THE END BULLETIN .HV-j VOL. Mil IIKND, 0KK0OK, WKDNKSDAY, MARCH 8, lyn. NO. 5a REGULAR THIS PASSENOJHR SI2WVICK TO TNI: INTERIOR Heavy I'relit'it To And I'rom Madrn VatfUf-r I'rafllc l.r-l'ot- bI l)rMrlinrnl Slitiwa Knnio Sign of The flrnt regular iinwuttiKcr trntii Into Cunt nil Orison arrived in Mud nut nt i):ir. p. m. on March lt ovor tliu tinukHof lliu OruKun Trunk Hallway. Tlui train IiiiiukIiI i:W HwuiiKni. Illicit uvuiiIiik for tliu lwt week from 76 to 1UA eoile litivu cotuu in over tin; newly laid rnlln. The nccnmmodiitloiiM tit Minima are HWainR(l, Hcunw of kwiIo wich lilidit KoliiR without bed. Tliu iiulo uml iiUiko ctniiimnkm mil taxed to tho utiuont to euro for tliu uuor niotu trnlllc. Twelve cnrloiuln of frulu'il were received nt MnilrstM Uiu llrt tiny tliu roiul win oniii. Tliu 0. T. Ky. in bulldintr mxIoiwIvc platform nt Mn tnlliiH, whuru they will handle car limil uhlpmonU. Tliu prwumt fri'Mit handling nyattni In working con hkluruiilii Inconvonlencu on llend merchant. It lakurt llueu diiy for notification of tliu arrival of freight to rvacli them, tliu mall wing from Mini ran to Hhuulko anil thuncu to Hand via Prlnovlllit. Tliu wnrehmnw ounimny Ih unnblu to pay advance frululit olinruiM, making it uecuwuiry fur local tuurclmriU to Mtnd cah to cover nuch chargM. No dullnltu Htatomunt lini been inmlu, but It U underntood it will ! nnotliur month Ixifnru Uiu pronont alow Shanlko mall route in dlocoti tinutnl und tliu mull brought in by railrond. Monday nlKht W. C. Wllkim, AmiKtnnt KrulKlit Agent of tliu S. !.,& S. II. It. and J. . Kprlngcf, Tfnvelllng AKunt, woru in Ilond. Thuy are arranging for wnruliotuo nnd other freight matter along tliu routo. Tliu linrrimnn DimchutoA Rnllrond Comimny linn liwued itit freight tariff nhcut. In uvury (wirtlcular tliu niton publlnhed thuruln nre iduntlcnl with thiwo of tho Oregon Trunk Itailwny, which were given In Tliu Hullutin butt wuuk. At present the Ilnrri man llnu in accepting freight only to South Junction, nt mllu xml 82, 21 mill north of Mad rim. Tliu complete timo tnbkm of tho Oregon Trunk huvu boon publlnhed. The. prawnl 'wwHintior itchedulu from 1'ortlnnd to Metollun Miows HIS houni running tlmu. From March 10 to April 10 the low colonist faroti from eiuitern jKiintx will bu in elTect. On the flrkt nnd third TuoduyH uf each month low round trip furud a ru In elfcct between mkldluwuHturn jmlntB nnd Central Oregon utnlloiiH. HIAWATHA WIILI. I'l.AYHO. . Thu Mcnnd grade of the Ikmd mcIiooI pruMintcd threu went from Hiawatha liiHt Wi'dnuwlny afternoon In the cIiwh room, The pupllH of thu llrnt. third mid fourth grade were pnwunt. Thu HrunuM were presented very well for nmiitfUiH, mid hIiowimI thu nwnlt of conHlHtuiil training lly MImm lliwkhiM. Thu Mtugu ButtlngM were very nrtlntlc, and gave thu piny ruallHtle background. LICENSES GRANTED Council Accept U. II. Clotittt'N llltl lo lUlablUh Mradea. Thu Comtiion Council mut butt night in thu Commercial ('Ink room and granted liquor Hcuiikoh to F. C. Hxh, at thu Pilot lluttu Inn, Holme & Smith. Mike Dragich und Stuvunx & l'attl. Mayor Coo voted agaiuftt allowing wiloonn on any uurutitrlctud proKtrty at tho dlHoretlon of thu Council. Hu nhto ciut thu deciding vote to hold onu IIcuiihu of thu 12 in rowrvu liiKtimd of granting thu full numlxir nt once. It. II. Could'H bid to UMUiblinh graded on Wall nnd Ikmd Streetn, m well tut connecting Htrcetn, for $18, wiw accepted. Tliu Mnyor'n up ixilntmcnt of K. A. Knthor nx lire chief wiw rati (led by thu Council. Thu hire Commltteo wan author Ixud to hnvu a telephone put in at II. J. KggloMton'H iitoru, ho an to facilitate thu calling out of thu chemical unglnu. Tliu Iteconlur'n Hilary wiw llxel at a maximum of I'M kt month. Mayor Cou npiMtintud Mm. C. I). Kowe und Mrs. ('. S. Hudson m thu .two yutir TruiiUHM for thu, library, and MhM Mary h. Columnn and Mm, II. C. Hill to hold thu four yunr term. Upon rucommendntlon of the Committee on Street thu alley in block 20 wiw ordered oiuneil; the it. V. L. & I'. Co. wan notified to build bridge over thu ditch in thu