GEiJSJBTEN PRINEVILLE BASKET .SHOOTERS WIN. Second (lame, However, Technically (lorn to l.ocnl leant, VUltom Quit ting When Cooler U Put Off I'or Hough I'Uylujc. Thu Imnkut liall team of tint I'rinc villi) Commorciiil Club Athletic A, nidation ilufcmtud thu llctid team Friday uvoiiIhk by Uiuovurwliuliiilnic H.'oru of '15! to 17. Tlio nccond Kino, played. .Saturday nlirlit, ulllclnlly wiin ii victory for livnil, for tlio I'riim vlllo pluyurH loft tlio lloor aftwr lliif tin) Ovorturf hail put tliolr cuntor, Klllii, out of tlio Ktiiiio for ruixmtiil toukIi playing mill tllnraoinl of tlio rultw. Tlio Hooro, wliitn tlio kihih;, wuh 4:1 to 10 in favor of I'rlnuvllli). In Friday' Km, Whwilock, SprlnKur, Hlulill, IliclinrdHon anil Putnam playiMl for Henri; KIIIh, llrtiwHtt-r, UnttivlKiiril, McAllMtariintl McAlldUir for rHnuvillu. Tho lira- up anil Hcoru of Saturday'ii Kamo, up to within 2yi iiilnutcn of flnnl limit, wliiin l'rlnuvilln quit, wan a followH: Iteml lnt half 2nd half Whralock KFK !" 2 Springer 00000 1 10 2 10 1010 Klolinnlwin V K I Iliwcli F F F total 10 I'rlnevllle KIIIh 222FFF22F 2F2F UrawMUir 2 2 2 2 F 2 2 F 2 2 F F F GainulKiinl 1 F 0 1 1 0 1 F 10 0 McAllHtor 2 F , 2 F McAIIhUt ' 2 2 F total 111 In tin; Ilrnt half li foulM were call ed on Ik'tiil and 0 on 1'rliievlllc. In tlio nocond ! on ltend and wivuii on thu vhlUirri. In hoth Kiuium KIIIh Hhowed either an entlro lack of knowledKo of the ruli or no ihwlrn to obey thmn, pliiyermind xpucUitxirn allko iliiiiwindlnif IiIm rumoval from tlio Kamo for hix rupuutud fouling, which rumoval wan delayed only ho cauw) thu vlHltorH had brought no nubHtltutoH to tiikij IiIh placu. After tho Kamo a big ilanro wiw liuld .Saturday night. The Ilund I club him thu following Hnancial record of tlio two uvunlnK. TELLS TALL TALE NO ROOUES IN GOOD, OLD SMANIKO. Doyln Dencrllim Dutlm n Oregon Crime llrndlcntor; TermlrmlTown (Irtii lllic CeiuuR It'ioitt In Hnnterii Interview. IteculpUi Friday $22.75 Sat. wi.oo DlHburrtomuntM Hall $20.00 Autofaru.'lTi.OO Hotel Wax Halanco II. J. KiimcH. 77.75 7'l.iiO Ovorturf ruforced I'. W. Hrackett wan KI.W .W) 71.!i0 both time- I'x-I'ollcoman Doyle of Shnniko luw 11 lot to wiy concerning .Slianlko in an interview recently publJiihud in thu .St. I,ouiM SUir. Evidently the MbwourlaiiH entertained the Oregon vinitor pretty well, or the diUinc from IiIm homo town him magnified It iHiyond recognition. Herewith the clipping in (uiwt!on, which, if ac curate, )m iw educational iw it in in tenwtlng. Chief of I'olico J. II. Doyle of Hlinnlko, Ore., wiw a vIhIIot in Police HemlquarlerH yoxtcrdny, nnd hwt night wiw ohown nbout the city j by one of Chief of Detective Smith' ; men, 1 "Thin Ik n big city, and, no doubt, a great one," wild Chief Doyle,"but, tut for tne, take me back to Slianlko. There we do buninoM different. We do not have a big rogue'n gallery, bucauHc wo do not have rogue out there. Ah noon iih 11 nlranger ar riven in town we look him over and trail him to bin Htoping place. Tlien we watch ti nee if