The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, April 12, 1911, Image 1

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LAY WATER MAINS. l.liiinr Ordinance Urail I'or
"A P
li r.1 .'lie Squabble Over Ap
pointment of I'ollcernan Dr.
Terrell, tlralllt Officer.
Without (llxcuiwiliin timl ly a
uimnlininiH vot., tin Common ('miii
nl IhmI nltdit it wiitcr frun
rhlw fur Lytic Addition to Ktuiill &
Tweet. After the nrillnniict' wiw
it-nil tho wt'oiitl time, the Cniiiicil
leeiileil to Villi' nil it lit unci', tuftllll
niR In It piutwiKc
An iinliiiHtH'i' providing fur tin
For thu puwiil the ('licmirnl
Klru KiikIiic will he kipt lit
Auiiu'h I.lvcry Hani on Hum)
hivnxliiK and rcKulutlon of whole! minimum.
rllniiin Hi'llnrn vlK'irmmly oppowil
the niiiolntinont, and the ('mmell
failed to confirm It. Tin; Mayor,
after adjournment, appointed MyerH
to wirvu till llii' next Council meet
S. H. KohcrtM wiih unanlrnouHly
nppolnted rejuliir day policeman.
On motion of Allen the pay of po
I Icemen wax placed at $100 a month.
It wan ordered hy the Council
that thu tree In the htreet In front
of thu 0Mra Mourn,' Ih removed to.
Dr. II. I'crrcll wiih iitianlmoimly
apimlntiil city health olllcer. 'I he
annual salary of the ltlon in
IlKined at one and onu-linlf eentM
tier Inhahitant of lletid, or a $10
Bend Company Now at Helm Big
Mills Assured- Activity Com
mences Immediately.
Nile lliiior hoiiMti, and defining
what ix a wholesale liiiior huiilnetw,
wiw read the Hint time. Tliellcenw)
fee In placed at JWiO per annum anil
a JfilKI liond Ih ie(iilied. Violation
of the ordinance in pimlxhiihlc hy a
$:.o lln.' or 'M iIiim in Jail, or hy
IhirliiK the council icNtiim utreut
cnidinK' work wan (liacuaMil hut no
lel'nitc action taken. I). I). Franco,
f-rmerly of Ileal & Co. of Portland,
wax prchent and wu nuked to nil
drew the Council on tlie matter,
lie itiiwlu a proposition to Krwle
U'ull, llond ami ennw atrecta, (!0
feet wide, for $1,110 a linear foot,
"he city to the engineer,
'lie eontractor to provide everything
in1 and put down a 12-ini'h layer
f Iimwm' utone. It wh reMirtiil to
'he Council that thu iu'lition for
K'rnilini; Wall Stteet hd Ixt'ti mIkhiiI
all luit tiiteu proKTty owner.
'In- mner HKreointr to my ho centa
a frmit fiMit for thu improvement
and the city the ruinitiiHler. An
Hurt will l ttmile hy Hhhm' cireu
Intuit the x'titinii to tfut the othei
tlitei- to Hin up nlo wi tliHt the
vik ran he umlerlHkcii.
The utieyt ajirlnklliiir. prohlum
wax taken up ami thu Htreet eottf
nuttee inatrm'tcil to lnvctlKt! lltlil
reNirt at thu nuxt meutliiK, ,,,
itend'H propx'iit ddK' niywnrc nko
rereiveil atteiitliHi awl It wiw decided
ti riKldly enfnrcu thudiifconlliMincu.'
Ma MMltMIlCl.
The city attorney wm unluruil to
lr iw up a new nllnnv Mtiwtnlinx'
tin- inrx'iii Hue ami ehiiiHy law,
wi'u'h in euiiNiileiutl (ihi atrict.
