THE BEND BULLETIN with n troutleM river before many years hnvo passo I. An Independent newpopcr, nnndini; i for the (itc ilwl. clean l...lne. cimn The nmHm, (,f ,ho cm, inmovc. COMING EVENTS CAST THEIR SHADOWS BEFORE tllite. nuil the lwt lntercH of IWjnd nml Control Oregon. ju--. - - SUBSCRIPTION RATHS: OOCJMt Alt HMHIlh Thtt wwwthv ....,......... ..- ... (tnnritty In ntlwitiw.) l..Mt ..!. I WKDNISDAY, APRIL J5, 191 1 OUR Al.l.tHHSD .MAlLSHRVICU. All Central Oregon, with delfeht ful unanimity, i" jirowHnie at the present lneettsM! mail service with which the Interior is burden ed. The railroad bean regular train service to Madras on March 1st. Week before that date the rotl authorities could have ascer tained when the road would be ready to handle the mail and could have prepared accordingly. Rut far as can be learned absolutely no ac tion was taken until Ioiir after the train were in operation, when a special airent or a very special some-thing-r-other visited Madras, "in- estigatcd." and told the dear ho- lal Club for mure unanimous sup port, published elsewhere in this ! iiie, is one which deserves full con sideration and which should elicit a generous reeponw from all persons in the community. The organitatiou is doing a good work and one that benefits every property owner and buaineaa man in Rend and the sur rounding country. It Is work which hell all at a very slight individual expense. iVobably r.o man li Ing has re- I signed so tnauy vastly important: positions as has John F. Stevens, I who left the leadership of thej world's greatest engineering outer-1 prise to become chief of Oregon's railroad development, and whft now quits his present high post for other fields. 0 iieut4wlendar pvs&gr- A scheme is on foot for the or ganisation of a Crook County bafe- ball leagve, to bo comprised of teams' from Henri, Prinoville. Radtmnid and Madras. By all-means let the pie they would hnve splcmlid mail , local athletes pet busy and hei th service jt as soon m the matter tfood work along. could le adjusted at Washington!! .. Horrible complications were hinted! Homestead entries ure being made at; apparently a change of mail at The Dalle land office at the rate routing with resulting new con- of 20 a day. The majority of these tracts is a mutter as difficult for a are on land in southeastern Crook red-taped governmental dejwrtmont County. to bring ajwut as is the drawing up of an international treaty. One of the great un-lel ques- At'all events, weownjn .Cen; tlons always will be, "W caught f-Al Oregon Imw a jut complalnT the biggest trout last Sunday." Why, with a railroad running Into very heart of the country, should Has anybody seen that rew city the mail be staged over 100 miles of charter? unspeakable road, with an unneces-' - - - -iry inbound and outbound delay cf LM hours? Any private business or ganization which did its work on the t n businesslike, leisurely lines follow ed by the Post Office' Dejxirtment would he fty subject for an epitaph ..riter in an appropriately brief tank lie pro! tht nml space of time. 1? (mcadh Deaths Jm f THE NATION AU57 ACT NOW Thoro's one pliur in Henri whore you're sure to jjet nhso,- lntely the best of everything in Wines, LiUors and C'iurs, unri tliul one pltieo is Silverteof4 Wo conduct an Ordorly Emporium for the entertainment of all energetic, enthusiastic end enlightened Hcnd Boosters and our selves ever eagerly encourage emigration to this Eden of Eastern Oregon. Knockers inoculate our cntiro anatomy with ennui and, eventually, may expect to bo ejected from our establishment. Get wise! Eh? See our window display of bottle goods. Wo oro exclusivo agents for the femous WEINHARD BEER. for all Central Orogon. Your Patronage - Solicited V Gt,r-, xTfrTrnmn rr'wwsvqwgtfmigTPi'PQiiTmffi. Bend Construction Co. Con tractors--Builders Wo are Always ;Glad to Furnish Estimates Geat ths Cank's Svi't-i. The lo.r vniereil thi '!" ml 'ank and Isttl a tiulf itnllar W li's tank bonk