Put Your Duds In Our Suds Bend Steam Laundry The Home Land Company Real Estate and Insurance. HOMESTEAD LOCATIONS. Timber Lands, Irrigated and Dry Farm Lands. Henkle & Ford HOAIESTEAD LOCATORS REAL ESTATE BROKERS We know the land open to settlers--- know the soil know the corners -and QUARANTEE EVERY LOCATION. Dont overlook these facts if you want to locate. If you have good real estate at the right price let us know of it and if we do not buy it, can sell it for you. Call and see us. Hotel Dalles The Dalles, Oregon You ire cordiallr Inviteil to makeTIIK HOTEL, DALI.ItS vour ictiiik' pUce while waiting over between train ott your way to nml from Portland. New, thoroughly equipped, tnoilern hotel; atcam heat, elevator: tuitet and rootnt with bathi. l'int clau cafe. Kale l and upward. Ideal Stopping Place Going to and from Central Oregon. PETER KUEHNLING, Manager. Hotel Bend Corner Bond and Oregon Sts. AMERICAN PLAN Rates $2 and $2.50 a Day HUGH O'KANE, Manager WHEN IN BEND STOP AT . THE PILOT BUTTE INN Table alwaya supplied with the bett that the town affords. Neat and Comfortable Rooms. Bund, Okkgon I have moved into my new building on Oregon Street between Wall and Bond Everything new. A FIRST CLASS Restaurant BILLY'S PLACE W . Ha ADAIR BILLY'S PLACE I GLUB SEEKS RT Agency Which Is Advancing Interests of All In Bend and Surrounding Country Would Have More Unanimous Aid From Those Whom It Aids. Why don't you join tho Commercial Cluh? i mn tludinir out why some iwoitlu don't Join tho Commercial Club. They say "Well, its only n jrraft for tho real estnto men who jrot the country advertised at tho cxH.nw of the community. They're nothing but a bunch of hot air ixxhllerH and are working for tho coin." Mr Citizen of Bend, what are you working for? What am I working: for? What would your land, your business, your city pro Hrty be worth to day if It hadn't been for tho wide-awnko real estate men? Who has advanced tho value of your property? How was it done? What waa It worth five years ajro? What Is It worth today? Let these questions soak down deep and then answer them to yourself, your neighbor, and then to the Bend Commercial Club. Who is benefited by tho newcomer? First of all is tho hotel man. He gets tho first money from tho now prospect. Is it worth anything to Bend? Who next? Tho livery man and the automobile man come next, in showing Mr, Prospective Buyer the country. Who next? Now Mr. Ileal Estate Man gets his five per cent commission. Who next? The grocer, tho hardware dealer, the implement dealer, the clothier, the butcher, tho lawyer, tho banker, the church, the contractor, the laborer, the dentist, tho doctor, the minister, the baker, the harness maker, the shoe man, tho druggist, tho restaurant man, tho blacksmith, the iwstolllco, tho barber, the plumber, the tinner, the feed store, the furniture dealer, the newspaper and every other business in town. But whore does Mr. Kancher come in? He is left out in the cold. The new man doesn't help him any. Doesn't ho? What has increased the price of your land? Oh! Never thought of that, did you? If no buyers came you would still be asking that same old measly sum for your ranch that you did ten years ago and no one to give you a pleasant look at It. Mr. Ileal Estate Man started them coming this way. Should ho be interested in tho Commercial Club any more than you? Can you sell more produce in Bend if tho pop ulation is increased three-fold? Won't it bring in more money for dcvelopomcnt if this country is advertised and new people with mon ey and energy come in? Isn't it worth while to help boast your