The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, March 29, 1911, Image 1

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NO. 3
ft i.
1 1 A UN l Y TOWN.
Orrnt Ailvnnln;rit In I'rrlchl mid I'nin-
"iKcr IrnKIc Will NcmiII I'rom
llend (torn Road lllg Undo
Come llcrc.
'I I. ul IliiniH In iivmi more enthusl-
hnIk' tlum ltcnd concerning (hu now
!' imI HlirilM IOIIiIk i till IH'WM
l'i "unlit liy two Hums boosters, who u n'cniiiiiilwinre trip over the
ih'W mule liwt week.
Id.' visitors fiiitn tlt Harney
..uniy Scat were K. W. Van Vnlk-
nluirg and A. J. Passenger. They
lr.c to I lend over the mute of the
! roiul, for much of tint distance
f .1 lowing the Hugs not out by the
mm ylng crew.
It'M thu greatest road making
lr.'HKjtloii In Oregon" said Mr.
i'iiwnger. "Never wan anything
I m- a ha regards cheap construction
r it llrnl chuw road."
The chief purMw) of tho llurns
1'irtiH visit was, in aililltlon to spy.
i'nf ..ut thu "lay of thu lain!." to
uvrtal how noon HuriiH business
will 'iiiiu tlilit way.
V understand there arc (10
h .plu ready to (dart In for Bunw
w Hend at onc'." iwld Mr. Van
nikt-nliurg. "It i practically im-I'.Kodili-
to make thu trip from
i'iiiii-villi now. Thu road over
Itmk .Mountain, except when fnw-
01 -,,h,, K all hut lmitMMlHllle
I wrlMiy In llurns in anxious to
ki (Mnga started this way."
Warding to the Huron tiuti thu
. iiuv to Vale, ISuriw' present
f -hipping Hint, In IW miles.
I 'i. !t twice iM-lwuen Murtiii and
I . 'i- kImhiI l to miles. Itul the
! . Muriix mail in lewl fur the en
' i -.(.iinT. mid (uf fpHii "dnlie
I t while lk rtutw U Valw
. two laugua of mountains,
' I .id hill, mud wid M?k.
ii . f th' Hum freight mute
1I1. .im-City, distant so miUw.
I.'.i ''! railnwd freight, due to v-I-.
tiuriitferinir fmm standard
t 1 wr.iv. gauge car, pltu an ex
t. 1 . i md nad, makea thin route
: ttle pmcticMl value.
W run Height from Rend for
.in- mil a pound," said thu Harney
( ..ui,t men. "Thu noriiiHl cliarge
t nie ik 1 '4 cunt. In addition t
tliH- tlie Portland-Vale railroad
frvivrhl charge- of course in greatly
in i-xi'iim of that which will prevail
U'lMceu Portland ami lU'iid. Alto
gether, Hums merchants figure they
will save about a cent n jmuhuI by
freighting from Hend."
Another feature that enters into
tlw frelKtink situation Is thu fact
that car load freight from ChlcaRo
ami other tuutterniliiitribiitinK point
will he hauled to Rend for Iiim than
to Viilc with hut few exceptions.
Thin in hucausu on caMtcrnHhipmcnUi
More Bank Talk
Did it ever occur to you why all Rood buslnoHH men
keep n checking account with a hank? We'll tell
you. It enahltw them to keep their funda in a moru
aecuro plans than thu olllco wife. It kWch them a
better alandlng in the huaineas world. It enahlua
them to pay their hills by check, thu return check
being an undiaputahlu rqcclpt.
Individuals find a checking account- very con
venient and a source of saving. Money In one's
pocket ia often Bpent on the apur of tho moment,
Kvhllo one ia iliapoacd to think twice before drawing
on Ida or her balance in thu hank.
rainy day. Start a bank account with
where your money ia always absolutely safe.
The Deschutes
Banking 8c Trust Company
Of Bend, Oregon
Conservative Banking for Conservative People."
! 11. HAIKU, (President) J. W. MA8T1W8, (Vice 'resident)
1. O. MINOR, (Secretary)
' I) i Rite to a a:
!.. II. 11AIUI). 1'. O. MINOR. S. V. HAIKU.
charKO l made to the coiiHt, uddcil
to which in the local freight from
I'ortland hack to the Interior ileuti
niillon. Rend 1h coiiHlduiahly niim-
er I'oitland than Vale, and ho will
lecelve frelxht with a Ichh local hack
I haul addition to the IrauNconllncn-
1 tal rate.
