The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, April 05, 1911, Image 6

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    i '
Only n Few Years Aro Kvcry Rural
Homo Vas Proud Possessor
of Ono,
To-Day the Upright Piano Is
tailed In the riaco of tho
Joy of tho Family.
Thlrty years ago homo wasn't happy
nnlcea It had Us cabinet organ In tho
parlor, so that the taught- ot the
house could entertain the visitor ev
ery Sunday afternoon by chortling a
llttlo after she had been sufilcleutly
re axed. The organ was always a beau
tiful thing very beautiful. A real
beveled edge mirror was set In the
top so that daughter could look upon
herself as she Industrlouuly pumped
with both feet and rhorded with both
bands. It was great exercise playing
tho organ In those days.
All organs were decorated alike. On
one was a picture ot mother's fa
ther and mother; on the other side
wero father's parents. Cousin Harry,
who was doing so well lu Denver,
beamed out from one side ot the Chi
nese Illy that Aunt Molly brought bark
from the city on her last trip there,
while on the other side ot the Illy,
looking down severely upon the wax
fruit In Its glass rase, was Prof. Dar
w'n, who used to be principal of tho
Wgh school.
Hut those days are gone now. the
Kansas City Times says. A cabinet
, J Mir j Ijuica?
.A . w. ft ' r i r wfMnf
JftsVs ' i iriBMsfflSPSini vMPH?TSfiB5E
l 'Ben nKa'SStfkRH' JwTi6c SmH? I llnKJPlMfe.'-'vlJv!aHa:
t Xftil wnnnHK; VTvufylFiiS IF K2JUS J vTlVn9iRBvjiW9DflHnw
Solution ot the smoke problem Is claimed by F J Doyle, the Inventor
of a coal-burning device which was recently tested In a Chicago Junction
railroad locomotive In the ptesence ot road mecnantcs and expert engineers.
While moving at various rales of speed with a number of heavy laden cars
attached to It the engine emitted only a slight stream of white smoke, which
resembled steam. The device can be attached to any locomotive. It can
also be used in the boiler rooms of manufacturing plants, the Inventor de
clares. The secret ot the apparent effectiveness of the appliance Is said to
Ho In the faet that It cantos perfect combustion. The coal Is tranefermd
Into coke, the gas froai the coal being consumed In the process and then
the coke Is burned.
organ used to cost I J SO. Now yo
can buy an ordinary piaao tor that
nmount. while a mow organ goes for
$35 a dollar ttown and M eeaU a
week A second-hand orgaa sUs for
rrom no to lit
The farmers that uoed to owm or
gans are now buying ptaao. Some of
them are buying player piano. Books
bare been written for the farwora'
daughters that tench tbem to play a
piano almost as well as If they wore
taught by aa expensive teacher. By
the diagram method thoy learn whore
to put their Angers when they see eor
lain notes, and many farmers' home
have daughters who have taught thetn
Belves to play almost as well as If
they had employed a teacher.
Ml was the coming of the upright
piano that put the organs down and
out said a pimio dealer recently.
The old square piano couldn't he sold
for le than JW The upright waa
easier to handle and eMior to put to
ucher and It jold at flrst for about
$300 Twenty-ttve years ao only the
rlrb - the elans that bays motor cars
niw owned pianos The medium clans
owned organs. Sow only the poorer
people buy organs. Pianos are being
ltr proved rapidly. I think that In ton
yrnr all pianos will be made with
j.ii--r attarhmenu "
Tt.e musical taste of the people U
ir"ir..tng right along. Many organ
a-- st 111 being sold. Every famlb
r-ni-t t.ave some sort of a musical In
B'mmenl In the home and the man
agon ot music storm t entity that the
music that Is being bought Is of the
higher clans Just as much popular
rr.. l is Wing sold as ever, hut the
demand for high class music has do
vcUped rapidly in the last ton year
Cblltltiood'a llrlrf Hour.
