NSTITUTE HERE BOARD ISSUES LEAFLET Renlty Men Put Their attouldors To the Publicity Wheel. The Bond Realty Board has just issued a leaflet containing the infor mation on Bend published below, and in addition the busines cards of all the members of the organization. Those leaflets, of a size coveuient for enclosure in envelopes, are being mailed out to Inquirers by members of the Board. KcuD, rcflon. nuND IS WllKKK IIIK XlllMIMta. IKKIIUIKK l.NIM KlUI ANII IIMKHK l'l MHI.T Tiatiiauulhr lllll Oir.uh mink l.lue will It ruiililitii Into ll-ml ty luur ll I he ll.lllnu.l )lcMhAt aiimntitrttl lhr cvttlnustluit ol ll line la Until locimnnt nllti the Nation-Klam III cut uir IK111I wilt I lhr luncllnn f thr rail ami ! ROBERT U. GOULD ClVU. ENtllNltliK ANII Sl'KVKYOU. lllllktlll illllldliu: Bend, OiiKon. W. VV. Faulkner, I). M. D. DENTIST lliilletln llullilliiK, II r 11 d, Oregon P. S. SANDB0RC1, A. I). May Aiwutmhnt.s tlOSDSTMItltT II It N I) , OK It DON. U. C. COE, M. D. Physician and Surgeon OIM'ICK OVKR I' IK. ST NATIONAL UK. Ollice lluiin: 111 lo u it in,, 1 In J .mil 7 tu8 p in. lll(NI), : OKItOON Dr. A. A. UUUIISl.M.r,u"N,:.,iSi; llnlri. IhHiw, n.iivo. fully Tiralrit Wllhuul lhr lla f IHii i huixriy, l.y lhr Natuiat Mrllixl. ut Mralma- t hiuH li' Iiimiwi a Mrtlalty CiHi.HltamHi I'irr: MrmUl uflhr iilalr ami Nalimial NalHiulli tVMtrly. OlArr lu tlulallnar IlkU . IkhI. llru Vernon A. Forbes Peter Lelirmau OKNHUAI. lil.AOKSMITIUNO. Iloiscsliiiolni: 11 Specialty. Comer IU1111I nii'1 OrcKi fc'' F. H. MAY CIVIL It N 0 I N K K K SUKVKVOK II e ml . Orci! o n . C. S. BENSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW ill'I'ICK IN I'IMHT NATIONAL HANK IU.IMI, HltNK. (IKHIH)N cvP MI.N'I'Y ,,y ,,"C!,,K 0l,r Pu Your Duds In Our Suds Bend Steam Laundry COUNTY TEACHERS TO A1EETIN BEND. lixtenslve Program Heine Arranged I'orTwo Day livcrclsc, Incliullng Music, AUny Akhlresnea And Spcclnl Features. Henkle & Ford LOCATORS ON QOVERNMEtNT LANDS. I have located settlers on over Twen ty Thousand Acres in this vicinity during the past nine months. I am in a position to show you the best available lniuls. Locations Guaranteed Hotel Dalles The Dalles, Oregon You are cordially invited to m.kcTHK IIOTRL DALLES your testing place while waiting over Ixtwru train on )our way to and from Portland. New, thoroughly equipped, modern hotel; iteam Itet, elevator; aultea and rooms uilh baths. First class cafe. Rates ft and upward. -a! Stopping Place Going to and from Central Oregon. PETER KUEHNLING, Manager. Hotel Bend Corner Bond and Oregon Sts. AAIERICAN PLAN Rates $2 and $2.50 a Day HUGH O'KANE, Manager WHEN IN BEND STOP AT THE PILOT BUTTE INN Table always supplied with the best that the town affords. Neat and Comfortable Rooms,. Bknd, Okkgon I have moved Into my new building on Oregon Street between Wall and Bond Everything new. A FIRST CLASS Restaurant v BILLY'S PLACE f , fj, ADAIR BILLY'S PLACE Wenandy Livery, Feed (Sb Stable Co. J. II. WENANDY, Prop. All kinds of light and heavy Livery. FEED FOR SALE. HORSES FOR SALE. Bond Street Bend, Oregon. Wood!' Wood! Now is the time to order your winter wood, for the cold ks demand a large pile of diy wood. Can be bought of F- M. Carter at a reasonable price, delivered at any time. Leave orders at A. M. Lara's. F. M. CARTER The Home Land Company t ; - r