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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (April 5, 1911)
L The Pioneer Wood Yard C'rtll on or trlrphono us for nil kinds of WOOD We sv Cord Wood ami'n Woo.1 on short notice. Otdcrs I'touiptlv I'd led. W. P. DOWNING, Proprietor. COhK AltKN'TS for StonewHll and Mcflrc.. Whiskies, ami The Nf ornl Water. Distributers and Rainier Beers. We of Cilnaswiire. Har Towo especially ndapted to tin ly phone or mail vft. receive prompt nml careful attention. Madras, Orecm 1Kb MYERS & WILKEY, Props. YOU? ARE GOING TO LOOK YOUR REST in that new Easter suit i'ou're uoinir to be photographed in it of course. There's no better time for some new pictures, and they make ideal remembrances be sides, you owe it to your family, your friends and yourself. Make an appointment. Post Card Photos. SEWARD. TiTe E. F. Pitman Real Estate Co. IRRIGATED LANDS IN THE WALKER BASIN Farm and Stock Ranches for sale. We handle La Pine Townsite Lots. Tell Us Your Wants. La Pine, Oregon. DESCHUTES Addition Adjoins Bend on the south. Most beautiful residential sec tion in Bend. REASONABLE PRICES Also Some Choice Business Lois. Timber Lands Bought and Sold. HUNTER & STAATS WALL STREET, BEND, OR. For the Children Plying 8f)lrrl and A'oplmi. O'NEIL BROTHERS COMPANY, Inc. WHOLESALE LIQUOR DEALERS nnd JOBUl-RS IN WISlsS. LIQUORS nml CK1ARS I ' B,'i7 Budweiser. Saloon Complete Line of Wines, Liquors and Cigars Bond Street Between Greenwood nnd Oregou Modern Inventor hiixo boon f'lr1i 41IOI IWlflll Willi III.' Ili'roplllllO. Inn rt It loll Illlli' two little tllilllltlN Iiiiw uod n sinil'iir primlplo in iiiolr mi. ciwHftii tllRlitH 'I'lii' lljliiit iulrrol titul I In- II.vIiik INIi Mill HiimukIi tho Hlr mid fHt Hllll fall Oil Hll lUTOpllUlO II f 1114 Hire' Invention- Our ooiii iimti ilylnie Miilrri'l. wltti ll thin, wlinsllko membrane atrvUhcd tightly U'twoon tlit extended log. I n typical aeroplane. .Thorctui lit uponk tug of mh.Ii ii Niiiiml wiys: "It Hpt-mut from it maple at it height of twenty eliclit hihI one half feet fruiu the ground tinil landed easily n ml lightly m tin ground hi tln fool of another tret fifty ami one-half feet away. Ii.h II Ik It t wa nut a ri'itiilur decent. It urliil from n atnilRlit line Unli horhwiiiHlly ami vertically. It skimmed much like a hawk, and wrt nf lit (tight wax iHtirl.v horltoutal. There wore hIx trees from six I lulu- to a fool In diameter be tween the hoi;lnuliiic ami tho omlliu of Its tllKlit. am) the It skimmed tnrt ly rtiuml and lavtsed through their thinner i wles. Ii did nut. hh I roiu.l potvelie. tuuili a Mingle twig." Other observer have wen crowd of theae Utile creature In attnllar siorilveguBi bote which mom to have tiu other ob ject than playfiilne. ur the mere pleaa re of aigbt.-St. Nicholas. ADVICE FOH DOG FANCIES. Hew to Man and Take Car of tits Kennel Buildings. Whether ii Ki'viii. I l run for plenmiro or for prolll, the Imvat ment which , i.