BEND BULLETIN I '" V 1 " -X' ' "L IX WIND, OKKOON, WRDNKSDAY, MARCH 15, 1911. NO. t 'tTV'Wi' rtrfit . THE 4W (I 1 t f mm -m I- ' fi0tMi. IN, HT40tJ(ur. Mo j 1 tii a -i'lflL. fttJ At HlT M.folluS. In Iti first wwk of operation Ujo Oregon Trunk Railway brouKlit 4f2 prnwcnKiTH to Madras. Tho number for tin second week, which cnda to day probably, will ! about -lOft. About DO cam of freight arrived ul Madras and Mutollus. Thus far only car load lotu nro being takwn m to Metollus, mid then "handled, until tliu erection of n warehouse, by tho railroad company Itself. Con siderable1 illlllrulty ban been encoun tered In curing for freight at Mad ran duo to tho fact that thu word hoifso thcru lia.i been full of wheat. It In understood that during tliu present week representatives of Bid four, Guthrie & Cohuvo arranged to taku thin wheat" thud relieving tho congestion. On March 7th work was communc ed on Ui&MatlrnsdojMit. The build iug In tobo IIOxl in feet, Among tho shipments from Mad ras have been M cam of cuttle, and 1000 sheep ,for the Portland markets ami a carVoT Hereford Bulls, am signed ti) Honolulu, from the ranch of G. mOrny near I'rlnevllle. Lost week W. C. Wilkes, Aiwt. tien'l. Freight Agent of the S. 1. & S. H. K., conferred with Uie sheep men in Prlncvlllo in regard to tho shipment of this year's wool crop. According to Mr, Wilkes practically all 4ho Crook County clip this year will Ira handled cither ut Madras or Metollus, at one of which points facilities for handling U10 big wool busincM will bo arranged by tho railroad. It Is expected that next yeur's thipment's will bo made from Mad-ras-Motolius and Bond, tho fonuor polnl commanding tho shipments from the Vlbrthom portion of U10 county and Bend becoming shipping point for the southern territory and tho groat southeastern ranges in Homey and Lake Counties. Un doubtedly 'wool sales such us have been (MjMucted at Shanlko each year wfiTUo hold hero after tho ad vent of thw railroad. BUILPfflGRESmENCES. Uaichutcs Addition Saa Ilrrcllon of Many Naw Home. "Something doing" in tho build- ing lino in the verdict accorded Des chutes by thoso who nro fnmllinr with devolopcmont thero-about. Ten rea'dences have sprung up there during thu jmst few months, not to mention many tents. Among thoso who have built are J. M. Morris, 0, C. Henkle, Mr. Smith, Carl Inriewig, Ralph Sjwnccr, J. S. Hmythe, A. h. French, A, 0. Thorson and A. H. Dorrls, V ' 'ASP I'ftfiB IS - Don't Wait Until You aro Pinched for Money and then Como to the Bank an Absolute Stranger and Expect Us to Accommodate You .' WHY? Because we must know ,f our borrowers before they become borrowers. WHY? Hcciiusc we lire loaning our depositors money along K with our own and we must rv be absolutely sure that all our loans are sale ones. Why not lie a dcpoillor firat, then we have a chance lo Wj sfcjuatiitcil with ou uml when money it nretled ue are IJ ,& imuUIoii to exlenit you credit. Do it now. Start a lUnk u - ' . 1.. ' I1 I.I. ..... ..Ill ti..l.i 11 ami na will llelD Vfll . COUIll Willi III, jr uuiiik ' I"" The Deschutes Banking & Trust Company Of Bend, Oregon Conservative Banking. for Conservative Peojfc." .' (- -" '.i "; n 1 I rr,.l..A.RD(irKsl.let) IN O. MINOR, I L. n. lUlUD. 1'. O. , BIG TONNAGE PROMISED I Uums i'rtl.litlnjc from llenJ Will lie Hnurinoii. JTho following letter icrelved by thu Ilulletln from a well informed fjurnsmnn gives an Interesting idea ff the benefit which Uend may ox- oect to reap from tho Bend-Burns fond, jj nUirn: up your teller of ilic anul ul (Tmu relative to Uiaapuroilmale amount 6Tfreli(litlUK tit h t inlKlit I cxxrclrl lo twiiir (rem tlir Weal into Duma ami Har ney County, provided ki(I roaela arc iimtp ftom ill railroad poliil lit connect with Hum roads, will iay that I hnvr vt the mailer mijiic Illtlr kliuly mnl hove lkni the ln In lake the Inxtlrr up with evemt of our huilnro turn. In 1011ml tiutiili the fitlxht hauleil Into lliitui cacIi rr U from j, $00,1100 tMiunili lo j,m),(i, Mrrclunu uuttnle of lliirn, lue lMit the Mine amount, anil yon ran ailil like amount fur the Mk catlle rauclirianil mlicellaiieoui, tiukluv a total ol frnm lo,(K),x) to 15000,001 W)inicU. lint