It your mother had Ut the house
work go and taken you on her lap and
explained away all the pleasures of the
Mother Goose book ot rhymes, would
you have crown up to be any better
inan or woman? asks the Wichita
(Kan ) Baeoa. What If she had ex
plained that the cow never jumped
over the moon; that there was no Lit
tle Mlsa Mullet, and It there bad been
there was no tuffet for her to sit 00;
that Jack didn't violate etiquette by
snicking his thumb Into a plum pie;
that Jack and GUI's parents used hy
drant water and they never went up
& hill to get the drinking pall filled:
that Jack Sprat could eat any kind of
meit soi before him instead ot naif
lean meat; that Old King Colo was a
grouchy dyspeptic and tho very oppo
sltn of n merry old sotill that no blnck
bird over disfigured the king's wash
erwoman by picking off her ntwoT
Would you have been a better loy
or girl If jour mother had lmo all
these things had explained nwny the
delightful books ot childhood and had
told you that the amusing, Jingling
rhymed were written by some hard-up
story writer who wrote them for
money and not for truth's sake? Would
Is anything accomplished by equar
lug a child around and setting It face
to fnco with the roalltleej of llfo be
fore. It has come Into the years of re
sponsibility? Let tho children enjoy
childhood In a childish way, tor It Is
brief and comes net again.
IVrlloua Work of t'llfr Cltmtirra on
the l!tiitlltt Conat.
With the advent of spring the York
shire cliff climbers are making prep
arations for gathering the eggs of the
myriads of see. fowl that build their
nests In the dlixy precipices of tho
northeastern coast, according to the
london Dally News.
At llempton, a few miles from Hrld
Iftgton. the favorite resort ot these ogg
hunters, the chalk cliffs tower 100
feet above tho see.. They are the homo
of thousands of gulls, cormorants, kit
1 1 wakes and other sca birds that have
Just begun to build their rough nests
In the chalky crevices. William Wil
kinson, who has pursued this perilous
calling for many years. Is known IcknU
ly as "the king of the egg hunters."
He Is a bluff, weather scarred man ot
the w, with as much nervo and agil
ity as are possessed by tho most dar
ing steeplejack.
Wilkinson wears an old helmet to
protect his head from the pieces ot
rock dislodged by tae rope by w hlch
ho ia suotMnded In midair. Around
his body be buckles a kind of loMher
hammock, la which he is able to sit
On his arm he wears leather protec
tors. "Lower away, boys." he crlea. as he
swings himself over tho brink la aa
almost horiaonul position and nre
es each foot firmly against tho chalk
surface. Three of tfce most slow the
rope, and foot by foot the Intropld
climber is lowered till his cheery role
is lost amid the fluttering founds ef
the disturbed bird. He swings from
neat to nest, putting each set care'oi
ly In a hog slung over bis ano
As soon as bis hag is full be gtt
"hoist up" signal on the guide r
and the men haul him up.
Wilkinson makes several doseenu
and at the end of tho day shares the
spoil with his assistants, who sell tho
eggs tor eating purpose to the Inhab
itants of the neighboring villages.
(tlilr.l Chrtxlau llrlle In ISniclnml
For some time past efforts have been
made to raise funds in order to pro
tect from the ravages) of wind and
woathor tho encroachment of the drift
ing sands, the ruins of St. Iran's ora
tory at rerraaiabulo. said to be tho
oldest Christian relic of lu kind in
Kngiaad. It U now proponed to build
a protecting bouse of concrete around
tho ruins. If this protection la not
forthcoming It Is probable that "tho
lost church." as It is locally known.
ill be again burled beneath the sands
which covered It for so many centuries.
It la generally kwlieved to be the orig
inal church of St. 11 ron. to whom ih
fornUh miners give the credit of first
bowing them tin. and who was one
of the most notable of the many Cora
Uh saints. London Standard.
Where Will It Mopf
"Our fleet ef torpedo destroyers
seems to have stirred up our friend the
enemy," remarked the naval chief of
one of the great powers.
"Yea." replied his assistant, "It Is
said they will build a Sect ot torpedo
destroyer destro)era now."
we'll U.IU fli r e- 1
Let 'em
Pdo destroyer destroyer destroyers."- !!