in i I t-tii -i -asaaaasaaaaaaHiaisaaaaaissaaataaasassaaaakaaaa Jmmtmmmmmimmmmmmmmml I Real Estate and I I HOMESTEAD Insurance. LOCATIONS. Timber Lands, Irrigated and Dry Farm Lands. Estimates on application Wall Taper at Portland Prices N. P. EIDER PAINTER & Paperhanger Cheapen and Best Wall Paper Sam '. Get plea in the county. The Teachers Institute for Crook County this year will Imj huld in Bond, on April 14 iitul 15. While County Superintendent It. A. Ford as yet has not completed the full schedule of exercises for the insti tute the following preliminary out line probably will be followed close ly. It is understood the tnevtingH will be huld in Linster's Hall, which pro vides the bust meeting place in the county. There will be general dis cussion after the formal presenta tion of each topic, sccial music and other interesting features. Program Friday Evening, April II Music .Moral Education E. L. Coo, Prineville illustrated Lecture Miss R. H. Parrott, Prineville Music rhe Modern Teacher Miss C. V. Conway, Prineville Saturday Morning, April IB oeography Miss Hnrriet L. Dolsen, Bend Primary Reading Miss Ethol Moore, Prineville Language , .Miss Nona Richardson. Bend Arithmetic J. E. Myers, Prineville Industrial Work in the School .. 0. C. Colegrove, Tumalo Saturday Afternoon History J. Alton Thomson, Redmond Literature in the Grades Miss Theresa Cnssidy The Demands of our Public Schools. Standpoint of a Newsaor Man George P. Putnam Standpoint of a Business Man Illll llnr rttimlmu dciim. lhr .lair II. ml I. ilir ill.iitliiiiliiit aitil lr mi m;lir l iiiiUhhIioI l MtiHK-a.iin.l mrHluil "rll llmWr -ln, flult iMck .l.ur gaiildi. Hiliitial sun tiiaiiufclur-l iio.iitt. , lirml l IhtltliiK limu wllti water ayalriM, eltetiktlllitliiK y Irni lur liltiaiy, twu a..li.l b nVi. ric Drill hold. ntatr ami main ottk,r municipal atwla noMhy of a hi Uurr . luorli II ml tilth XhiNl gratlualra sir ailiiiltlnl ( lhr Nlate I'nlttMlljr nltliitul eiaitiliialtmt lien.1 ha. iii.i.ixiuutiliutchra ami man-irvtrt ami ttrii-milriil atclr lit I lirml humri air lhr Rural In alt Crntial On 1 C M llrmt I. lhr hrailuuailriaufOfricun .laiural I itrUalU.ii cmnttatiy Muir than ,iti i.ni artr. il tttlitatctl laml I. aillarthl In lhr Ihnii All Ihl. , lalirr Walrr lUM.tvl fati attr Thr U.I imi hiiitUal niunlrv ' In I Amnt la irachnl i llrmt Muir than a 'yl'AHTKK MILLION ACKKH uf vmrinmrtil !lantl tan lir hal In ifc.arir tiH,tflrai. Tlll.nl.iyl.iHrn.il. 1WKMV IUM.ION frl ofyrllox (iinr II 111 br 1 llirat mill, wilt I U catrtl line lirml liaa ihuu hoi.r aci ratlly tiMaliiatilr Ir.im lhr Iwaciiiilta Kim .Mtra.iy a iarkr mwrr plant U In otrf allwii Thrclliualr It lilrat AKTICI.lt 1 i.r thr lly Law. f thr n.Mir.1 'II ahalt t lhr illrllr(r ( Ihia ol (.nil. Hull In iriMlmauU nr rll any ntrmbcr whuiwav tr titurfit guilty Ml Im.iuraa iitithuit. ilia etnlltalilr lu lhr utKanilln." aim Ilia ' llurllcullural lire Relief of Qttfpa (MPTPAI. ) lloair ollice, ,S.ilciu, Ofc. Lit mi' fxplmn. S. II. SNYUKU Agiut. llcnd.Oic. " 7. 