The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, March 22, 1911, Image 5

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is at hand. Spring is coming early this year and the busy housewifo's
thoughts naturally turn to brooms, scrubbing brushes, fresh curtains,
etc. Wo have everything the housekeeper needs for her campaign.
Get tho right, equipment before you start. It takes an exceptionally
good workman, to do good work with poor tools.
XX Scrub Brushes soil bristles, cxtru cimlity bucks. Price )A-
Palmetto Scrub Brushes .still' fibre bristles that retain their ff
toughness in hot or fold water; heavy solid bucks. Iiuch dSrjK
Elephant Scrub Brushes extra large .size, best palmetto fibre
bristles, durable ami effective; each JJv
King Floor Svvcops eighteen inches wide, best quality ItLA ff
hog bristles that will not raise the dust; eaeh prW
Mops long strand cotton, heavy stitched, complete with tA
handles; each Jvv
Brooms Kour-stiteb, IH-in, best corn straw. These brooms ft(f
plus a little elbow grease will clean where others fail; each OvC
Old Dutch Cleanser -'Chases Dirt." Scours all polished y tf
surfaces. 15e per can, '2 for JC
Bon Ami 'Hasn't scratched yet." One of the best window rfc
cleaner, in the business; per cuke " vC
Tho Cold Dust Twins "The Itight Hrothers for Cleiming." lAr
They need no intnxluction. Per pnekuge 3xC
QfiOflC Seed planting time is not fur oil'. We have a com
3 v!lCJvJ plete line of field. garden and flower seeds the best.
Millard Triplett can furnish your
home complete.
Perfection In confections Iw
nuy'u at Patterson's. tf
M. J. Morrison can locate you on
M2U acre homesteads, tf
David Hill left Saturday evening
for hid up-river ranch,
(Jut ii pair of those snnppy tnn
oxfordN at Hrodohagon's. -
Photo mnilors, largo nnd small,
for Halo at Thu Hullotin ollice.
Host Keuffol & Eswr blue print
iaKir for sale at Hullotin otllee.
11. E. Turpin Is thu lloml agent
for the Iluokloy Expros Co. 2-!l
Peanut Htittor Kisso at Tho Pat
torson Drug Storo thlH week. 2tf
Guy I-nEollotto has sold his inter
osta in the Crook County Journal.
Mr. nnd Mrs. G. W.Shrinor drove
to their up river homestead yoster
duy. Iwnoy's Candlos, froHh nnd do
llcious, at Tiiu Patterson Drug
Storo. 2tf
Millard Triplett liaa in stock any
tlilntc you inuy dosiro In thu furn
iture line.
Tho Ijidios Library Chili held a
food salo at O'Donnull'a market
v List your projwrty with tho Homo
seeker's IjiiiiI Co., Wall Street,
Head, Oro. tf
Sco tho I!. M. & W. Co. for
threshers, engines, steam gnng
plowH, etc. tf
Tho Peerless Proving Parlors aro
now locnted at Tho Toggery on Ore
Kon Street. C2tf
Wanti'.I) One second limit! wido
trend wagon, immediately. K. W.
RicllAliiiHON. 2
You will flntl tho very lateHtHtylcH
of ludiea' and muna' footwear nt
Ilrcdenhngcn'H. 2
S. G. Dorrla has just boon ro-np-pointed
Deputy Statu Gmno War
den for Central Oregon.
Get out thntold spring Biiit nnd
wo w iiinko t ook ko now.
, Peerless Pressing Parlors. G2tf
Store of Better Values"
Bend, Oregon
Thu eluVHtion of Pilot Iiutte in
J. 120 feet. It Ih prttclically fiOO
feet hiKher than Wall Street.
Victor double face records, beat
talent in thu world, two selections
75cts at Patterson Drug Store.
Walter Ciieadle returned to Hend
Sunday, and is again driving a car
for thu Cornett Stage & AuloCo.
Thuraday evening two girl's ban
ket ball teaina played an intoiosting
exhibition game at Linstor's Hall.
