The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, April 12, 1911, Image 3

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4sasr a -
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I Silver
Ilnrit I'mnrfflii ninl "PliiKerleaa" t'ml
rnii-r Knlillt. AlaaKa, Mini 11 rl n yuuiis
t.lillr Hniimii, 1'lmltr Mulling Hint ha
tela Hi' in
I'liem tlr.erltira llin Milium rtnlirrlM
Mixl Ma.ah Hit iiiiit'iiiiiiloiia IihjiI of Hit
JwhU Ik runlli-tl-.
'liitrry n ihihtv allr i:iirinn.
(tans Hull mill hi i,ii lulu xirtiirilili
Kiioi.hii ilfMillimi lila fullm in "iimkr
il" In Alnnkit
I.HIMMm Klr Ciller)' Htw.Hl Itattt,
I'nikur ninl I'liirrxin iimmi ly nr their
lltca III Iwilnml a liil iiiIm Hi" alrnm-
r l Krtlnml uit their tear out In til
AfliT ilrmilftil irlvtttlita Jhry nlrli
llm Uwi n Kailtak wnl urr ami. fi iiiu.r
lur .lit. o im.rrMiu amlta MIm Mil'lit.l
t i Intnl.
(MI.M' VI.
"IN" 1 1 m nil jour prlmtlona ninl
liiinlnlil" unit rr niiililim."
nld Mildred Wx In ttit wlirti
Illicit I1111I recounted llii- bli
lor)- uf hlx pllgrlm'ticr Into tin- north.
"Yea.' hi' ri-illiil. "un a 111I111T I inn
n tery itrettbitl fnllure"
Hlu uliriicuiil lur abouider lu til
"Iiun't ! Ilmt term!" otic cried
"Tbefn I llii liord mi liuli-ful lu im
HI 'flllllin-' -I NIIlHIM InMHIIV fllllllT
till lifter fillled III nllJtlllllK l.rt Ua
my Unit jour auuvan bun Ihvu lc
"Very tt I'll. Tbnt iili im I-iiit
hHI, llllt Jllll HIM) I'tn flirk'nlll'll In""
ly cIhxho iiku iinl."
Tl)ty wen' nstiil in Hh iihmrv.
vidert' fur ihii Imurn lln-j Iwil ii-iuin
il iiihIUIiiiImhI, CiHtTHin miking rnii
Mly, fllHHMt liHiilirri-Hlly.
"Awl yuii ilkl nil ilmt fur iiii" Iip
IiihI. "I wiiiiitcr If Miiy iiIIhT limn
I know Would IMl.11 lliotf I Ida JuM fur
- in."
"Of cuiinn'. Why. Hip rUk. I wmn
lb ili)h-Nl rll lint htutMilr "'"I
(HatniinfuTl. iliin'l iiiHuilnt ln-tnt." f
HiUHitnl tilt IIdkiii-.. "Il Unit ntll) tltr
uiit'iHlliiK ili-ilKilini llul linn. II n
lltt M'HirHlllll IrolH JH lIlHl I'lllllalHll
III- lliv IMnllijIlt lliut mlHi' lUikli-r IH
lM mix III" -
"NimiwiW" Minimi nHy In
iUkumhL "I Ini )mi t III )iHir iii
I I wiii. him I I prKiiiloiil In unit. Km-ii If
I twit Iml-rHfiil fur Jim I UJH4UI Uqr
LtH my Muni. I n 'b)Iiiiii
irlm'liln. Am It la. It una-cuinjtiirn-Ihvly
'Tliwi ) irtl 1I11 ln i tiif. IH) Iml) V
Mm IhhiiiiI -k-rly tuunril lirr.
"lit ull 11111I to nUT" Ur wlilairr-
lit frtun lli' alicllrr uf Ilia arm: "It
I Hit' mii)i old fuMlimtliiii nf mir rtH
hihI iMiy iIhji lioyiiu n-inrmlMT Imur
i-vllli!rlrl) I lnl my Ill-fill hIhiiiI JtiuY"
Win' UiimImiI Mlftl). "I Haul to tlllHk
)vh Muri h fiHitlmll aull Iwlli-r llwn
NiilMMly In tin irll! Siwpilwra I
aMf't tlmt It In HUTt'ly that wmp
irlrlKli lnni wnmlilp hiuI i-nn't lt.
llul II lift lnatn- mi far. Tlirn )inr
U M HMIK llllll' fur n Klrl like liu- lit
null. I.n't ur
"I Uimw. I Umir In rt'tlintnl JmI
llll) .
