THE BEND BULLETIN. w VOI. IX 1WNI). OKKGON, WltDNKSDAY, MARCH 22. 191 1. NO. 2 r- mL U t SURVEY IS MADE SETTLERS AIDING IN ROAD CONSTRUCTION. Ilulldlriit Crew Por llrnd-ltiirna Rami Will Drain Work Next Week-I!. W. RlclmriI(Pii Optimistic About CtiuiitrV Traversed. "Tluit iri tho gretitost country In Oregon," wilil K. W. IllrhiirilHon, returning Frliliiy with bin party of Hend-Huriis mail locators from the country to the southeast. Tin locators have surveyed tlit roail eastward to the llurucy County 1 1 in-, 11 distance of about 7fi mlltm. With tliu exception of a single mile on tho eastern end of the route, where tho road skirts through the northeastern corner of I.nko County, in 22'J1, no territory at all illlllcult for ronil making Ih encountered. Hero Ih fount! a mile of rocky coun try. However, Itowl Su'wrviitor Ivuintnon of tho llanlln District, nays hu will have thin bad intle in the boat of hIiiimi liy the time the roml making machine nmehott him. I!arly next week the building crew htarla from Ititml. It will have eight men ami la Iim-ium: a roail grader Ih being built in Hend fur the work. It Ih vxK'ctiil that two f week will HUlllce to put the roml in good Hhajx; nil the way. "Tho No)lu out there are crazy for the roail," wild Mr. Richardson, Heaklng of the assistance the not tiers hnvo promised Henil. "liy, when wo came hack there were men, women ami children grubbing out sago bruiili along the route we had Hugged out through Hampton Valley a few dnys before." It Ih understood more than SHOO worth of work him Iwen promised hy settler. Thin will be applied nt Milnu on the roml near the claims of the volunteer. Among the gen erous contrihutoro is Cuorge Milli can, who will furnish 10 ilnyn work t with man ami team. The uxjHinsos of tho first trip were approximately J!ir0. A new con trihution to the road fund was re ceived by the Hend Commercial Club week, Ui coming from Kay McKay of Seattle, who tit Intonated In school lands In the southeast 1 country. M. W. Moore of Seattle j nUo has contributed $10. Thin mnkon thu total fund thu far contributeil $790, exclusive of labors, "The more I nee of that country thu moru am I imprest! with its onormou possibilities and Its great Don't Wait Until You oro Pinched for Monoy and then Como to tho Dank an Absolute Stranger and Expect Us to Accommodate You WHY? Been use we must know our borrowers before they beeome borrowers. WHY? Beenuse we nre loiniing our deposilors money nlong with our own nml we must be absolutely sure that nil our loans nre safe ones. Why not lie n lcMiltor Aral, then we have n clmuce to (jet acipialnteil with )ou nml wlirn money uieilril we nre la n poallion tocxiciiil yon crrilit, count with in. iiy ouiiik tnu )ou The Deschutes Banking & Trust Company Of Bend, Oregon 44 Conservative Banking for Conservative People I,. I), HA1KI), (President) J. W. MASTHKS, (Vice l'reiiilent) 1'. O. MINOU, (Secretary) 11 1 r it c T o k s: I., n. HAIRD, 1'. O. MINOR, 3. V. IUIUD. Importance to Hend," mild Mr. Kiel," ardmin. "It's oiiu continuous viillo from Millican to Idaho. Hampton Valley will he 11 wonder; as far an I can mco ItH hoII Ih practically the Kiinii' itH that of IIIIiioIh, chh'cIiiII at the lower end. There by the way, we rode through migo bruMh that Htood iih high hm our heads iih we rode. " 'Whete mIiuII we go to work?' was the fiicMtloti iiHkeil iih by home HtvaderH all along the line, anxious to rush the road to completion. Freighter can Htiirt for Muni just as H0011 im we K't back from this next trip. ILm going to be the easi est kind of a road to make; nothing but clearing sage, nally. "Work on the very few bad places will be left to the settlor living nearby. There will lie no