BYRNE REAL ESTATE i RE ALTY Of All Kinds Bch. Sold and Exchnngcd. Wc lnve a vcrv extensive list of DKSCHUTKS YALLKY IRRIC.ATKD LANDS. Wc bring the Propertv O.vners and the Outside Huvers together. BYRNE REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE Hotnling Hldg., Wall St., Hend, Ote. Wo are prepared for the rush of homesteaders. We keep two men in the field and can locate you on the het lands open for entry. Auto and team service to lands. OREGON PRODUCTS ATTRACT BIG CROWDS Indications arc for great movement of llomrsuokcis into Oregon's rich unsettled parts during 10 11. Fruit Industry interests Central States. "Tlie way to eel people Into the N'orthwest li to talis ttio Northwest to them." This Is what Piosld.-nt ltttl or I lu' Ureal Norllurn lm tor Oregon by completely cntilm'tnta ear with Oregon products ami send tun tt on a 7.000 mile tour tltroug'i the eastern stale with traveling repto scntnttves tn charge who are wcl versed on western coiutttlons. The Interest this vr tins created eor whore on It tour thimnth M li hlt n. eastern Ohio mut eouttuu liuli.ut.t good workliiK Held and tho Interested I hiss seemed to he listed among tho 1 be t people. I New Albany, Ind. -Nothing so far j nunta the atlcmt'itire to the Oregon U'.ir such si we hud at New Albany starting early In the morning o hmt t s'oady crowd of tlslturs for the tun das. On the evening of the second il.iy we pssaiit throiiKh the cur not less than I.500 penpln tietwein T.O'i mill 9 no i m It una iiki "s.r to do i,ii. ax i' tilt nt '.) .:i i' in I wnull 'ffll. 11 tfMii - fssir- - xw ii xi 'in , iiVft raWOsVisA S!tj joiin i.t-uvr IIK.M KH IN Harness ami Smlillcry I iuiiKs mut hIImvs I'cpiilicd K. NiswoNGUR, Pres. G. I). Makjcju., Sec. OREGON INVESTMENT CO. Wall Street, Bend, Oregon. IN TltH OLD CKSTRAI. OKKGOK KKAI.TV COMPANY orrn K. CHOICE RESIDENCE LOTS Choice residence loi in WieMoria Addition, adjoining Bend on the north. This is a tnctlv first class restdeuce section ami the first too lots will lie sold at half ptke. IRRIGATED LAND We have the larg-st list of irrigated laud in Crook county. If ou want a bargain, call and see us. 320-ACRE IIOA1ESTEADS We can locate v ou on a 320-aae homestead, the best wheal laud in Crook county. BUSINESS PROPERTIES We have srome good buys in business and warehouse property. TIMBER LANDS We have a nuruLer of choice buys in timber lands. FIRE INSURANCE. We represent some of the strongest Fire Insurance Companies in the West. They have been truil. We al ways have our losses paid pioniptly and without a question. STENOGRAPHIC WORK Notarv sort stenographic work accurately and neatly done. Hmt rrcnve prompt attention at anv lime. All in quires receive prompt attention. Oil 011 or write Oregon Investment Co. end M achine hop All Kinds of Saw Mill and Funning R-EPAIRS We Carry a Large Stock of Auto Repairs and Supplies Wall St., next to Opera House BEND HOSPITAL Attending Physicians U. C. COK. B. FKRRELL M. ELLEN KERSHAW, Snperintendont. Graduate of St Luke's Hospital, Chicago. MRS. A. M. LUTES, Assistant, Graduate of Columbus (Ohio) Training School. Terms:! $10 to $25 a Week, Payable Weekly. There is a Nurse on duty at all times. No extra charge made for night duty, unless in extreme cases, when a special nurse is required geacrratsn' ii'ti.rpiMnw O'DONNELL BROTHERS UNION MARKET .a-nfMBicECpyzgn'tr.fai AWMuu:$jZBnszmx&M saaunn SbsyPfc?3i aBL'.ltr-Zt '.