alley of block 20, nt und of block lit nnd hIiui at n (mint about 200 feet south of thu Iioho houitu. Thu following HkluwnlkH wore onlunil built: lliwl m1Iu of Third, lotn 1 und l!l, block 20; nouth nldo of Junior Ave., lot W inclunivu, block 10 nnd Uiu miuth imlu of Juni per Ave., loin I7 incliiHlvu. block 20; Thu Council udjourncd to next Tuewlay. LIBRAR.Y CLUBTO MEET Will Hold I'ooJ Sata March IH, and I'lower 5liow During Summer. Tim I n.lliia Mlirnrv (Mull U'lll inixil , lliv 4r....w. .' . . luuruiny uueriUMin ai -;.io in uiu Library room. ,Tho nrrnngomonUi or the fooil wilu nt O'Donnull'H Market on Saturday Mnrclt 18 will bu completed. Mm. C. S. Hudson wna elected vice-president of thu organirntlon at tint met'tlnir hold Inst week. Tlie club hns decided to givu a flowur show during thu summer. A8iccinl commltteo was npMinted nt tlie last meeting to sue thu school chil dren nnd induce thuui to grow How- urs. Muny prixtw will bu nwnrded for thu bust K)tted nnd cut llowura. BEND TOWHSIIE CHANGES HANDS! I Don't Wait Until You arc Pinched for Money and then Come to tho Bank an Absolute Stranger and Expect Us to Accommodato You CO till WHY? Hecnuse we must know our borrowers before they beeoiiu! borrowers. WHY? Hecnuse we ure tanning our depositors' money nlong with our own nnd we must be absolutely sure that nil our loans are safe ones. Why not be n depoltor flrat, then we Imvc n chance to get iMiiialiiteil with you and when iMiiicy U needed c ate la h . I M II. I.. I. .....u ClArl ii ItrttlLr flt. iioallioil III cxiciiii yuu virun, .-...... ....- -"-"-ml with u. lly doing till ou will help ua and we lll helpiou. The Deschutes Banking & Trust Company Of Bend, Oregon Conservative Banking for Conservative People." New Company Takes Over Holdings of Drake and Robertson, Including AH the Properties at Bend. Thu Ikmd Townsite and its lubsldinry holdings hns chnnged hands. An agreement wm entered fnto, and n partial payment mudu in Portland on March 2nd, whereby thu townsite, mill, power dam and electric equip ment, and thu wutur system, kwh to the control of thu Ikmd Company. A. M. Urake, nnd I'rank Itoliertaon, Vlcu President nnd President, re spectively, of thu present Ikmd Townsite Co., uru untlroly eliminated. It was found to Ik impracticable to handle tho Interests of Kohcrlson nnd Drake separately, so the former's fifth interest in the Ikmd Town site Co. and half interest in the Water Company were taken and will be consolidated with thu Drake holdings in the new corjxiration. According to .1. M. I-wrence, who returned to Ikmd Monday evening, the actual transfer of thu property will occur on Mnrch 20th "As yet thu nuw corporation Is not organised nor its officers elected," said Mr. Lawrence. ' However, ns soon as tho Incorporation is effected, and its olficcrs elected, no time will be lost in inaugurating an active campaign of development. Among other things n new schedule of prop jMirty vnluus will Iki prepared and extensive publicity work will lie under taken." . , It Is understood that A. O. Hunter will huvu charge of the realty and advertising end of thu bus(nuss, and that Clydu McKay, on behalf of the Muullur Lumber Co., will havu charge of Uiu lumber fntorost of thu now organization. Among tliu stockholders of the new company nre, thu I). B. Hunter Realty Co. of Dayton, Ohio, which already hns ox tons! ve holdings I Hand, thu lirooks-Scnnlon Lumber Co. of Minneapolis, Minnenota, Kd. C. Muullur of thu Chrlstian-Muullur Lumber Co. of Davenport, Iowa, J. M. lasvruncu and others. Doth thu above named lumber companies have htmvy timlmr holdings nenr Bend. Milling of their holdings at Bowl naturally may be expected to follow their newly ncquirwl realty interests there. For more thnn a month A. M. Drake Um lieon in Portland from his winter homu in Pasadena, California, conferring with Uie other parties in the dual. Inwrence has Iwen working on thu projKwitlon for scvorn! months, ns has A. O. Hunter, and others. - Sam Brooks of thu Hrooks-Scanlon Co., togoUier with Clyde McKay, was In Bund in Uie latter