a auiall part of lhl will oome In from the ratt I my oitlnlon, Ilium mtrchanta will urt tltrlr freight In mi low at K)iltile. anil the olut that fiirnlOin the lt faeillte I the point that will (jet the huiineii. The rirl liulnr while II will be qulle a viilumr, U harilrr for lite lo a proiluutp, ThU would contlit of wool ami llvritock iirineimlly The jriijjcr trainc from Ifarney Cnunty will be worly of couililerallou In tills rcKanl. The llurna Commercial Club exectii to jiave a ilrlrcatlou at Html on the ilay you ilrlve the "KuMcti ilae." (Sigurd) C, ll. I.KONAal). MORE CASH FOR ROAD UenJ-llurna Kooto Preliminary Work Nearly I'lnlincd. Ifnmesteaders In tho MillicafT count r' bring in word that tho "Hcnd-Hurns" Hags already are strung along tho route of the new rood from Hend well to tho cost of Milllcan. Tho road U practically straight. During tho last week $135 more has been contributed to the road building fund, bringing It to a total of $7(515. Th recent contributors are: Hend Townslto Co. $100, Silver- tooth fc Hniwilcr W, J. r Taggarl & Co $5, II. C. Coo ?, J. 11. O'Nell $r ninia. N. Clark, who. with J. H. Stewart lias u HctIon of land In 20- 18, 1(5 miles east of Milllcan, soys that he plans to erect 11 road house on his proiHiriy. uie projKwcu stopping place will bo directly on the new Ilcnd-Hurns road, says Mr. Clark. It Is understood the road survey ing party under K. W. Richardson has practically completed their work to thu Harney County line, and is expected to be back in Rend this week. O'NUU. OUYS SALOON. Lust" week O'Nell Rrotheu of O'Nell, who have interests at Mad ras and Shanlko, purchased tho Rlggerstair saloon on Rond Street. James Serravnllo Is tlio manager for tho new proprietors, tho establish ment now being known as the Roma Saloon. In tho purchase was in cluded tho restaurant and all sa loon equipment, " ! ,- - W . ' .' M AMXTBK8fVIrreMvfl 1 X (fojVctyy) k "4 1 I)iKttCTty?Slr t I- ""jT MINOR, S. V. ua.kii. , T cur ur BUILD COUNCIL PLANS BUILD ING CITY HALL. Will Spend $10,000 on Improvement, $2000 of Which Will lie Spent This Year Officers Reappointed Mora Sidewalk. At tho meeting of the Common Council held last evening thu special committee appointed by the Mayor to confer with the Townslto Co. ! regartl to a lot for a city hall re ported that Uie matter had been taken up wltli J. M. tawrence, who suggested that Uie Council pick out three or mora sites and give esU- mates of the proiwsed improvements. Thereupon tho Council decided to sjiend $10,000 on a city hall, at least $2000 of which would be spent this year. Mr. lawrencc told the com mittee Uiat tho company would meet U10 Council more than half way in tho selling of a site, S. K. Roberts was re-appointed day oflicer, and Wlllard Huston as night oflicer. Marshal Kelly, J. R. Doyle and Frank Robinson were each in turn appointed night oflicer by the Mayor, but the Council failed to confirm them. The reiwrt of Marshal Kelly show- cd $G7.f0 in fines, assessed during I-cbruury. Treasurer Sjericer's re port showed $004.08 disbursed dur ing February, and a balance of $3500.87 on hand March 1. Uwm reconsideration of its former action, the Council voted to issue a liquor license to Zulaney & Camp bell, as soon as they complied with Uie ordinances. Rills to U10 amount of $200.08 were ordered paid. Tho following sidewalks, wiU necessary crossings, wcro ordered built: north sido Greenwood, lots 1 to (5 incl., block 2.'!, and lots 1 to 7, iiicl., block 2-1; east nldu of Lloek 24, lots 7 and 8; south sine of Fir, lots 1 to 0, inch, block 23, and lots 1, 2, 3, 4,. 10, 0, and 8, block 21. The Council adjourned to Friday March 24. RV. C. M. CLINE HERE OUtrlct AtUslonary For Central Ore gon to Live Merc. Rev. C. M. Cline, formerly of Ton kawu, Okla., Is In Rend and will make his home here. He is District Missionary for Central Oregon in tho RapUst Church. Rev. Dr. Cllne will conduct services at the Raptist Church on Sunday, March 2G, and second Sundays Uiereafter. Dr. Rlack, formerly a pastor at at Walla Walla, delivered tho morn ing and evening sermons Sunday He is now in tho Evangelistic field, and will preach in man of tho small cr churches throughout the Interior Rev. Wilson will conduct tho rcg' ular services next Sunday. Bend Construction Company. ARCHITECTS Contractors Builders ?