"nli'wiilkM were onli'itil laid un
!i- -ulh sbltf of Ketitucky Street
m front of lot 111. Murk lt. Mini on
the cant aldf ii f FrtHil Street in
1 1 out f lot l to ft, inclumvtt, block
I liu following aecounU were or
deled paid:
A. II. Swoon, liir?nln! Iio'i ft
CominrrcUl Clu', hmiiii mil for
Coiiuril l ui
Head l.uuiiwf (.'v liiin'irr fur
ciiilni; 307
It. A KnniM, Idrwnlli lnml.T i( ju
II. J. Otriiml luillillllt: walk
(or nmi'irililrilL J7.'
Clio, tiocijvn, "Clrmi'Ui l)r"
ilmyliiK l
S. IC Itolwiti. police to Apr. II. y' -to
Willmil Hiiii.Iiiii, pullrc irrvlrr y on
A O. I.iih. twfaiict on Clietnl
cal Itiivlnr JIJ '
Nrlllr SlrteiiKin Imp.hIIiil' ihIm
onrn J
llrnil lllw Co , tool, lor atiret
work ).' S
llrii.l lullrtltl,illMtlllk' -41 y
II. C. Kill.. Itcewnln'. lalary
Ian. lo Apr. "'
J I Weal, cewrlrry vik o Jo
V. A. I'oiki. I'rli ainl Match
aalai y, Clly Altulllcy 4" "
V. II .SrlUia, clrclloM UMdl
M-rvlrra J
C. I. HntallHL', clecltoll ueatil
rrtlir )"
I II W'eMaily; imller 4lH JhU' !
M J Krlly. I'lie Chief IfjW JS -
N' I' Smith. Iiajtluafp I 77
Hiil Water. I.licht .S; INiner C.
IiviIimhI trnt Jl iA
,i (or mh- lu'lil Mithlirtd)
The Council HiljourmiJ to meet
HKHin on April 2. k
" All tho tlmler belonging to the Urookv.Scanlon, the Scnnlon
(!lmon and the lirookH-Holiertnon companien will he milled at Hend."
Dr. I). F. Ilrookd.
" When thu ('hriat'iin Mtiullur Ijind and Timhur Company rnanu
facturcH Iti tlmher it will l.u at Hcnd." Clyde McKay. The old
I'. II. I). Co. mill will he put in operation at once.
Tomorrow Thurnday" nixht,
at 8. there will he a bitf Ket
toother meeting of the Bend
Commercial Club. Member of
the new Uend fimpany will art
drei the Kntherin. Everyone
intereHttil In making tiik
THAI. OitKKON should be there.
Saeebiuth and All Rokii Will lie He
moved Party of Awlolst to Try
It Out on Trip to Harney Coun
ty Seat on April 2Jrd.
New Concern Will Handle llullder'
Mippllcn and I'lnaler.
Articlen of inoorjMirstlon of thu
t)verturfl)Hvi-Mil!er ('.. with h
4iitliuttioii of IIO.immi. were fthil
with the Cont Ork at l'rinevillu
iMNt week. 'lrM ollUvni of thu new
nimiwny are II. .1. Overturf. I'n.
idunf; D. M. Dw. Vicu-I'riniident:
ami II. A. Mlllw. 5i'rutiiry nd
TIh ww (iiiniwit' will wtrry h
full lltw of hulMeni' Mpliu. A
awl pulp
nirla' llatket Hall Team Glvrs
Hon at Lara Hume.
After the banket ball Kame Satur
day niKht the member of the visit-
At Mix l. .M.Monday thu final tram-fur of the Bend Towmtite and LrL ! J number of their
alllliated intereNtM from the old townaite comimny to thu newly oraniI i,.,",r,i.t,nJ0 m y i"
llund Comiwny occurred. At that time payment wan made to A. M. ! 1, , vMU Ht tht' homc of Mr,, A'
I1....L.. .....I I' I, II..I....... I ..II .I.....M.. ..t .1... . I I " '-"'
lllini now iwin ib.iw.-i w.iii niifl nil iiuu'llin hi witr lIKIiaiUI WIOPV1J.
