The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, March 29, 1911, Image 7

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    - JMLIi Wll I" f
Lilly's Seeds have become known as the standard of excellence through
out Central Oregon. We have them.
Dry land alfalfa, extra choice, per II) 25c
Medium red clover, per lit 25c
He-cleaned timothy, peril) 20c
Kxtra choice white clover, per II) 40c
Jtcst Kentucky blue tfiass, per lb 40c
Kill I line of vegetable and llowcr seeds in 5c and 10c packages with com
plete directions for their planting and care.
Sweet 1'uiim .inlxutt and royal; mixed. kt int.,
fie; wr Ih 50c
llumtim Mnmmotli Sunllowor, or Hi . 25c
HueU. Market Garden, 'r ok. 10c: iter Hi. 65c
Corn, curly. MlnnwtotH, jxtIIi. 25c
Carrots, half long Pauvers, er or.. 10c; II). 05c
Carrot, white Belgian, k.toz.10c per lb. 75c
Onions. nd Wcathorsflcld. mt ox. U0c; Hi. 1 .50
1 DnlotM.Ori'Koa yellow l)uiiverti,oz.20V,lli. 1.50
' Onion Seta, wr lit., I Be; 2 for 25c
' Parsnip, Hollow Ci own, per or.. 10c; II). 50c
'I 1'tiut; Stratagem, ier II) 25c
Peas. American Wonder, jnjr lb 25c
Itutulmgn, Yellow Swede, JK.T or.. 10c; lb. 65c
Turnlpt, White Kgg, or oz. 10c; k.t lb. 60c
Turnipi, early white Flat Dutch, per oz.
10c;cr II) 60c
OfM'ZCB""""1' nm Mt'''' lnt? nicnt,SM,'vc their card party problems.
1 I lZfCo Vc have made a collection from our .stock of articles
.suitable for card party prizes. These include eandle sticks in brass,
china and crystal; dainty creamers and sugars, bou bon dishes, brnss
bowls, etc. They are on display on our second Hoor.
"The Store of Better Values"
Bend, Oregon
V. I). Barm of Ijildlaw. wiot In
Bend Friday.
Itoscw llowanl returned to Port
land Saturday.
T. W. Hoono of Metollus was (a
Howl yesterday.
M.J. Morrison can locate you on
U'JO acre homesteads, tf
Sam McMurtrle opened IiIh lunch
room on Bond Street Sundaygjjjgjt
V. S. Sines from Silver Li8.
cotno to be In Hcntl several rnontMj'
Perfection In confections Low
ney' at Patterson's. 2tf
S. the 11. M. &. W. Co. for
threshers, enRincii, stenrn gang
plows, etc. l'
The Patterson Drug Co., has wild
it oltl soda fountain to a concern at
Mm. F. C. Fish and win left for
Salem Montlay to bo gone n couple
of month.
Photo mailers, lurgo nntl small,
fr sale nt The llullutin olllco.
There wan n very successful nntl
well nttentletl dunce ut Muster's Hnll
Friday night.
Miss Wilson entertained the Bridge
club hwt week. MIhh Coleman hoiiiR
the hostimtt thin week.
"Spring law come." How about
.I... ....imr imlriMit nt ImiiMife David-
t in,. njiMun -
I twutV harbur shop.
L "tV. M. Cnrnett, of the Cornott
V Stago & Auto Co., of Prinovllle,
1 wan in Head hint week.
Dr. A. A. HurrlH roturned last
week' from " ' weeks trip to
Texan, and northern Mexico.
Cutout that old spring suit and
wo will make it look like now.
Peerless Piotwing Parlors. G2tf
MrH. M. S. Keln who has been
viHltiiiR Mr. anil Mm. W. E. Crim
es, loft for Portland, Montlay.
1 hereby announce that I hnvo
Hoveretl nil connection with tho
Bend Construction Company and
hereafter urn In no way responsible
for nccounta incurred In their name.
