c n. u. McUSTON . Will open their new store in the Rowlee building, corner Wall St. and Greenwood Ave., on or about April First, with a very select line of FANCY AND STAPLE GRO CERIES, HOUSE FURN1SH1NOS and VARIETY GOODS. Watch for our BIG OPENING Announcement "'tT&J&SZfS) Souvenirs We will give to eacli and every J visitor to our store on that day a VERY BEAUTIFUL AND USE FUL SOUVENIR. W. C. McCUISTON CO. J.A.Eastes Riverside and Lytle Additions Choice Lots $100. Up. Easy Terms. BEST BUYS IN END Special: Lot on Hawthorne Ave. . . $1)00 7tf Acras Irrigated Lund $12,500 3,500 wish, balance on easy terms. J. A. EASTES Oregon Street, Bend, Oregon AN EQUINE JOKER. Sculptor Ward'a Modal. Lax, 8amed to Hava 8ni of Humor. Tho Into .t. 0 A. Wind, tho ariilptiir, found cirat dlvorxlun In wiitchltii: tho tricks uml poi'UlliirliloN of ilio lioNea which nerved in model for homo of UN (Minim- Hitttuos. tlo mmlo frlotuN Willi iliom nil. uml III) WHS II tOOd Moml to Iliom. "The only hone humorl-d Hint I linvo lind experience with." Mr. Ward N quoted iih wii.vlm;. "wni of tlior otiKlihred Mood, niul lu wiih n root Joker. Tlmt was Let, it borne nf tho t)UHd of tlio Initnortiil t.oxluKtoit. "l.o win of a splendid typo, tlo ntood for mo for much of my onrly work. Somehow lie dNoovered llml n Initio on whlrli I worked wnn oindly idiakcu. It won n hoard on trestle ho nrrniictM Ihnt tho position of tlio lumrd mlKlit ho altered to nltncMt nny ntifclo WIlOII I.OX HIIW I Willi bllslcSt ho would id Id t slowly nml silently to tho nldo of I ho til bio nml turn his hond to linvo n koihI look at mo n lio Jostled tho tatilo with hit shoulder or lil. It was nmtiiliiK at llrst, but It sometime hnmiH'rod mo. nnd I thought I would try n Joko In return. "I.o tind n plnro at tlio talilo llml ho Invnrlulily approached, nml when ho Htriu'k It nlwnys leaned on tho sumo corner. I .ox was not conscious when I pliu'ofl my compass, with the point ed ends out. twrely half an Invli ox tending over tho odco of the tnlile. and braced the other end iiKnlust n welKht. "I lind not Ionic to wait before I.ox Rontly en me up. him! I thought I eould sv mischief In his eyo. lie took lilt usual place, niul then when I prctcud oil to be very tiuy lie pushed the tnlile In his usual uiHiiuer. prh-ked his sIhuiI der on tho otnts nnd Jumped Itm'k with a snort. Ilo liMikiil hniic and hard at mo, hut took his place of duty. The Joko wiih against li 1 tit Hint time." WHEN THE PLAGUE RAGED. Cat and Dog Lawa In England In the Sixteenth Cantury. Disease Mini tho dK were I toileted to walk together In tho sixteenth cen tury. Tlu. terrier then was as much a HiHKvt as tho rat today. In plague time ho had only to venture Into i!k Htrei't to court death. Hero I an or der It mil tiy the authorities at Win chester In 1.VS3. which Is typical of tho rest: "That If any limine within this cytle shall happen to lx Infected Willi tho Plague, that them every tersono to kcepo within hi nr her house every his or her dogg ami not to HiilTcr then) to koo nt In rue. And If nuy doggo Ih then founile at large It aliaH be lawful for tho llendlo or nny other penioti to kill the same dope and that any owner of audi dogg going at large abnll loao 0 ahllllnga." Among the rrcorda of King's I.ynn. under May. 1SS3. appeared this: "For as muchoas It hnlh pleased Allmlghtle Uod to begyun to avml u tila visits clon with alckncs amongst ua and that dogges and cattos oru thought verlo mitltt to bo suffered In Hits tyme. Therefore, Mr. Mnlor. nldcrmen and common routicell have ordered and decreed that every Inhabitant within tho iminu Town hIioII forthwith tnko nil their dogges and ynppe nml hniigo them or kill them ami en r rye them to Homo out place nnd buryo them for brendlngc of a groat nnuojaure. "And likewise fur cat tea. If there be any nigh unto any limine or houses vIh lied with sk-kiies. It It ordereil that the cat let