The ollirera of thu new company are: 1). F. Hrookh, I'rcMilunt; ('lyde
McKay. Vice I'renldent; A. O. Hunter. Treamirer; Hnlpli Averill, of Min
nuhlMiilM, Secretnry, and .1. M. Ijiwii.'iice, IJuneral Mnnatrer.
With tiie coiiMiimmatlon of the trannfur the Bend Towmtite Company
piiHMti out of exiMtence, iw iim the I'ilot Butte Development Co. The
llend Water, Liwht & Power ("ompitny retalim ita identity. ItH new olll
cith are: I. F. Brook, 1'ren.; Clyde McKay. Vice Fria.; IIih Averill,
Si'C-TreiiH. I). F. lirooka. II. C. (jipMoti, A O. Hunter, J. M. lAwrence
and (;iydu McKay are directum.
I'iivinK I'ortlaud Monday morning Clyde McKay, with hm wife and
two children, and I). I,. McKay, arrived lout riht.
"When the Chrixtlan Mueller Ijind and Timber Company wiwa it
will Imj here," nald Mr. McKay in an Interview this morning The hold
lngn of thin company embrace aome 700.000.WMJ feet of timber, from f to
1 IntlliN frfim tflUl'n I Jlaf Ul..l ILMIM lltlllllulw.! r. ultn(lfii ululnmunl frim
Dr. I). F. Brookii, of the Scnnlon-Giiwon and alliliateil companies, affect- CLOTHING
U)K more than (MXI.OOO.OOO. Thi place In alwi the logical milling wint i
for the holdingH of the Bogera Luinbor Co.. Including about 700.000.000 . M, Smith Lotea Shipment
feet. Thu probabilities tire that Uium.1 three mills would average an an- Way From Denver.
mini cui oi aooiu i zo.wiu.iHnj leei. in me nuighDornooil or 120 men
J In the course of the evening the
following rnuaical iirogram wan
given, after which refreshment
were Kerveil:
. 1'ucioIj
?. Plana Solo ... Mra. W. V. Uouj-lai
3- Violli Koljert Intiri,
aeeompalnril ly Marion lvrrence
4. Vocal Solo Mm. Malxirir,
accompanied by Mrt. t)ouirta
5. Violin Solo Jva Vet
accompanied by .Mn. I.ara
6. Pianola
7. Violin s)lo Iva Vet
accompanied by Mm. Doulai
would be employiil in each mill, and 200 in the wckmIh. For the three
Freighting trouble at Madraa
"- " ;""'v ..-.".. r-'o. ...,.. uix',. mine railnl einNiny rvmrtwl that the
filer Lumber Co. at their Davenport, town, mill m K(Mtih wt.rt. lUt,n HJUl the low hut
a ill lie null foreman. Mr. Mornaoti in exiwctiil in bwn made ginnl. except that incur-
itirliwd of lime, tvincnt
I he i'Iihi ter committiv iimhuUhI iu.t.r u now iadng fruightwl In.
that it hail mmlu a atari on thu wmk u, plnnter in uwl without. umihI,
iaigiMHl it. Wl wj mi H uig-felt want here.
Ciwrlea W. Myem. formerly a; Negotiatioita are now being win.
Seattle Hici'iimn umlur the Wap cludiil for warelmuR witu along
IHiiKtein regime, it i underatnod, the railroad right-of-way. For thu
applied for apiointuient an a Bend ptuent thu oHice of thu company
. .llicer. and Maor C.. naked tl at will Iw at Mr. Ovi'ilurfa ollliv on
he Ik-given a mnnth'H ttial. Coun Wall Street.
When YouVe Dowi in the Mouth,
Itc'iueinlitM' .loimh He ciiinc out nil vighl!