part of January with A. O. .Hunter, innking 8 careful examination of the town and Uie pro'wrty in which his company proposed to interest itself. Thu present townsite company acquired its holdings enrly in the spring of 1010, A. M. Drake turning over the management of affairs to I-rnnk Ilobcrtson. It is understood the holdings affected by Uie present transfer include nil thu unsold jiortions of the Bend Townsite, Center, Park, Ijivii Koad nnd NorUi Additions and somu -100 ncres adjneent; in tho neighborhood of WXK) acres of Umber; the old Pilot Butte Develop ment Co. lumlier mill; nnd the pru'iertios of the Bend Water, Light & Power Co., including Bund's wntur nnd light system, the jiower dam on Uie Duschutos, water rights, etc. A. M. Draku camu to Bend in 11HX), Uie nuxt year commencing the irrigation work, which in VM was Uiken ovor by the D. I. &. P. Co. Much of the townsite property was acquired through the application of script. An act of Congress just pass ed, provides that reltluni who filed on homesteads subsequent to June 1, 1010, are given un til May 15, 1011, to ostiiblish rcridunre tijwn their claims. This also applies to soldiers de claratory statements. Tlie net nlso grants leave of nliscncc from February 13, 1911, to May lf, 1011 to nil homestead en trymon in Oregon. FINDS A COLD GRAVE Prlnevllle Photographer Reported Dead In Crater Lake Snow. B. H. Bakowski, the Prineville photographer who was in IJend much last summor, is reported m having perished in the snows ol Crater Iake, whiUier ho had gone to take pictures of Uie wonderland cnvoloped in itu winter garb. A searching party found his Bled and n shovel, both near Uiu rim of the hike. Tliu snow at Uils point was 20 feet deep at the time of Bakowski's disnppcorancc. PUPILS HELP TOWN. Write Alany Letters Urging Others tc "Come To IJend." Last Saturday 200 letters written by Bond school pupils went out to their relatives and friends in every liutrter of the United States telling thorn what a pleasant place Ikmd is. what its advantages, economic, iconic and hoalthful nre, ami wh) they should come to Bund. Tlie "booster" letters were writ ten entirely by the children und it vhom Uiey selected. The unique den was put into practice nt the suggestion of the Commercial Club management. FIRST GOLDEN WEDDING COUNTY COURT MEETS C. Williams was apiKiinted to serve 1 n. 1IA1RU, (I'rciliiciil) J. W. MASTKKS, (Vice President) 1'. O. MINOH, (Secretary) DlRKCTORS: I.. P. IIAIIID, 1. O. MINOR, S. V. BAIUD. PranchUo For l.nj-Klni; on Deschutes Continued Over. Thu Mnrch term of tho County Court convuned nt Prineville Inst Wednesday, nil of tho members be ing pruVunt. Tlie proposition of granting a franchise for logging on Uie DuschutoH Itivur was continued until the May term, uxm request of thu District Attorney. ' Numerous iietitions for qounty ronds were presented; in two cases tho viewers were ordered out, but thu majority of the petitions wuru continued ovor until Uiu Mny term, on account of defuctivu osting of thu K!titions, Tue resignation of 0. M. Slocum ns Justice of thu Ponce for the Red mond precinct wns accepted, nnd J. until thu nuxt guneral election The roort of the County ClorK. showing the imymont of S8GG.60 in coyote scalp bounties, wns approved. A contract was mndo wiUi I). D. Franco to complete tho Prineville Iledmond road. Tlie court ordered Uiat n wnrrant be drawn in favor of Tillmun Bouter for $12r.00 to (Mirtinlly defray cxponsoa that he in curred in making the exhibit nt the Billings Dry Farming Congress in 1910. A plat of the now town of Im perial, located in Township 21 S., Ilnngu 19 E., wns approved. The new town is in tho Hampton Butte country'. Tlie Court adjourned until Mnrch 20. Ilend Couple Celebrate Anniversary ' Home of Their Daughter. The colebration of Bend's first golden wedding occured yesterday, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Wood observing ! the fiftieth anniversary of their wedding at tho home of their dnughtcr, Mrs. Hattic M. Morris. All their children nnd their child ren's families wore present