-WMi .B3TOTT Vt. fiiWj 4W v ?TTT,I rf M wTSl h ' '.3 1 'ailfcy mmit -. : "rti i iHaVr w . w t vltjb a - 'h w ui ; rr . . t jw n 7, WAf, 5JJ5 F M wliiXSiii 9 :ri wP mi' Vi 1 vi QjuHJS'iXdM -I - .4W"1X"S raises T. '.:-; "; '?. f0WmiW8M ORKCiO.N I.XIIIIUT BV firtrT SORTIIKKN ItV AT WIVTKRN I.AM PKObVCTK LMUItir. Illt.K IN I'MAIIA. M. ItMI.MM. CARTER IS COAUNO WITH SiiMIt I-INI2 DRY WOOD to iiuiUe the wn wmi'l burn. Tike i liiad m'll it it limp me n mut in tin- P O box l I'. M. CAINI'.U New PALACE MARKE Uimlr llovil, 11 up. t EATS Vegetables, etc. M CITY DRAY llltUI.I'SI.IIKTjr.N, I'llHI', bill to, . We Handle liver) Hiliii;. I envc in- ili-r sv 1 1 li Mil. .Sin I III u.n .ii.. i mm! has been nothlnn hort of womlef'tl Oregon Is bound to giln from this practical publicity, anil the value o( it ran onlv be rockomsj when th colon-i- iprlid Is out and som Idea r-t t be bad of the number o( new St ttli t brought Into the State. The following rport of ton Travel ing Immigration Agent In charge f Oitrou's Exhlhltlon Tar were furnl ti ed by K. C. I-ihI.v. fltncrnl Imniari tlon Aent of the Oreat Northern Us Greenwood. Ind. Fiftcm hundred visitors, a areat nrny of thom -. farmers. A lame per etnl of Intereit was for homesteads In Oregon Tl o ball where the atoreoptlccn lrcnr was held in the evening was crowded, and some wen- turned away. The ap ple display In the car Is drawing many favpr&hlv comments. Jfferonvllle. Ind Tremendous crowd. At least .fW people vlsltt-d th? car. The crosd kept op all dav long and the lecture hall was crowded In the evening We estimated the at-ti-ndance at about I. ion Tho Interest scorns to be mostly In farm lands with a little for fruit culture. This U a SETTLERS MEET1 MANY MEMBERS IN ORGANIZATION. (Inventor West Reported Soon to lie In lienJ Inadequate Supniy of Water I'or Lands Already Suld U Allegation. 4 On Friday afternoon the Central Oregon Irrigation Co'. Water Users' Aaauciation lield a meeting in the Commorclal Club rooms. There were about 215 presxmt, Pres ident P. II. Demtor proaldlnjf. Tlie necretary rojwrtod that lie hl tnwle jteraotiHl canvas of tho en tiro segregation in the intcrcsu of the organisation. Up to tho time of meeting I'M mumhera had signml up, representing an acreage of 15880. Considerable discussion of nlloged lack of water upon hinds already sold was indulged in; special com plaint boing made on the grounds that the company was selling more lands while ita system wua Incabable of adoquntoly supplying those al ready purchased and occupied by settlers. In connection with thin mutter Dr. Dencer stated that ho had received asHuraneo from Gover nor Wost that tho latter would make personal investigation of tho locul settlors' complaints, about the middle of April. On motion tho Hoard of Directors was instructed to ascertain the num ber of acros now occupied, the num ber acres sold, the wuter carrying capacity of tho existing' canals and ilurnes ami to tuko atojw to prevent the delivery of water to any land sold since January 1st, 1010, until land sold previously to thut date had boon put under water. i"tfni:i!e the at'-"il men during Loth das si tut lo thin 9.00 o people Franklin. Ir.l Cut , and In teret rtuovn I 're niiiii mr.rli for h Oreern C r. o hid fullv 4.aul i..ilturs and tho lull In tl.o evening is nli'd to ovtrfluk p I hti t't'ier ;er!i-nc' qi-iie s i h an en r:.tilttst.e aud.iriro as we eiuouulrrtd at our lectii e Aft'.