Many fielKhteiM are pieparltiK to
come thlH way f 10m Rurim an kooii
iiH the rallioad rcLh here. AIho a
iiumher of motoi ttuckHeach enpa
lile of I111111III11K ten tmiM, ato pre
pared to operate on thu uuw road.
The piuwoiiifcr tralllc in thin di
rection will hi' latKu, all travel from
Harney County westward comlnif
via llend. At pnuwint f(! Iiourn, np
proxlmatuly, art) coiuuunud In the
trip to i'ortland via Valu, Thufaru
Ik over $H0. Thlrty-Hlx hours will
1)0 ahout the time via Rend, paw
eiiKcrH luavltiK Rurim In thu morn
iiiR and arriving In I'ortland thu
nuxt uvuninif. It iri entimated that
the faro will he itlxiut $'M.
"Thu country In wtttlliiK rapidly
II It. n uuiiv lii tin. ItiiriinV Connlv
11,11 ,,.v .... -. .. - - -
lliuu from Rund, and wu aru locating
from tho other und, wild Mr.
Tho' huvliiK no olllclal connection
with It, thu Rurnn men enmo omu
what aa emiwuiriuH of thu Hunm
(Commercial Club. They ured that
local repreM'ntatlvOH o to Rurnit,
and promiHo nuch a royal welcome.
Ilurna will come to Rend en man)
to help celehrato thu nrrivnl of thu
Thu cotiHlructlon crew nUirtcd
opuratlonn on tho new road Monday.
I'ortlind Man Hoy Property North of
town Konldc River.
('. M. Richard of I'ortland ha
purcliHMHl i; .1 ucri'H HdjolniiiK'
Rlventide, hetwceti it and the I)w
clnite. north of Rend, from 'I'Iiouum
Tweul. The IhihI IkiukIiI I lit in
M of tw 1-1 of Sec. W. It i
uiuleraliHid $275 an cre wh the
tirin. tutiil fur the tract. .1. A.
j KtiMti-N lutndtt-d the di-Hl. What hc
turn Mr Richar U intend" t- Uike
'with the land ih n-d winut.vd.
tirthrsi Cluti Will CnlvrUtii VMl
liiK li.liiCKtorx. )(flcrn I'.lvctid.
At a nice linK f cullee imn Iwld
in the OmimvicUil Cluh nnrnw I'ri
ilny uvewitiK tlw Mhmmjc olllwrs
for H t'hiMTHlty Club were elected.
I'rwhlent. V. I). IbtrnuM of'lJiid
Iwvv. of Nortlmeatern Univemity;
Vict-l'ntt.. Ii. S. Yuun. California.
Sec.. J. K. Sawhill. Woatern Ri-mtvu.
It wax ducidml to hold an inform
al Immpiot and wuoker on April
lfith followiiiK thu vxerciaoM in con
noctiun with the Cnwik County
feacher'a liwtltute to ho hold here
on that date. It ia the intention of
the cluh to nrnuure a program of
accche. The illnner will la- mrtlc-
ularly for the vlaituiK male toacnura.
An invitation to attend will he ex
tended to all colleiie men in Prints-
ville and other town. Some 2fi
memla.'ra are now enrollwl in the
new cluh.
AKY.IINLAUGKA1KNT. New MkIU Ordcrrd, Police Snlnrlea j
Rulurd, Jail l.'((ilpiurilt Improved,
tools llouulit I'or Strceta,
lly City I'atlier.
Coe, Aune, Sellera. O'Noil. Allen
and Kelly were preaent at the coun
cil meeting held Monday afternoon
to paaa upon laatThuraday'a election
on thu nueatlon of enlarging tho
city'a houudariea.
Thu vote aa ennvnaaed showed fill
for enlargement, !t opaiaeil. A certl
flml copy of the reaolutlon accepting
tho vote aa canviuwd and the new
city Mnmdarles sent to thu County
The city now included everything
ImjIwccu the Duachutoa River on the
weat, 10th Street in Center Add!
lion on thu eaat; on the south
along the line of t'wna'p 17 from the
river aa far aa the aoutheaat corner
of Pencil u tea Addition, thence to the
northeaat corner of iJcachutea,
thence east along the Bouth line of
Rend and Center Addition to 11th
Street; on the north bounded by K
Avenue in Riverside Addition.
On motion of Kelly it was ordered
that the inverted cyphone on Fourth
atreet las taken out within 30
On Allen's motion Street Com-
jmlltoeWHs Instructed to purchase
decennary tolls for atreet improve
ment, the auino to b given into the
charge of the Nlice force.
Sollcrs motion that Police Com-
miuee nuy mihckium, etc., to euro
for four prisoners was paed.