James Van Tuyl, who drove a enr
for tho Cornett Stage and Autti Co.
lost aununer, relumed to Hend Sun
A. S. Ireland, diatrlct fortwt sup-
orviaor, waa in Hend yesterday, on
hia way to thu Pine Mountain coun
A ":I0" Chalmers touring car KUl
model, for rent aurvicu, hour, day
or week. See Wonandy Llvory Com-
The Itend Hullotin has for wile the
boat quality blue print pner; light
and heavy weight, and duplex
paper. tf
Rogers Splcor of Antulopo ia now
acting iu assistant to H. J. Egglo
utou at his harness storu on Wall
Work is progressing on Carlylo
Triplutt'a handsome now house in
Park Addition south of the Robert
son house.
0. I'. Harbor of Uutto, Montana,
is visiting his father, A. C. Harbor,
15 miles east of Hend, on the Turn
er YiiiicIi.
I can show you thu latost styles
In ladles suits perfect (Its guaran
teedprices, $lf and up. Mrs, G.
W.Shrinor. 2-1
Tho $100 chest of Community
Silver is to bo given away soon at
Thu Patterson Drug Storu snvo
your tlckota. 2tf
Thu Riverside Inn at Laidlaw has
been reopened and is now ready to
cater to tho public. First class ae
comndations. 2
Tho ladies of Hend aro invited to
call at my rooms over tho Patterson
Drug Storo nnd inspect tho now. lnco
front corsots 1 have for sale an
Ideal corsot. Mrs. G. W. Shrincr.
Every $1.00 purchase entitles you
to a chance on Patterson's chost of
Community Silver. Your number
may ne tne lucky one. 2tf
J. N. Crow nnd bis son M. I.
Crow of Po-EII, Wash., are In Hend
with a view to either purchasing
land or liomostonilfng.
K. It. Post, tho locator, reports
that when crossing the Hat near
Hampton Hutte last week h.. saw
some -10 bond of antelope.
11. A. Miller. V. A. Korho. 11 11
Gould and W. W. Orcutt went out
to the Hampton Hutte country Erl-
day anil roturnotl .Mom nv.
Morrill & Wilkinson durinir thi
hurt week havu sold two K. M. E.
automobiloa, one to O. C. Henkle
and one to a party in Silver Lake.
If you want to have your express
come on to Hend as soon ns it roaches
Madras, see H. E. Turpin, the Bond
representative of the Buckley Ex
press Co. 2-U
To enjoy this fine spring wenthor
you should drop into Innea & David
son's modern and well cqulpicd
barber shop and get a good ' shave
and haircut. 2
Millard Triplett trecoived a car
load of furniture Monday, nnd two
inoro carloads are now at Madras,
and will tie freighted in within the
next few days. 2
Saturday night tho Bond Com
mercial Club received its "high
water" mail to dnte, 35 letters of
imiuiry from homoseokors and in
vestors coming.
Tho Bond Milling & Wnrehouse
Co. has secured tho agency of tho
Portland Iron Works for thoir en
tire lino. Can furnish estimate of
costs for repairs. tf
Georgo Millican sent In Henry
Molko with it four horso team to
get a load of household goods and
lumber, to equip the recent addition
tn tho Millican Inn.
II. G. Throlstrun just arrived
after an absenco of several months
spoilt nt Pugot Sound nolnts. Mr.
Throlstrup, who has been dangerous
ly ill, bus now fully rccovored.
Elmer Wart! who waa engaged in
engineering work about Bend lost
summer relumed to Bond Sunday.
He left Monday for hia IflO-acre
homestead six miles from Sinters.
Any Intelligent iwrmin may earn
a good income corresponding for
newspapers; experience unnecessary
Semi stamp for full particulars,
Empire Press Syndicate, Mlddleport
N. Y. -a
Eur portrait at home Individual
'r groups interior views, general
out door photography anil kodak
finishing, call on C. (!. Seward, tem
porary quarters opposite Jhe pt
odlce. 2tf
George Kingsbury of Seattle,
Wash., who filed on a 100-ncre
homestead in the Millican locality in
December, arrived in Bend Sunday.
His wife will cumo In within the
next two weeks.
II, A. Miller recently acquired lot
12 of block 0, Bend, from George
Brosterhous. The two houses built
in Ijiva Koad Addition last summar
by Mr. Miller were exchanged
iw part of the consideration.