"Hut li-xliili nf ini'ii nn-rmirjlnit jnn
Oil, I Lihiw. Ilini-n't I ili'Vimrnl
fifty (miIiiiiiim liy 1 In juril? Tli mi
ra miti' ix nidiitln 0I1I. in Ih Mir.
mIicii I nut I limn, Inn i-wry iih-iiiIihi
lif )( nn jtiat liki n klllfi MHli In
ID. I liaril tu Inrilirt III) li'llrl) mhiI
mHIi iU'liiri-a uf a, oil Vim witi m-nr
nut uf iiiIihI fur hii tmiir M. iln
wen Khi'ii in mi . ninl I nr in prny
lti.ll my ilmniiN inluhi Imlit iintlilnit
Iml. )IHI Vull him Ihi-ii III) fl-lMl
fnmi 1 In tlril ilny I mi't jmi. 11 ml my
unralili I m a urnvMi lilliulrr i-ir Imur.
Mllilrnl. Oil. my Imly. Iiuw iMiiiitlful
yuii nrel"
Ami Inilml pIip irnti. fur Iter fan, or
dinarily ao Impcrlulia, Mil now aofily
nllk'lil; Iht ryri, which ntht-r men
foiiml cold, urn Llnillnl ullh rnru
lvarmlli of niKlrralniKlInc; lir iull
wa nliuoat wltfnlly awoct.
Up rrcnIUil how -icliol lie had tn.
In tlmt fnmwiiy time when lie hud
flrM Irnrnnl ln-r Idrntlty, fur tin nniiu
of Wnylnnd nrni ipokvn Miuiidlnjtly In
the middle writ. In the early atapfi
nf tbrlr arqiinlntnnca lie had looked
upon lirr nloofm-aa m an sffrctAtlon,
Iml n cloo liitlmncy had romrllrl 11
rrcoKtiltlou of It m omclliliiK wholly
natural, lie found lirr nn truly m-
trlclan ni Wayne Wnyland, her father,
rould wlati. 'i'ho old uinn'a domntn wai
Krcntcr than I hut of many princes, nud
Idii power moro nbanluic. Ill only
dnuntitrr lie apolled nn tlinrnujtlil.v na
tie ruliHl lila pnri of the nnnnclnl world,
mid willful Mildred, oiu-t Him hud tnkun
1111 Intercut In llm youuj; college mini no
I'vldunll)' rendy to lie uiimheri'd nmniiK
Iht loviTH. did not puiim Imlf wny,
but Hindi her preference piileut to nil
null opened to him n realm of dnr.zlliitf
poaNlhlllllex. ,
And when J10 linil Krndunled how
lirond of her he Inid lieenl limy little
he hud reiilUed the Killf Unit Hepnriiteil
them, ninl how ijulcU Inid liemi hi
It wn Wn.vno Wnylnnd who linil
hoH'n lilin liU folly. Ilu linil tnlked
to tlio youiik eiiKluecr kindly, If firmly,
IkMiiK too ahrowd an old diplomat to
fun tho flamo of n hcndstroiiB loro
with vigorous opposition.
"Mildred It a rich slrl," (be old
Onancl bjd,itoldJlojdj "Trjr rich
Horde i
Aullioi of 'Hif Spnllrri' nd
'111 I'arlrf' 4.
II ARi't 11 f- into r III 111 J
k-lrl. line uf Ho- rd hint plrl in ihN
mri uf the uurlil while juii. tny lniy
nlmt linn )uii in uiTerv'
"NotliliiU' Hul yuii were nut Hlwnja
(ilmt )ini mi nuw." limerwiti linil n.
plliil "ll'in mini linn tu nmki- 11
alurt. Wlu'll U IIIHtlllll J Mil wen
n punr 11 I um "
"Crtiiili-d' Hut I mrili-il 11 pour
k'lrl fnmi my "mi inikni in lir I'ur-
lllllllti'ly all Inid the Inti'iil putier to
ileieliip ullh me na I crew an 1I111I
Kepi ei en nud I iiiiiiliainnn-d
her llllt Mlldn-it la -ilnl In U-ulli
ullh I apulliil her inr 1,1 in pre-
t lilt Jllat IIH ii 11I Ihllik' Kile la
hred tu lil'nn tier filtinl. nit rt'-h
ntul itu dix-n'i v n it mi) other kind
of life."