-lil'i l hi- beat roiuiti lMt'loiiillin". unit t!n nearer ilu duff functor brlii til CXlllllllMllllll'Ut tl VflVt IIHI'llllC Ollll- ilit inn ilu wvatiT will tn his mic'tw. Tlil. i Inn, U the prUne tlilntt to lie i . ii-iili'ixl In natnlillwIiliiK n (ilu. fr in.' I'nro nml ImM-diiiff of dmrn .r any t i l.lilii'f utillmltid muui'j limy In' n ..I in arciunpllHli tlila li'ull or it tit II ' . "inni.ili Ki'lisc, I ! i.iit t tu omnMrrtHl In jilaw in i i.i niii'l tiullilltiffa nro driiltiaffo. i i.'i.i ii"ii. fooil nml uiiti r nml mum f r i i'i-i No. Till' south shin of u ajini tit -Pn'iutf lilll (i flora the lxt ulio. 1 ' I nip llollilttH IllUHt ho IIMllllltl HH II u".uii'in, and If tho ynnU nn tint ..'Mint with coiirroto tho teat Hhiulo tii. i. in llio liollor. fur tin huh iNilf n .no ..f tho host crailloutora of tlNoimo rlllll rim xlinpo of tho hiilMliiKH mmti'iH inilo If im inmiy hh ton duffs nro U.'pt It It well to luillil n Hlniplo uihhI on xtrui-iiiro hnhlhiR tho or hI sinlN. on. 1 1 with a door (iiollliiK llHi mi hi nor iiihho, a wlrul wlmlou- for IIkIii mihI ii Ir nml a kiiiiiII olt Into tho outor y.inl. Tho ooiNtruotluii of olio hiiiII will m'ru iih tho inndi'l fur innny. It ahoiild lo ax ItirjCi' hh imhwIIiIo. woll llffhlod and uoll MMiilliiioil. CloaiilliiOit-i N Hluaja tho lliliiK- !'( tho wliliouanh hrimli uml tho ilNiu fivttmt oprHj' 1k inih! llhorally. Iinni on tho nlwonoo of tutor mid pi.i Ulo frouli wator ami uuwt of tho ihtniohi ki'iini'l trmililiM will uiiiNIi. I i jc-. a do moii. thrlvo Ih-si niidrr tho m-.irot (Mi-mllilo Mppiimrli to normal lomll tloiii Thoy iiord llitlo lutttry and rt bottor without twiniiwrliiK. Todd l!m aotl In outline. KEEP YOUR MONEY IN OREGON EVERY Os egoman INSUKIil) nml liMNSUKI-l) Mas a rllil to foul proud of the UNMATCHED RECORD of A Thankeflvlng Camr. A xnoil piuif to play Th.nikiMftvliiB cvenins is calloil -tli. vrand imsws." One of the company I wut from tb room. Auoiher. who l in lipit with IIh Brut. pruinlMH that whoii ho Itoldn tb winl. iimy 1k- a can or umbrella, ovor Mime tnomlHT of tho company the exlhil ntt'inher will Im able to tell over whom. The door limit be loft open. The coufmlorutoM explain that thH N In order not to j Interrupt the current of electricity bo tweon them. The mask monsor allows the com pany tu chat a fen- minute after bin t'oiifoderate Imih derted. Then he suddenly breakt In Ummi tho couvema ((on. whvIiik the wand and mj'Iiik In n aepulehral lone. "Tho wand iwe-wn The exile auiwent fruin Hh next room very wilemnly. "Let It mm " AbnIii coiium the nnnoillHViiHiiI. "The wnn.l lMwe." and asnlu the anawer, "I-ot It jiaiw." The third time the laawenMir of the wand hohU It over Home bend and Imiulrwi, "The wand rents oier whotn?" Then M the exile promptly to an awer. "Ovet- Ko-audHo." nnuilnic the rkht person. The trick Ik aocom- , pllihed by havlnif It arranffl thai the confederate wIm remain In tho room ahall hold the w-aud over the oron who Hpoke laat before the an nouncement. "The wand paaaea " A'l i the exile In the next room need be , able t do H to UNtlnfeuUli the voiced , of the company. Mew to Can Temgiecj, Select medium kIiihI Kolkt toMntoea. Tut In a wire banket ami fnuiiKe In a pun of hollltnc water. Ituli off the nkliut ami nrranae in wide mouthed Jnrn. Pill with cold water, adjimt the rubbers, lay on tho tops ami maud In the wash Imller. Cover, brliiff to the tailllnK point ami lll half an hour Screw down tlie toM and (ate In (he holler until the next day JteHtit the etioklnit for amillier half hour, nvhon Inv fnun the time the water rrarhe. the ImiIIIiik' Hilnt. then aerew tight. Tomaloert are eaally kept ami do not impure as tons ci4ilnit a ino( vej In bleu. Haw to Clean Dettlgt. T clean water Jara or am ill neck Ixittlot till Willi lilt lemon pl-l-l I.i hiiiiiII pl.M .