r wbnmmml "Bits .JgjrryjL..1? -:s&j,r"ir " i Btosw C. M. DAVIS -h JY1. J. MORRISON FARMS, CITY PROPERTY, At RE TRACTS, IRRIGATED LANDS, s jfS Business Chances, Timber Bought arid Sold. List your property with us. We i will sell it if it can be disposed of at a salable price. We can locate you on the best s ,, .1, II ' ' i mm mi li "'JijLmii .-..... .MwlWIS,l, mi i H - WJr ( i j 320Acre Homesiea ds s A. J. Alorrison has lived In Bond fur the past eight years and has made a business of locating and cruising government lands in Central Oregon. He knows the land and will locate you on the best to be had. If you are going to take government land find out who your locator is, and whether he has lived in the country long enough to know the lands; also if he is reliable. This Is a matter of importance to landscefccrs. Homeseekers' -Land Company bend, oreoon tr DEATH OP MRS. P. . SN0li0KU. SlJIKIKIInHUlflKIl On Sunday evening Mnriu Sand li I mi I I lUflLl TV Ui 111 ibcnr, wife of Dr. F. S. Sandborg, - 1 ww w ., . BEND-BURNS ROUTE BEING SURVEYED Party Started Monday 'to Locale Best Road Route From Bend Th rough Homestead Country to llamcy County. On Monday tho locating party for the Bend-Burns road left Bend for the southeast, to be absent probably nbout two wcefat, 3 Supervisor x v. lucnarucqBiHe&us uio party, Frank May w'thirengineor and Ray Wilkinson compass man. The other members are Al incus Neil and Phil Denccr. The party will locate the best and most feasible route from Bend to tho Harney Count line, near the southeast corner of Crook, there joining the present excellent road from Burns. Flags, with "Bend- Burns Road" printedorrthem, .will be put on stakes along the road route as located. As soon 'as the route has been laid oufinalrucUon will be com menced, lathentire distance the work of road making is extremely light, for the most part consisting simply of clearing the sagebrush. No hills or a dobo are encountered. It is the intcntionAf the committee having in charge the road making that tho new route shall be ready for all kinds of travel' considerably before the railroad reaches Bend. Even as It is, without any improve ment it Is understood the route im practicable for freighting. VANDEVER.T ARRIVES. IN Bend ol Alan Travel Far In Search Sleeping Accomodation. W, P. Vandevert returned Satur day, having been absent about a month, visiting' Portland and Salem. On his return trip he reports find ing extremely crowded condition at Madras and Redmond; so many Ieoplc and so few beds, in fact, that he, with ten others, was compelled to come through to Bend to find a sleeping place, arriving here nt 3 A. M. Mr. Vandevert visited his family at Salem. His son Clint, who is at tending college there, is recovering from an attack of pneumonia. "Bend should begin preparing for the -big rush at once," said Mr. Vandevert. "Madras is swamped, and before long we'll have to have n tent city here." WILL BUILD ADDITION. Wenandy Livery Co. to Increase Stab'e Room. J. H. Wenandy has started work on an additfon to his livery barn on Bond Street near Greenwood. The new building will be 32x80 feet and will be in the rear of the present building. George Brosterhous is fn charge of tho work, which will require about two weeks to complete. The ad dition will give the company a" building 100x140 feet. died at the Sandborg apartment in the May building. Tho death was very sudden, resulting from heart disease, to attacks of which the de ceased had been subject lor mnnj years. The deceased is survived by her husband and two children, Har old and Ralph. At the time- of her death Mrs. Sandborg was '40 years old. While Dr. Sandborg came to Bend about six weeks ago his family had been with him here but nine- days. Mrs. Sandborg was a prominent member of the Baptlstrfiu'rch, a member of the Ladi2??tfrary Club and always a diligil workei in the