J THE I5END BULLin'IN for the mjiiAte tlwit. clean lmlie. cUtxn )K)Hur, timl Uir IkjI mtctwlH of Hcml ami Central Orenun. svwscRirnos RATKS: Otlt ftt .nniHiLIKKIIKHiiHIIMHWIHtHHr Sti month. ....... - ........ Thm: munth......... ,........... (Invariably In aWnc.) SALl; 0I! MORSUS. Owinjj to tho stormy weather tho horse sale lulvortisotl by lieoriro H. Iliuwoll of I'rinovillo to commence i on Saturday Mutch 11 hits been jnwt jioticd until Saturday March 1.5. Twenty head of lijjht ranch ami driv- iutr horses will bo sold at private wile at the Womuuly Livery Hani in H nd. coinmeneiiiK March 2fitl. NOTICB FOK PUIU.tCATlON. IS-Mirtmcnl T the InlnKtt. l ft. Unl otht nl Thr tulle. Or. IV. fi il. Ne(l la hurby Kln that Chf.lrt II Mttkrt. wlHloitM" Tlu .Mia. Mim fc .u ju m iim jit Jv il Nmcniw,. HMti. hi lit lhi rtv .! ii alatrtttrnt atul i)Ni' I tiuM, So o ?t. lo jwiehaw thr rf nw Sec I Ii ., i i, -..- ........ . thm fit umleTlbc jimiiii ' thr acl or lun ' ! al Ihr- avt amrnOaliHy, Unoua(lir . rtmlr muI fiuv- l-ii ' at nnh vln a .uKklhrAt.il bV llllllHltllt ami thai, lif t .. Tl.,i nnn.ir imiixiil. iiraplimillv Miit IumkH aviilimiiim in Hurt iiniwr 111.11. .iV i..vt ...mv..i .............. ,,... , B..B Alll.rili!!. lir llllllKt U' is ontcmiwrHncous with lu-ml it , mm ti w " " '''St V'L'M l - .. ii . ... .. ... Uml $oau, tal "' applhmil lll oil BHl ' golf, for the town canto into Hit ex- "".f.,, w. ..,.,imi am. ., . . il .i? i. .. ..i...... 1:.!.. tt' I ..iwii .ui tk uih tli t.f Matrli. tun-l! isicice wormy ui uv imuw mi...- n ;"r ;.,y; ..i KV.rrfu.oij.s u.i aw before the fouiuunj of the i om,mt.m- h.ii.,i!ii i . !- .1 . ..:.r. - imii ii-t'.n t M litem w iHl IhU t- er, early in the sprin- of 10J. Ijm iy. iituir te.i i u llnrinir tltose oitrht vonra tlie tuttr ' " ' pi't . to fit e cvrrnti. UUnr.Jf U1UM. UlJilll ,wua wre -it:i r, nj.,,, ( thi. . alt. itl"H f" nnu tne town nave luivunceu siohh- w.nrtiii.ititiii'intry WKnNlvSDAY, MARCH 15. oti OUR lilOHVII UlRt'ltOAY. With this issue The Bulletin starts upon the eighth year of its public r C N .MOOHK. KruUlrr. XOTICK VOU PUUhlCATION. IVcttatttirHt of lh tlltff V.M-. I . S I..1..I l).r ui The Imii, Or.. WtwMrv it. lall iMt Wlllum Kilwunl Cr lfLt"Ui. -MfitiMl. ho. IHI ily, in size, importance atwl pro- ii xoi-it'. The uevelopement of the i p.ut however, material ami praie I worthy as it has been, is overshadow-1 i ihv tiu tiromisu of atlvanceiiieiil , vii. terriv in th.t which the present year IiuMb botlt tStfKiV.yJ?,iS .KSf for town and for paper. -. -s -h. i ,; -. k, v unci wuru iuv nut i u " pl..ce concorninK The Bulletin's his tory. And, as the development of the local per must ro hnnd in hand with thnt of thu town which it represents, a further few sentences coneerninir the paper's uxpec tnjons of enlarRomont dun vx its tutlj year, may be of intuiest to all ha ins Bend's future at henrt. The first number of The Bulletin vo3 issued with Max Ljeddemann tin .1 .ommillMtoii r.v In rulllli tUliu In UK 'bit bv ilrotltml. brlurc II C litll. V . CmwiMii,'l hl orkvc l llciid. iiitnuii. .rti lit 1KI1 rt- iif rll. uil eialHMiit ii4mi Willi" Kotetl n. Kt-fM. KilwHt.l T HTtl. Vlvmlr t.rvtt t t .wt IUiiij C XhutHJiclwr, at! of IUI.w. iriwn. M j c. W. HDDKH, KcKlttrr. NOTU'U KOH I'lllihlUATlUN ljMttmi-nlof Hi lulcrtor; U. S. Mint OilK at Tht iMllr. OiTgim, l'hruaty t, wil. NoOe r hfby ictwn thai lMwiid T KdteM. afU'Loi trit.i. ho on iMuter ijrtt Iv5 m4r NowvMnxt Katry No iJj. MrUI No. ; k.r -,.Hi( vc adlh NH t. . - . .. -. ... .; '.I . l. M. .i kr. 11 c. IfttK. V A CiimmUnoHrr al .