And mi 11 uax tlmt lliijd lliin'rwin
Inid k'1""' ' lii I In- Klondike
111 tun 11 I'iriiiiii nud iim tu tt in Hi
k'lrl lie liiteil e ninl Ilia mill 1 1 III
lur r-lurimiu mill n II una Hull MJi
Unil V 11) mini linil muiiiIiiI him
If tialn) iifni linn nr. of ileprl
tallou, flu- wemiil tu llllll mule 1-ejU
llful I linn etir the 111I111111 lutlm:
ertxl iihiiI) lu ilihiiiiii- her ili.inn
und Kir-ii.'llieii Hie iiuiiiiiiu ut lit"
heurt-all- aeeimil In tin -nine tlu
till fnrt li.-i n muted from ni aniure
Ilia Minn nuUlu-,1 lloiil fin in f
' - "
ini ir tncuei) 01 ma lutlire puna, ,, ,urH e.i.ialiiu the fme of "1'ln
ami at luat he naked her. with kmm- ,i- -.. ...,ii ., ,.r..i....i.
Ulnc Ii-m tliiiu mi U,,t.,rilMiirild.uhih.rMt.lnl,?HruutwVntouMm't
"Will )iui wait nnotlier yenrr
Kbe IhiijjIiiiI iicluiy. "uu dear toy.
I am iml up fur miction. Thla la nut
the 'thud hiiiI Mat call.' I am mi ure
I luuid liiilu.e ail IimI' to takv tut t'ld... he 0le.en.1l "TbU tumia name
etrti If I" h !',,.,.. One of Ida McUlhirlllii li
"I rnid the rumor of )nur ennagi- ,,Wlke ,,f .ir,)lN.r ,,.. , ,a in a Mi 11 ITNtH-Uca pi-r." m.,r futM r that aulinl blm."
lie iniiitiiimil n iiMmlr of namea. t ... n,, 'ro.iir prett) well." ob
ruiiHIImc I belli olT oil her flHRer tlei ,orlwj the ltiieftiirl.ilil I'raaer. "II
"Then, of nmrae. there an tin old 1 .ournta ilMaiiKtM) mid"
ammllija. Mr Marklln. Tumwy Tur "(Hrt iK'lletr anytldmc be tellt j.m "
urr. the Union Iniya '- k,J(, )rokt, , nmlittfC ,IIIM.r. e
"And Allun CI tie." , , ,H. HMH(l rlreinwmaBllal liar In the
"T.i Im -lire. Ilitl Altmi. !e 111- tmrlliwint. and If )ull iIwn'I ttnnhblm
im-ik. rutia un fieer Me M.JI ur ,1'iery ml 1. 11 1 e btr will ai II )oti u li
IUm )im. Hind, b) Hh Hj." draulb- mine r u ruliber aaiitHt).o ur
la 1 lien any uue In artleularr a M.iif. Ualiery. t'ttderneatli bit ie
lli)i demamliil. eeinrj. Itlea. howcter. be It really n
MM WatlHiKla hi-llfllmH wa mi pretty ibi-etit felmtt. nmt t aim ImlrU
tiflef na hIiihhI tn iM-ae Ilia tHitl-e ,.1 to him (,,r my preaelMTe heir lu
"Nobialy wbu con in, of murn father ( 1118111."
Um hla tin-dlliilliilM HHd IlihUla llou 1 A (;,,, mfl,j ,i natmiMimctil
riik'lmvrtm: my nlTaln In the ine ' rldein by Impilrliiic Im-r.iliiloualy of
wny he woulj tlitat n rallread enter, fniaer. "Then Ibat M-lieme of i.ura t
prlae. but )ou.-mi linflk'lne how roiumi ..atabllah n pia plant at Nome tta
tie the nailll la" all"-
"Who la the fat or. d par!) V the .(Vrtalnl) r Kmeraon laushnl. The
yiiiiiiK mm. darkly. Iiiraiiil.-went lamp trawla al4it na
"lleally It I.n't wurlb Olamaltne. fail aa the prospector. Nome la tlBUt-
Do ymi remen r when I ..tleml tu w, l(. nvlrblly and but been for
Cite 11 nil up und en with )ini. Itodr" wura."