various social acSvities with which she iden tified herself. The funeral took placo Tuesday. Dr. W. L. Wilson conducted service at the Baptist church. Thero was special music by the quartet and Mrs. Lindborg sang a solo, "Face to Face." "Then shall the righteous, answer Him laying. Lord, when uw Me Thee an hungered ami fed Thrt". or thirst), a id kvc Thee drink? When u wv Tbce a stranger and took Thee in? And the Kinx tul! answer and j until tbem, Vcrilr. I say unto jou. Inasmuch at re hsve done it unto otic ol the lean of My brethren ye have Uoue it unto Me," Our Lord laid down by tlie.e words what he considered true Cluisliaiiiir. -ml we wish to convey. In a very Inmle quale manner, our heartfelt rtllule l the people of Bend for their )trca hel aud sympathy extruded to ut during nut great sorrow. We wish to especial tusiilc the kind ladies who o uurlGHlt ijsve us of 'heir sympathy and ttmt; who atwrcd so faithfully lor a stranger ami who have nude u strangers weleunit in your Midst We wish al.o lu extend our thanks fur the splendid floral offer ings, UK. I'. S SNDUHG Iiarou) Sanduoko Ralph Sand'dorc Mrs. Klikn Sanddorr i'ovvoll uirrni itums. Powell Butte. One., March 4 Mrs. Henry Young and Mrs. John McLeod and children of Celllo are visiting relatives and friends around tho Buttes. A meeting of the Powell Butte Grange Hall Association was hold at tho home of J. A. Riggs. A set of by-laws was adopted, and other matters talked over. Tho officer are: President. N. B. Golden: Sec retary-Treasurer, Frank Duffy: Di rectors, T. B. Bayn, J. A. Riggs and N. B. Beach. Mrs. Henry Tweet and Mrs. Allan Wilcoxon entertained at the Wil- coxon homo, r-riday afternoon from two till five o'clock. Dainty re freshments were served. Besides the hostesses there were present, Mrs. Mary Brown, Mrs. Nell Bus sett, Mrs. Alta Young, Mrs. Lucy McLeod and two children, Mrs. EIIh Smith, Mrs. Grace Bayn, Allan Wil coxon, Will Brown and Reeves Wilcoxon. TO MADRAS WILL TELL NEWCOM ERS ABOUT BEND Subscription Raled To Kon llend Booster At Und i( Roll 'To IMp Immigration In 1 tits Dlrrltlon Vandevert flues on Work" A meeting was hs)d at the Com murclal Club rooms Mondav evonini? to discuss the advisability of send ing a representative from Bend and vicinity to the und of the railroad to onable new comers to receive defi nite instructions as to how to reach hero. V. A. Forbes acted as chairman. A. C. Lucas rcjxirted that about $1G0 had been subscribed today for the Bond booster. Aftor several talks it was decided that such a move was very necessary and If sufficient funds could bo raised, a representative to "boost for Bend," will bo kept nt the end of the railroad until it roaches Bond. J. S. Stewart, A. C. Lucas, C, L. (totaling and W. P. Vandevert were nominated to fill the position. Messrs. Stewart and Lucas declined, and the ballot resulted in W. P. Vandevert being chosen. The liost methods to pursue in accomplishing the purpose were left to the discre tion of Mr. Vrnlevort who left for Madras yostorday afternoon. At last Thursday's meeting A. M. Lara was elected director to take the place vacated by the resignation of G. P. Putnam. EXTENSION OF TIME. Hrovvnlow, Mr. and Mrs. A. H, Dorris, Mrs. Sutherland, Mr. Wright, Mrs. Ilosvnhuhn, Messr. Low, Coyne, Davis, Wilson, Allison, ilurmonty and Kyle. Thuy were taken down by n four-horse! team driven by Charles l.ow. SCHOOL NOTI1S. Hugh Kelly and KIkIu Ruiwlorfer have been absent on account of ill ness. The second grade class has clu I tanged the third grade to a sibling match. v- J.I. West gavo rAwy Intorostin,' talk on the CtvihvWrjMJ Frldn; afternoon to the hlgru' ratios pi the school. , Tho work on tho fire oscapo lies begun. It is being built on tho otut side of the building. Irene Page, Ethel Spinning, Fay Deyarmond and Joe Ilozell have been absent from the eighth grade on account of