-r the bcttire e were kept busy forsome lime Hvlng per. iijI lalor .-!- n, V. alMii ope-ied the i-ir and al'uwi-d the piiplt to look the eXllUt!! 0T Ulltll ill .'I l ll.Ul) tl. 111. We secun-d ttte ntnes of a luge iiumter of projective homestetdcra and tourists fcr Oregon. Ansonla. Ohio Attendance about fiO At the ntcreoptlcon lecture In the evening ev-rjr seat In the hall was taken. It was a rmulng and especial ly Interested crowd and the attend ance was large considering the else of the town. Several came to me after the lecture In the evening and stated that they were going west this spring or summer. I. 0. 0. F. IUml bulge No. LlH Il. Mcetir'jrs iv .M-e.ilay night Vis't''r4 vAi-leni'ii' I". T. Uutta. N. tl. V. A. l' iIm-s.S'i . i De.tcbutes 'jxlgv No.' -., lent. l ut V. I i S..' . Jt ... i,i.i... I V. J S Mfl'lH PV1TJT l-IIU--j N. i dn,v evening nt 8 p. in." ySl In TaMle Hall. .st-..f-i' flee building. Visiting. Knights v.e!sin'. Hmer Niswo-iger. '. C. M. U. Knutsmi. K. K S , !! Ill II S M. VV. of A. i Pilot Hutti- ('iimp N'n. i7'.M , Meets every Tuesday in hall ! r luitniliiv. Visiting NeightHiirt always welcome. ; M. J. Mrrim. V. M. H. Knutson. Cl.rk BliNDLOIMUC No. ijg A. F. & A. M. Meets on Thurlay on o l beli.te the full imsin of each month. Visiting htothctft ' nlwavN welcome. j m. o. ittia. ?. a m hi Minn w m 1 VF vt jr Viy Palace Restaurant Rooms for Rent t'oiifi'illonei, I r r tilt I'lciiU .supplies, Cigars .1. I Taggarl & Co. TiTo Buckley Express Co. DAILY I'X"CS S. f v n- lictMri li M.ull.s .in.) Ik lid. Careful Attention. Bond office nt II. 12. TiirplnS Store. ESWTKXXn No Stops! TOWIILLIII-TII! NOIIiS. Pott KI4. BUTTK, Or"., April 3 C. J. t'unimings left last week fr Walla Walla, whore he will be join ed by Mrs. t'.immiiga and their children, and will make a visit to their old home in Jackson, Mich., returning here in June. J. P. Bowman left yesterday for Madras to meet Miss Itertha Bab bitt, who is a sister of Mrs. Row man. 1 Clearing. plowing and seeding is the order of the day now at Powell riuttcs. i Walter Foster has returned from Portland where ho has Ut-n for medical trentment for his ear. i For Sai.k A:r-horse tniwerKrie City engine and Iwiler, in (lrstelaas condition. Kuason for selling, we are doubling our caicity and have oniorwl heavier ami larger machin ery. Maatin Lumber Co., Im Pine, Oregon. -I'Jtf r TO BUILDERS WE HAVE A NICE STOCK OF FLOORING Rustic Shiplap and Rough Lumber .... and can furnish any bill on ihort notice. Sond us your orders for FINISH LUMBER.. BEND LUMBER CO. GIEORCIIE S. YOUNG Civil and MinliiK linincer Hotnling Hiiildiiit; Hknii, - Oiii:on Sutherland (Sb Mcintosh CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS JOBBING Promptly Attended to SHOP ON OKlvGON ST. THE STORE OF QUALITY S. CCAI.DWIil.l., Prop. Hardware Groceries We carry anything1 you want in these lines. All kinds of building; mater ial. The only place to get a guaranteed Stude baker Wagon. Our Prices Save You Money. KV- 2