On Sfllera motkm the awlary of
iHilicemt'ii was raimsl from 7r to
j'.ai h month, the change to date
front March M.
'Ilie mxl nitwling will m held at
h P. .M. on 'iuMltt,v, April 3rd.
Little bualnea wm trunaactwl at
I Friday night'a is.uncil meeting.
i-jiwvu, IMN.-, v xiuii.'ii, nuvn ari
Coo wre prvaent.
A MtJtiitn, heu ring aignntunMi of
Jfi proKrty ownera waa proKtttoil.
rtNiwsating the oatahliahmuul of a
atreet light at the comer f .IuniHsr
Avw ami 11th atreet. UK)ii motion
of Allen it was decided to install such
An informal diacuaaion concerning
the capacity of thu proaont arc light
wjia indulged In. It npjioars thnt
complaint la Insing made to the ef
fect that the area are not of full
100 candle aivver cawcity, aa con
trnclwl for by the city. No action
was taken.
Roomy ollicoa in new building on
Wall Street. Ideally located in
center of town. Directly on street.
Apply at Rulletin office.
Contractors Builders
AM Kinds of Furniture and Cabinet
Work. All Work Fully Guaranteed
Atanaiser Morion o tho Deachutea
Land Co.. Outlines Spring Actlv
Ity 011 Promising Project
South of Hcnd.
J. K. Morwin. miiniif
Kf of the
Dmehutoti Ijind Oimnunv. which la
Irrigating 28.000 ncroa in tho vicini
ty of I-a Pine, ;12 milea south of
Rend, tiaaaod through Uiwn Friday
on his way from Portland V) La Pine.
Already the irrigation comtianv has
on the ground much machinery to
be used in its reclamation work this
spring, while much more is now on
the way In. hither at Metollua or
in the cara. ia n one-vnrd dredger.
built at and shipod from Stockton,
California, and eight yard-and-a-hair
steel cars, purchased from Porter
Already on the ground is their
automatic 2-8 yard steam shovel,
which has been remodelled for right
as well us the left hand work, 11-2
II. P. steam engines to be used in
clearing right of way, a 5 II. P. en
gine for wood cutting and tow 2
II. P. engine for pumping wnter to
supply the large engines; for those
wells will be (lug along the right of
way, as the work progresses, Uiuh
saving the exjKsnwj of keeping three
water hauling outfits constantly at
work, aa otherwise would be necei
wiry. It ia the comjwny's intention,
aaya Mr. Moraon, to have a force of
probably 00 met) at work by April,
with the hoiie of getting 10,000
Lucre under water by July 1.
The flrat work will Iks done MjKKn
the main canal leading from Cres
cent Creek. ImsIow Creacent Jjike,
some 13 miles to the land.
Mr. Moraon aaya three shovels
will be put n the canal work, ai-
j ready go mile of right away having
,ln cleared. It will b 10X.) feet
J wide at the lop and 80 feet at Iwt-
uim lor i mues, wnvn u uiminmiea
one-third in dimension, a sub-main
branching oil, who waters are to
irrigate 10,000 actus. The work
will be commenced from the upjwr
end of the canal. It will be carried
on by both day and night -shifts;
aacetylin light have been ordered
and for them a ton of carbide.
To irrigate the lands to bo ro
clnimod by the Deachutes Comimny
CM) second feet of water is required,
aaya Mr. Moraon. While in many
Msasons the natural How from Cres
cent Lake equals this amount the
company proHoa to store Hood
waters in a resevoir by darning the
lake. The promised dam, which is to
installed as soon as icrmission is
be obtained from the Department of
the Interior, will be an earth fill 460
feet long, 23 feet high and GO feet
wide at biuso. By it D5.000 acre feet
of water will he aUired, inaurln an
ample nupply for the landa in the
drieat tuitinonH. .
A Hinall Haw-mili in xnu ahlnned
Inti Im Pine. "It will he complete.
witli planera. etc, with a daily cut
AT tin capacity of 10,(XX) feet." aaid , BIO BRIDGE NEXT
Mr. Moraon. We are neKotintinK
with the Foroatry Uuatrtment for
the purchiUMi of five million feet of
timber. Much of thin la .'10 per cent
clowr. Our intention in to aell the
lumlxjr we manufacture, above that
required in our own construction, U)
the w.'ttlora on our landa, practi'
cnlly nt ewtt"
Something new for Bond-
announced Inter Everybody
start preparing exhibits now.
I'lne Forest Irrigation Company Lets
Ditch Building Contract.
The Pine Forest Irrigation Co. is
inaugurating much work, with the
intention of completing all their
construction this summer.