"I bate ueter fork'ulten fur hii lie
"Vtu refuaed to allow tt
vi-imiiiiji 1 u.i run ..... in
....i ...1 .. .
rHr life, ami III) pride IlKtirnl a bit
a 1 i. inn 1 am imime to bate ytni lie
.. . - . . .
dreK her l. him tenderly. "Yob are
iMr In my wife." lie regaled
the worda ,ftly. r-tereatly. "My
wtfrl" 1
" '
... . .
ri- (--""i. "V ni .11.1. nun n iinin
little frown "What iHiihera mr J. that
111111 rn.w 11. what m imra mr latitat ,
) 011 uiHleralniid me am niy life tv.a.
tthllu I M-anely under, ami )u u '
litiim at nil. That acema tu Ml tne
Kl... em.1l un 1.1 Mm ..III. a inl,.l
Ibiit I Hill linaiillnl In )uil III mime
wny. Why. when )ou told me that
aiiir.r of ).iur lmrdhli and all that
I llairnrd na If It were 11 piny or n
iHMik. but really It didn't mean any
flilns to me or Mir me na It almuM. I
can't umleraimid my own failure to
imiteraiHud Du you ace what 1 am
iryliiK lu conteyj"
"IVrfretly." he nnaweml, relrailnc
hrr Willi n little umtdmlttiil aeiiM. of
illaiipirulntturnt nt hla I
hh It It only nnlurnl.
"I do hope you auecrit! Ilila time."
be contlminl. "1 am cruwluc drodly
tlrtil of thine. Not tlrnl of waltluc
fur you, but I am ccttlnc to be old;
I am. Indeed. Why, at Ijuifa I actual
ly bare an Inellmitlun to do fancy
work the uufilllnj; aytuptoni. I)o you
rrallro that I am twenty-Ore yean
The, porllcrca parted, nud Woynt
Wnylind alood In the oeulnir.
lie adrauced to alioko tbe young
man's hand, hla demeanor crncluua aud
1 JVCn I
hi'iiii "Ueliimie in 1 111 ton linn
Ih-i'II Inn Iii iillc 11 (iii'iilluii bitti-ni
UillJ I .el n ace, 11 Itt.i fill m. Ihii I
"l'lini .venr!" Ciiirixm replied
"liniilii: I ii'n 1 ilciii. In.u linn1
lll" tll II IIIIM N I.IHI ''
"Until llllt lii'i II telling in' "f III
nihi'iitini'K " ulil Mildred, "Hi Ih
pilim to llllll ltll ll."
"lint Jim fiiiiii Imiiih' H titiij'V" null
ill Mil' flltlll'l'
' Nil. air, I hIihII return In 11 few
It.'.'I.H "
Mi Wr.ylciiirn curillullly mid l
lleleiiae In amiie kllhtle lilnlllier.
"Well. I 11m winy ymi illiln'l nmke
f'" ' ,M,' '" r" "r lHM,r-
Jiilir frli'lKlx Nre itellKllliil to aei' JUII.
iiliil we all ill leriiilnl) keep J mi for
dinner I inn Intereatid In imrlli-
wealeril I'llllllrt mtaelf. Mild I Hillll III
nak nine ipieatlmiM lllinlll II,"
Il ttna well on liiwiiiil uildiilKht when
Kmeraon renilieil Ilia Imlel. mill lielllj:
Iihi full of Ida tl-ll Willi Mllilntl tu
alii'phe. tr.,1 U,rnu,l, the loliliJT
.......... ..r , .m,m-,h . mo,,,.
"" '"'.. M'' """ ' '" "
tu an win"' lie inrm-d tu fine nn
nrniemVc jnnlli w hoae eulurleaa yna
lilenchiM fnre una ttrlnkliil Into nn
eipilli.ltv itrlu.
"Hello. A lliill!"