on the rvtlvlnr tt-t!,-r' nln.l.iw "We tln't rv etvt iletxxl if ! ilwi a ilollsr.' .iH'd ihe t ' lr. T'ie Nr ytfMed rehtetsnily to ihe ,vrni n ilrw taiok. Hut lie illd nut Itiiri th PSS3SS1ZXOII Shop in Hear of lloultr IhiililiiiL' cm Wall teonaana r The M ens To i Stirtt g t S t 3-uaHtttW"Kn- nai -J-O'iot--f-- Bend's New Harness Shop Nv fjLV gery Again war has lw!n declared on the Deschutes trout. One of Bend's strongest attractions for visitors ami sportsman is the excellent fishing af forded by the Deschutes, It is high ly desirable that, insofar as postible, this important asset be maintained intact. To accomplish this will re quire the cooperation not only of the authorities, but of all local sportsmen interested in preserving the opiwrtunity for participating in an enjoyable pastime. Last year a l-eution for the establishment of a iuu hatchery on the Deschutes was sent to Salem. No action was se- seated nlwelf on a cliw Tin lellor notlcrd hint olitlng ttiir snd al no tlnl tin? rrtlci-Mro lHk m Ills ttire The loy wsltitl for shiiw ilm think Inc It ovir Finally be roi and went to th, ps.vlng tellor's window A mo ment Inter lie confronted tin1 nnvlvlnc teller. "I want to depwlt t!il tloltir nnd n hi If." Iiu said Tin teller crlnned. The It had Just drawn ti dolUr from hU little Iwlnnee and wn nlng It n nn enterlns violse for the' rejecteil Inlr ilnllur. And the x) r tera wai Iwaten by the lmy. nnd n rnn rhlernhle nci-Mlon of iMKikkiH'nIne la- i bor rn the price of defeat. C'Iou'IhihI ' Plain Denier Tolito'i Intimity. Hverythlnc In ToNtorV character. yi a ltuVitn writer. Mltnln t.taairi pitHHilni "Ax r drinker tu al-r'id fmU-tlc (UMntit'"s f i:iur Am h mmldor be terriUed h! jiunniT' by th IfcU. I ,.., nf hL4 d Mi.lii'tw cured. U it not vll to agiUte thi , minim-! mt.r'y to T dr. the rr.atUsr again? Particulariy is it not I itm f denih at sfi.r.1, nml dt-irable. for Ue Mt of a!!, that K.' Z3 " the fishing laws, esiwcisJIy as rt- nr i,jr bu inais'Hw H.un:y m prn grds the number of trout caught. ' ' ilterataw" Ih. rigidly enforced? If one or both " ' n lot done, Rewi r.Jiy find itself Jn;.t try The Bulletin lot, pntr. HAS JIST K'LIVID A V.l.l. 1.1SI'. "l" Spring Shirts, Soxs, Underwear of all Kinds AND A SNAPPY LINE" OF Spring Button and Oxford Shoes MltnutHrttirrisof lliuncvs Keuiniitf nt' All Kinds iiitlolitiv' Mi .in,! l',tnT A Eis Stock of SADDLES, DLAN KETS, ROBES. Sale of Buggies $!!.' M ich if,'n n Htiit-s 0()Q CA $l()()Micliif,'an lor r $85.00 Gnuine Mandt Wagons Farm Implements H. J. EGGLESTON Hcnd, Ori-fjon. 'HKJHT IMtlC'KS. KICIIT QrAIdTY" i A. La FRENCH, Orogo Street LAYING THE RAILS TOWARD BEND. Wimmsrm HEREWITH w a refKoductlon of Ue track-laying machine which is laying the 'rails on the Oregon Trunk Iiailroad toward liond. .lint at present the machine is i lie on the other side of Crooked River, where it will be forced to remain inactive until Uie comp'e tion of Uie big bridge. The ties are brought forwari from the flat curs in the rear on the rollers shown at the left of the picture and from these rollers let down and ilucud on the grat'e, AsUw CUo are laid Uie rails are swung out from the right I if the picture) and placed upon the ties. .?., f jJ ml i Only Complete Stock of HARDWARE IN C IH N T i A L O R I: (1 O N. TRACK LAYING MACHINE ON OREGON' TRUNK RAILWAY CALIBER MODEL IBIO Self-Loading Rifle It Strikes ABlowof2038lbi Thin new Winchester shoots a heavier bullet and h.ts a harder blow than any other recoil operated rifle made. It is more powerful than the .30 Army, of bi L'amc hunting fame. The loading and firini; of thii ride are controlled by the triKirer finger. It , HITS UKK THE HAUMEBOr'TlluR Smi Icr llhilr at ti ctttalar tolly dnir Hi lAfi nv nil wkA Aji WtntW txi r" F' H.Ci:ESTCa KErUTLMi AHUS CO 6 .Vet Iljieo, Coon., V, i, ,U a OUR COMPLETE "ffEW STOCK OF - Seeds WILL SOON BE IN. PRICES ARE RIGHT. 9 Bend Hardware Co j n :i t ti 'TtTp,-',itfFB tWMA'uaMULniGpaTffVffl IACSDW ' or t