with Uie exception of Uie youngest daughter, Mrs. Penrl Jonas, who lives in Shani ko. Mrs. John Morris, Ginrles E. Morris, Frank and Cliristophor Woods of Bend nnd Mrs. Elln Knnrr of Portland were presunt. Mr. Woods will be 75 in June. Mrs. Woods was 00 yesterday, hav ing been married on hor birthday. Thoy wore married in Ionia, III., Murch 7, 1001. Mr. Woods was mustered into the Federal army Sop. 10, 'Gl, Comyony I, 60th Illi nois. They moved to Iowa in '63, lived there 20 years, thence to SouUi Dakota, where they remnined 14 years, Uien to Iowa for G years and thence to Oregon. TYPUWKITHR KIUUONS. Typewriter ribbons on sale at i ue uuiieuu umce, record notions for the follovviu machines: Oliver, Remington, Visible und Royal. GET POSTOFFICE MOAIESTOADERS' PETI TION IS GRANTED Mllllcan Will lie Name-Mall flora Prom (lend Another Office At Whltaker Holes Asked For Semi-Weekly Mall Service Word has been received from the PostofTicc Department that the post- office asked for in Millican Valley by homesteaders has been granted, with Mrs. Mabel C. Tozior as post master. Mrs. Tozier has already secured the required bondsmen. As soon as these are approved her com mission will be issued and the post- office opened. This office, named in honor of jcorgc Millican, pioneer settler and itockman, will be twenty-six miles loutheaat of Bend, on Uie Ikmd Burns road. Lester M. Tozier, Mrs. Tozier's husband, will movo his homestead cabin to the road and me it temporarily as postoflicc quarters. For the first three months the lostmnster, by order of the depart ment, will have to hire n carrier to take the mail out from Bend, nfttr which time Uncle Sam will arrant u for this work. As was done whi it the nuw office Rolyat was established in Uie Hampton iliutte Valley, tl e patrons of Millican probably will I e asked to contribute a small monUi'y sum to meet the carrying expense. It is exacted the service will be at least semi-weekly. Another petition, signed by forty two homesteaders, is ready to Le sent to Washington asking for a postofficc to be called Whltaker, with Thomas Gray suggested as postmaster, to be located at Whlta ker Holes. Tlrf will be about ten miles from Millican and thirty-six miles from Bend. Tlie proposed office will serve a large patronage as Whltaker Valky land is nearly all filed on. HASKET BALL WITH RKOMONO. The Bend basket ball team will play Redmond at Linster's Hall Fri day and Saturday evenings. Before Uie Friday game Uie White and Bluu girls teams will have an exhibition contest. After Uie Saturday night game there will be a dance, tlie music for which will be furnished by Miss Ivu West, violin, Fred Lucas, piano and E. C. Throne, cornett. ATMLiniCS ELECT OFFICERS. At a mecUng Monday evening of Uie Bend Athletic Association the following officers were elected: A. R. Dorrfa, Vice-President, Claude Kelly, Secretary, and Guy McRcy nolds, Treasurer. At a special meet ing to-night n President will bo olectcd. It was also decided that Uie vice-president hold tho office of "Collector," attending to Uie col lection of dues and monies for the association. Bend Construction Company: 1 cr s'Jrfc'Jr' The First National Bank gQ OF BEND, BEND. OREGON ARCHITECTS Contractors Builders L All Kinds of Furniture nnd Cabinet Work. All Work Fully Guaranteed' SEE US BEFORE YOU BUILD. J. A. HAZUKA ART PROCTOR W. M. McQREGOR I Or. U. O. COS. Pr.lld.nt E. A. BATHER. Vic Pr.ildtnt O. B. HUDSON, 0hlr OirIOI fullr paid . . S3 8,000 Slockhold.r.' liability . . 2S.000 Burulm .... 86.000 4Liit x2t A Farmer Near Here a43 (jy 1jTrove ten miles the other day to my ucin, jusiiij iiuii a uuy .- time doing so. Hud he been a depositor with this bank, he would have mailed his check at an expense of two cents, and spent his time more proiitably. It's extravagance not to be a bank depositor, for nothing helps so much to save time and money as having an account with 1Kb First National Bank, Bend, Oregon "Your Home Institution." Small accounls are always welcome riRfQTOHS: U. C. COU K A. SATIU K C. Sv HUDSON J'. I', SMITH II. C. KLUS