'I'lu-i aliouk limiita like old frlemli,
Willi Allun I'ljile iiiUlllimil tu ex
pIKoa Ida ilellkht
"80 uii te lit t'li riiughlii;; It out In
.SVIilH.kil. eli-'
"AUiakH "
"!i It tvila I Mlw-il)a p thii'i plnrei
Hlktil 1 'nine in ei unit linn u drink
1 wiilil lu lulk lu )uu, I'uiiii) llilliu'
j Jit-t 1 11 Klondlki-r iii)-elf thla
t-iiiii) 1 ilmt eiiii iihi! I itnni )mi
tu know hllll. lie'. llmileliM a MUlllf
la I'liN'Mih. IHII he lall'l a I lull lllllUII
I'uiiii iui. )nu'll like him "
I'l.tde In) Ida I'umpttiilmi tnuanJ a
Mr. 1'roellrh alioicil tmck hla rlmlr
"rr.ielUli"" Mid lluyd atitfrtly:
"jimh beHteua, I'niMT. bate )ou ilck
11I Mliullier) I thoilKllt )on were giilng
w '
to atiik to 'I'ruhiaher.' " Tumlns to
"I UT" dcmamlnl TrflMT. with mi
aaaiimplton uf the KUpreiueat urjirli-e.
"Von know na well aa I do.
,,. ,, frs,,ll.n. Ju,t tno Mme.
.... ..,.. ...... ... ..
11 HI W1l "I.U. UKll 1
rhHl.H'r " lit naai-tutl fur tila !aM.
. .,..,.,. t ..,.,. ,.. ,.. u. " ,.,.
H , J JJ '; lJ Jj "". , """e lut
i "V,?
VV..II ir llial'a III.. Lln.1 nf oHI ran
. L ' ?., ' , ,
man ipi.Hi 111.
"Well. If ibafa the klml of pttl )u
' .". .V" ' ' '
. . .u.i..'i .... ,, ....if
""' ?' ' ' " ,ww i UC MU
, ,,,,, lUH,r Hr ,.,pr
... ,,.,,.
"!, ' '" n "' . ' "", " "K",tt"lMS
from a Imiimmll."
Cl.tde li'Biiii to laiish iineoiitrutlnlily
"lleally, tlmt a wreatt Ob, tbat'a Itne
I)!" CI) tie aabl be wai In tutor health
nud waiilul n chaiice to reunln luat
npHtiie ami luat money.
"III ulte )ou a cliHtietf lo m?oup." 1
aald Ho)d. "I mil here to rala wiw
money on n Kd propoaltlou." ,
The yoiiUKt'r 111.111 leamil fonvard 1
nierly. "If you any ll'a pood I tin I'm
nil I want to ktmtv. I'll take a chatico.
I'm lu for anythliii; from pilch and tosa
(o tumialauKliler."
"I'll tell you what It la and you can
ute your own Judgment"
"I haven't a wrlce." Clyde confet
1 "If I bnd I wouldn't need to In
rett. Go ahead, however; I'm all ears."
The other cutllued tbe plan. To Clyde,
lloyd Kuirraou bad ever represented
the ultimate type of all that was most
desirable, aud time bad not lessened
hla admiration.
"It looks as If there might be a jolty
rumpus, doesu't HT" be questioned,
"It does,"
Then I're sot to aee lu I'll put In
my shnre If you'll let me go alone."
"You ko! Why, ymt wouldn't like
that aort of think'." aald Kmersou, con
slderuhly nonplused.
"Oh, wouldn't, U I'd en t It! It' Just
what I 11111I. I'd revel lu tlint outdoor
life." He throw buck bis narrow ahoul
dor h. "I'm 11 rouulnr scout when It
corned to rotiKhliiK It. Why, 1 camped
lu the ThoiiNiiud Ulntids all 0110 aunt
mer, nud I'vo been deer hiiutliiK In the
AdlriiudaeLa. Wo didn't get nu.v
they were too fur from the hotel. Hut
I know nil about mountain llfo."
"Thla Is totally uilTcreut," lloyd ob
Jii'ted. dut Clyde run on, Ida cutliii
klasin KruwIiiK ns he tluted tho menial
picture tu suit himself.
Clyde wuw lost In un exposition of
bis Illness us a flshermuu when Fru
ser burst out:
"Ilellol There's deor8e,H
MKIIKON turned 10 lirli'ilil llnll'n
lititte llitim nil Inn bloc IiIiik tbe
ilNlmii iliMir
"I'llll llllll III." Willi (Jl) ill.'