0. MINOR ltHroi'lKKnt'll.IINI I.IFK-IMKK-ACCIDKNT I N S l K A N C It Notitty l'lililH" ami Cnr)nliiit All LfkI l'4fi Ctmcvllv lliawn. FIDELITY BONDS . . -. NOTICE KOK PUBLICATION OrtMttmrnl at lhr lulrtHH. I'. S. I.an.l Ulhr at Thr luttr. uuiiin. I Match 14II1. iii Nnllrr la lirtrliy xlrrii thai hmul M.llin K'l try. f lirml. tirrgii., wtiu un Mar 1H1, 11, male lliiinr-ira.l I'miy N.i I6 Hrtlal S" ajNI fnr hS nal, Hi, nl an. I thr awU url, H A luwH-hlp I H ianjirtira.1 U M ha. fttrvl mitwr tri 111I1 iithm lu makr Final Itvr V.a lruuf, tu rtal4i.i ilaint lu lhr lam! aUrr ilr rtihnl, lirfutr II C I'llla I H CnwmK.hinrr at hia wHtrr at Hrixl ikiii. un lhr ijtli day itt At.l Nil Claimant namra a wllnrat Chartra a Slanlmrtuuiih,tl.l M II KHry Wallrr Oamrla ami 1'iauk Sa.l. all uf lirml, Orr(a. 16 C W MOOKK RrKl.ln, LAWYER UlUaf iliriilUll lUiilf IKIU ivcNi.. ...... '1.HKH0N Crook County Abstract Co. - - I im-iimi-okaTKD. M Alls 1 KM :i in' 1 1 1 i.n tn all laliilaii.1 town M.iiiCm.W ttlUllty. II I' Wvi.tm. Sicy. I l,rnirlll, Olf(illl. itiindpoint of an Agriculturist L. D. Wiost jtandoint of a Professional Man Vernon A. Forbo Standpoin of a Teacher G. A. W. Hussoll, Ijiitllaw Recent School Legislation Co. Supt. It. A. Ford Saturday Evening Music Travel Sketchos, South America Illustrated J. C. F. Harrington Normal Course in High Schools Evelyn Lane Walker rhoroughnosfl in Fundamentals J. C. F. Harrington, Bend Music School as a Social Center Rosa B. Parrott, Prineville Try The Bulletin job printery. I. 0. 0. F. Bond Lodge No. 218 l Iteg. Meetings every Monday night Visitors welcome E. T. Butts. N G. V. A. Forbes.Socy. A. B. STRONG General Blacks mi thing nnil Wngon Work. AUTO KKPAIRINO ami iiUKSH SIIOMNC ure my Kjiccmltiet. MlllllCMila SHrrt We p!iiitHf.p1i tho lottjtd. Lciivi your subscriptions for All Magazines at the Library and let that institution ct the benefit. Deschutes Iodgc No 10:i. K. of P. Meets every Wednes day evening nt 8 p. in. in Castle Hall, xwt-of-fice building. Visiting Knights welcome. Elmer Niswonger, C. C. M. U.'Knutson. K. It. & S. STAR BAKERY FRESH BREAD Pastries. Rolls, etc. 13 UraAtl TlckeU 3 Dread Ticket SI 00 2Cc Meals Served from 6 a. m. to 8 p. in. Furnished Rooms MRS. NELLIE WRIGHT M. W. of A. Pilot Butte Camp No. 079 1 Meets every Tuesday in hall over IMWtolIico. Visiting Neighbors always welcome. M. J. Morrison. V. C. M. It. Knutson, Clerk BEND LODGE No. 139 A. F. & A. M. Meets on Thursday on 01 lcfore the full moon of each month. Visiting brother! always welcome. H. O. CLLI8, Bacr O M nCOFIElO. W. M end JYachine hop All Kinds of Saw Mill and Farming REPAIR-S We Carry a Large Stock of Auto Repairs and Supplies Wall St., next to Opera House FULL LINE OF V Builders' Supplies Doors, Sashes, Paints, (J lass, Huilders Hardware, Hoofing. Kvery thing you need for your new House or new Store. N. P. SMITH Wall Street, Wall Street BEND HOSPITAL Attending Physicians U. C. COK, B. FKRRELL M. ELLKN KERSHAW, Superliitcndnnt. Grudunte of St. Luke's Hospital, Chicago. MRS. A. M. LU'IKS, Assistant, Graduate of Columbus (Ohio) Training School. Terras: $10 to $25 a Week, Payable Weekly. There is a Nurse on duty at all times. No extra charge made for night duty, unless in extreme cases, when a special nur&e is required I have on hand a good stock of LIQUORS Diamond Hill Whiskey Hannisville Rye Brandies in Bulk- Blackberry Apricot and Peach O'DONNELL BROTHERS () Many different Brapds of Straight and Bonded Whis kies In case lots. In fact ALL KINDS of BAR GOODS J. R. WILLIAMS Hond and Oregon Streets. !' I UNION MARKET My I'nces. Box 39, Bend, Oregon.