illness. Commencing in the ksttc ot'Mnrc.i Iflth The Haul Hulletin will publish Hex Hench's g r e n t Alnskuit story THE SILVER HORDE Don't miss the first in stallment of this fascinat ing .serial. Vou will want to read every word of it. JtiM try Tic llullellti Job ,'ilutery. N'OTICH FOR ITIlhlCATIO.V IWpartiticiit of Ihe tnlrrler, U. H, tin.1 nitirr t UiVrfUw, III. I'K J, iii. Hake k hH" lhl ThoiutilWukup, kft,llHr llrsg-M i.mu.xh K.;l Wrt, ni.il. ImwhoimmI thtiy. " W7 ok H i laaiHtilii UK ,r n H. W M ,smmmIiii l li'lfMMi ta HMir Asl otMi44tfeHi mwm! m HMWHh tUim ta lit tixl li drtrf, I.I..I. II c Win. V. CMNmtMWnrr. l Ms .n4Wt Mb4IM. M tb d.Kt M.Hh, tvt. CMlHMMt IIINWI tllMi l C l.t ii, iimmh e.wti iMvui ii cwii 1MIIIHM.T t.lt.l. .11 4 l. I'M'. Il irU AKTHIK W.OKTllN. Mfrfl.l'l I'RUirTRHUS. Home-grOWn are bust and choait ost. Come and see my two niul tliree-ycar olds. Hownrtl Spinning, Bend. tf LAIDLAW LODQB LNTIiRTAINS. On Saturday night tho Laidlaw TUMALO ITOMS. Tumalo, Onu., March C Mm. Allie Baker and Melba of Redmond are visiting Mrs. Baker's parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Wimer. Gus Hasselburg has gone back to Washington where ho has a position in the logging camns. Mr. Hassel. burg is an expert timberman, Quite a number attended tho mask bail at La d law from them Settlers On Irrigated Land May Delay Until October. The following letter to the Cen tral Orogon Irrigation Co., from the Secretary of the Desert Land Board, contains an announcement of great interest to settlers: Salkm, Ore., March 3, 1911. Gontlomen: Some time ago the Board granted an extension of time to all contract holders whose land is ready for proof and who have not yot made proof, requiring them to completo their proof on or before July 1, 1911. The Board has been requested to oxtend this time to October 1, 1911 to enable such set tlers to enter the segregation on the railroad and tho Board accordingly, on the 1st inst., granted such an ex tension of time up to October 1, 1911 and notices to that effect have beon sent to the several contract holders. (Signed) John 1 1. Lbwis. CONTKST NOTICK lHtxitnmit ofllif iHlHtof, lutltj hut,. Mm! o I akr4t. Difrwi. II. Ilt A .ufflrWnt fuatnl It.Utll luring IwtM 6l.t In this oWrr by Nut II TflpMt. wil.Ut. Klnit llHUflcd Hnirjr So fi. hi.ttr.Nu' ;. v;. rarnwM.MK.oK. nM.W. m ii, wt( wy rc si. tuwii.Mp II . rM w R . W1I1.B. Ilr It-ltttwn tf II. L VnMHtrCMttalM. la hKh It I. Hfd lint Mkl VnuMtttrlM.nhollt h.naiunl thlit.H.1 h flll In cmm(4v wlin llHliwulvinMiHf.iul rultlIWn, lh.l U bti snir ihMkI uua Mkt IrKS hM m)U ate hfTtbjr imhiSkI to iifil, infwtHl, M lt rtlfBi Uothlnf .aid alttsattwi at I a'aiuck a. mi m Msr it. iii htht CwnmlMtstwr II C. Htll.. ImtwI. tl'ta.taiMllhat final UmiIkk mIII be h.tdatio a'dack a m on Mar ijlv. tlwe)lhr Hrfl.Ui and Kmlnl at the l7ult.fi Mates Land OITiee In Lakevicw Ore irun ThfHbl feuletlant lia.mr, luntiitirr affi d.rlt. filrd Ian. n . mi rutin ruts whkh ilwe that anrrdu. itHUHHT ro4l aetvleeal I hi. notice ran nl be made. It la lurtx odi.l nd directed that such nutl be (Wen due aud lnoiwr publicallua AHTIIUK W OUTOM, HtelUrr 4M YHl'.Uf CHIINKMII.I.HK, Keeel,r JURY SAVS UUILIY. At 2:30 the jury in the John Lc- CONTKST NOTICK Department sf Hit Inlsflsr, Uultwl Slatra Uivf I lit tee Lakeflew. OrrgMi, Jan. II, ln. A .uWcl. Ill o.ntr.t alTiktae.l h.vlne ltti DM In llila odttc by Nina II TrlpWlt, cunlMt.nl, analnsl iiewcatMa JWirjf no suits, wade in. If. 14 ler H sectluii 1) Iiiwh.SIp 11 n , ran 11 H.. Willamette Meridian, by Ororiie W Vluliw Cvntstire, In which It Is aliened that a.ld (irurii w vitiiMif ims wivMiy aiMimvutii inia isiiii, iimi he has failed to runinly with the Isw to resi dence aud eulllvsliuii, lhal be has never reshUi upeusahl tract. saM parlies sic hcrtby iirtlAM tuaper. retpijiiil aud i fl.r eei4leuc bHi.hlMg said allrgaiiou