. Bend The NEW The proposed freight and automobile roml from "w Bend to Burns is now assured. Construction will be begun nt once. The opening of this ronii will mnkc Bend the naturnl market for the great J '.southeastern not satisfied tell your friends. "ISe Store of Better BITS ABOUT TOWN. Iiutn Dooner, of Prlneville, is in Bond today. K. L. Biipp, tho Redmond mor chaNt, was In Bond Saturday. V. A. ForlxMi roturned .yesterday from u buainvM trip to Prinovlllu. Tho dinplarwlntlows ill "A. M." Lara & Co.'s store liavu been . re modeled. .- .- Wish to buy"Koor milk cows. State price and particulars. P. 0. box 62, Bend. 61-62 Protect your lungs from March winds by wearing one of Patterson's Coamols Vests. 62 Jhu. interior. . decorating on thp, first' lloorof tho Hotel Bend has been completed, Judge H. C. Ellis left yesterday for Prinevlllo, to attend the March " II"ItirjlOf'Ari;i'oritrCo"rt. J. W. Taggart returned from Portland -tMC ' tfight. Ho returned ovcr.Uui Pregon Xcwnk to Madras. Will buy ul I fat entile, calves and hoirn ready' for" market ' nt 'highest market prices. Grovo II. Caldwell, Bend, Oregon. tf Eggs for hatchWfrffln'iWrtrbred S ver Uiced Wyandottos. 5i.w jM.r setting. Mrs. W. P. Downing, Bend, Oregon. tf Kon Sai.k -Simplex' iifoano player nnd-46-rolls of iniwio. In excellent " cmmroTTwnnly slightly used. In nuiro at Lara's. tf Wanted: 100 pino telephone poles, 36 feet long, 7 Inches at top. Delivered In Bwul.. PJPNEEU vTKUJ I'HONK Co., Prinuvllle. Fon SalbtSIx ofjho finest loto In Deschutes, fovel, water Jjy illtch and with clty'wiTtorT "Next to now residence Inquire Bulletin ofllco. I Tlio'roomHof the Bend Athlolic ' Association- are- being pnporedt As ; soon as tho work is comploted tho apparatus will bo put, back in place. M.J. Morrison, of tho Homoscok era' Land Co-,? loft today for tho homestead groupds noithoast of horo with It. 0. i?Jil)Jiqnjjor of . Scat'tlp,. Wash. Fou Sai.k A 35,-hoi-HO power Erio City engine and bpllor,.n flrscliiss condition. Uftuson for Rolling, .wq are doubling oi.r capacity and have ordered heavier and largor machin ery. Mnstln Li.mbor Co., La Pine, to Burns FREIGHT country through whicb Wc want the business from this section. We f will do anything in our power to get it and hold it. J Our trade is built up on satisfaction. If you are tell us about it. If you Come to Bend and self at home at Bend, Oregon. Putnam loft today for Port - G. P. land. Fred Wallace of Laidlaw was in Bend lost week. (5 rover Gerting of Laidlaw was in Uend Friday. Wantbu Hay to buy XX Bend Bullutin. Add rem GO-61 "M:S. TjiltffinoTrMomlny for Porthuid anil Seattle. . Teaut,.haruess. wagon and farm implements for sale. J. II, Bean. Sepd us your orders' for heavy timber and Hhtp-lnp. Bend Lumber Co. -13tf Bailed clover, alfalfa and whoa- hay for sale. C. P. Beckor, Laidt law. . : 60tf Nick Welder is painting and pa poring the interior of the Pilot Butte Inn. .-LiiLyour lirsuudXAViJJalieJIonie. seeKers IhihI CooVVU Street, Bend, Ore. tf Wantki) Loggers with teams.and man to clear land, cut wood. Kd.. Hnlvoruon. -Mtf Fou Saw: Two lots In Doschutun Addition, block 17, $300 each. J. Hyuhr Agent. 61 New Victor Records at Patterson's Drug Store this week. Don't frill to hear them. 62 . . W. Ml Dillchbeck; Wf 'Portland, is in Bend, and now expects to make hU'litfWo hgr67" Zi: Fou Saw:. Bnnl Bock eggs for hatching, $1.00 peir sotting. Mrs. E. W. Hichnrdson. 61-tf Fjt.KiJ LpU of dry planer shavings to bed your horses -with, nt thuBond Lumber Co.'s mill. -3tf J. M. Brown and wife of Seattle filed-on imection of Itmd In Juniper Valley on Monday. lirlii'jJT-Irrigated ranch, 370 acres in cultivation. .Some alfalfa. Ixe Davenport, Bend, 48-51- Tho Powell Butto Grange Hall Co. illod its articles of incorporation at PrJnevllle last week. N. S. Lclthcad of SeatUo recently purchased, tho north half of lot 3, block 0, Bond, fnxm Rufun Bick. Henry Harris, who toft fpr his homestead yesterday, purchased his furniture at Millard Triplott's stovo, For Rent Two rooms opposito noatofllco: runnliiar wntor. electric lights. Sco FlratJntlonnr Hank. DOtf'postonico. ROUTE jmn in ,t nm- " - it - pnssss. are, pleased,. r4 mako - your - .