Innd? Is your ranch such a poor proposition that it isn't worth Imosting? Won't it grow anything? You think it's good, don't you? Well, now, tho Intst way in the world to make someone else think it Is good Is to get int the Bend Commercial Club and help boost your place. Don't let the follows in town do it all. You have n interest in tho country or you wouldn't be here. Now, get in ami help us make it a Creator Bend and a Greater Crook County. Now, Mr. Business Man, who isn't n member of the Commercial Club, arc you going to be a blood-sucker on your next door neighbor and allow him to get busy and spend his money to bring in new eo pie and then try to reap the rewards of his money and his energy? Is that justice to your neighbor? If this hits you, take it. Now honestly, Mr. Man who is knocking against the Commercial Club, how does it look to you? hat we need more than knocking is to get about '200 more good, honest hustling Commercial Club members to help boost Bend. That s what makes good towns. BEND COMMERCIAL CLUP, By J. E. Sawiiim., Manager. Wenandy Livery, Feed b Stable Co. J. M. WONANDV, Prof. All kinds of light and heavy Livery. FEED FOR SALE. HOILSES FOR SALE. Bond Street Bend, Oregon. r ; - : -j , - Wood! Wood! Now is the time to order your winter wood, for the cold nights demand a large pile of dry wood. Can be bought of P. M Carter at a reasonable price, delivered at any time. Leave orders at A. M. Lara's. F. M. CARTER Katlmatea on application Wall Paper at Portland I'riv'cn N. P. WEIDER PAINTER & Paperhanger Cheapen and licit Wall Parer Sam ple iu the county, Get 2Jy Priori. . Box 39. Demi, Oregon, I ,t I Real Ustate Transfers. ;iurtil!icil fcy the Crook County Abstract Co ) Samuel IC Cray et ux to Gottfried lircxcl. lot 17. block It, Depot add Mail rai. iJwi. Laiillave Townallc Co.. to TJioi. J Kirk el ux. lot J. block 77, I.aidlaw. fiui Crook County In v. Co., to Nick Goal, lotiJ4aul 6. blk IJJ, 11 111 nun. fljo Crook Co inly Iov. Co, to Tom l)e- move, Iota loan 1 if, um 137. juiici.h. J150. Samuel H. Gray et ux to Tum-A-l.um I.lir. Co.. lota 1 and , block 5 of Depot 4(ld. Mad rat. 47- Laldlaw Towmite Co., to Mr. J. II. Barrett, lot II, blk 38. I.aidlaw. flJJ Pauline It. Hammond anil huaband to Cliarlea A. Ilrettcll lot 11, blk 3, lot M. lk 10 and lot li, blk a, I'almain. J1830 Demi Towmite Co. to I'reico I'reaco, lot II. blk iH, Ilend, fjoo Geo. i rutnam to Lunan D. Kennedy lot 5 awl 6, Mk 8. Dckchultt, Con. ft. LnuriU I.ariwn to Oregon Timber Realty Co., nwtf, ec. 13. ao-io. Ilend Townaile Co. to W. It. Statta, et al. trinteci, lot I, blk aS I'atk add to Ilend. $1000. Crook Co. Inv. Co., to Harry J. Mil latt, lol 8. 9 and 10, blk 39. Illlluian $30 lleder Nilaen to Oregon Titular Healty Co., w ueii, iiwjf e and ue aw, ec. 33, ao 10. f 10 Peter I.arion to Oregon Timber Co., etf, tec 14, ao-10. $ 10 South Ilend Inv. Co. to Grace O. Goodwillie, atrip of land 15 feet wide acroM Iota ill South Ilend. (too V. I.ewlatoJ. A Norwood, lot loof blk 35, Redmond, (Ilond for I).) William K. I)vidon to Oregon Trunk ky , right-of way acroa n ne, ec. Ji, 14 13- t Mlwourl Levcall and huaband to Walter Ruble. 50x200 feet aoutll of blk 33, 1'almain, f8oo Harry A. Miller to Geo. II. Ilroiterhoui Iota 5 and 6, blk a, Lava Road add to Bend, $3000. Laldlaw Towmite Co., to Mar A. I'leck, loti 4, 5 and 6, blk 48, Laldlaw. 