at l u'sluck a. in. uu Mar M, Ivll. Ihmc Cnnuiil'.luncr II. C llllli, llend, Oregon (and llist filial besrlHg will be litid at tooclocka in on Marth 11, Wil, befurcl '! Kr.l.trr ami Receiver si Hie United Stales Land mk In l.s.t if w, Orrgn The Mid conleataiil haying In a prspcr sfllda. vll, filed Janusiy li. igti. mi fur tit UcU wbxh aliow lhal after ducdlllgciice peraouat scr(c nt thl. notice rau uot be made, li ta hereby ordered and directed that swh notice be gitcu by due ami proper publication. mi AHTIIUK W. OKTOM, Kcgltler. BKNP LODGI5 NO. 218. I. O. O. F. Regular meeting iilyht, Kver) Mouduy. Visiting Ilrcthrcn el come. K. T, Bulls, V. A. I'orbe, N. O. Scc'y. gat case, heard before Recorder Ellis, brought in a verdict of guilty. Defendant's attorney, J. A. Wilson, has moved for a now trial. V. A. Fprbes prosecuted. Tho charge i Lett ve your subscriptions against uegai is one 01 arunxeness, on February 17. OttpANIZU SCWlNfl SOCIGTinS, parts Friday night and claim they """?. 01 uio wimwo had a fine time. ,vcr8' d(J8,res " mect nt hor homt' in m t nr i , ... ouiuruuy aiiuriiuon, un gins oe- MissChloo Woolley is vis t nor nt !...,. in n.iuj.i . i. hnmA fnr n fnw itnva ami ...III . . . ' . .-...v .v. h awrv .m.m tu mil HUUI1 tiiiMviun fr Afivfinlvlnr, n CAiiflnn. an- return to Bend whero sho fa nttinrU iie.:. ,.m , u. .u if -w.. ""w"". Jf" v. li t i ; vicu tu mju in itiiu. lYuir.) min lodge of the ouu l-eiiows entertain- '"K .ooi. Hotaling wishes to meet all young oJ the Bend lodge at Laidlaw. About' I. H. Couch has been a sick man women over 14, Saturday afternoon, 0 went from Bend, including u for the last few days but Is improv- for u similar purpose. number of the members' wives. Ing slowly. ." While the Odd Fellows wore hold- Ira E. WJmer, is on tho sick list, MASK UALL AT LAIDLAW. Jnp; tlieir meeting in their hall an but his health is improving, The following Bend people attend- entertainment was given in the ' Chas. S. Wimer was transacting ed the mask ball at Laidlaw Friday church for the Jadies. business in iiertcl Saturday. i evening; Mr. and .Mib. R. H.I for All Magazines at the Library and let that institution get the benefit. POLK'S GAZETTEER A naslness Dlrectorr ef card City. Town and Vlll.ee In Ore eon aud Washington, glrlng a I)evriplly PKrirn or earn pisce, siruiioa, niiiiipinic j'ueiutiea nun rini iiiririory o( nua rrorcsaion. It. !. 1'Or.IC A CO Seallle, Wnali. (,'iaui- m Xlustiwas Ine, I UKESBeT V E. R. POST- L-O-C-A-T-d All kinds of land locution nnd appraisement work i'2l) acre hijihcsteads aloiiflf , the railroad surveys. HqTAU.NO lU'll.UIN'O, J - IlK.N'H, Ohhcon. J. B. MONTAGU Contractor Builder, Plans and Estimates Cheerfully Furnished. Sec me before building. Residence south of baseUll field Bend, Oregon Fs-. Ii. N'iswonOiik, l'rcs. G, I). Mahkki., Sec OREGON INVESTMENT GO. v . s Wall Street, llend, Oregon. IM THI Ol.l) CUNTKAI. OKIKlON MltXLTV COMl'ANVOI'l'KK. ', -r CHOICE RESIDENCE L Choice residence lots in Wiextoria Atlt Ik-nil on the iiiirtli1. This it n Mrietlv lira bccliou und the fitst too lots will be sold nt I; IRRIQATED LAND Wc lmve the lurgvst list of irriKntcd hntd. iu . county. If you wunt a bnrgiuu, call and seen 320-ACRE IIOAlESTEADf, We enn locale ou on a 32uncre homestl . t' wheut lund in Crook county. ; BUSINESS PROPERTinVi V We have some good buys in biHiiies unif 'rf4fl property. i T i runai r 'QbfMwi r ' TIMBER LANDS 'SMJ We have a number of choice bnfi iiitlinWr land FIRE INSURANCE I We represent some of the strong Vlh Ins mm.- ' Companies In the West, ,'Jfhey huve been "trj'd. ; V. ." ways have our losses paid promptly and without a qn 1 1 . STENOGRAPHIC WORk) - ' Notary aud stenographic work nccurnlely: uul i i tl . done, and receive prompt atlcntiun nt any tfnir. All U- ijinnes receive prompt uuenuoii, wuu on or )Vilf . Orej3fonlnvestinenlc. 8" s & i