(iii l.l.v "I unlit In meel lilin. lie
lonl. Jnl my wirt." Anil inroidliii'ly
Kinerwm uiuilumd lu Hie IMiitiiihii
Ki-i-Iiic Ihi'le Mil liu help fur It. MlK
(lliireiuiliMiil hlluxeir Mild teiitliriil
tlinldl) in tuan the purinl
'(illume h leumiHide, (iihk; I'm nil
del Up." lie urderiHl "I inn t ki-i mi
fiiiilhi II on tiiew fHiiey Html, tliey'ro
mi iIhiik llik"
-jj,. chili- urfem to pill l'MKO tnlo
, ,Uml ,r ,, ,,, ,. , liftllk ,,
mi mid hrlii rim Um ennmrv." einMln.
l KlHerwifi
llHirjH- liHiki-d over llu'eliilminn enre
fully fMiin di curly crown to hi i-n
tier, hleh lii-eled kIhhni. I lien amllid
-I I'M up to Mr Ktncrwiii I'm wlillnx
If lie la." WhereiiiHiii raatlj em our
tnKiil. ll ile priKentMl In i-tiwninte
j ,, , ,)H, ,llrH(,ll) ,MMne
()M u, lt MW , ,,,
uf three mi-li Hppr.Mteini nud aented
llii'iiikeiim hi nn ndjiilnlnie tiii.n An
till') pulled nut their elnilra Itie iii-nree
linie'iil in I'ldlne In llieli illrn-ilnn
tlieii put dun 11 hw lemiimiile c ncare
fiili) "Wlmfi the umllerr Hu it d.mnnd
111 III II Ioh loin, fur I he lilt- f-lloll a
line hml aiulilelil) k'olu l. .! while
Ida -ie Imd whleinil tike ilwv of mi
nrtiii'il hiiI-iimI
"'I'lliira lilinr ijiiirjte ctow led.
"TliHl'a 1 tie dirty liuiihil!"
"HII till'" lommHinlnl Knemon
"liiiu'l tiidke n foul uf yuuraeif." hu
"TIihi himr' rrntid i!iiri:i Ida
)ea tclurllit reill) "lliHla Wlllla
Wheriy" ICmerx'n whirled urloiia.
I), hut there ttaa lm mill fm lieorce
lu (mint um hla enemy, fur one uf the
nlruiiKera aiixal ua If froreti. with hla
linud iixm the bnck of Ida clmlr. nn
llfuifi lila frniM A avrttlla at mm iliima
I upon Ida fare. A anille ttaa djlnj
. from Ida lljii.
lluyd iH'heid n plump, ihlckact man
of thirty elKfil lu etenlti; dreta. There
"iiosTorrta hi-.tocriunu. ith nutrr. '
waa notliliiK dlatlm-tlte about blm ex
eept. K'rbaM, Ida hair, whltli waa of a
det-Mvd reOdlah liuu. Ill uaa llllll f
I"."T. . .. " IV ' "" J. '
, fuluiUrilMiU! lila nunilli WHa MtUMll nlul
miwr vrnmaiiiin ippmnnKc .lac
... ..... ,..,, . u. .... .. ..
Krnonnil. well mi: In all wa) he wa
" l,,,c", r,ly U,nI '""" lttM '"
browa In nviwnltbrn. be pleaa-
Hy I" Halt. tbeu. aa If on fixoiid
.. ..'. ... . . . .
' ll lly Ifiil tuna. llalaliiK
ttnily to Halt. tUeu. aa If on
(hMlllll.. - vl l.liHlf 1.1 I. la c
inOtlHW. ex. H-011 llllllen III III Com
l"bMii nd MejHH-d lowatd tin other
"""w ' wl '"' ',"'r""7 Uat "'
lh Hmi of PmIW are ,,. .Ii.lnic
here? I tmtilly nvouiiliisl jou.
Marh'a tnlie n rouml ami muMcal.
bit aerelit eaatern With an MMmm
tloti of beariiuixa, he extended a white
tint nl hand, which the hi, uncouth
man who fuctil him refuaul to take
Ilu other three had risen, licorice
MHirueil in lie k-ronlue for a retort
-jnrt,v he out hoarsely:
tit olTer me .tour baud. I fa
dlrtyl It'a pit IiIihmI on It!"
"Nonaenke!" Mnrsh stulliil. "Let's
U friends airaln, Ui-orte. Hygonea are (
"You dirty rot!" breathed the flaber
"Very well. If you wish to tie ob-stloatV'-WlllIt
Mamb abnipced hla
shouldera cnreleraly. althottcb lu hla
voice there was a metallic note "I
bare uotblnir to say. Mr. Hult nud
I bad a bualoeaa uiliuudenitaudlni;," I
be aald smoothly 10 Ktnersou, "which
I hoied was forffotteu. It didn't ,
amount to much" .