Catholic Standard and Times.
No health or pleasure resort over
estimates lu scenery as mueh as a
ranky crusader orcrestlmate,a ihr
view cut oS by a billboard.
t'onl Aahea Aro Worth Snvlim,
In many sections of the country coal
Is the principal winter fuel used y
farmers and a large quantity ot asluti
result which are usually looked on s
waste, but an authority an) a there t
mere value lu eeal ashes than Is gen
erally realised by tho farmer. For tluv
melioration of heavy clay land they
are exceptionally vnluablo. This ts
particularly so with the ashes ot soft
eeal, as such usually are reduced al
most to a dust. Coal ashes have a
fertlllier value. This opinion, how
ever. Is not held generally. Tho coil
beds contain phosphorus, potash, nitro
gen and lime, as well iu tho other loss
Important Ingredients. When the orig
inal trees out of which wero formed
the coal beds were reduced to coal the
mineral elements remained In them,
and consequently those saiuo elements
so with tho ashes.
Ono reason why people have formed
an Idea' that coal ashes contain no fer
tility Is that the trees now grown
have In them less carbon than these In
tho old days and thus the percentage
of other elements to carbon Is prob
ably greater now than thon. which
gives a larger value to our wood ash,
but does not annihilate tho nluo n
tho coal ashes. Ashes can bo used 'o
advantage without sifting, but larg
quantities of half-burned coal aro by
some considered a detriment to the
soil. Kural World.
!oot lloic ?cnee.
It Is net a good plan to tako all the
pigs from the sow, unless one or two
ot tluvn can be turned with her toiim
hours after, to draw the milk she will
have at that time, and again, say after
a lapse of twenty-four hours. The pro
'rred way U to leave about two of the
smallest with her for several d.tyi.
and after that leave only one for two
r three days more, by which time the
Vw of milk will have been so grid
a:iv dlmliilhl that no Injury will
e-iutt to tho o by keeping them mi
rily away front her. This extra snp
v or m.ik hrlps also to push th
i"'r ; hi along la growth and put
' c-u () ro nearly on an e-jwallty In
e ze wh tnelr thriftier wts. Co
urns In Amwrtcn."
A Convenient t'nlf Trnnich,
A fanner near IViulltna, Iowa, has
'cen using an Ingenious method for
'ceding his calves. It wm sogg4ted
to hlra by the fact that he used a
manure spreader In his sheds and con
sequently all obstructions that extend
ed out a foot from the wall were In
the way. As calves require a low
manger, one ran be hung on binges so
that when It Is turned up It will not
occupy more than five or six Inches of
apace out from tho wall. It may be
any length, but It ts better to have It
matte In sections about six feet long.
The accompanying Illustrations show
the trough when It Is all ready for
feeding purposes, and also when It is
hooked up does against the wall.
Keeping Knriu Account.
Parmer who visited the Ohio State
Cnitersliy were Interested In the sh
;em ot accounts used on the farm
A'hlle the land Is not tilled for the
tame experimental purpoees ai the
SaMs at the Agricultural Kxpertmeat
ntatwn at Wooeter, a certain amount
it experimentation has to be done In
rder to determine the most profitable
Methods of handling the land. Those
xperlments are the same la kind as
thould be conducted by farmers gin
frslly. The accounts are kept In such
.orm as to show Use results ot the dtf
rrnnt methods employed on the dif
erent Hold.
Selllnif Value of Coin,
The North Carolina experiment tta
tioa proposes a plan to place a buying
nd selling value on cows on a bails
it the yield and quality of their milk.
According to the brief account ot the
plan Jt lays down a rule to fix a price
'or a cow at the rate of 112 per gal
lou ef milk given per day that shows
15 per cent fat. To this add or sub
:rafrt $1 for every eoe-fourth on 1 per
LjenUjat which Is above or below the
t. per oenu
g. rroli-ctlna Tree Trnnka.
