The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, March 15, 1911, Image 7

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With Muck Sylcm limpltiynl 4,
4VI.000 trrmiiiM Are Curried Willi-
mil Iftnlltlntt hi IUKI-I7,V6(I
JMIIit Are Covered.
Iiwtitlliitlnn f wifely iU'Vlco ami
tlit' block mIkimI HyHtcin urn cited for
tliu record of (In llurrlmim rallnmilit
In currying -111, UM ,(H)() piiwHWiKcra in
1U10 without Kiicrlfidnuu Nlnkli' life.
Tin' ri'porl wiih oiinplh'tl in thu of
I co of .luliiiH Kruttxcliiiltt, illrt'ctur
of miiliiti'imiicc ami iiHrnti(in, I'lii
cuko. It cover tlit' hiiMlii(.'Ki of tlu
Union I'iicIIIo, Southern I'ncillc mid
iitlllliitod roailH, a total of 17.1HI0
iiiIIoh. The total iiuiiiIkt of pan
houkcih curried on a mile IhinIh Ih
Thu Harriinan iiyiiU'in curried 10
kt it'll t of the iwtliiuitcd HUH
paMviiKer tralllc. The (Inure for
iiiohI of the other railroadK have not
yet Ikhmi compiled liy the (Sovern
incut, hill In 1 1)011 the nutnlK'r of
piuwviiKi'rn carried wiw V!ll,(HIU,OIIO,
000. The lljcuri-H for 10 10. it l
Halt), will not exceed a lillllon more.
Muny other railrondn have koiic
through a year without u fatality to
any of Itn piMttiiKuni, but It Ih mild
thut no HyMtem him made thin record
for Mich a liire total of pnwmiiKt'rM.
Ite.MidlH on the Iliirrlmim linen are
iiHcrllx-d to a campaiK'1 waited hy the
inmmxemciit for yearn to reduce ucci-'
dent . The llarriman HyMein nowi
hiiM more mlltM of automatic block I
hIkiiiiI protection than any other ny- I
luin In the world. Mr KrutUchnilti
him directed Hcelul attention In the
accident problem, and Im'Kiiii novcrul
yearn iiro to lirlnjr iilioul it reduction
ly kMiik compluto publicity to all
forum of accldcnlH and tliolr luveHl-iKiitl-ni,
which, It Ih believed, Hjnir
red "lllceH and I'liiploycM to ki enter
ell'ortx to HafcKUiutl JIvch.
in IIKlil-lilOl the number of acci
dent i on the Union I'ncillc wiih 2d
for 1,000.000 locomotive inlleH. On
the l'acfllc MjMtein of the Southern
I'ncillc the number of accideiilH per
1,000,000 locomotive mlleH wiih re
duced from 20.5 to 10.5 in the name
time. Adv.
I'oui'i.i. nun i! intAts.
I'own.l. IJitik, On'., Mar. 1 I.
('. II. KIIIm titul family who went to
AikiinwiH thin winter have returned
anil are now at Newborn, Ore.
While they enjoyed vlMltltitf witli
relative and old time friuuilH, (buy
would not be content to nlay.
Mr. and Mrs. .Jan. Culver are noil
iiiK out and will move tiiTeww, hop
liiK to beiuillt Mm. Culver health.
She Iiiih Hiilfered neveiely with eye
trouble the puxt year.
Mr. and Mm. Frank Archer have
moved to I'riueville for unhurt time,
where Mr. Archer ban work.
.1. 1, .lone luw a Htump puller
workitiK with hln engine, and Ih mm
pulling tree near I'riueville.
A. I). Morrill who wiih burl while
pulling trccM, Ih able to be about
WYll AND WltliAl LOOK (1001).
V. II. Stunt ban received a letter
from W. I. Ireland, the ploneet
lioineMteader in the Hampton llutte
Valley, ruiying that the fall wheat
and rye planted liml autumn IhiIoIiik
Nplcndidly. Mr. Ireland Ih an ex
iierlenced farmer, comiiiK hero from
Corvulll. in the Willamette Valley.