The contract for building flume
No. 1 has been let to E. A. KnotU
and the work on this will be com
pleted in 10 days. Contracts aggre
gating from two to three miles of
! ditch work have been let to George
Iiowcll, John Swlger and W. J. Mc
Gillvray. Additional contracts for
ditch nnd flume building will be let
April 1st. The totaj number of
ncros to be watered vby the Pine
rorest Co. is approximately 5000.
east of Bend, averaging about four
miloa distant from town. Tho com
pany secures its water through the
Arnold Irrigation Co. ditch, of
which organization it is a subsidiary
company. The North Irrigation
Company also will build three Humes
and much ditch, with the expecta
tion of completing its work by the
middle of May.
Day of Spring llouirc(canlng Improves
IJcnJ's Appearance,
, Yeaterday was "Clan-up Day"
for Bend. By proclamation of the
Mayor all property owners, lease
holders and agent were instructed
to clear up their premises 'and the
streets ami alleys adjoining them.
piling the refuse for the city to haul i
away. i
Handbills announcing the muni-,
ciiml houfcecleaning wore delivered
to projiorty owners last week by the
jsolice officers. The result of the
dnys work not yet ontiroly finished,
is that practically all the street and
Iota adjoining buildings are In spick
and span shape.
If vou wish to have your ex
prcs.s and light freight come In
along with your tetters and daily
papers, have it come in on the mail
line. Tint Cornktt Stark &
Stauih Co. 25tf
The First National Bank
Or. U. O. COE. Prld.ot E A. SATHCR, VlcPrtldnt
O. B. HUDSON. Oaihltr
opiui fuitr paid ...
Stockholders' liability 2S.000
Surplut . . . . . S5.O0Q
Statement of the First' National Bank of Bend, Oregon;
At rndrad to tha Traaiurr 0prtmnt of tha Unltarf Statat.
' Waihlnlon, O. O.. March 7th, IBII
Loam and. DltcounU.. ........ ..I7J 08
Ortnlrafti .... 1 4jj 73
Haul DulMIni and Lot - ........... J.800 eo
Furniture and FUIUfc.... I too 00
U.S. Bond aud I'Knilunit, ... U,.J Jo
Hive lrr Cent Kalcuiptlon fuud. ..... oij 00
DUE FROM BANKS -. 5o7,4Ii26
TOfAL. .
Water Obtained In Deep Welta at Me-
tollus Many People Come Jack
son Likes Central Oregon Mo
(Joes to St Paul S3oon.
The track-laying machine ia rush
ing the steol nlong the Oregon
Trunk grade toward Bend. The
rail already are at Crooked River.
In a short time tho bridge building
materials will 1ms on hand and con
struction of the big structure span
ning Crooked River undertaken.
The heavy passenger traffic over
the new rood Into Central Oregon
continues, this immigration nrobab-
! Iy averaging over 100 a day.
Metolius Is now on the map.
The new town is building up rapid-
' ly. The Oregon Trunk well there,
with a total depth of 870 feet, struck
water at C65 feet, The townsite
' company's well struck water at 708
I The party of Hill railroad men
, which was here last week, headed
1 by II. A. Jackson. Asst. Gen. Traffic
l Manager of the G. N. returned to
Portland Friday, Mr. Jackson going
I to St. Paul this week. They were
jmuch impressed with the country
i and have given extremely rosey re
ports of their trip to the Portland
Bend Organization Files Articles With
Capitalization of $.360,000.
On March 23rd articles of incor
poration of The Bend Company were
Hied at Salem. The comjmny is
capitalitwl at $300,000. The in
corporators arc J. M. Lawrence,
Franklin T. Griffith and Clyde M.
f McKay.
! In the property which has Wen
acquired Uy Tlw Bend Company is
included 9000 acre of timber land,
2000 acres of agricultural land. 1400
acres adjacent to town, 1300 platted
lots, the P. B. I). Co. sawmill, the
power and lighting plnnta, city wa
tor system ami various water power
and irrigation rights.
It is understood that J. M. Lawrence-
and A. O. Hunter will return
to Bend the latter part of this week.
issues ukFuooklut
The Central Oregon Irrigation Co.,
has just issued 25,000 new booklets
advertising their Carey Act irri
gated lands in the Deschutos Valley.
The publication follows the general
line of that published by the old
D. I. and P. Company. The booklet
has 32 pages, is tastely printed in
two colors on attractive tinted
paper, and is copiously illustrated.
It is interesting to note that 37 of
the G8 photographs reproduced were
taken within a radius of eight miles
of Bend.
Capital paid ta full ..
Undivided frost..
.,- i7j H
.m.m lljoa
Circulation ,...,
M.7J S