- Values." A-.-. r - -- - r- - -- , Dr. Coo "returned frorn Vartlnnd Friilsy. J. G. Otason of Tumalo was in Bond Saturday. M. J. Morrison can locate you 320 acre homesteads. tf on v. w, iienKiu teii. yosieruay niwr-i 1 H M I.I. !.. .. A !.. rk jwoii foN.Tunlper -Valhv. W. R, Eohtemach returned Sun day xtning" from I'ortland. E. T. Eglmrt or Laidlaw was In Bond yesterday on business. Mr. and Mrs. Lockwood left fori Portland yosterday afternoon. All. rubber goods .reduced, to costf! at The Toggery on Oregon S. treet, 'MrMnnd'Mrs1 IjccHobbs of Powell Butte were in Bend Monday. Pnttorson'H White Tine Tar wjll cure the most troublesome) cough" Tho regular meeting of the Com mercial Club'ia held tomorrow even ing. Completely furnished four room cottage for ront. See Georgo A. Jones, if i). I). Franco nd. E, y, yooilej of Powell Butte were .In Bond yos terday, Tho Patterson Drug CO. fills air mail orders promptly the samo day as received. 62 ""Wantki) 40 acres of improved Irrigated land to rent,. Address XX Bend Bulletin. - 60-61 On 'tho 'evening of March 17th there -will bo a big Str Patrick's Ball at Linster's-IIall. 120 neros,. 100 acres. undor illtch, 4 miles from Bend. Price $2.00, terms.. .J,.-Ryan, .Agent. 61 1 Bill Brock left, Monday for Poft- laud. Hu will 'go out over, the Ore- Trunk -front Madras, f-"...." -v- - When you want a good haircut or shave try Inncs & Davidson's modern ami wen equipped, uaroer snop. f'on SAL-Teamof liorees.wagon And harness, Will sollnoparatoly. W. E. Scott, at. Bend Lumber Co's. Will.' '" ' w 41tf Dldy6uknoy that tho Bulletin job shop can printr your visiting canls-of vthobest stook with hands some script typo?, Vor portraits at homo individual or groui3 Interior vlows, general out-door nhotojrranhy and Kodak oor pnotogrnpny anil AOUaK nnlshlnir, call on C. G. SEWARD, temporary quarters opposRo the Bl I -JNJimrjtsLGrUMwwUiauiB work. Liberal wages to right part.1 Mth. K. Elklns, Davidson residence) on Hawthorn Ave, 60-51. ' If you haven't neon the nworl. merit of silk flow mattreHwm at Mil-i lard Trlplott's, It Im time for you to' drop In at bis nUria. 51. j 0. C, Ilenkle in huJJcHrjtr a nix room cottage on lot 0 of bfock (!, ptiiiUM Ajldltfon. 11,'wlIliMjcom-) pleleu in, two weeks. He sure to save your cash ticket at Patterson's with every purchase fyolfhave n chance on the $100 chest of Community Silver. 52 " FJn SalkIZCT acres of fine tim ber, nbout 5 miloa south of Bend, about four million foot. Apply to John Dedrrief, Bend. 61-63 The Episcopal Guild will meet Thursday afternoon at 2 P. M. at thelrome of'MMrWUAMii Members and those interested are invited. Mr. and Mm. A. L. French and family moved into their new house In Deschutes on Monday. The building 1m on lot 10 of block 12. Mra. II. J. Overturf in expecting her brother. Allah' Rcld.'of Koo- flown, "Saskatchewan, CanaIa7 in Bond the latter, part of the week, W. !!. Bates returned from Tort land Sunday evening. -It- la. under itood he has been familiarizing him self with the automobile business. Articles of incorjwration wore lied nt I'rinevillc last week by J. S; Bogue & ty, of La Pine. " Tlie capi tal, stock of life firm"Ci'tijJJc.$20.000. Fou Sai.k on Tkadk Two lots In Deschutes. Will take horses, harness, i wagoner' farm machinery as parti payment. Addruw J. F. Wolff, Uend. " ' 60tf Land Sckii Guarantee! soldier's land scrip for'aale.' Will locate gov ernment land open to homestead ontry. " Write B. A. Mason, Salina, I Kansas. 61-64. 'As soon as the "Oregon Trunk re ceives freight to Madras, Uiore will be n cdrlorill of furniture sent in, half of which will be for my store. Millard Triplett. 60-51 Shingles Shinolr Wo now have thetn in the yard nt the Lin- ster -water powerr-We also wantj bolts. Hendricks & Stevens. Phone Niswonger Residence. 