"The grain out bore Ih mm promising km
any I ever have wen," he write.
J. A. Kridaker. a Portland wale
man, wiw Injured lunt Thursday
morning in jumping from a runa
way hUkl in front of the Wennndy
Livery barn The morning hUikv (
thu Cot licit Co. wiih leaving the
barn when thu team byenmc fright
ened. L. L. Fox wan iiIko nllghtly
Injuii'd. Mr. Kridaker went on out
Sunday morning. The iliiiiuiKe to
the Hinge was very wimll.
I mm. i On Mhtilli-nl JUftltlti
(mittoii if ilit I mint ftUti
tllWl t JUINtlll tu
i anu an inc nonnwesi
will prevail DAILY
Mftrch 10th tu April 10th
over the
Oregon-Washington Rail
road & Navigation Co.
imil connections, the
Oregon Short Line, Union Pacific and
Chicago & Norlli-Wcstcrn
Clilcui!" at ?33 oo
St. I.iluii - 32 oo
Qmiihii .... 35-00
Kiiiimii City ... 25 oo
Si. I'mil .... 25.00
and from other litiui corretxiid
ugly low.
You can PREPAY fares
Ihr CVniUt fiaif WrtttMMiii't utiljr nut
If yim (mvr itUiivt ir IrintJt ir tmA)ftt u
Ih IU( titfti ywu lrUr lo tftinc lu thu Utr
tl44 CMH tU(wt I he 4lur of I he fir llh MI
l taltrMU hktHI. mwi Nil 1llct tu m tuktt
Mill (k Ulrcrnphrii to miy tMlilrMtrl
Let the WORLD know
f uur .1 irturir. ainl rirtHlll utt"'ttdtlltlr
Nome Iiuildinv;
t'ntl tii ihr UHdtiMtfHnI fat kuuI !MtrurtUf
JflHlfl Htatdr l M-Ml '.!, (rf iv him Ik 1
lir il iftKt lo mHuhi yaw wuttlU likr to hmt
Kh Mtrr wfit
(iciii-ial PtiHMHiKcr Ancnt
l'ortl.iud. Oreon
KollrrlnliiTfliylvrn tlinlciiiTlluri1ny
tlit- Jjilny of Mnrrli, l')lln ccIa1 clt-cllori
will Ik- Ik-IiI (it I lie iikiihI -oiIiik (ilnrp In
llir Clljr 11I llrml, Oirn'in, towlt, the
City IIhII rihI 11I the uminl voting pliiri
In I)-L'lititri I'icrliict, towlt, tlii' Orcuil
Ilnli-I fur Ihr nurixiw of Miliiiillllni' to
j llir IchhI volL'tn ol the City of lltnd mnl
to llu- IrKPil volem it-l'llun In tin- terri
tory lii-rriimfti-r ilen'MlxM the fuIlowliiK
ijiiritioii lo-wlt;
Whrtlier or not the corpurntp limit
of the City of llrn I, Oregon, now lr
fitnl ulull Ik- Hltrrrd mid tin following
ilewrilint territory nichidril tlicrini mid
iKH-iime n jwrt therrnf, to-wlt: I
llrlniii nil the Tonnlili Din- Ih-.