-. note at wl iik.oi. on thr iHli ilay of ril wu. Llalmaut nnri a -i r.rorr nrtl, K btt l". Ma'trii Joan U and I'rank K. iHyrmi.aUot UMU (Vrta. 51.J C. W MOOKK. RsltT. W03 ISSUeu W1UI iunx uaeuuviimiiii ,, ,0,, ,.mth ikiimiI. W. M. ha of Antelope as owner ami Don Be. i-''.rirLCVX cl iM.iaraa as eoiwr. in nuKiu. 1J03, J. M. Lawrence, then U. S. Commissioner at Bern!, bought a half internet in the papur, .which he edited until January 1, 11)06. for two years after which C. D. Howe conducted the paper for Mr. Law rence. In May, 1908. Mr. Law rence sold his half interest to Mr. Lueddemann. Soon after the paper pissed into the possesion of r red S Stanley of Portland, who in Febru afy 1910. sold to Don StetTa XOTICK FOB PUBLICATION (M'tmnt ofiht Intctor. V. h. UHdiMtW. l The Dlln.Or., Janmty ll, 1911. Matte U hr by ) th.i I. K.lh A. IMnn. MrmrlHH htoaiMt at 1tt IXuh, form tly Titw sruutiliMl.. of bii J Of-ifOH. who. o Nmimtin dn m nd homud Mtfr No urlfxrl' r lal So. ojj4), fcf i wtf.nS V. c 1.T Un I . m , K. 11 K-. aad lot t. y. r. IS S . R. I) Mirrh 1 loin the nronortv was ." ' . " "" ' hki-i"' Aiarcn I, -J-Ot " projiurij iw 4- Arr.fru .f .wt.a Uim to tht nurchased by G. P. Putnant and J. uk4.u 4hkJ. ff 11. c. ibu..u. m '. . ' . . .v . 1 i'umiii. aL hiio. at Dead. Otiuu.oii M.Lawrence, tany m uocemoer Tt4yoi ?. wu of last year Mr. Putnam acquired LSSEttSrS' 'ZllSrEi hTJAd'SS" 9-j e. w Mr. Lawrence's half intcrost. and .:..."..,.. .i "... 1 now exclusively owns uuu wiuiuis tjie paper, of which he is the editor. The Bulletin's interests are Bond's interests. Its purpose is to advance Bend's welfare and that of Central Orezon to the utmost of its ability. MOOKK. KtKliltr. CONTEST NOTICE Dtpartmriitofthc Interior, United Mat Land Otlw. I akrrttw. Orreon. Ian. II. 1411 tet coatit aJjn Ihtihk tern hlr.1 in ikM nMrr hv Nina II TntrtVtt. Otllttanl. . .... 11. ..i.. 1.. 1 !.!.... ..."ilnrf llKMn4 Knik So nfl, mad Not. rouucaiiy, reiigiousiy antt iimusin- ,, fo, -h.hh. utKK.c : K WilUm which u 1. 1Ul-J1Ii1 wld Van Mtr hat wholly abanooord thl.UiMl h fild lo comply with lit UrailotdXKuil cultltjtlun. thai ht lwnrrrkldHu fv tract. uU partlra arhreby no(i6rd loapprar Inpuwl, aixl offrt CTHUHCt touching tald alienation at io o'clock . m. oh Mar 16. tan brfui L'onimiMiOBer II i Htlu. brad. (Crcon (awd lhal fenal hartm Without critics WOUld be a DOOr wUlb hUI at to o clock a m en Mar ; ion. ,, . . 1 wuuiu ira a, ivu nror) th Kitlr awl Ktlr ! the I'ultnl thing Indeed. ,suii"d ociuuiktyicw.orgiin. I IMWN COtllUini fWlviMK L.w."l mm.' 1 ' ..... A..a .. .a.. ... A.tta .. HkJ.1. . I IM ... .. -. W. ... w... ...a... anrdndiliiitKc pronl t It f nil. TU.. n.tll.ifin In nUaavlllttl... tmlu. i.W MC II t'IWHhlil II . runrf K uii), J. in. uum-i.ii. .0 uw-v.iv-j ...v., -rMin.by II L. Vanllcttr Coiillf. in penucru. tia uire is iu k square deal to everyone. 