shall forthwith In- klllcti In all mocIi placid." An oxevptluii whh made In favor of any "dniwe f -rouipte." Such a one Mat adoHeil to he kept If "kelielled or tied up or led in a leuati." Chicago Ne. DRAINAGE DISINFECTION. How to Maka It a Pravantlv of Alt Sort of Dliaaiat. Many lioutewlxet ate alwayn eon corned n bum the Hitnlinry uuiiIIIIcm of tho ili'iiiuiico of their liinneH, itmt their thotiKhlM could nut bo plneed on it more momenioiit itieNilou Hint might ttllto nbmii the health lit tho home. Din-turn lime pinMil Hint In tho mn Jorlty of ItiKlnucoH where ilhcitKe Iiiih iiHsnlleil a family wIioIchiiIo the drnlm nu wnt at fault, for from t lilt hiuiivo mny come any autmiut of imilmlli't It the pniper ntteutlou It imt given to tho different hccHoum of thin great util ity. To beghi with, all ayatoniH of drain ngo lime wlmt Ih cnllisl a chtllntor. a largo pipe which IciuU to the roof of dwellings Tlilt Hhmild alwa.VH bo till NtopiHil. nnd every (line tho roof It pnlnlitl. which It about onco a year. Homo carbolic acid Hhotild bo aprayiM Into tlilt ilM. Next the bnthroom nceda your nt teutlou. ltathtub, waHlittaiidt nnd toilet Hhould have their done of chlo ride at lenHt onco u week, but tho of toner the belter. The Hluk needs n goi'd ncnlilliig nnd Hcriibblng after each titnge, nml a dote of chloride or a little carliolle acid combined with the chloride Hhmild bo ndmlnlttered to tho drain every evening. Do not HuMi tlilt through nt onco. Let It (liter HimiikIi during tho night. Tlilt will nerve to clean tho pi pet iih well at dtnlufivt and purify them. Hut the work iloot not end hero. You hno an ottlHlilo olotel told Win fivt thiirotiKhly An ounce of caibollc acid In a Iih If pall of m-nlillug uuti-r In whk'h a half i'hii of (hlntlile hat lie, u dtittitl It initio too ttroiiK a porltli r hero nt In the toilet of the iKillirixinn of tho upper Htnrlot. Then tho llunl woik can bottllendnl to by it lilnil man. where all irapt are lirtnl on niul n like i!um elieu. Iholiah I tlilt It iieciwtary only eiery few 1 moiitht or twice learly where proK'r care It gheii to the upper home throiiKhmit tho year. There It ahviijt an otitaldo drain at the upon hydrant, which H forgotlell by lltott liiillHcw let when the weekly Rdmlulttratloij of clthirhle It III Tfr ret. Pon'l forget It, at Hilt la a MUireo that mlxlit contaminate the nlr ln'foro It enter tho home. (InrlMKc. no matter )nw Htimll the iiuantlly. Hhmild not ! drixttltitl In the drain, at little by little Hilt will Hiirely clog the pipit and canxo much trouble. (Mtlet and townt pay largo n mount of money each yiar to linvo tlilt material enrted away, and lint houowlfo linn no earthly rxruto for nut mailing hrmclf of tlilt ervlce. Just try Tlie Hullctin Job Priutcry. KEEP YOUR MONEY IN OREGON; EVERY Oregoniagl INSURIil) mill UN1NSUKI-I) f , lias a rlKht to feci proud of the UNMATCHED RECORD of Oregonlif The Only Life Insurance Company EXCLUSIVELY OREGON BESTFOROREGONIAN! Homo Olfkc: Corbet! MulldliiK'. Portlntid A. I.. AULI.S. Pros. I - SAAUilili.Oen. Alnttnucr e E. N. STRONG, Dist. Mgr. TUli DAI.I.I2S. OWIKION Keep Your Money In Oregon Good Read Malpara. Ilon't bo Ji'Hloix of the ntltomohlle owner, for If he doen't linp'ti mown Inml In your towuttilp ho I iwiylng tnxit In iiiiiio other place and thtia ronirlbutPt hit olinre toward the tank ing of Ix'ttcr nmilt. and In tunny In atancc he Ih ndtnticlug money to aid In riMid ronitructlnn If n road l mnile better for an autntnobll It I alio mndn betivr for n buggy with load of rjf In the back ml. A Qooil Mov., It It n good hltt to hare n lMn illlrh at rarh aide of the road lMf.ir. winter. Tho other day a farmrr plow rt n good furrow nut nf rarh dHrh of the road nlnngthle Ida farm, nnd hr, pulled tho dirt over the grade with a road drag. It wna a neat thing to do Tho dirt put on tho grado waa not enough to make mud. but rnougti to open a rlrar