IiIIIh, no rock and no Mobe. In the entire 7fi mile the toad cut section only twice. outside of the Reserve." RAILROAD MEN HERE lllll Official Sec Interior Itefure (liilnjc To St. Paul. I.ut night five Hill railroad of IIcIiiIh arrived In ISend, coming by auto from MetoliiiH via I'rineville, where they stopiied but a few minute. The party comprised II A. JackHon, Assistant Tratllc Man ager of tho (treat Northern. F. W. (Iraham. Western Immigration Agent of the (J. N.. J. I. Springer, Travelling Freight Agent and U. W. Foster. Awl (!en. Freight and I'iuw. Agent of the C. IJ. & Q.. the "Utirlmgton." Mr. Jackson, who ha lxen Asst. Freight Agent at 1'ortland, Iiiih just been promoted to the olllce of Aunt. Trnlllc Mauuger. Ily April 1st he taken up bin new duties at St. 1'nul. The chief purpose of the present trip into Central Oregon in to fa miliarize him with tratllc and gen eral condltlonH here that he may la fully supplied with first hnnil data before returning to the eastern head olllco. The two thlngii thai seem to Im press Mr. Jackson most Ih the xplon- did character of the farming land alMiut I'owell KuttoM, eiwt of Hend, and the great nttnietivcncm of Hencl iUelf. The railroad men exjK.'ct the ar rival of rails here in June. In tt few weekd freight will !mj received iih far fin CriKikitl Itiver. During the lat month 10 big combined harvesters have been sold along the line between Madras and ISend. Investigation of ticket shIud nt Madras, says Mr. Springer, shows that only lf Kr cent of the in coming jMuwengers return north, the rest continuing to the interior' WAT Ilk USUR'S AtmrriNd. Tnu Central Oroiron Irriiratlon ComjMiny meet at Hend. Apr. I. r.lll. at l:.ll) 11. in. AwnteriiHurs of the segregation are urged to Ih present. S. II. S.NYDKlt. Sec'y. Foil S.M.K Three homestead re liniiulshmonts best land in Millican locality. KiKiulie Hulletiu ollico. Doll now. Marts Hunk ho. will Help 11 ami we will help ) on, IT S State Land Board Determines Water Rights of Irrigators Using Water From Tumalo and Squaw Creek The (IndhiKH of the State Hoard of Control rcKiirdintf the hettlement of wnti.T rlKhu illiwentionH on Tumalo and &uaw Creeka, woat of Ikind, have heen tiled with the County Clerk. A brief HynopHia thereof apjiears below, together with it table dhowing the ninount of water allowed in dividual aiiroiriatorH, their acreUKe, etc. The late arrival of thin newH anil lack of Hjmco rnakeH it imponiblo to IiuIiIIhIi a more detailed account; wmiu deciHionx in individual chboh are omitted, iw are the namim of land owners whom cjiwh were not comtidur ed, iih they failed to put in claiuiH. Much of tills will be published next week. TUMALO WATHR KK1MTS. Datk ok PltlOIIITY CU. Pkii Nami: 0. I. Meeker It. U. Howiwr Win. I). Ilarnon.. .. It. II. Itayley Sept 1000 .19 .ia .78 .87 .21 .23 .12 ,G2 .29 .29 .88 .20 .10 .95 .05 .14 1.02 M 1 .13 .93 .17 .47 .62 .f2 .29 .30 .35 .70 .71 .14 .87 .33 1.09 .54 .89 .2 .30 .10 1.11 .57 .48 .25 1.89 .87 .84 .40 .02 2.80 .80 .45 .57 .37 .27 .98 2.28 7.39 T. W. Ilrown Win. Hrown Cora A. Hrown . .. J. I,. Couch .1. It. Couch C. M. Couch J. J. Coon .... w II. II. (Courtney S. Copthorne . !:. Dayton I Win. I'. Downing.. Anitie M. (Jilwon... Akiiom II. tioorKc. W. V. CeorKo . (!. N. II. CerkliiK J. 0. Corking .... May 1904 ,iK 1107 Sept 1'JOO (irovcr (J. CurkiiiK W. II. Hall A. I.. Harader a. j. miner Allerl Ilarier W. W. tan F. W. U'verenz Cluw. J. Mock Frank Murk C. NukIuh Frank Orcutt A. I). Park May 1907 'Sept 1900 A. L. Parker S. F. Palton John T. Parker . . Chrintian Peterson Mm. K. U. Uiley .. L. II. Hoot 1903 Sept 1900 Mny 1907 P. II. I). M. F. V. Heisdorfer... Smith Swisher Sept 1900 Win. I-:. Sandul.. . UH). W. Snyder . . (hki. L. Simmoim . Frel W. Simmons Cluw. II. SmuKh.. J. C. Thorp Auk 1900 .Sept 1900 F. M. Towkaberry rumnloIrriKnt. Co. Ira E. Wimer MrnL J. Wimer... Chan. h. Wimer... John M. Wimer .. Ceo. H. Wimer Perry A. Wooley... C. W.. Cluw I., and John H. Wimer Columbia Southern Irrigation. Co May 1907 4 1 mir Apr. IVV.I Auk 1900 ISopt 1900 SQUAW CKEHK WATER R1UHTS. U.K. Alton 1885 .03 .7 Smith K. P. Huchanan. 