'That it will make mistakes and incur the displeasure of some, is inevitable: a newspaper so insipidly weak as to be .lam. Sled wu ARTHUR W ORTO.V. Rrti.tcr I'KKO I CHVKKMH.M.K. Krcrtrcr. r. .! t.n laal IWfll. Tl... nilllAt.n ' A. Iht jLiiuiiK UI,!1,B,' , '", '' I thi. olK- cm ot te BM.i. ii it hereby otaird has tncresed the size of its issue from : w urd tb.i wt uoik u Ki" du aud fnup tn Picrht nairna. n wtll as on-' V' pbici.i larging the size of tho pages them selves. In its new shop, the mot commodious in Central Oregon, the paper has installed a power ongine, much new type, including an entire II I fw . news dross, anu suinciont auver CONTEST NOTICE I)hartmnt of ih Interior, 0Ul bUtra Ijnd lithe Lakriw Oreian. Jan. 11. 1911. A tofnciWnt ronteH tfmli.t hvmie teru bird .1 ? 1 1..1. . . . ..II in IhM omcr b Nina II Trilletl. cobltttalll. Using anu JOU lj mb io matu an J , ,,,lurt iiou.,! Hniry No nKti. mad Ic. sible present requirements, and U&n!'&S&J!Kil vast deal of other oiuipment calcu- coim, m wnub it niirtd nut iui ceor lated to increase the eliiciency of the KjraftuTVr" IttiSS: riunt .i.inv and cultttatiuu. lhal h hat ncer retidtd I . ... ... 1 uiMrfi Maul timet, ta d tMitirt at hereby notified A new riabCOCK preSS, WlllCn Will tJ;p.ar. rnpodad oiler ceHlcnc K.uchti.K taut allraalaoo at lu oiioca a m. on Aiar i vli orlurc C'tumt-tiouer II C Hint, Urud, koh (and that hnal hrarlSK will b hrld al ubilucti n oh Maith li. !. before) ihr timieu bUIrt I.auu - HMer aud Kecrivcr at I lie i x In a Dretxr armla 11, wl fjftll facta whirl. luenc twraaHMl arrvw ot ml. iiuIkc can not te made, it it hereby erderrd aud directed that aoch notice b gteu by due Nat prober pooncaiaoo. tjl ARTHUR W. ORTON. Reritter, NoncnTOCRtiDiroRs. be the largest in operation in the in terior, is being Installed. It's weiirht is 8.000 tjounds: it .will print not only the newspaper but all kinds ''.' ZifXltZXuZZ m . of large circulars, posters and gen-, "Si,"!: " JX, .... , . .' , 4 1.- 'aoie that rtflvriMetlUi erai mgn ciuss jou wors. iu in stallation means that The Bulletin shop will be prepared to handle any and every class of work. It is the management's intention to make of The Bulletin a semi weekly, to be published on Tuesday and Saturday. Until the additional equipment necessary for such a change is installed and in operation, definite 'announcement of tho date of the twice-a-woeks' first appear ance cannot bo made. Suffice to say that considerably before Bond has its first train it will have a semi weekly, and one that will be roady to transfonn itself into a daily just us soon or perhatMj a little sooner as the town's grpwth can justify the leliof that such an institution would be self-supporting. The Bulletin upon its eighth birth day promises its readers nnd pa trons for this new year a bigger nnd a better weekly, a semi-weekly that will be a credit to the community, and a daily, as soon as feasible. Like Bend, Tho Bulletin has baroly commenced its developoment. MANY NEW AUTOS. ' G. M. Cornott and L. D. Fox loft ' last week for Portland. They will rw r fa Hudson automobiles for C. a j,i. L. B. Baird and Dr. Fer rtflajafThey will abo order a Chal- ol In tiie County Court of the StHte Orvkon for Uie County of Crook, In the mutter of the