37o. Lytic Towmite Co. to C. W. Ileamaii, lota 14, 15, 16 and 17, blk 10, Lytic, fl Lytic Towiute Co. lo Crook County, street across ne lie U, lee 3a, 17.1a. Crook County inv. Co. to I'urmau lim bec, lot aa, Mk 7a, iiiiimau, pi David Hill to I'., it. HVbitcmUut, lot 7 blk 11, Harper, iio Laldlaw Towmite Co. to Raymond Calavan, lot a. blk 64, Laldlaw, f 115 Patent! from United Statea ai follow: To Peder NiUon, ne wtf. w netf and nwtf ietf, tec. 33, ao-io. To Laurlta Larson, nw, ec 13, ao-io. To Peter Lron, ae. ec 14, ao-10. . I am the ropresentivo in Bend for tho Victor Tailoring Establishment of Chicago, and tho ladles of this locality aro invited to call and In epect the samples for spring and summer suits. Mrs. G. W. Shriner, over Patterson Drug Storo. 2-4 Oregonlan Advertlilnx. II von want to inlcrc.it cople 01 the outside in land you liuve fo ile or get honieteaderi I" locate, wh - not try a little advertising ii toe Portland Orryiuiiun n well n the lieud UUM.KTJN? The llui.l. ictin will take your copy here and cnd it In for you. We'll arrangi for render and display ads for you The rates are the same as if you sent to Portland. TIi Try The Bulletin job printcry. round On March 7 ilradark roan marr nmt U mv place Ktca tnllr ulthft uf iKml. N hora. Ilraml " It" un tft ahouMrr Wflfh aljuut yt wuivla Aitdrrat (il'.MKUIt l HHICKMJ.V, IKiid, Olrg ou. J a NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR SA LOON LICIINSIJ. To Ihc Honorable Mayor and Common Couucl ot the Cllr ul Hrnd. OK.NTI.I'.MKN The undcrt'inril, 7.un h Campbll, hlnr aulnCTItxd and aworn lolhr alnlail hrrrto al Uchttl.tr.pfefful y Un 'era ou hcrrwlth the rr nipt oflhr Lltr Tna.uirr nt lli tum of Tmi llumlird Dcllataandaiitdlrafor a Ikriiw fium IlieCllr of IKnd lo ll wine. ailr llil'Hia am' mall tiquora and frtnifnlnl eldtia aa mail liquor dca'.rr In th Inil'dliif lllu.lr on lut 6 ol Llork I or lud,nrOH,lor the peiludul out year from Ihe flrtl day or April, 1911. Mrlctrulhr auhinllUd. Dalnt at Ilend, Onion Una 6lh day or March 91 1. Zupan fc Campbell by Mile Zupan Htalcororcgon 1 I " County ol Crook ) I. Wilt Zupan and I', C Camptwtl Ulllg Aral duly aoru.drpoaandaay that I am a mtinli r ortnc arniol Zupan H Cainpbcll.that I allium of the applicant. In the furrfolnx application rr retail liquor llcenae, that I am an Amrilfan cillnu th 1 1 have ncerr ti-ra convlrtcd ul allow. In( rriualca or minora to toller In or about place whtrelntoakatinn llquura wrreaold.atid that I hare never aold lutoaicallUKll(uura loa minor f C.CAMI'llltl.t, MII.H UPAN Hubacilbcd ami aworn to before me llilitth day or March, 1911 at lirnd. Oreou ' VltKNON A. I'OHIIIW, (Kat) Notary Public for Oiron. Sale of Timber rortland, Oregon, March 14, 1911. Sealed bldt marked ouliide"lild, Timber Hate Application, February 14, lull, Ileicliutca," and atldrcaMit to Ihe W.likt Port.icr. 1'ornl hrrvlre, in,iUnd.rirriron. wilt Im recclrrd uu to and In eluding the 4th day or May, 1911, fur all the Inercnauiaoic urau iimucr. laiiuiiiK ui iiuwii. aud all the IWe timber marked for culling by the Portal officer, located on au area to he ileflultely draignaltd by the Coital officer before cut ting ueglua, inciuuiiigauoui j,4oacrea 111 me nw Hec 17; HM wee. 11 Hectlont 19 and o; tiX'M l!l NWW, SW NWK.Ktc to.T l) H., M 10 Hh( HI'.TrleC i hc J4, KM. SHU NW. NH HWM. ec. i l( NKX.HWJjf NKJf. NhM Hl, Kcc. H. T. '. W. M wllliln the DcKhutca (Nal'Oiiai roreiaurtgon,riiiiuaieii 111 l4,6)Hoaalctt II, M. of live and iui,u feet II M, oMead wtatern ytlluw pint and 170 oon fttl 11, M. of live lodgepole pint, aaw Umber, log ac.lt, more or lcaa. No bid of lo than yi per Ihouaand feet II. M. for live Jtllow pine cut aud removed prior lo February ao, 1914, and Itat than i 00 per thoutand fctt II, M, fur all live yellow pluc cut and removed after I'ebruary m, 1914, ilioptr Ihouaand