1883 1.4 70 Huchanan John Hlosrt 1903 .18 9 Bloss F. M. Hooth .... 1901 .44 22 Smnll ditches (Hack Huttc Uml and Livestock Co. 188G 7.27 3G1.5 B. H. L. and L. Co. Win. K. Hurkhoad Spt 1902 l.G 79.5 Squaw Creek Ir. Co. Win. N.Cobb... . 1885 .03 1 Smith Win. E. Claypool 1897 .0 30.5 Clayiwol (J. A. Claypoool... 1900 .20 13 '' ,, , n 1889 J .1 48 hnocii t-yrua 1901 j j GG 5 Squaw Creek Ir. Co. Cloverdalo Irr. Co. Dec 0' 1903 5.45 272.7 Cloverdalo Sinn II. Davis 1889? .4 20 1904 j Squaw Creek John Dennis 1885 ,03 2 Smith P. H. Davis and F. M. Baldwin 1885 2.4 120 P. H. Davis 1885 .03 1.05 C. L. Donnlson. .. 1885 .03 .75 " W. F. Edmundson 1882 .40 23 Conrad .1. I). Fryivnr ... 1884 .3 15 1904 .20 28 Fryrear W. S. Fullerton... Auk 1901 .3 15 Fullerton E. A. (Iraham 1880 1. 50 Graham K. G. Grllllth .... 1880 1.10 58 Claypool Hobt. Hyslop. ... 1880 1.7 53.5 Undo John Chas. J. Hindumn 1871 .91 45.5 Hindman Martha Hindman.. 1903 .01 30.5 Out of Hlg Slough Gepthia JetTries... 1900 1.17 58.5 Wilson nnd Wood It. B. Krutr 1880 1.7-8 140 Krup F. W. McCalTory.. 1884 .39 19.3 Edmundson & Macy H. and F. W. Me- Cnlfory nnd Hobt, Smith 1885 .5 24 Smith Julia McCnlllator.. 1901 .54 27 McCnllister IxjwIs McCnllister " .74 37 Geo. McCnllister. . " 8.3 105 " DOT FY. Six. No. AcitKS Namk ok Ditch 34.5 30. Columbln Soutliern 01 15 10.5 C.5 3G.5 20.5 20.5 02 " 14 11.5 cc;5 3.5 Downey Ditch 10 Waste Wt. fr. C. S, 71.5 Columbia Southern 07 irfo 41.5 100 12 33 35.5 35.5 20.5 " 21.5 25 49.5 50 10 Heisdorfer 50.5 Columbia Southern 23 " 7G.5 38 02.5 Domestic 21.5 7 Reisdorfer 107.5 Columbia Southern 40 34 18 132.5 01 58 Wlmor 28 Columbia Southern 2 Heisdorfer 19G.5 Tumalo C0.5 Wimer 31.5 40 20 19 09 100 517.25 I Columbln Southern All preliminary survey work on the new Bend-Burns road is c0rnpluti.1I. The locatiiiK party returnul Friday, having laid out and flawed an excellent route all the way to the Harney County line, where junction is made with a Kood road to Burns. Early next week a construction crew begins the actual road building. Bend-Burns freight ing may be Inaugurated within thirty day. now to atiT nnwn. The wording of many in quiries daily being received show an uncertainty as to ex actly how one got to Bend from Portland. Briofly, the method of getting here, at pres ent, is this: Take the "North Bank" train from the station at 11th and Hnyt Streets, Portland, nt9 A. M. At 12:33 noon this trans fers you at Fallbridge Station to the steamer Norrnn, which ferries you across the Columbia Hiver to the Oregon T unk Hail way. In Uic evening the train stops nt an eating house for supper: at 7:30 P. reach Metolius. For the present It is best to get off at Madras which is reached at 7:15 P. M. Thore automobles will re found waiting to take you through to Bend, 50 miles touth, cither the evening of your rrrival or the next morning. The fare from Portland to Madras is $0.10. Auto fare from .Madras to Bond is $8.00. stage fare $5.00. Central Oregon is having fine dry. warm spring weather. Al ready the roads are do and in splendid shape for automobiles. ORGANIZE NEW LODGE Auxiliary Lodge to .Modern Woodmen of America Formed. The royal Neighbors of America, an auxiliary of the Modern Wood mon, was organized last night at a meeting held in the Woodmen's hall. There will be another meet