3.7 Arthur Proctok.
letin nasforsnio the
After heiriR confined to his hod
with rheumatism for two months,
A. A. Anthony is aRitin able to Ret
Ixwnuy's Candied, fretth and de
licious, at The Puttorson DruR
HUire. 2tf
On Monday It. B. Gould started
survey work preparatory to estab
lishing Rrades on Wall and Ilond
,.Dr. William C lutl- of Seattle.
tal- T . IaJLET-II
xnewn km UjpfM
Tho Bend Bui
beat quality blue print iwipcr; liRht
and heavy weight, and duplex
paper, tf
Mrs. F. W. StnfTord left Bend
Saturtlny to Doe her brother Chris
Throlstrup nt Seattle who Is not ex
pected to live.
Friday evening commencing at
six, the Lndlett Aid Society will give
a New Kngland Supper In the Chup
man Building.
I can show you tho latest styles
In Indies suit perfect ilts guanin
teetl prices, $lf and up. Mrs, G.
W. Shrlner. 2-1
Ijwt Thursday the first issue of
the Deschutes Valley Tribune matlo
itH appearance nt Culver. Chandler
A Young are the publishers.
Antoi) Anne. MurrIo Auno and
Mrs. Auno senior, loft today for
Tacoma to visit rolntivos and got
medical attention for Mrs. Auno.
Kvory $1.00 purchase entitle you
to a chance tin I'uUer.son's chettt of
Commuidty Silver. Your number
may bo tho lucky one. titf
bjst Tuesday afternoon the "f00"
club wius entertained nt the homo
of Mrs. Thomaa Itynn. Next week
the meeting is held at Mrs. Steidl's,
F. Koolfen nntl F. G. Montgomery
of Pendleton, Ore., were in Hentl
Saturday, returning Montlay, Mr,
KoefTen is n property owner here.
Tho ladies of Rend are Invited to
call nt my rooms over tho Pntterson
Drug Store and inspect the new lace
front corsets I hnvo for sale an
Ideal corset. Mrs. G. W, Shriner.
K. A. Cast was in Bend yesterday.
F. V. Swisher of Ijiidluw, wiw in
Ilend Saturtlny.
List your projwrty with the Home
seeker's Ijind Co., Wull Street,
Ilend, Ore. tf
John Steidl returned from Port
land liwt Friday.
C M. Richards of Portlnnd has
come to Bend to locate.
'Die Peerless l'l-esalntr lnrln nr..
now located at The Toggery on Ore-
WgQjcrturf will Issue county
MIJWtengcs ngnln this summer.
Pennut ButtcrjKU nt Th pn.
tenton Drur Stwigweck. 2tf
The large nt-Slnffrggm In Uie
rfend Hotel is beingptleted and
IUnUd. 'f.
Best Keuffel & Esser bluprlnt
paper for sale at Bulletin' dfflccm
Mr. nntl Mrs. P. A. S&tBSrHU
Uie fonnor's mother were TnBni
Shingles now for snl.. In mr
Seo us beforo you buy. Stevens &
nentirlcK. 3
I. T. Throlstrup is now the Bent!
ngent for Uie Buckley Express Co.
and the Moore Auto Co.
E. It. Post located' seven homo
Btoadera in the Hampton Buttu
country last week.
M. Mel-Veof the railroad contract,
ing firm of Henry & McFoo, was at
tho Hotel Bend Tuusday night.
Victor double face records, luwt
talent in the world, two wilections
7retH at Patterson Drug Store.
The Whatsoever gave a most
successful "Dime Social" in tho
Frank Mnyapartmonta Friday night.
Wantkd. A well driller to sink
well nt brick ynrd of Bend Brick &
Tile Co. tf
I-nat week tho "500" club met ut
Mra. II. E. Allen's. Thl Wlnna.
tiny the meeting is held nt the homo
of Mra. F. F, Smith.