Iwvi-ii Townliln nvi-llli-fll him elcliteiii
MMith mI the MiulliMett corner of the
Miiitliwr-il i of the mjiii1ic.hi i. Section
tlnrty-two (jj) (n Townnlup 17 mhiiIi.
rmiue 12 en!, W. M ; thence went on
Mid Townililp line to the rmterly ulioie
line of the Deichute river; thence in n
iioitlittrily direction followltiv the
mill entlerly ohure to the north line of
the wnilliwrnt i of the wmthentt i
Srlion V). Townlili 17 Kiutli, KmiKe M
t thence eHt lo life northern.! corner
ol the Miiithweiit 'i of the Miuihueol '4
Keclloii 3H. 1 7-1 J; thence mlitli to the
iicirtlirmt corner of the Kiutliwt V of
the MHilhurtt U Secllmi 53, 17-1 1, thence ,
l In the norlllMcnt corner of the
iuiiitliw-t '( of the Miutheiut U Svrtioii
1. '? '. llieiicc tnith to the pltcc of
Ami the eleclorn of the City of He ml '
ml the elector! of the iil-ove ile.crlln.-il
territory are hereby invited to vole ii-xin '
llir Mid profonilloii t the hImivc tneii
tlnned time mid place hy jiUnnn uikim i
Ihelr reiecthe Iwllntt the wordi "I'or 1
Annex-itlon" or Ihe hoiiU "Ai;aliit An- !
iicimiioii" or woid equlvnlent therein.
The miIU Mt the rrxctlve lulling
fitiicei ahove nmneil )mll iikii Uie iilxje '
alii dale In: open fur the purpote of vol
Iiij; iiiii the Mid pro-to.iilon ltvtfei
the hour of 8 A. M. mi.l 7 I. M.
The iimiiti of the clerk for the fulling 1
place within the City of lleml are J. '.
bawhill and 1'.. C. Throne ami the indue
fur audi iKillinis place are A. hither,
K. M Smith ami ('. I,. Uutnling.
The namea of the clerk fur the polling I
place fur the territory propmeil tu l
aiineaeil are M. -. I.allln ami N l"
Wenler ami the jude of Mich polling
place are V. W. Orcutt, J. 1. Wot ami
C. I. Ilurell.
Dune in KJrunce ami hy virtue of
reMiluttuii duly made and pawed hy the
Coin moil Council of the City of lleml.
Oregon, at a rneetlni; held on the 14th
day uf I'eliruary, lyil.
II. C J'. 1. 1. IS, City Recorder.
Ilated at lleml, Oregon, l'cli. 14, 1911
You Can Buy Heavy Win
ter Clothing at Our
Cheaper than yon, will be able to
buy next winter. Come in and look
the stock over and you will be sur
prised at the reduced prices.
X, fK)
I I ... 4L WJjl I I
r J J 1 nlnn
J jy ( lit
. o. jZ&Zr ' Sill JMJ 1 I"
29 -47- t fWVF f;
wvryjt 1
asamf msm
v ii 11 111 1 1 rw, 1 . 1
M.. AUU-JLjyril 15JLJL :....
I 1 Dnannnnnn
KX nPEonnQcop,
I ?- v 1 1 1 sit n 1 in h h ft n v
Xvx a 1 m 1 u 1 iw c 'i j n r
ry pfcHnnnnnn
W& 1 lRnm 11,111 ii 1
"-jn 7yA isd mir5 rfpn m pi H
- -. -fry X77:7?s5ggr: "rrnmr T77r2g-
'' - '' T .,,.- .-Wi, ' " .1 . n.uiiiMUii. .ii mill j .. i . ..i.'K.i ' I I " ' ,
The Bend Townsite Company
North Addition Cneter Addition Lava Road Addition-Park Addition
In or near Bend: Your property
listed with us will find ready sale.
On or about March 1st we will issue
a catalogue of all property for sale
by us. We will also open an office
in Seattle. If your property is for
sale make the price attractive and list
it with us during the next few days.
M. S. Lattin Co.
Budweiser Saloon
Complete Line of
Wines, Liquors and Cigars
Bond Street
Between Grevnvvood und Oregon
The Pioneer. Wood Yard
- AM
Call on or telephone us for all kinds of
We saw Cord Wood and I.iinlt Wood ou short notice,
1 Outers Promptly l-'illed.
W. P. DOWNING, Proprietor.