Idlute uf Mabel iloMia, Drcrawil. NO I IClt i hereby jslven by the under aiiiril, u'limniatratur of the c.tale of tluliel Iloliln, fletea.ei), to the creditor f, and hII roiM huvitii; claim, ajjalnn Ii 'il ileceMxl lo priit llietn, veri iil ua r(ulril by law within ix nioiitli 4ir the nrat iulillctiou of thia nutict 10 the Mid uilniiiitatralor at the office ol Vernon A. forties in The I'irst National Hank Huililiiin. HJ'I. OrK"'i. tlitr mum KinK the j. lace for the tmuactlon ol he hu-ineaa of mIi) estate ill the aulri City, C'Wtity and State. Datwt thlk 7th day of March 1911. oiiour.i. nouns, A'lininUtrator of the eiUlc of Mabel Iloblrt, (lrcatil. 53-4 "i .rt. for Uie Wejvuyly LUayy '' for Uje Wejvnly 1 GARTER IS COMING WITH SOMJ, FINE DRY WOOD to make the wet wood burn. Take a load and try it. Drop tne a card in the P. O. box 61 P. M. CARTEf I Imvc just rorcivcil u box of W dozen Spring and Summer Neckwear If you want to see something really swell, drop in. Price, each 35c. t - ' 7 ve 50c, 75c. My new line of Spring Hats arrived Monday and is now on display. I can show you any style of spring hat you may desire. For the latest go to THE TOGGERY A. L. KUKNCI I. Prop. On Oregon St. 1 J Peerless Pressing Parlors (Now located with A. L. French.) Cleaning Pressing Repairing Steam Cleaning Dry Cleaning FIRST CLASS WORK GUARANTEED Iking out that old Spring Suit "We'll make it look like new." I ( I 1 w'V"V",,- naa anvBaaiMBB I ! i There's one place in Uend where you'if sure o gel nbso. ' httely the best of everything in Wines, Li ptors autl Cigars, and that one place is ilverto ty Wo conduct an Orderly Emporium for tho entertainment of all energetic, enthusiastic nnd onlightoncd Bend Boosters and our selves over eagerly encourngo emigration to this Eden of Eastern Oregon. Knockers inoculato our cntiro anatomy with ennui and, eventually, may expect to bo ejected from our establishment. Got wiso! Eh? HOSS BROS., Props. On next Monday I will open a first class Tailoring and Repair Shop in the building on Bond street, formerly occupied by A. 13. Moe. G. U. JANATA mQtmimum The E. F. Pitman Real Estate Co. IRRIGATED LANDS IN THE WALKER BASIN Farm and Stock Ranches for solo. We handle La Pine Townsito Lots. Tell Us Your Wants. La Pine, Oregon. BYRNE REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE mgm .: j & iimiirr REALTY Of All Kinds Bought, Sold and Exchanged. a " We have a very extensive list of DKSCHUTI.S VALMW IRRIOATKI) LANDS. We bring the Property Owners and the Outside Huyerx together. BYRNE REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE Hotaling Iildg., Wall St., Uend, Ore. Soo our window display of bottlo goods. Wo ore exclqsivo agents for tho famous WEINHARD BEER. for all Central Oregon. Your Patronago Solictcd Bend's New Harness Shop Manufacture, s of I lurney. Hepairing of All Kinds' incltidiiiK .SIIOF. and HOOT A Big Stock of SADDLES, BLAN KETS, ROBES. Sale of Buggies $115 Michigan Buggies JAO CQ $100 Michigan Buggies! or $85.00 Genuine Mandt Wagons Farm Implements H. J. EGGLESTON Bend, Oregon. Only Complete Stock of HARDWARE IN CENTRAL O R E Q O N. (a) OUR COMPLETE NEW STOCK OF Seeds WILL SOON BE IN. PRICES ARE RIGHT. ? Bend Hardware Co. w? Mli O. goon. ." ri JT . t