51-52 S. T. Whittaker, Walter Dillcy and (LA- skqr gf S",Imik Ore., are in Bend. They expect to take n Irip-ovtfr-the-flvailHblH- homtend lands east of Bend the latter part of the week The Bend Stoam laundry will wash only one lot next wcok. All bundles not in by noon Monday, Fob. 27, will be left -over until the following week, when vice .will bo. resumed regular scr - 4 50-51 H. W. Arnold, from Bellincrham. riT 1."W . . . wain., nns oeen visinngJ.-T. For rest nt Powell Buttos. Mr. Arnold speaks enthusiastically of his im pression of Bend. There Is a le gibility that Mr. Arnold will locate hero. "WCTE "McQulstonT of "Portland has wrUton-JrSrPrfrrntntortriat he will be In Bend (his week. " It is ex- tliat Mr. McQuistunwill oten a general merchandise store on Bond Street in Mr. Parminter's new building. "California's Orango 'Country." iieautifully-illustrated In four col P8. "The Sjwll," nn unusually ro mantic Serial ,' by C. J. and A. M, iimir i 'Mui.-i it, 4 .Uiiiimnwiu. Mimi u onion iru DomiHnThQ .West." March Sun set now on saler-if, cents. 51-52 fo Kl.r.o Tho "What-So-l2;ers" will meet with Mrs. L. D. Wiest in Wiestorla, iTSrxtFrrday-aftorrTOoU.-March 3, to Kransact-thdr-monthly-misttiess. It la dosired that all bring thoir sewing iuuJ those, who can onibroidor are re "(uesteti to Lrjng'Qieir einbroidery needles for flno and coarso work. RefreslimenU will be served. Signed by President. For quick returns list your prop erty wltli J. Ryan, ofllco on Oregon Street opposite Bend Hotol. 51 j 1 , FRUIT TROllS. IJonuvgrQwrj are best and cheap est. Come and seb my two and Ufree"-yCttr olds. Howard Spinning, Bend. tf SALH OF IIOUSUS. Commencing Saturday, March 11, Georgo H. Russell of Prlneville, will sell at Private sale, nt tho Wenandy Llvory Barn in Bond, 20 head of Light ranch and driving horses, 50-51 TYI'BWRITUR R1DUONS. Typewriter ribbons ou sale at The Bulletin Office, record ribbons for the follovVin machines: Oliver, Remington, Visible and Royal, ; NoUce. If -you wish to have yourex press and light freight come in biohr wuu your icuers nnu uuuy papers, have it come in on the qiall liuusta, line Tub Stadub Co. COKNKTT StfAQB & 25tf A NEW SHIPMENT: OF LADIES' PETTICOATS Vdu wH'l' like these pctllcOnts because tlicy are pretty, neat, well made and the very latest In style and cut. For Style, fit, quality of material and workmanship you will find tbey ARE WORTH MUCH MORE THAN THE PRICE ASKED. Tliey have just arrived direct from, the East and consist of six dif ferent styles material, permanent soft finish LUSTER SATEEN.. (1) 17-in. flounce, 2' rows shirring, fancy stitch plaited ruffle, rows cording, accordion plaited bottom ruffle; (2) 17-in, flounce, shir ring, cluster cords, twin cord rufllc cord bottom ruffle; (3) rows fancy stitching, narrow gathered rufllc on 19-in. accordion flounce; (4) lGt-ln. flounce, rows shirring and qlustor cords, 56-In. corded bottom ruffle; (5) 17-in. double Jounce effect, shirring, cluster cording, fancy stitched shirred flounce, cluster pin tucks between wide self bands. All have dust ruffles, wide sweep, ' all soams double stitched and felled, shaped bands, stitched gathers. Now on -sale at only..., Largo shipment of latest styles in Spring Neckwear, Auto Scarfs, Persian Belts and Jabots, etc. just ar rived. Another large consignment, of Spring and Summer Goods now on Lhe way from, the East. Rowe's Economy Store Next Door lo I'ottofEce. Bend, Oregon. HIAWATHA PRESENTED Scenes From Famous Poem Enacted By School Puplli . Today at three o'clock the second grade will render three scenes from Hiawatha. The characters are: Itaieii Oralll HUtfatha I'.l.ic RicIorfer Nakonili l'ranei ReilCtld IK Hui!h Krllv squirrel Uotinld Seller it UUlt Kiln Moe AKes Jolwon lUtlie Wood, Tillie Roliiu , nidehlnl Wood, Helen IMwiiitij;, Rule Horn and Marguerllle 1'irrflle' KelUin Chailei Tiinlett. Chirleji Boyd, Ken neth Lane and Lawtence Rlenlorfer - WriIor. - Everett Arnold from the, Arnold school has cnlcrjcdUC J&&L Krode. The Eitrhth Grade Club has dis- !bsnded,ror.tho,J;ear.