- I'm In Jar mul 111. ult'i old wnlor uii'l let t unl a fen b mri or oi rnlKlii The l I Im- p.-rfo. tl . U-nu wbi'ii iinplliil nml rmsi d BE The Only Life Insurance Conipany EXCLUSIVELY OREGON ST FOR OREGOMANS llnmc Office: CorlK-tl IIuIIiIIhk'. I'ortlnml A. I.. MII.I.S, I'rcs. I.. SAAUi:i.S.len. .MnitnKer E. N. STRONG, Disl. Mgr. Till; DAI.I.KS. OljCdON Keep Your Money In Oregon NOTICK VOU ITIIMCATION. I' Mml likv al Th tNltlra. , I'fflMwari n wu ih m(1v llMnrtrftirrntrt So ! j ltf V .ail. . t. hrL tL a. Ma. ! r w M . nitil Hull, r n mi III! In ! "' . - - i n - mm i trier it U hnt HiHtHlMUIl ti .f .i t rfll ih itjilt'i I. " l H i i I' H 4 lil A r I i, i Ihr 'unit !,,, .trflw. II l I lit I mlf HH mi d. mtkr ftha! Rf MI ... H lolhllllMI ilMI' . 41 WMI ll,1ll ' "I til I li ! 4'ew 'UlillUl Ihr lilt) .In M'il , II I 1 i .iiii.ue4i.Miff t ti ft K tAlttiMill lum .. w l.ifrj Mol'll I. I" "! " flic i Hh ti 1 A Uirgrtll I Ul I f I glill t riii.l.i rui riiiinil i nml u a IIMHI , t n i anil ll in f K '! mi im a. ! I i.l t M ' -'.(.., t t it, n t . ""K ' t i I 4 I . -t . j , M t MMI Kgil'l t U NUTIL'K I'"t)U I'ltllLIt'ATIoN N,Mrito". ..llh. ImI.ii.h I' I !". .1 Til. lull.. ... f.tMita.f it i,ii Nnllr U glrni thai K.'h.i.I T I ,' ri.auiUi lMf.ii wli.t mi....Wr i.i I I. HuMt.t4.Ml H . 14 4. Nf.. Ml V.,1.1 :t.i:;i"?.'tng7aTc You Have the Right Tninkislvlno Diy. Over thn nvr anil throuan live wood To aramirether'ii houw we no Ttt horwt known ttw way To carry lh l-IKh Throuli tu while ami ilrlflf.1 tnovr. Over th rlvrr and Ihrounh the wood Oll. how I he Mlliil ilo MOW! It Minae the ! And lil 'mi the Fie Ai over the wound we en. Ovr lh river and llirnuKli the wood To have a first rate piny. lltwr the helli rlnir, 'Tlna-a-llnit-dlria'" Hurrah for ThankaKlvlns day! Over the river and through tho wood Trot fait, my dapple aray. HprlnK o'er the icround l.lkr a hunllna hound. Kor thli la Thunkaglvlnic day. Over the river and throuch the wood And trulghl throuvh the barnyard Kale. We aeem to ko Kitremrly alow It la ao hard to wultl Over the river nnd through the wood Now crandmother'a cup 1 apy! Hurrah for the fun! la tho puddlnK done? Hurrah for the pumpkin plot A Shipload of Toya. Hundreds of ton of toyx, (lolls nnd rollroud corn, Jumping Jnckn nnd auto mobiles nnd llylni; innclilnon camo lulu I'hlhiilclphla the other day on the mourner iJortmuud. Tho Hteiuuer cumo from Ilnmhure, (ioriniiuy. nnd cnrrlcd no frolKht except toya. Thin Ih tho drat of many hucIi ciitkooh Unit will be brought ncroHii tho ocenn before ClirlHlmiiH for tho boya and BlrU of America. The 8'mallett leland. Tbo BmnlloHt InhahlUd Inland In tho world la tho rock on which ainndu the Eddyutono lighthouse. Robert'a Deep Regret. It would be excellent Indeed If a turkey were a centipede, Kor then It would not be too late For drumitlcka when folka reach my plate. to file on 160 Acres of "Carey Act" Government Irrigated Land You must act promptly or this land will be gone as it is settling rapidly. Write for Information to Central Oregon Irrigation Co. LAND COMMISSIONHN, RBDMOND, ORHdON 415 RAILWAY EXCHANQE, Portland Ore. BEND, OREQON V. 7 4 ) ? . i m m b a 3 A