The trunks of fruit trees may be
Wrapped with paper to protect them
from mtco and rabbits, the raner be-
. tls4 fo with a cord to hold It In
newsaperi may be used
IVr ! yHIV9l W4W sa, 4VV04
being to see that the paper entirely
covers thetrunk' of the tree high
enough to "prevent the rabbits reach
ing the exposed portion, above the
paper. I ' Ti.
nipping sheep isirectivetr.
To rid sheep ot external parasites or
thn scab mlto thoy should be dipped In
some effective dtp. Coal tar dips are
effective, nonpolsonous and do not
ordinarily Injure the wool. Thoy aro l
therefore considered among thn best
lloforo using all dips should bo testid
Mix one teaspooiiful nf dip with tlfy
to snvcuty-llvo of water, according to
directions. Wrap n few ticks or bed
bugs In a gaune and dip thorn lu Hits
mixture for thirty seconds. Thmi
place them under n tumbler, and It
they are not dead lu six hours the dip
ts not strong enough. It should 'to
made strong enough to make n thirty
second dip effective. Sheep aie to bo
kept In the dip ono julnute. l'laco tlu
dip In tho tank before the water, o
the mixture will be uniform.
The best tlmo to dip Is when th
wool Is otto-fourth to one halt Inuh
long, so that tho dip will adhere to
the fleece If the ticks are present at
shearing time the wholti Mock should
be dipped at once to prevent the tlcas
from getting to thn Ismbs.
Hear? tllve Hot I'tnnta,
To obtain a good stand of grain
It ts necessary to use the targeet and
plumpest grain for seed Hmall or
shrunken grain gives weak plants,
II nk
maay of which will tall to mature In
an unfavorable season a sudden 1
change In temperature, a prolonged
drought or a slight fratt In more like-1
ly to dontroy the weak plants than
the ttrong The Increased ) leld at har
vesting time is quite a consideration
In the Illustration the heavy and light
smples of barley A II C and I) pro
duced plants as Indicated with tor re
spending letters above.
The I'nrmer.
He used to wear hU prtntalottfis
tnslde his muddy boots;
H ufled to sing outiawdhih tunes
And drees In MtUHt suits;
Uj uned to rtns at half pl four.
And milk and hoe and plough;
He Joenn't do so any more,
He's counting money now.
The oallouie upon hli hands
Were softened long a so.
kur employe prepare M lands
For nature's fertile How.
There I no norrtiw In his eye
Nor a niter on his brow.
ThlnK are not si tn dsys Rone by.
He'! eounllnx money now.
-Waihlnjctun Kxenlnic Mtar.
l'tinh Content or Clr Soil.
According to a recent bulletin of tjy
New Hampshire Station, the clay anj
elsy loam soils carry sufficient potash
for the production of maxltun yields
ot hay. and that a large part of the
potash applied In fertilisers 1. 1 test 10
far as the crop is concerned. In other
words, the addition ot commercial
Potaan o sucn son. is uun.ce.aar?
talns a large amount of potash, li
added, the value Ilea, not In the pot
ash, hut In the other fertilising el
mouts, and In large part In the Im
provement of the physical condition -of
the soil.
Cultivation tur Corral Tree.
The young farmer forester should be
experienced In the art of stimulating
the growth of trees in natural groves
by cultivation Whm we come to think
how hard the ground Is In some woods
It Is really Strang that trees .ret
enough moisture to support the 111
selves. The difference In the amount
ef rainfall absorbed by a levelplowd
Held and hard-baked htHside is very
great, and It is wonderful how an oak
or hickory growing on a hillside ever
attains to great height and site.
Wlutrr IIck Cruilurrra,
The essentials to profitable egg pro
duction are a healthy flock of fowLi
nnuieiini- eanMtiutianai vimtr t.ri
from a laying strain; proper housing. ' a glance suoes to show the degro of
and correct feeding. The best way to defilement of the air.
secure a laying strain on the farm is I Archibald Sharp described u t re
to select the hens of greatest vigor j cent meeting of the Institution efAuto
that naturally produce the most oggs mobile Kngineoru In Iondon his ss
durlng the winter Mate those hens j tew of air-springs tor road vehicles
with a good male, also from a laying Aa applied to the saddle pillar of a bl-
train, and then select only the best
daughters from this mating.