- , Clarie Hunter, Robort Sims. May. dew Triplolt and Raj'mond Th,orsoa have been absent frttn bcJiooi on account of sickness HarordinidJBaJph'Sarldborg have entered the fifth and third grades restiectively. .'(. .. . t . v J. I. West" will tell the hstor classed some of his war timo-ek per ionces this Friday atiLrnoon. . Last Thursdai for the first tinio durig tlie school-year, no one Was taVdrw-nbsentr-- Tlie school' lime has beonchanogd . .. . frnm 0,ir .tn 6:56 - T"" - . ':?""&" rnnTTiTin mm in. uuuu "i .w w ...w. Tlioso in the third and fourth grades who have been noither absqnt nor tardy' are:' Ida Niswonger, Mary BoscH, Glatlys- Sather, Cecil Krench, Loulso Triplett. La Noro Mbrrl3,.John Conway, Eddie Bros terhous.'SIarl? Taylor, Elmor Ijittinr doldie Conway, Freihlte Bossott, Gladys Fleming, Clnrn Vinej'ard, Cora Bates. Vale Taylor. Bertha Welahand Harold -gather. W f c X COL, .LEGIANSw MEET Will Oreanlre-n University Club In Dcnd. ' A 'meeting Was held Friday even ing in tho Commercial Club roonv -trscwB-thersHnieatioiMif-iV Unl- iLv Club. . About 15 former college men .were presont. Georire-S. Young acted as chair fmnnof -the mecUng, JJIsScott as soeretarv. After soverai taiKS ami a general tlhicttfelon of tho plans for the onranization. tho meeting ad- fjourned, to meet at tho vail of tlie Chairman. A list of tlioso dosiring to join, suchiiri organization is' Being clrcu lated by Chairman -Young, who has secured -26- names. From this list tho .Chairman will appoint a com milUtf'of 'thrift t6 Hfilft'lrj-laws, which will bo- submitted at the next meeting. LARSON-UUNSON WGDDlNd. Albert Ijirson and Miss Maud A. Benson were married last Saturday y, i ruffles; (0) tailored effect, 17-in. at the home of Rev. J. Anthony Mitchell, who officiated. For the present they will live at the home of Bert Torkelson, six miles east of Bend on the Bear Creek road. CLUB ELECTS OFFICERS Ladles Library Club to Hold Sate on March 18. Food The Ladies Library Cluh met yesterday afternoon at the home of Mrs. A. M. Lara. The following officers wore elected for the ensuing year: President Mrs. F. F. Smith. -Treasurer Mrs. W. W. Faulkner. Secretary Mrs. H. J. Overturf. A committee of three was appoint ed to confer with the Commercial Club in regard ,to entertaining strangers. It Is possible the Club will maintain a rest room for visit ors. It was decided to hold a food sale on March 18 at O'Donell's Market. The meeting yesterday was very well attended and a-special musical program was rendered. Refresh ments were served before the Club adjourned, to meet on March 15. WORK COMPLETED Roberts Bros. Deliver Lumber To O. T. Ry. And Have Much on tiand. Roberts Brothers Lumber C. have finished delivering lumber on their contract with the Oregon Trunk . Railway, bringing, in nil, some 850,000 feet to points ulong the .grade between Madras and Bend. .Their Sisters mill, supplied all the,. timbers, etc, used in bridgo and culvert building In tiifs 50-mile stretch of the work. Tom Roberta, who vas hero Monday, says that they have over u million feet of dry lumber in their yard, as well as a million feot of logs roady for sawing. It U their intoiUion to disposo of the dry lum ber in Bond, probablyfcstablishing a yard here, or handling It through an agency, thoir mill Is 22.3 miles fr0m Bend. A pinner has been shipped to Madras, and Mr. Roberts says it is expected to bo in oieration by tho middle of March. VCTCRAN TELLS EXPERIENCES. On Sunday evening at the Baptist Church, J. I. West delivered a very interesting talk upon his war tinio experiences. His remintseenses dealt particularlay with tho battle of Chickamauga, in September, '03, at which he was captured, and his sub sequent trip to Libby Prison, where ho was confined until tho completion of Andersonvillo, to which ho was removed later. Just try The Bulletin Jab Prtutery,.