At tbls Halt uttered a choking snarl
and stepped forward, only to meet
lloyd. who Intercepted him.
"llehave yourself!" be ordered.
"Don't uinke n aceue." Aud before the
big fellow could preveut It he bnd
lluked arras with him mid swung blm '
u rouml. Tbe movement wna executed
so naturally thut none of the patron ,
of the cafe noticed It except perhaps
ns n preparation for departure. Mnrsb
bowed civilly und returned to lib sent.
Alton Li.viie clamored for enlighten 1
uieut ns to tho reason for this erii J
"Tlmt Is tbe fellow we will have to
light." Ilo.vd explained. "He U the ,
betid of tlie cmiuery combination nt
Kalvlk nud u bitter enemy of
Clyde spoko earnestly. "Well, that '
absolutely settles It as far as I am
concerned. This Is bound to cud lu u
"You mean you don't want to Join
(To be continued.)
J ,p
It is time to plant (harden Stttls, Flower
Heeds and Onion Sets. We are again ofler
ing Tor sale the long tried and dependable
C. C. Morse (Eh Co. Seeds.
In our stock you will find every known vk
variety of seeds obtainable. Ileduce the eost
of your living by planting seeds that will in
sure you a crop. The best is always the
cheapest. Poor seeds are dear at any price.
. '1 IV
1 1 cm 1 1 '1 to Improve tlie appear
i - I r jn.iti r.d atroi 1 tLe
rr'jrr.v i in tA
r 14 r.irl r naiit, !oo't f1 Ij try
'.. -. . lirn !.'iki.
I"TP''I t' rr. I'rt ra-'t
- 1 "i 1 in., in 1 ac f 1 a i
lu . a 1 W ..' iirt.f, ft t if.
t I r I I 1 -lfc -i It,- I .1 ri
'. . . ' x.1,1 J., ir acapUittrr?!
Dim tn
ts a ttti
UriairJ I VBKS V ?5 1
lr?,r4 yifn vjy I
F. V. Silvertooth Silver Lake, Oregon.
J. B. Montague
Plans and Estimates Cheerfully Furn
See me before building.
Residence south of baseball field Betid. Oregon
If VOU WAttlf
on Hond street. Annex to
I have located the largestptnnber of prncticnl farmers
who have taken upjit)-acre homesteads. I am pre
pared for the rudKoTsettlers. 1 keep two men in the
iield and can locate you on the best lands open for
entry. Auto and tean service to lands.
ItoTAUso Building, Bi;ni. Okkcon.
rf STEVENS JVo. 333
Couof Varrtl JlammerUss
Shotguji WniNiMiffrtlcre
other ku ro irjitJUrt. The bnr
rrh aiul'lufr-Tffe drojwforKed In
one plive of liljjh iircf.surei.tiil,
choke bored fur nltro jaiwder
wltli umttcd rib.
I'U k up tliU sun mid fcvl tli Uil.imv
of It eiauilm tlie wuiklnir uula
iluM-lyaiitl ni-tlir tine euro anil nii.tli
of ililJil-)im mil Kiy it' a H-mnrr.
It II. t nt iil- $20.00 ami will bo
miri-Mcil lh-i lulil illrrvt from tin
fait or 1 (. (un ruanot M-rxr V. I
i (t through n iin..Vr.Ll
Nf a.l MM.ln Ca.i)
I 'I l! f I W
I vlltlJ V us
I WTMf AiJIrr .
L kiifx .-J.snvuu asju
tUs(TjRlU ,T00LC0farANT
WE would again
call your atten
tion to the fact that
The Cash Store is
putting in n larger
sIock of Drv CJomls,
I'urnishing Goods,
Notions, etc., than
ever before. Our Hue
of Spring Goods, now
on the wny in, will
exeell anything ever
shown in Northern
Lake county, a n d
Give us a trial and
save yourself money.
Cash Store
something to eat try
Stephens fc Pat tie's saloon.
Cow's rrulk alpiio is too
strong for hfoy But Jt
does nourrsn and it does
sustain when modified by
Mellin's Food.
f iirt k
When .
II mother cannot y
11 MellinyFoodandij
mi mwj miiic can. i
l Send to our store today J
for a Free trial sizo bot
tie. We recommend it. II
Red Cross Drug II
V, Store I