Illtlrrenre In Typra,
The man who has been accustomed
all his life to raising the lard type of
hog will have his troubles when be
mints to shift over to the bacon breed
Tots has nothing to do with the merits
of the breeds In question, but the feed
lag habits, the general character and
make-up of the two types are different,
and tome time and possibly some ex
pense Is necessary before the ex
perienced feeder of the one type csi
shift over and becaoie a successful
feedsr of the other.
Ventilation end Ka fertility.
A common cause of the failure of
fertile eggs to batch Is lack of auffl
lent ventilation The fresh air supply
depends to a greater extent than Is
generally known on the difference In
the temperature of the air Inside the
machine and that of the room In
which the Incubator stands.
i .i7rt jm am .- tfii
(kHHiiiiM'K' .aatz si.&&str
PSi ) ioTrwu
f ''ffji 620.020,1 70 SK3f 8k
iitf . 1 vvumk 'jsa-wnm, "iiriwa-
TT7T '''-i fitfaBty " . V&aWL' IWIT
1 -lr-W''MimSfi
$67l322.:500 JPiot'pont MorUiu
The dlinov.r) In New York that J I'. r. .nit rninroli one ninth
he wealth of the I nl'e.l Sciiiee "h.ikIi Ins r.iilr .l tnl.l!iK. in.iira-ire
nd Industrial i.ilino Miuih. Ima . :m.-.l ni ilulm '" ''Mik iin-ii 1 In- 'nlaii
of Wall stnel" ns a rli.'e rltnl to John D Hi . h. '.Hi r Mti hr eiprrxe.1
(he belief that he will become the tniMt poerrful iapltalll on earth The
total wealth controlled by Mr Morgan in estimated at 1.I7.0S,IH. The
dlMrams ahow how this U dlstrthuted
a"-- - -. - - -iss tgr-.-rrTC tjsjcj -- -- 7rsr-r.s
r-rNtNCTNnori - t-r-s. TV. ' pear. llBCO In
dH D AV Mil K" V. xt r rearhea the sea bv a more
fW JC rtiwnCTi- m ual deunt and wMb g gentler
IJiJ'i ' 1 . '' ot to nillea Kventually
c3Vj"j:-00,,r ' Is probable, a brackish lake. So or
To keep the rhers of the country
free from eniga and other Impediments
to natiaatloM .e government main
tains n JWt of thirty steamboats and
spends JioO.000 a year
A railroad In Pennsylvania Is expr
linentlng with ties made ot old rail",
cut to the light length and anchored
with the broadest side upward In roo
ballast The new rails are clamped
en them by it eel fastenings.
OGk-ers of the new battlenhlp South
Dakota, which Is equipped with tur
' kin,, Malnes. envs there Is absolutely
! m vibration of the fire control want.
n dUfteulty always found In the reelp
' rocatlng engine driven veeeeis.
) ,,,,, ar,ve , eBfi( iWJtng
1 ,or, , M pn, ami capable of
I , 0, lm mlm M ,Tt r,
t M. u rm in Karachi. India.