J. II. 1 Inner, alwitrnctor. of Prine-villi-,
has installed apjmrHtus for
photographing county records. He the reproductions of tin
Board of Control findings, h synop
sis of uhich Is published in this is
sue. The Rev. J. E. Youol. Pronbyter
inn Evangelical Missionary for East
ern Oregon, arrived Friday, remain
ing until Mondny. Mr. Youol snyt
io hoo8 that soon n regular Pros
lyterian minister will be established
here iermnncntly.
I am the represontivc In Bend for
the Victor Tailoring Establishment
')! Chicago, and the ladies of thii
locality are invitud to call and in-qx.-ct
the samples for spring and
wmmor suits. Mrs. G. W. Shriner.
over Patterson Drug Store. 2-1
Tho Bend Hardware Co. has madt
in extensive addition to iu build
ing on the corner of Bond and Minn
esota streets, to be occupied by a
tin nnd plumbing shop, which will
bo ocratod in connection with the
regular hardware business.
The Whatsoevers will hold n Dime
Social in the A. C. Lucas Apart
ments in the Mny Bldg. next Frida
evening, Mnrch 24. There will Ix
entertainment for both old and
voung and strangers will be es
iwcially welcome. Refreshments
will bo served. V;MI
During the last'ten days the" fol
lowing men have been located on
.120-acre homesteads by the Home
seeker's I-nnd Co.: E. M. Thomp
son nnd L. D. Kennedy of Bend, E.
M. Hall of Monroe. Wahh.. W. N.
Sayres of Dayton, Wash., Jamos J.
Rich, W. H. Dowley nnd Charlos C.
Dowley of Seattle.
For Sale and Want Ads.
Foil Salk Team, wagon nnd old
harnoss. Enquire K. S. Lapp. 1-2
Send us your orders for heavy
timber and ship-lap. Bund Lumber
Co. -I3tf
Bniled clover, alfalfa and wheat
liny for sule. C. P. Becker, Laid
law. 60tf
Wantkd Loggers with teams.nnd
man to clear land, cut wood, Ed.
Hnlvoraon. 44tf
Foil Salk. Barred Rock eggs for
hatching, $1.00 por setting. Mrs.
E. W. Richardson. 51-tf
Fiikh Lots of dry planer shnvings
to bed your horses with, at the Bend
Lumber Co.'s mill. -Kttf
Foil Salk 100 acros land under
ditcli 4J4 milos from Bend, price
$2000, J. Ryan, Agent. 62
Foil Salk Household goods, all
kinds. Also team and harness. In
quire John Mitchell, Bund Postof
lice. 1-3
Foil Salk Tonm of horsos.wagon
nnd harness. Will sell separately.
W. E. Scott, nt Bond Lumber Co'a.
mill. -Utf
Herman Metke, of Seattle, brother
of Luther Metke, arrived Friday,
probably to be in Bund a month or
Foil Salk Chkai' Forty acros of
Irrigated land 3 milos from Bond,
on Bond-Burns Road. Addross P.
O. Box S3. 2tf
Will buy all fat cattle, calves and
hogs ready for market at highest
mnrket prices. Grove II. Caldwell,
Bend, Oregon. tf
Eggs for hntchlng from purebred
Silver Laced Wyandottos. 1.00
por sotting. Mrs. W. P, Downing,
Bend, Oregon. tf
Foil Salk Simplex pioano player
and 45 rolls of music. In excellent
condition only slightly used. In
quire at Lara's, tf
lllil vnti knnw Hint, tlio Hullotin !
'job shop can print your visiting!
cards of tho best stock with hand
some script type?
Fon Salk. 320 ncros of fine tim
ber, about 5 miles south of Bond,
nbout four million feet. Annly to
John Dccmer, Bend. 61-63 I
Wanted: 100 pine telophore
poltm, JJi feet long, 7 Inches at tci ,
Delivered In Bend. PiONKKlt Tki.k
I'HONK Co.. Prineviile.
If you want farm machinery,
wagons, buggies, etc., see the Bend
Milling & Wnrehouse Co. and save
money. Stock In soon. tf
Wantkii A Man and wife to
work on Ten Bar Ranch 8 miles" east
of town for the summer. Phone or
write at once. C. L. Eaton, tf
Wantkp Work on farm or ranch
by eastern man of gorxl habits, age
21, no exK!rience. AddrtwM Om.
