc IHilrlct I'orcaitr.l'urcil rkrvicr, rorlland.Orrgon, will !c rrcclcl up lo ami In cludliiK Ihr 4II1 day of May, 1911, for all the merchantable dead limber, standing or down, and all Ihc live Umber marked for culling by Ihr I'oreit oltliar, liicated on an area lo Iw deniiltely dealvnaled by lh I'oreat olficer Ufote cm Unit lieiflnOncludluicabimt 3,4a acrea In the HU rtc 17 hU hrc m, Hrcllouaiuaiid ut, NICW, II h NWu.kWUNWU hec w T aiH K 10 I' .HI !( hltUHec.l hc l'H,ftl' NWtf , Nl- M HWW. rtcv t, !: nr. n M rtl!4, ni M ni'U bc. 16,1 lh H o It, VI. M., wilhln Hie IlaHhulea Nat onal I'orol, Oretinu eallnulrd In be4,,8oi)cl II M oflKe ami lui.uw Ir. I ll M -filrad wealem yellow pine und 170 fit III. M of live I'xlgtiiolc diie,aaw IniiUr, lux acle, more or l(H N'l bid or Icm than i yi ,rr Ihoutaixl feat II M for live jellow pliieml uud removeil prior lo February . 1014, and It at limn tjooixrlhuuwiid lect II 11. fur all live yellow nine cut and reinovrd after I'cbruary j, 1914, Jl Jler tlioiuaud ltl II M. lor diad yellow f1 It is underMtiHid some wry large ordera for brick have been placed, with the provision of deliv ery nftor tho nrrivnl of the nillnmd, when tho decreased cost of construc tion material will open the way for the erection of ninny ornmnont buildings now planned. In connection with tho brick yard a stnnll saw mill will bo installed to cut timber on adjacent claims. 1 Kefuso from the mill will furniuli Inexpensive fuel for the kiln's. To Exci.ANOK ThuJfEtf of the SW, See. U.T.llA, H. la K, 35 irrigablo litres' Price $1(100, Will tnulo for llcoperty in Washing, ton or Oregon. E. L. Spencer, Will North Ainsworth Ave,, Tacoinn, Wash. :u) I OK IMJIIMCATION' llaiwitm.Hlorik iHlattaf. V. lli l The IMI. ixfn, v,..., . L , Mawk talk nil. NM U bnebr KlveH thai Nawal iltlbk Kl Uy.ut Hnd, OieaoH, who om May ilk iau, l.d. lliM,.ta.f llHlry N. ,; ,., W' fcw M,imHklHirH lanur llfa.l, w hi. f..tLlf'!L",ii,"r,,VOH '" m,Wr 'Iksl l'l-Var Vi' wfu". S ,m,, " CnfHmah, Tat ApilfVll ","J'0"""' ' h YI Clalwanl iiaiM aa wllnr..,. chrl A. HlaniMrrmiih.liiMW II Hlley. Waller IfcTalel. and I'l.nk iiatl, all of Jleiwl, Orrgiw, ,M,,,, C, WVMOOUK, HrT. NOTICE FOR i'Unr.ICATION. Ilepatlmenloflhe lulerlor. V. 8, Laud Office al The Dalle., Ore. March ih, ivu. Nolle hereby given Ilia! Il.ruelt i. iiw.ll. of llend. Oregon, who on llecei. lir .1 T mad, llonu.tea.1 ItHliy No isiii Kejlil Ny "H',,,V-ri V' """"'d l H, raiiVe ijeail V, ..?'. V' '"!"' ufl.iilenlloii to make'lMna ic'irar 1'riMii ill -kif.iiBi. .... Ine. and ll ajocrthouMiid fiat II .M for liv. ImUrirale nine. will Ik cou.ldrn d and a drpo-il of liooo payable lo Die order of the I'll.t Nutiouai llaiik ofroitlaud. Oregon, inuat Ik aenl lo thai oeuK lor ravn uiu euuiiiiiicd in in jiutrm . C. F. Hartwifif of Seattle came In laat week, and after spending a few l'orrater. Timber unon valid clahna l .xmii.,...! from sale. The right to reject any and all bida i reaerven. rur lurincr inioniiaiiou anil regu lation governing anlce addreaa I'oreat Super. Titor, LHachutei National I'oreit, Trlnevlllt, Oregon, 4-8 C.J. DUCK, Acting Wlatrlct I'orctler atoMdrHTlhd ifoVe I '"c 1 1 . V H i:n: Met, II viav.alloflin.A n....,..?""" lw "' 4" e w MiHlKlf, K.gUler. STAR BAKERY SaaaSSSSkSBassaaWHMSMp FRESH BREA!) Pastries, lq)Jsetc. Hr. 13 Bread Tick 0 Oread Tlckot $1.00 26c Meals Served from a. ni. to 8 p. in. aaSSSaaSSBaBaaaa Furnished Rooms MRS. NE1L.L.IE: WRIGHT v