ing nt the same place Friday night. The following officers were elected last night: Mrs. W. Orcutt, Oracle; Mrs. G. S. Young, Vice Oracle; Mm. William Bates, Chancellor; Mrs. Lawrence Homing, Past Or acle; Miss Hamona Haskins, RcconJ er; Miss Mabel Gortson, Inner-Sen-tinal; Mrs. Fred Van Matre, Outer Suntinal; Miss Helena Boxelle. Mar shal; Managers, N. P. Welder, E. A. Sather, Mrs. W. P. Downing; Dr. Sandborg, Physician. ORdAMZl! UASUHALL TOAAt. There will be a meeting of the Bond Athletic Association Friday evoning at 8 in the club rooms. All men interested in baseball aro urged to be present, as the organization oxjoct3 to have a baseball team this summer. The Homoseekers Land Co. left this morning with the second party this week for the homestead (lands. The First National Bank OF BEND, BEND. OREGON 1 Dr. U. O. COE. Pr.tld.nt E A. SATHER. Vict O S. HUDSON. Cathl.r O.dIUI fullr Pld S3S.000 Btockhold.rt'llabimr 25.000 Surplu. 95.000 Statement of the First National Bank of Bend, Oregon, At r.nd.r.d to Ih Tr.aiurr O.parlm.nt of Ih. Unlt.d Stat. a, Waihtnaton. O. O.. March 7th. 1011 ASSETS I.cwni ami Dltcounti Overdraft. .... Hank KulMine ami Lot furnilutc aim l'itur ... IT. S. lluiuU ami I'tcinUinit Fite Per Cent KedemWlou I'uud.. CASH ON HAND AND DUE FROM BANKS- ...$M7.)oS i $ , . ., J.hoo oo ..... tiu no ..... II.4J7.JO ..... 6s so $87,413.26 Total.. (iM& LIRBCTOR S: U. C. COM K, A. SATUTK C. S. HUDSON P. P. SMITH H. C. KLUS TO H BUREAU WILL AID NEWCOMERS DESIRING WORK. Will lie For Benefit of Farmer as Well as Newcomers-!!. W. Rich orJaon Olvra Report on Bend Burns Road Trip. Hereafter the Commercial Club will conduct a free employment bureau for the benefltof newcomers and prospective visitors and farmers nnd other employers in the country. Manager Sawhill will keep in touch with all newcomers seeking employment, listing them as well as those who write asking about chances of getting work. Also there will Ic a list kept and checked up to date each week of farmers and others who need help; number wanted, nature of work, amount of wages, etc., so that the man looking for a job and the man looking for help may get together. It Is expected that the scheme will prove of great aid, perhaps especially to the farm ers, who by listing their wanta with the club and keeping In touch with what it has to offer, can save them selves much time and trouble In procuring labor. Monday evening the club held an informal smoker-meeting. A re port from Mr. Richardson concern ing progress on the Bend-Burns road. There were many expressions of approval of the excellent begin ning made with the enterprise and its importance to Bend. A petition to the County Court to make the new route a county road has been drawn up and will be cir culated for the signatures of a1 1 settlers along the road. Frank May volunteered his services for this .vork and will leave upon it tt morrow. Upon motion it was decided to leave to the discretion of the Board of Directors of the Commercial Club the expenditure of any balance that may remain from the furd subscribed after the completion of the road, this to be spent for tl c best interesta of the town. LEASH LINSTER'S MALL. Fulkerson & Barnard have taken a year's lease an Linster's Hall, and within the next week will open a moving picture show. They expect to have 3 changes of films a week and will run the machine every evening. During the afternoons the hall will be open for roller skat ing.! t Friday evening they will give a dance. LIABILITIES Capital paid In fuU...... .......... !.l,u oo hurptll uuu.mnM.un-l.... m ao UuJlrldtd "'', . 8;) 74 Pirelli.!!..- , i. mi IJ.J0Q DO IpoiU...... ... 18IJ56 Sj Total.m ,.. h- luy S9 (Continued on pago 8)