Moltke. I'voria. 111. (110 Illinois
Avenue. 1.2
Lami S:itir Guaranteed soldlet 's
land scrip for sale. Will locate gov
ernment land open to homester d
entry. Write B. A. Mason, Snlina,
Kansas. C1-G4.
Foil SALE Household furniture
of a 2-room suite with privilege f
renting to desirable tenement. In
quire at room 2, over R. M. Smith
Clothing Co.
Eon Sai.b oitTliAOK. My 80-acre
farm, with lots of fruit set out; G
room house and good spring, f 1800
$250 ciurfi. R. E. Omons, West
Sound, Wash.
I will have my ojwning day for
Spring Millinery Saturday March
25th. My show room is just north
of the Pilot Butte Inn.
Mils. Ciiah. Sai.tmaii.sii. 1-2
Fort Salk At a bargain, one
owing machine, one small box
itove, one mirrior, one washing ma
chine, beds, springs, chairs and
Kitchen ware. Call at A. D. MOE
the Tailor. Bond Street. 62 tf
Foil Sai.K A ."W-horse iwwer Erie
"ity engine and boiler, in firstciass
condition. Reason for selling, we
ire doubling our caiwcity nnd have
ordered heavier nnd larger machin
ery. Maatin Lumlier Co., li Pine,
Oregon. -10tf
box plait
panel. A
I How About That Little Girl of Yours? j
would charge you from
$2 to $3 for the work alone
on these noat little crea
tions. Our price, only....
And Hnw Ahnnt i he Rnv?
AliU liun AUUUl WC DUJt
noat chambray, new stripes on
blue and tan, automobile front, 2
back and shoulders. All seams
A very substantial shirt and only
ANOTHER STYLE in white corded porcale, with fancy colored
stripes. Avery neat shirt. Sizes 12)4 to 14. Our "2f-r
money-saving price to you only
Rowe's Economy Store
Next Door to Postoffice, Bend
'The Same Goods for Less Money.1
Adjoins Bend on the south.
Most beautiful residential sec
tion in Bend.
Also Some Choice Business Lots.
Timber Lands Bought and Sold.
Homo-grown nre host and cheap
est. Come and see my two and
three-year olds. Howard Spinlng,
Bend. tf
Barred Rocks antl prize winning
R. C. R. 1. Reds. $1.60 per setting.
I'nve orders at O'Donnell'a Meat
Market. John F. Pikiick. tf
AniysnoN MitxmiiN.
If you need any mill machinerv
or repairs, we the Bend Milling &
Warehouse (Jo. Estimates furnish
ed mi repairs anil new plnnU of nn
size. tf
J. W. Dimlck is prepared to do
all kinds of high grade architectural
work, make plans, blue prints, etc ,
for business houses and resi
dences, tf
Where are you going?
Down to Carter's after a cord of
that good dry block wood. My wife
won't bum anything ehe.
Carter is four bits cheajer than
others. He sells dry block wood nt
$4.60 per cord.
Owing to the Btormy weather the
horse sale advertised by George H.
RujwjII of Prineviile to commence
on Saturday March 1 1 has been post
poned until Saturday March 2."i.
Twenty head of light ranch and driv
ing horses will be sold at private
sale at the Wenandy Livery Bam in
Bnd, commencing March 26th.
Typewriter 'ribbons on sale at
The Bulletin Office, record ribbons
for the followin machines: Oliver,
Remington, Visible and Royal.
SPRING is here and the little Miss will
need a new dress, something that will
help to make her look sweet and cute.
We have nn aswrtment of ready mode
drcssos, such as will satisfy the proud moth
er's heart when awn on the little daughter.
They are handsomely and well made of
white figured striped blue percale, with
eight-inch ruflle bottom; blue and white
striped piping on girdle, cuffs and collars;
front and yoke
er $
om t)
dr e s s m a k
Doosn,t he nceJ a new s,rinK
Mnl We have one style in a
gray and blue grounds; plaids on
pockets; double
double stitched.