Don't lie (lcspoiulcnt, start a
Bank Account
Things will look hrilitfr to you wlitjn you IniVQ
Money in the Bank
thia would mean over loot! men. Thin figure, which thou; familinr with are not UlL' "nl" W0OB of I5-,nJ ""-'-
the work declare conwrvative. of courms dowi not include the force of the chanbi thew days. The principfll
wnaller itttabllalimenU which ineviubly will oin-rate, nor that of thelmx. victim in the H. M. Smith Clothing
wall ami door factories .etc .The annual wy roll of each itblialiment Commny. which hmt a consignment
wlllbuapproxlniatuy? 20l0. of clothing worth $50 nuwhere
' m Wu 'V XMiHl """V1 .'t Iluttu Development Cominy's .n I)tfnvw ,, Mt.ulluB Tht.
. ;.i v, r"Ty- - . .i i m ' i ... rail" cniniMiny rvmrtwl that the
- UII"J 't illi' iiiurn
HMalatMiit foreman, v.
thin week.
At the outM't it ia exiectwl the daily cut will lie alMiut ItO.OOO feet.
Once logging haa been got uiaier way night ami day hliiftn will Ikj run.
It Ih the intention of the comimny to gel prolwbly -1,000,000 feet of lum
Ihjt on hand in the yard. Boliert Ilodgiiw. from Chipewn Faltn, Wis.,
will be wood HiiK.'rintendent.
I'robably nlmut 10 men will bu ompUwwl at first. Whun thu day-and-night
work In communceil thin numUr will lie increased to 05 or 70.
'Hie new company lum H-120 acren of timber, or alwiut "U'.OOO.OOO
feet, from one to live milon distant from thu mill. Much new mill equip
ment Iihm Imi'h purchaMNl. including steam "nigger", naling wiw and log
ging iiuipmunt. A number of teanin will bo purchHMii. letter it i ex-
I hi-ted to iiwtall a Imtal ww.
Tonfght A. ). Hunter arrive. With him la Harry Douglan. of De
troit. .Mien, i he other iiieinDen ot the new orgnniution are exiectul ot the .Modern Woodmen, much to
in Friday. the enjoyment of the large audience
. . . which witnewed the farcical sit-
UIH'dON CU.NSUS I'KJUI'US I.K1IIT. Klilil' Cl.liAR OI TISII LAl)l)l.l'. Jmt,on n.'.J- FggleaUm. tlw Burjc-
, i wr. got hinu-elf into aol out of.
UAMllMiTON. I). C, April 7. Hcriwfter Ifewl folka will hiive to J Mia Tot TaggMrt. m'MIn Haver-
'Hiu tViiinw llurtmu baa hurt iuud 'go furthur when they wunt fiaJi foH1"' nr "f berm-olnt
thof. wing ,H,pulatin figure, of Wfaat. Section 40W of lJSi
thu following Central Orugon tnwiw. i linKt'r a,v,, ColtM,'s CwIw tMt, lhftl brother, (rinj-ei! life jwrt we'll.
u w uniawiui tor anyone to ni' After the nav there wiw x aree
red by the delay in receiving the
shipment. A duplicate order, how
ever, is now on the way by oxpretw
and if it ncjeti the railroad thieves
aiioultl arrive in Bend in a few dnys.
. .M. W. A. Piny and Dance Draw a Ap
preciative Crowd.
"Hi I.nrdhip the Burglar"
ramie to town Wednesday ovening,
under the aua)ica) of the local camp
Armed with grub hoes, picks,
powder and other rond-making
equipment, a crew of nix men Htart
ed out from Bend Moralay morning
to put the new Hond-Iiurn road in
tiji-top uhajK.' for travel. All the
angebrunh and rocka will be removed
clear through to the Harruy County
I II.,.. 'rui. ........ ...:.. t... i. i
nil.-. lino mum win tu i-oqineurl,
it la expected, by April 23, whin a
party of Bend men, in eight or Urn
automobileti, will leave here to make
a trip over the highway to Burns.
The rood gang, headed by Super
visor E. W. Bichardson, which left
Bend on March 27 to go over the
route with n drag, returned last
Thursday. The heavy machine was
pulled over the route twice and re
moved much of the eage brush.