without necessitating tho ex pens ot
rhmnKlnK llM1 .,., ,u an electric
A statistician haa figured out that
last year's brooiurorn crop was so
small that each American family can
have but sue and one-seventh broonsa
this year, without allowing tut busi
ness houses, corporations or munici
palities. A Scotchman. Mr. John lwden. has
Invented a 'smoke tintometer." which,
It Is thought, may be of use In ir
ecutlng cases of "smoke nuisance " It
constats of a tube with a single ee-ph-ce
and two object opening tne ot
these Is clear, but the other contains
a revolving diaphragm In which are
set five circles, one of clear glass and
the ether four ot tinted ghuwea corre
apondlng with the standard tints of a
scientific "smoke chart." In examin
ing smoktedefiled air the diaphragm I
turned until the tinted glaas coincide
In darkness with the air seen through
the clear aperture. The various glsassu
are svstematlcaly numbered,
cycle, the apparatus consists essential
I. - .1.1 ...lit..!., u I.I. . ld..H
ly o a ieriwu ejuwwwi ..hi iwivh
or plunger, made to work airtight by
a specially constructed "mitten," ami
supporting the weight of the ride. The
same device has been applied to motor
cycles, and experiments have been
made with a light motor car. On the
front fork of a heavy motorcycle the
-lire" of the "mitten" cover! from
:,060 to 5,000 miles, but on a back
spring fork It was only equivalent to
1,000 miles. The effect ot the nlr
springs Is described aa luxuriously
Since Its Invasion of the Salton Sink,
and the struggle of the engineers to
bold it under control, the Colorado
river has found a new mouth, 20 or
30 miles southeast of the old ono.
The consequences of this elmngo, says
Or. U T. MaeDouga), are somewhat
momentous. For one thing, tho bore
whlsh formerly ran many miles up
tream, affecting both the Colorado and
tho IUrdr rivers, will orobsblv dlasn-
iff '.!"l
tho new channel thn
. it
miles long, will t formed. Into which
the seepage of the Hardy river will
How, and serious disturbance of the
I plants and animals over an area of
several hundred aquaro miles may
lu Hplle of Moliir.fnr Crete Mau'
I'rlriul la .Not I'oruiiHrn,
There are marked signs of a revival
of I merest In Ue borwe That beauti
ful creature has never been wholly
forgoiuw. not even when the erase
for motor rare was at Its height, for
fieoh ami blood and a high order of
Intelligence when added to beauty hate
claim that the smoothest running
machinery cannot hide. Hut there
have been times during the past four
or five years when many lovers of the
home must have despaired of his fu
ture. Tbooe times, fortunately, seem
passed. Never to return
In New York the market tor light
ha mens horses haa not been so ac
tive since I nog. aays the Providence
Bulletin. The prices sre high, hut the
supply Is painfully Inadequate to meet
the demand The revival In Interest
In road raring In Providence, where
there are now two driving dubs, ami
an attractive speedway at Moger Wil
liams Park. wlHwe the members engage
in their taw lasting sport. Is prob
ably only one Instance In many of the
renewed enthusiasm with which the
man of mean and leisure Is returning
to the (net roadster
Nor Is the demand for the horse eon
flnnd to those who desire spend. This
severe winter, with Its snowdrifts ami
uneven rends. Ill filled for motor cars,
haa raused exceptional activity In the
markets for carriage, wagon and truck
Draft horsed are also In demand
This demand evidently U regarded ri
parmanoat, for American enterprise
Is now devoting much money to the
breeding of this variety The town
State Agricultural College, under the
direction of Prof C K Curtlas. one
of the Judges of draft horses at the
but national horse show In New York,
U attempting lo develop a purely
American variety of thbt bre-d start
ing with Shires and Clydesdales, two
llritleh breeds, and using only gray,
colored animal, Prof Curtlas plans to
evolve a draft horse nf that eoUvr.
Oray la desired, for those that are ot
that color aro popularly ami also
clenllfiVally ftmaldered hetler aide to
endure severe heat than thone of other
colore. The exMrlments that the gov
erumeiit and private oltlseus are mak
ing In Vermont to Improve the Mor
gan, an HllMiiind horse r groat use
fulness, nre furllier evidence of the
enduring nature of the revival of In
terest In IIiIm Hun nnlnwl. I.overa of
(ho horse Imvo ngtiln nrnio Into tlmlr
own and llioy nto llkoly to Imvo more
cause than over beforo for their nil
miration ninl affection,
Her Niii'luttr,
"No ono cnu make such good soun as
my wlfo rnn,"
"In (lint respect alio stands soup
rcmo, oh?" Knusns City Times.
Men may coma and men may go, but
women's tongutis go ou forever