he gowi to bed. If he doe he Is all right, but If he riooH not, he must explain why he irt opjMiHed to lecp. If he cimnot give a HatiHfactory nnnwer he geU a few houra to leave town. We only have nine policemen, but they are on the job when they are needed. It In watchfulnofM that count and that in the principal part of the bujiineKH of tho police In our city. We have between 15,000 and 20,000 inhabitant and there Ih little crime." Chief Doyle him been In LouIhvIIIc vlnitlng hiri parent. He wild he liked hi old home town, but prefer red to livo in Oregon.which, he Baid, oirereil more opportunities for the young man than any other atate in Uie Union. keeper and II. A. Miller Hcorekeep-' er. the 1'hnevllle team at' Hotel Hend. Try The Dullctiti job printcry. NOTIUK FOK 1'UHIiIOATION. tiitmnt efllir Inlrtlor, U H, UmuA OltW. at Th lUltr , Or . Jntir 11, ivil. Hunt It hmby iln lhi- I. M.llill A Ihmn. mfln huilMint Hi rtM IhiMii. for mrtly Tin tthaMu4k. u( IU11 1 llrrxm. wIm. imi NrmUr Vb. V. lutt lramrl4 tnllx -Nw. I4fy(ltrfl' il.V HI 1 1, ff iV nS hU, tf h. T II H , K 11 K. 4 M . t . r l H . fi. ij II., w m , iiatwra wk, ni mitaiMMi iiimu nml fitr rr Kit. la rataMUH tUim u IKr UihI ilutr JfKflU.l, Ufvfr II C Kill. V n CiWlMlllWfflUKOffllt. It ltltd O'CfWI. H the lIH llr Ul rblUIV lyll CUlinluiur oliHrtx (.' t A Hiottf hoMoml Mlki W WII..ll. ImOi ul Hml Or t,y, t W HOOMI, MrilXtt )end jyachine hop All Kinds of Saw Mill and Farming REP-A1RS We Carry a Lare Stock of Auto Repairs and Supplies Wall St., next to Opera House 2'e nnnpunizi LJIJIJlJU f JJ' Qpn ra : m m1CJLLj naars a and yjfeM I OR1BM KA I "- "- HIE" ' ' vicinity.,. rv v pnBinnmnQ A &xf&F il m B 1 Fr1 mmm& VeinHnnnnizin t r i m ! .r ar ,1 ! 1 1 m. J LJ ' JELOHQ. y-xipon czi'izriczin " Ilk ffi widi S i!? Frr311! ri r2 !i rn yTrss )isljr( !ffl)TI LI irn'1 II lP? V- V' D D D D I ?" JP H r- SATHER You Can Buy Heavy Win ter Clothing; at Our 20 OFF SALE Cheaper than you will be able to buy next winter. Come in and look the stock over and you will be sur prised at the reduced prices. E. A. SATHER GENERAL MERCHANDISE BEND, OREGON STAR BAKERY FRESH BREAD Pastries, Rolls, etc. 13 3read Tickets Sl.00 3 Braid Tickets. ,. 26c Meals Served from 6 a. m. to 8 p. m. Furnished Rooms MRS. NELLIE WRIGHT r FULL LINE OF Builders' Supplies Doors, Sashes, Pitints, Gloss, Builders' Hardware, Roofing. Everything you need for your new House or new Store. N. P. SMITH 1 I i gi f f A i The Bend Townsite Company OWNERS OF THE ORIGINAL TOWNSITE AND ADDITIONS. North Addition Center Addition Lava Road Addition-Park Addition ALL STRICTLY INSIDE PROPERTY. PRICES AND TERMS ATTRACTIVE. Wall Street, Wall Street PROPERTY OWNERS In or near Bend:-- Your property listed with us will find ready sale. On or about March 1st wo will issue a catalogue of all property for sale by us. We will also open an office in Seattle. If your property is for sale make the price attractive and list it with us during the next few days. M. S. Lattin (3& Co. (Incorporated) r ism MMgiJ