track for tha watar Into racti ditch. You Have the Right Sale of Timber j'ortlaHd. OrtgM, M.rch M. fan. gr.lMa nutrkad Matai4"II d.Tiwbw ! ApptteUwi, Vtltmtty 14. iv". Wahaua.' " ddr.l to Ibc WMiW h. Von hrvt. 1'ottUrxl, OrrKOH wtU I rl "P K t l ctudiMg thd Jy of ApH. '' "i1 Hirrchloubl Atml limber. Maadmg or down, "ltd ill lb llv liwli" ''1 f'Vu!lWir ? rit officar. ltcd on an rt to be dtBHitrly SB.lKnl-d ty lh l'oir oHuer lifcrr t-u; Ktc iTTs! m, twrtkiu. i ud o. M'.K hb bK&V"'.?.' erg hX s- Hli SKW twW WK. M SH $ i?,'T .Mb , K 9 It, W' M v-ilhln lh JJtKhu Noooiial l'orr.t. Oregon. etliiijild U 11,6 loatrtt . M. ofli.r and IW.w fl B t of dead wcirtrru yellow lue and 17o. II. M, of live lodgewle jdne, w Umber, !" K.le. mora or Uia.' No'tiid of lata than ft y Ir Ibouaaud feet n. SI. forlWe jellow pint icut and rcmottd prior lo Htbruary , Ii4.aijd Ut lln.it J par ftouaand feat II M. frll live yellow tine cut and removed after February . 914. J!a5r?r'lhou4le.ia Jor dead yeirw flne. and I' o per mwi"., - . - .'-- iXipole Pine, will becon.lderedand adepo1t of .".f'Krri.J .i.rc.rih I'iral National lunk ofl'ortTand. Oregon, mut be aent to that Unk for eat li bid aubmltled lothe Wlatjlrt Fore.ter. Tl n.Ur upon valid clalma la exempted from aale. The rlahtlo reject any and, all bidaWreaerved. For further Information and regulation, gown tug iatta addre.. Fore.t SuperriaQr, UeijUlutea Natloual Fore.t, Prlnevtll. Oregon. J! c. J. UUCK, Acting Uiatflct I'ore.ter IJUILOINO I'LA.NS. J. W. Dimick la lirormrwl to do all kinds of liiuh grailo architocturHl work, make iIhiw, IJue jirinU, otc, fir buainoaw housw nd rwii doncoa. tf ATIIlNriON A1ILLAIUN. If you nood uny mill macliinory or ropairs, kou tho Itund Milling & Warehouse Co. Entlmatou furnish ed on repairs and now tilanU of any size. tf TYI'IiWIttTUR UIUIJONS. Typewriter ribbons on sale at rite Bulletin Office, record ribbons for the followin machines: Oliver, Remington, Visible and Royal. t t' ..I. H. E.,Turpin is the Bend agent for the Buckley Express Co. 2-3 . Iniquities Har Delight. Site wna walking arouml the corri dor of the l'oirnivaiila Ainileiuy of tho I'Iho Aria wlih her plm-f no hold at oltww leiixth. otUleutly ad miring ihhih' of tb Horkn. AlltHHiKji thekowiftlHit alio' wore waa vory'ef IKfiiahe. li illil not h"H w-l tiiale. aud a Miiglo glniieo wntilil -ouliH'o one that he waa of tho cluan known an tho "new ly rl U." All aH'unlnliilire aeeoHtttl her with tlio romurk, "I didn't know that you won amli nh admlror of curb, Jlra. ." "t)h, yoai, latletd." alio rofdled: "I Jtmt delight lu lnkUltliM.M - rijllmlulplilu Tlmw. Tha Lady or tha "Tlfle.'I" "Will jou bo my wlfer Thin U mi Middun!" I know It. but Hill your "1 iiiuat hmo lime to toualdor." 'JIow inucli timer" "vn hour. Would tho nuapoiwe drive you frantk;':" "Nopo. 'TltHl'l tho MHtneiiae. but If you are going to turn m down I want to know It and Kt away In Hmo for Kkr iwrty I havo linlfwny promUHNl lo Join." Now York World. Sorrow. Harrow la not aa liublent occurring now and than. It N tho wixif whhli la wovuti Into tho warp of life, and ho who Iwm not dhMoriied tho dlvlno aa crednoaa of aortow and tho profound moaning which U c-oiiotaloil In pain lum yot to loam whut life U. I". W. ItoburtMou. Shed Your Lluht. Tnlonta nro not wiutcd In n narrow xptiuro. Voiir lamp eould add but lit tlo to the groat glow Hint lllumlnea the world, but It may (III with light a home that without It would bo In dnrkucHH. i Tlo not hurried nwny by excitement, but My. "Semblance, let me aee what you are and what you repreucnt." EpIctetUB. ' juaatmgaTawu: .jauauij ho file on 160 Acres of "Carey Act' ' Government rigated Land You must act promptly or Lhis land will be gone as it is settling rapidly. .! Write for Information' to i c a etitra! Oregon ation Co. Irnof LAND COMAUSSIONnK, RnOMOND, CKHdON 415 iRAILWAY EXCHAQE, Portland Ore. BEND, OREQON 5 I,