But, according to homesteaders in
town this week who have been over
the road, this drag did not leave the
new highway in a condition fit for
traveling, some of them going so
far as to say they could barely find
the way at some places.
The party that started to work
Monday consists of Mr. I'lchardsen,
a cook and four laborers. Two
wagons to haul provision, feed,
tools, etc.. are taken along, with
only one team, however, which will
lx sufficient to move the wagene
along as the workmen advance.
An average of six or fceven milos a '
day will lie made, it is believed, ami
the entire route gone over in two
week. Homostewders who sub
scribed labor on the road will lie
aaked to assist the jmrty as It goes
Bend business men have been very
liberal in their contributions and,
with the money which thu county,
has givon there-will be ample funds
to carry out this important road
building project.
The autoists who will leave hare
h week from Sunday will go through
to Burns ami formally inform tmj
people of that town of the nw road
being opened ami invite them to bo
gin using it for freighting and auto,
travel. By May 1 a large number
of teams will likty be going over
the new route.
as compiled by thu
Bond Mi'., l'rinevillu
1012, Madras
within (100 feot of any tVh ladder on dance, with music by both the M.
any stream in Orugon.
The local
.Ull, Itiwland 1215., Burns deputy fish warden has requested
till I. Klamath Falls 27fiS', Ijikuviuw the publication of this interesting total receipts of the evening were
12.VI. Valu3t)(5. information. 112.
W. A. band and Knapp's Orchestra
BefruMiments wure served by the
Boyal Neighbors of America. The
The Redmond Spokesman has wr
chasod from the Bond Bulletin thu
Diamond press upon which tlw
former was printed previous to the
installment of tho prasont Babcoek
cylinder press. The pres is now in
stalled in the shop of the Redmond
Small nnd unrgo Accounts oro
Always Appreciated By Us
The Deschutes
Banking & Trust Company
Of Bend. Oregon
"Conservative Banking for Conservative People.'1
J.. II. HAIKU, U'realdnit) J. W. MASTHKS, (Vice l'reildcnt)
1'. O. MINOK, (Secretary)
I) i h koto as:
I.. 1). IIAIKI), 1'. O. MINOK, S. V. IIAIRD.
vtSxxsvy-w'vVNN't-r ' ,tifyfcy'igy,9gy''gt''igl' I ,UggJ2'5'JC2,'E5t5r,iaS!,JS"
V liiAlJV5AliiiiJM
I can supply everything:
yon i need for your new
house or store
Doolcs Sashes, Glass,
Builders' Hardware,
Roofing- and H. & M.
Best Prepared Paints
The First National Bank
Or U. O. COE PraniJant E A SATHER. Vlca Pratldcnt
O. S. HUDSON Cathlar
Oapltal fullr paid tlt.000
SlockholJ.rt' nabilltr OOO
Surplu (k.OOO .
Statement of the First INlatio
At rndrcd to tha Traaurv D
vvatnifiaiun. v. u
I,am ahl lHouHt .. ..
Haul. MuIMIhk wl IaiI
I'urultHir atul l'ttui4 .....
I'. S. Hou4a al I'imuImmw ......
tqn. I). O,
. -
nnl Q
ank of Bend, Oregon,
nt of lh Unltad Stalai.
ch 7th, 1811
..fil7.i4 wi Capital M Ih fall
I.. Jtow "
" .i'iK !f 1'h41U4 ltM ...,
1 .'
Wall Street ?
N. P. Smith
lt I'M-Ctnl Kwlrmttki I'uihI JJ iJ ClrvuUtUHl ....
CASH ON HAND AND , . ,, INwtel,.
DUE FROM BANKS 5JMl3.26 "n-.
f1.7 M
-f m
aMiiiWMtiMiM J"' VKJ
itiMMMMa)iuMM m m'A
.aMaanrai,ttMi kjtot W
Mt - aaat nniaa wn m aH JtVl