letl II, M. lor dtad yellow pint, and l.w per Ihouaand feet II, M. for live fodgt pole plut.wilt becouildrrrd, and a depoMl of io payable lo Ihe order of tilt 1'lrat National Lank or Portland. Oregon, inu.t be atut to thai bank for each bid aubmltlcd lo the Dl.lncl I'orrattr, Timber upon valid clalmi la cat inptcd from aale, The right to reject any and all bid. la rtaarvrd. for further Information aud regu latlona governing aalta addrtaa Portal Super. Yiaor, BtKtutta NaUoaal Portal, PilnevlIU, Oregon, B0CS, Actlag Wettlet Fertater OiriCHSONWAl.l. SIUILI'. Kooiny olllcort In now bulldlnic on Wall St root, hloally locntod In contor of town, Directly on hIiooI. Apply at llullotln olllcv. Nut Ice. If you wish l hnvc your ex prcH and litltt liciuht coiuv iu ulnuK with your Ulliis mid tlnil papers, have it conic in 011 the mini line. Tint Coknutt vSiwr.it & Staiiuh Co. 35tf iKi:i!SMriAinA(im). My two-yoar-tiltl iwv twoapi'd ilnmntro by nibblt. Kxtra lino ii plo trcos til 20 cenU wli, nr $IS iwr HHI. I Inward Spluinir, Ht'inl. tf Nnllco to Ciinlrncliiitt Itrnlnl bid. fur Ihr rtiii.lliietlmi ul lour Htimr torTIIH NiiKTII (MHl,lliiN.-ilMIMN mi, irquelnl "' I"1"1 '" I I' '" l'1" '"' tuiiilier and iimlrilal. luitil.nrd 011 the ground Wolk liitMiiiiiieiitv nut I. in Iimii .Vpill it and aid Itiniita W niiiltll bv Mar M Cnuhn C'teW lof MWI IIIH4 Nl't'.HNlMIHl th tit I'taii. and iwviSihii.iu. iv h ttn at Ihe inhcfr II C 1(111. Kititti iK.nellil rtaii) and alt bldt Till! NOMTII IHrllilATIti" CtlMI'ASV. 14 IVi I. I' WiMI.I'l ROUIERT li. OOUl.D ClVII. KSOINHHK AMI Sl'HVHVOK Ilullutiti lhilhllti,; Bend, Oicou. VV. VV. Faiulkner, I). M. D. DENTIST lliilletiu lliiildliiK, II c 11 d. I) r r k n 11 P. S. SANDUOUQ, A. I). MAY AfAMTMKNT IIOVI) STHItKT 11 1; N I) , okiniotJ. U. C. COE, M. D. Physician ami Surgcon ll'PICK OVKK I'IMST NATIONAL UK. Office lliiura: in Mm 111.. 1 Iu 3 ami 7 to H p in. Hknd, -.- Ok (.( Vernon A. Forbes LAWYliU I'lltar NATIIINAt, IIVNK 1H.IM1.. llltNll. OMMION Peter Lehrinau CKNIvRAL III.ACKSMITIIINCJ. llorHcsluicliiK a Hpcclnlly. Coiner Bond and Oioj'on Hticcls. C. S. BENSON, ATTOHNEY AT LA all'I'IL'll IN l'IHr NATION U. HHK IU.Ih:, llltNll. OKlKiUX civr S10NFY ,,v ,l,ci"k' yu" JAIL lHullLI jri,t. inMtiHiiit! HUH IHH llorlicullural lire Kcllef of OreRtiii tMITf.M. ) Itotttr ulluf, vSulfili, Ult'. I.i't uir t'Xplitlii. S. II. SNYDICR Agent. Ilond, O10. F. 0. MINOR IsWMHl'ICH HI'IMUNll I.II'K I'IRIt ACCIDKNT I N S U K A N C It S'olarv I'iiUIi- ami CMvwirlnij- All l.e.il riia C.Hnrth Hrniaii. FIDELITY BONDS Crook County Abstract Co. IKCOtmikATMt. AltHTKACTri OH TITI.K to M land awl to 11 MatHCiooV omiity. II. K. WVI.I1M, Sy. 1'rtHevllle. OiiHi. We phoiojctaph the iecoid.. Dr. A. A. BURUIS.r:y'S2-i2 ll.alet M rtraittr THaW WUhH ihe l' " wangety. fcy IbaaiaHualMHwuHwrHrAllaiC' lc INrawa a auxWIIf uwawHaltMw few 4riab.iulih Male aad Natial MalMuualh awatly l.-r la H.rt.llKf lil.U . IwmI. IMH STAR BAKERY FRESH BREAD Pastries, Rolls, etc. 13 Dreail Ticket .... SI 00 3 Bread Tickoli SDc Aleals Serveil from ft a. m. to 8 p. in. Ptiniislictl Uooms MRS. NEIL-LIE: WRIGHT brsrcaazEtaii FULL LINE OF Builders' Supplies Doors, Snslics, Paints. (Ilnss, HuiltltiV 1 1 it 1 (I wit 10, HtMiliiij'. Ku-r tiling ymi need for yotir new I Ioiim tr new Store. N. P. SMITH Wall Street, Wnll Street U J I have on linnd a good stock of LIQUORS Diamond Kill Whiskey Mamiisvllle Rye Brandies in Bulk Blackberry Apricot and Peach () Many different Brands of Straight and Bonded Whis kies in case lots. In fact ALL KINDS of BAR GOODS J. R. WILLIAMS Bond nnd Oregon Streets, V, wataanoaaal