-'; .' L 4 All Kinds of Furniture and Cabinet Work. All Work Fully Guaranteed SEE US BEFORE f YOU BUILD. y WF J A. HAZUKA W. M, McG CLOSE BIG DEAL TOWNSITE TRANSFER OCCURS NEXT WEEK. Lumber Allll To Open, Water nd Electric Systems to lie llnlarged and Developement Undertak en, Is New Company Han. i J. M. I-iwrence left today for PorUund where he final acts In the transfer of Uie Rend holdings of Messrs. Drake and Robertson to the Rend Company will take place. The Incorporation and organization of tho Rend Company and delivery of the properties will be modo there next week if possible. Tho fact Uiat some of Uie men Interested are in Uie East may produce a littlo de lay as signatures are required to formal documents, but aside from this possibility tho transacUon will proceed to speedy completion. In discussing Uie matter Mr. Lawrence said: "Wlillc many small details remain to be. setUed indeed, from the very nature of the case, tho new organiz ation and new policy are not yet of ficially determined, because Uie new company Is not yet incorporated Itijots 0, 7, 8, 9, and 10, block 1. Ken may be said Uiat A. O. Hunter will. probably be manager of real estates and publicity and Clyde McKay will have charge of Uie lumbering. Mr. Hunter, who has already achieved much success in Uie Rend field, is one of Uie best sales managers in Uie country. He has Uie best of connections and ho knows the busi ness thoroughly. He has taken the leading part in Uie financing of this now deal. Clydo McKay has been with tho Mueller Lumber Co. all his business life and has been their j Addition, througn the Cetrnal Ore trusted man in Uie woods and in jgon Realty Co. , ptilling ojiemtion In tho upper Mis-1 A. C. Lucas to Paul Hoss, lots 2Q slsslppi Valley. For some Ume He I and 21, block 4, Rend. $4000. has been looking after tho Mueller interests on the Deschutes, so he is familiar with con3ltions here. . "It is likely that there will bearc vision downward In the salo prices of lots and that special concessions will be made to thoso whoJwill im prove Uiclr properfjr. , Water md lijrht service will be ctondl. The saw mill will bo started rt'as soon as possible, perhaps by-lh'eifiret of Uie month, oud operated toQa full ca pacity. The dry kiln wnllprobably bo douubled in sito Inimediotely. Tho electric power staipn.a im proved and painted and)its capacity doubled. Water wilf be taken from the river above town ajftsoon as the change can be madr). Assistance will bo given to Uie building of good roads. "There will bo irenerous co-oper- nUon with even" atroncy developing ' Central Oregon. The Comjiany will j act upon tho idea Uiat It can prosper only when the community prospers nnd Uiat a considerable responsibil- W yrffc' AR&PRPC roR !S6rT K T,Al ' Ji "-"" r-" ! RT Ity for the common good rests upon It. "Among the things to engage early attention is Uie getting of a larire hotel here and securing certain fac- tones that arc looking for location in this field. Mills and factories will receive liberal consideration ax to sites and power nt Rend." Mr. and Mrs. Frank Robertson arrived Saturday night from Port land, returning Monday, Uiat Mr. Robertson might be on hand at the final transfer which is expected to occur on Uie 20th. , A. M. Drake, who came in Sun day, returned to Portland today. REAL ESTATE ACTIVE Many Lots Have Chanced Hands Re cently, The Bpring activity in real estate 1 has started, and many sales are be-i ing made. The following transfers have been made recently: Rend Towntltc Co. to R. E. Warner lots 21 and 22, block 19 Park Ad dition. Rend Townsite Co. to H. R,. Ford, lots 1C and 17. block 18, Park Ad dition. The Ryrne Real Estate Ex change sold the property. Hend Townsito Co. to II. D. Rrown lots 1 and 2, block 3, North Ad dition. A. O. Hunter to II. R. Ford, lot 7, block 3. Rend. $3000. The Kenwood Co. to E. L. Swope. of Seattle, lots 1G, 17, 18, 19 and 20, block 15, Kenwood. The Kenwood Co. to Arthur Tolles, wood. .The Kenwood Co. to Charles Pringlc, of ScatUe, lots 1, 2, 3. 