Tho $100 chest of Community
Silver is to bo given away soon nt
Tho Patterson Drug Store save
your tickets. 2tf
Wiliuiii) I) Chewy of Seattle who
heads the hyndlcntu which recently
pur'lifuH tlie Good willlu tract sou th
unal of inwn, 111 rived la Bond yester
day. Wanm.ii Steady work on ranch
by soher, industrious young man.
1 Inquire at TaggarU' losuturnnt for
, Charles L Moltke. ii
I .1. I!. Moniaguc In building a one
story structure on lot 0 of block 13.
I'i'his building is on the north tilde of
Bond, between Greenwood and Ore
Jf you want to have your express
come on t Bend m wion as It readies
Madras. w-e II. K. Turpin, the Bentl
rejireiwnlntive of the Buckley Ex
press ( U. 2-3
Ward Cible of Kansas City, a
friend of Douglas Gartliner, will
oKn a law ollico in Buntl. Mr.
Coble is a graduate of the University
of Khiishh.
Ijwt week $2000 wroth of auto
mobile tires were shipiied to Bend.
Half were consigned Ui the Bend
Hardware Co., and half to the Cor
nett Stage Co.
The Bend Milling & Warehouse
Co. hioi securetl the agency of the
Portland Iron Works for their en
1 tire line. Can furnish estimate of
. costs for repairs. tf
j Elmer Niswongor located four men
in the Hhinpton But'e country litst
jweek. He reports that the winter
grain in that section of the home-
I stead lanils looks wry promising.
' Tlie Bend Cintruction Co. has
I dissolved its original partnership,
I Arthur Proctor having left the con
cern. J. A. Ilnzuka and W. M.
I McGregor continue their partner
, ship.
For KirtraiU nt home individual
or groups interior views, general
out door photography nntl kodak
finishing, call on C. G. Seward, tem
porary quarters opposite the post
office. 2tf
Tlie Johnston Building on Wnll
street, with its new addition, occu
pied by Kennedy & Thompson, has
been entirely repainted. The Com
mercial Club room has been painted
nntl iapered.
Foa Sai.k. Barred Rock eggs for
hatching. $1.00 jier petting. Mrs
E. W. Richardson. fil-tf
1..M. I'ostoi lumalo, wno was
in town Saturday for the first time
since early last November, says: "1
hardly knew the town. Bend is
undergoing tlie biggest transform
ation in n short time of any town
I've ever seen."
Any Intelligent person mny earn
n good income corresponding for
newapniKirs; experience unnecessary.
Send stamp for full particulars,
Empire Press Syndicate, Middleport.
N. Y. 1-3
J. B. Montague has bought out
I Hunnel, Niswonger & Woolley in
I their contract for building the A
j C. Lucas resilience, and expects to
I have the building ready for occu
pancy by April 15th.
J. b, Sumrall- of Jackson, Miss.,
has comeCoHBentTwith tlie intention
of oenlng nvJaw olllco here. Mr.
Sumrall is a graduate of Washing
ton and Lee University and has
studied for two years at the Univer
sity of Edinburgh, in Scotland.
1 am the representee in Bend for
the Victor Tailoring Establishment
of Chicago, and the ladies of this
locality arc invited to call and in
spect the samples for spring and
summer suits. Mrs. G. W. Shrlner,
over Patterson Drug Store. 2-1
Dragon Mcrich has constructed
an elaborate house on Kon Ave., on
lots 1 and 2 of Block 24. It has
two stories and basement, with di
mensions 24x50 feet, and ten rooms.
Mr. Mcrich intends to start a blW
grass lawn and mnke his plac
most attractive in Center addIU55!
I To Exchange The 0
SWtf . Sec. 14, T. 17 S., R. 13 EJ
35 irriirublo ncres Price Sir.nO
For Snle and Want Ads.
Send us your orders for heavy
timber and ship-lap. Bend Lumber
Co. 43tf
Balled clover, alfalfa and wheat
hay for sale. C. P. Becker, Ijiid
luw, BOlf
Wamtmj Loggers with leams.aml
man to clear land, cut wood. Ed.
