THE BEND BULLETIN. IJKND, OKKOON, I'KJDAY, MARCH 3, 1911. t Jg K Am TOWNSITE DEAL GOES THROUGH FREJGHT RATES ARE NOW IN FORCE Oregon Trunk Tariff Shows Big Saving Over The Old Shaniko Route Passenger Service Com mences, With Low Fares From East. Agreement Signed Whereby Drake and Robertson are Eliminated. (Send Company is Name of New Organization which Will Control Townsltc Holdings, and Power and Water Systems. The Itttiid Townslle nml Its subsidiary lioliJIntcii has chanjccnl hands. An njcrcoment him been entered Into, find a partial paymont'mado, whore l" tho lownnUe, mill, owor (lain mid electric equipment, and the wuter v-ium, uuw uj me control or the Menu Company. A. m. uraKC, nnu Krnnk Itoburtjton, Vice IWdont nml I'rwildunt, rwiinictlvely, of the prwimt Itond Town-lie. Co., nro entirely eliminated. Helow In the text of n iiipjwiku JumI received from J. M. Ijtwronce: Agreement forthe.snleoi'nll tlie interests at Hcnd of A. M. Drnke and Frank Robertson lias been signed, and partial payment has been mnde. It was found to be impracticable to handle these interests separately, so Robertson's contingent fifth interest of the Hcnd Town site Company and half interest of the Water Company arc taken and will be consolidated with the Drake holdings iti a new consolidation to be known as the Hcnd Company. Neither Drake or Robertson will have any share in the new company. The purchase of the entire holdings required material modifications of the plan contem plated when negotiations were entered upon two months ago, but speedy completion of the detail is now largely a matter of routine. A. O. Hunter and Clyde McKay have gone cast to close matters there, and I will push the work here at this end. (Signed) J.M. LAWRENCE. It U understood, though an yet not olllclally announced, thnt among tho Htockholdem of tlio new company are, the D. E. Hunter Realty Co. of Day ton, Ohio, which already hits extensive holdings in Hcnd, tho Ilrooka-Scanlon Lumber Co, of St. Paul, Mlnntmota, tho Mueller Lumber Co. of Davenport, Jown, J. M. tawrenco nnd n number of I'ort Innd nnd other capttalltiU. Hoth the above named lumber companies havo henvy tlmW holdtnirH near llend. Milling of their holdings naturally mny bo expected to follow tholr newly acquired realty interest). Drnke, who though nominally was not tho hcnd of tlio prefiont town- Don't Wait, Until You aro Pinched for Money and then Como to tho Bank an Absolute Stranger and Expect Us to. Accommodate You WHY? Because we must know our iiorrowers before they become borrowers. WHY? Hecause we are loaning our depositors' money along with our own nnd we must be absolutely sure that aU our loans are safe ones. Why not be a depositor first, then we lwvc n chance to Kt acquainted with you ami wheu money It needed we urc in h Kition to extend you credit. Do it now, Start u Hank ac count with in, liy doiuK lid jott will help ua and we will help) oil. The Deschutes Banking & Trust Company Of Bend, Oregon "Conservative Banking for Conservative People. ! II. 11A1RD, (I'resldcut) J. W. MASTIUlS, (Vice President) 1'. O, MINOR, (Secretary) DlKKCTORt! I n. IIAIUI), V. O. MINOR, S. V. IUIRD, Kite company, it in undcratood controlled by fur the major part of the Htock. For more than a month he him been in Portland from his winter home in I'lumdcnn, California, conferring with the other parties in the deal. Ijiwrence hrw leen working on Uie proposition for fccvoral months, a luui A. 0. Hunter, and othera. Snm H rooks of the Uroolut-Scnnlon Co., toother with Clyde McKay, was In Iiend In Uie latter part of Jnnunry with A. U. Hunter, making n cureful examination of the town and tho property in which his company proposed to intercut iuwlf. The present townsite compnny acquired its holdings early in the spring of 1910, A, M. Drnko turning over the management of affairs to Frank Robertson. It is understood the holdings affected by the present transfer include all the unsold jwrtlons of Uie Iiend Townsite, Center, Park, Lnvn Itoad and North Additions and. some 400 acres adjacent; in the neighborhood of 5000 acre of Umber; Urn old Pilot Butte Develop ment Co. lumber mill; and the proportion of the Iiend Water, Light & Power Co., Including Mend's water nnd light system, the power dam on Ufe Deschutes, water rights, etc. A. M. Drnke enmc to Bond in 1900, Uie next year commencing Uie irrigation work, which in 11MM was taken over by Uie D. I. &. l Co. Much of the townsltc procrty was acquired Uirough Uie application of script. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Itolxsrtson nrrive in Bend tomorrow night, is understood they will lenve, after about n week, for Europe. It HOW'S THIS? Oregon Trunk Reaches Bend June 1st. Ilarriman Deschutes Railroad Has Announced Temporary Terminus Here. Fine Wagon Hoad From Hcnd to Burns Being Built. Location Point for Blggost und Boat Ilomostcad Country' in ti-.o World. Oregon's Largest IrrignUon Company, Having Headquarters Here, Starts Big New Million Dollar Canal This Spring. LUMBER MILLS WILL BE HERE! BEND stands whore the Railroads, River, Timber, Irrigated Lands and Homestead Country Meet. COME TO BEND Today the freight rates on the Oregon Trunk Railway, between Portland and Mctollus go into effect. A complete synopsis of Uie new rate, and a comparison of Uie old Shaniko rates, is given below. In addition to Uie froight tariffs, General Freight & I'juwengor Agent Ooman made announcement of Uie passenger service. The passenger service will consist jf two trains daily, passengers leav ing Madras at 7:45 in Uie morning and arriving in PorUand at 8:15 in tho evening, and PorUand at 9 o'clock in Uie morning, arriving at Madras at 8.'30 in tho evening. Be tween PorUand and Fallbridge, on the Columbia, passengers will travel on Uie Inland Empire Express of Uie North Bank. The river will be crossed on the Rteamcr Norma and at Moody on the Oregon shore pass engers will step into Uie coaches of tho Oregon Trunk. This transfer will be eliminated wiUi the comple tion of Uie steel bridge across the Columbia this summer. The equipment of the Oregon Trunk trains will consist of a com bination car, day coaches and a smoker unUl completion of Uie bridge across Uie Columbia, when more equipment will be added. For the first Umc upon any new branch road in the West a parlor car will be included in the initial equipment of Uie Oregon Trunk Railway. It is believed that die run between Portland and Madras will be made in eight hours as soon as the road bed is properly ballasted. Since February 22nd there has been passenger accomodation on the O. T. Ry., leaving Fallbridge at 5 a. m one coach being hitched on to a construcUon or "swing" train. Tlio trip to Madras on several oc casions has consumed 18 hours. Already Bend and aUier interior points arc feeling Uie increase of travel due to the opening of railroad transportation. It is expected thr.t March will establish a record Cer tral Oregon immigraUon. On March 10th 200 settlers leave Chi cago direct for Uie Deschutes Valley. All colonist rates from Uie East will apply to Central Oregon points, by special ruling of Uie Interstate Commerce Commission. This means Uie fare from St. Paul to Metoliun will be $25, and from Chicago $33. Passengers will be routed direct. General Passenger Agent Coman states that eventually a 12-hour service will be operated between PorUand and Burns. The class rates between PorUand and Madras or Mctolius are as fol lows, in cents per 100 lbs, also between PorUand and Shaniko. E Class 1 I 2 I 3 4 I 5 A I B I C D Madras-Mctolius 9G 82 of 58 48 48 38 29 24 Shaniko 92 78 C4 55 40 4G 37 28 23 19 18 Potrland-Madras commodity rales are as follows, in carloads, in cents per 100 lbs, also PorUand and Shaniko: 8K Class Item 12 3 4 5 G Madras-Metolius ill 20 20 24" 20 17tf Shaniko 16 18 18 23 18 15 $2.75 per cord Bend Construction Company. The PorUand-Shaniko rates are given for purposes of comparison: all PorUand froight for interior points hitherto has been subject to their provisions. The Shaniko-Madras wagon freight has been about $1.25 a hundred, on Uie average. Explanation: Item No. 1 includes: Grain, (lax seed, flour and mill feed. Item No. 2: Potatoes and onions. Item No. 3: Lumber, shingles, poles. Umbers, fence posts, Ues, etc. Item No. 4:-r-Salt. Item No. 5: Hay or straw. Item No. 6: Coal Articles not specified take class rates. Minimum wcightes to which these rates apply are: Grain, flour and mill feed, 30,000 lbs each; po tatoes and onions, S0.O00 lbs; salt, 40,000 lbs; hoy and straw, from 17,000 to 22,000 lbs; coal, 40,000 lbs. Live stock commodity rates, (In dollars per 36-ft 6-in car): Portland j to Madras-Metolius, horses and mules, $09.00; catUe, calves, hogs, sheep, ! and goats, $60.00. s The First National Bank Q OF BEND, BEND, OREGON Or. U. O. OOe, Prld.nt E. A. 8ATHCR. Vic, Prld,nt O. S. HUDSON, Caihl.r m ' QC2QQP''QGPQG2QP''S&nQG2eX22PnQG&' 'i (L$J(lMJ m ARCHITECTS Contractors Builders All Kinds of Furniture and Cabinet Work. All Work Fully Guaranteed SEE US BEFORE YOU BUILD. " ' "V12X22'ES1 -'CKTfJ' J. A. HAZUKA ART PROCTOR W. M. McQREQOR J Oapltal full? paid Stockholder,' liability Surplus . 2 6.0OO . flR 1 F 1 f Was a Prosperous Year. 1 V 1 1 Should Be More So. Are you prepared to take ltd vantage f ot the opportunities which, will couie f to the man with a Dank Account. It not, itart an account today, with tbe Pint National Hank of lleml. This Hank ia under the supervision of the United States Government. nst aa much a part of the Government as the 'ot Offices, All our loam, investments anil our Policy are fubjtct to Government supervision ami approval. We try to run the Bank so that all matters will meet with the full unction ot the Government, and solicit your business oa that basis. H DIRECTORS: U. C, COK 15. A. SATHfK C. S. 11UOSOW ll J-. 1'. O-mill 1. V.. UbklO L