4 and 5, block 24, Kenwood. The soles. In Kenwood were made by James Ryan. He also sold Uie west half of block 15, LyUe acreage, .to Mrs. S. Klein, of ScatUe. Dr. Fer- rcll owned the, property. Hunter & Statts to W. P. Down ing, lots 1 and 2, block 3, Deschutes. Miss Mary E. Coleman purchased lots 9 and 10, block 18. Wicstoria SEATTLE INTERESTED M. S. LatUn Returns From Two Week's Trip. M. S, Lattin returned Sunday evcnlntr from ScatUe and rcporta Uiat a largo delegation of ScatUe people will come to Rend on Uie 'first train. "Many of the clerks," said Mr. Lattin, "arc postponing their trip until the train arrives so as to be able to spend their vocations in and about Bond. Bond is the only town one hears talked of In Seattle now." WILL QUARRY ROCK NEAR UEND. J. I. West and W. P. Golden have purchased a channeler machine which which will be shipped to Metolius immediatily. Mr. West soys they in tend to quarry extensively near Red Rock Canjjjui, about 2 miles north west of Bend. They expect to be able to furnish all cut rock required in Bend buildings by May first. We First National Bai OF BEND, BEND, OR1N3 Dr. U. O. OOE. Pmldint E. A OATHCR. Vie O. S. HUOSON. Caihlar OaolUI fullr paid - 2S,000 Stockholder' lUblllt as.000 Uurplu. ..... S5.0OO 0 Statement of tho First National Bank of Bend Arnd4rdl3lhT?MrrOpartmnlonhUnlUa' WRli'niHn, w. w AS8ETS , Loam and DbcouuU fam& uuk rSuHaVT Tina WX1. S J 04uk UalUllOK anvl t.o ......... O. S. llond and liemlum...-.,..' rive ITT ccni ktuhuwuxh - ti 01 CASH ON MANU " OUEFOM T)TiLV. n.Mt $3itjy 39 DIKE V. It. SMITH P onnpo f t ,. PrT imv- )w tilf TrXBS . xs tir 31 TV ' JJHPfcf a ILL ORGANIZED WORK ON FLOUR MILL IS BEGUN. (Jand iMIIIInjr A Wsrthou Company Incorporates sad Starts Work Oa Uend's First Flour ttlil-WIII ' B Wall Equipped. Preliminary construction opera tions have commenced on Bend's first flour mill. The mill will be lo cated near the power house on trc spur track of Uie Oregon Trunk. Last week C. I. Dozell, who Is at tho head of tho organization hand ling tiie milling enterprise, commenc ed clearing preparatory to founda tion work. The Rend Milling and Warehouse Company Is Uie tiUe of the new or ganization, which has just been in corporated, with a capitalization of $15,000, It is understood Uiat with Mr. Rozcll are associated a number of local investors. The mill is to have a daily capac ity of from 80 to 100 barrels, says Mr. Bozell. The dimensions of Uie building arc 32 by 48 feet, with three stories and a basement The mechanical equipment will consist of five double stands of rolls, two feed rolls, sifter stylo, of bolting with modern purifier and bran dust ers. The wheat cleaning machinery will include a receiving separator and two scouring machines. Power will bo furnished by a 0 II. P. three - phase 60-ycle induction motor. "We expect to draw wheat from all parts of Central Oregon," said Mr. Bozell. "Our intention is to buy Uie best and make Uie best grade of flour. Later we expect ta instaJI an alfalfa nwa) mill nrovided 1' ----- -, . ; - uicre is imotkgn cuiaiia jaisca in In addition to its flour milling in I crests uie new company expects ti , handle milling and farm machinery. ATHLETIC CLUS MCeTtNO. At a meeting of tto Board of DU rectors of the Athletic Association held Sunday evenlnir it was decided . to call a meeting of'all members foi S Thursday- night, at 8:30 at the club rooms in Linster'a Hall. All mem bcra and those Interested in putting tho affairs of the organization upon a permanent business basis ore urged to attend. COLLEGE MEN'S CLUB. There will be a meeting of all college men interested In the or ganization of the University Club on Friday evening March 24th at 8 P. M. In the Commercial Club rooms. Tho committee appointed on consti tution and bylaws, consisting of H. J. Overturf, D. M, Davis and Prof. Harrington will then make their re port. A. r.rn . n, ivn LIABILITIES ( PW a fu.y Survlu..-, ... .. hisf wwr&u;.- ssacw-M, Oregon, 1 ysn 1 I t-" h ' CiroiUtk ll.Jaa u l..M.M.llil, TorL... Vfljio,--' TZ r is C'T O R Ss -M H. C. J1LI.IS' ft- 0UUVI' , rrt .-w : -w- rfiKix I T fAjE' h vHjhc.x . f ' 3M0tff& Jr ' ! it V tr' I JaInm eSs I J n -Ml , - n I 1i