JlHlvomoti. II tf
FliKB Lots of d ry planer shavings
to boil your homos with, at the Bentl
Lumber Co.'s mill. 43tf
For Sai.k Household goods, all
kinds. Also team and harness. In
quire John .Mitchell, Bend Postof-
fiee. 1-3
For Sai.K Team of horses.wagon
and harness. Will sell iwiwrately.
W. E. Scott, at Bend Lumber Co's.
mill. J 1 tf
For Sai.K Chkai Forty acre of
Irrigated land 3 miles from Bend.
on llontMiurrui noaii. Allures r.
O. Box 03. 2tf
Eggs for hatching from purebred
Silver I-aced Wyandottos. $1.00
tier setting. Mrs. W. P. Downing,
Ilend, Oregon. tf
For Sai.k Simplex pioano player
and 15 rolls of music. In excellent
condition only slightly used. In
quire at L'ini's. tf
Did you know that the Bulletin
job shop can print your visiting
cards of the best stock with hand
some script tyje?
Wonted: 100 pine telephone
polos, 35 feet long, 7 inches at top.
Delivered in Hcnd. Pioneer Tele
phone Co.. Prinevillc.
If you want farm machinery,
wnjfont. huggii-i. etc . see the Lend
Milling & Warehouse Co. and taw
money. Stock in soon. tf
i For Sai.K Houwhold furniture
of a 2-i-oom suite with privilege of
renting to desirable tenant. In-
1 quire at room 2, over R. M. Smith
I Clothing Co.
I For Sale or Tkaiuc. My 80-arre
farm, with lots of fruit Ml out. ''
I room house and good spring. $ 1 H00
$250 CMh. II. E. 08HORN, Wr
I Sound, Wash.
I For Sams A 35-horse jiower Em
City engine and bolter, In ftntda
conIition. Reason for Killing, we
I are doubling our capacity ami have
I ordered heavier and larger machin
ery. Mastin Lumber Co., La Pine,
For Sai.k At a bargain, one
wagon and harness, one jmir gild
ings 0 years old, weight MOO 11m
each Telephone or write E. G.
Wright. Oneil. Oregon. 3-5
Barred Rocks antl prize winning
R. C. R. I. Reds. $1.50 per fetting
Iuave orders at O'Donnoll's Meat
Market. John F. Pirrce. tf
A rapidly increasing mercantile
business in Bend needs additional
capital to enlarge ami reconstruct
its quarters and to take care of the
big increase in trade that is already
making itself felt. If interested in
the formation of a stock company
along progressive lines communicate
with XYZ care of The Bulletin, tf
Household Supplies
From time to time you will be needing various items for
the kitchen and dining room. You will want to buy
them where, quality considered, you can get them for
the least money. That is at our store. We are gaining
the reputation of being "the store where the prices are
right," and every article that leaves Rowc's Store Is
guaranteed to give satisfaction or money back. Here
are a few items and prices.
Granite CofTee Pots..35c, 50c, 9QC
Granite Tea Pots 45c
Granite Stew Pans 20cto55c
Granite Stew Kettles....-25c to 60c
Granite Pudding Pans-.lOctO 40c
Granite Dairy Pans ISctO 25c
Granite Bread and Cake
Pans 15c tO 55c
Fry Pans 15c to 40c
Wash Tubs 90c and $1.20
Wash Boilers $1.65
Tea Spoons, per doz 15c to 90c
Tnble Spoons, perdoz...40ctO $1.40
Knivos-Forks perdoz 75ctO$l.50
Plates, per dozen $1.10
Cups and Saucers, per set 15c
Dozens of other useful items in Tin
ware and Graniteware."
Rowe's Economy Store
Next Door to Postoffice, Bend
"The Same Goods for Less Money.'
m w .
m at
FtSe Wrt
Adjoins Bend on the south.
Most beautiful residential sec
tion in Bend.
Also Some Choice Business Lots.
Timber Lands Bought and(Sold.