The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, March 01, 1911, Image 4

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    i u.
i An lnlcwmlent ntutpapcr, tatidliiu,
for the aquare deal, clean bmlnt, clnu
wHtica, and the lt IntcrcMa ot Hend
ami fcentratbrvRoti. "'" f
Hit mouth"
Tnr tnoolh.,
(tnrarUMr In dvoc.)
j .. ... a. i-
A few weeks ago Bond wns fnvor-
cl with a visit from Editor Hoffman
of The Citizens Call, published, un
der the wing of the Citizens Good
Government League jo J'xiQevillei
nt Madras and Prineville, and print
ed in Portland. The leader of this
geographically, somewhat inplox
paper, while here, stated that hence
forth his columns would be devoted
t) tho publication of "boosting"
material, making' tho-iwipw primar
ily a publicity organ for the multi
tudinous sections of interior Oregon
whose best interests its avowed pui
posc it is to serve. 't -
In the Call of rTcbrttary 18th' Bend
assuredly is favored with a splendid
amount or publicity, wncuicr or
not this" be'the special Bcml booster
number proclaimed is uncertain;
portions-of the article -in question
haVeyer, are fantastically interesting-
Alostof It tells of the Holl-6r
otrih; thS Abolishment of prohibition
has' "brought to poor misguided
CrbokCourttyr That tho" majority
of. the voters at the last election
wanted .license fs explained by the
fact that the snake-like allurements
of thcllome Rule bill were so cun-
ninglyMevtaid "and perpetrated -ad
to bewilder voters into getting
something they didn't want.
But the publicity part, for in
stance: "In .Bend strict ordinances 'were
finally enacted, which were prompt
ly attempted to be annulled by the
new council, and it is due only to
the true manhood ofva majority of
the council that Bendls not a wide
open town today.
Petition after petition has been
circulated in Bend, requesting of the
ciuncil the annulment of this or
that section of the ordinance."
As far as can be ascertained' but
two petitions were circulated and
presented to the Council. One,
signed by 37 voters, requested that
action be taken such that a liqu r
license be grunted the Pilot ButU
Inn. As an ordinance-affecting the
matter was pcfnlfngT' the "petition
was laid on the table. The second
petition, with 21 signatures, re
quested Sunday closing for certain
places of amusement. On Novem
ber 11th. it was" laid .on. the table.
What all those other petitions rofer-
& to" by the Call arc or were, rela
tive to annuling ordinance sections,
It is ullhcult to imagine and impos
sible' to ascertain.
But it is wearying to proceed
further. Suffice, t-9. say that Brother
Hoffman 6ees Bend through a mist
of pious righteousness that make the
town, in his eyes, a den of iniquity.
-'On the other hand, The Bulletin is
of the opinipn that today Bend is a
mTghty well ordered community.
The voters wanted license; they have
aruT should have, what they want.
If license is abused, it's possible that
there wjll be a reversal to tho old
prder'of things next election time.
The" saloons know" thisV "and' for
sclfiBh, if for no other reasons, they
will give tho community ihe It&tJ
deal they can. The saloons are pay
ing for what they got; the city and
its dwellers are benefitting from
saloon-made revenue; county and
city officers are doing their duty;
the majority have what it voted
for. So why not accept a situation
whijh is as agreeable to oho.faction
as it seems obnoxious to another,
mako tho best of it atNiome, and
stop gratutioua gaffing and L knock
ing "publicity" onlhe-outJiffJe.
Real Uatato transfer.
(FutnltW by the Ctook Cvtwly Allrcl Co 1
Crook County luv Co to Kiiitrtie Heck, ! y '.sc a, Alt 'i.
IOI 5, IIIIKK Oj, llllllllrtll V.WII tj) - , --
Mclroitl'arkCoto I'rvderlck U Alkln I , ... .
hoir. lots-t, 3TT.-4.- l- t ikUlMJUMtry uicJJUiieuu j'o rnmcry
derstnnd tho great benefits that will
accrue to every one here by tho In
auguration of tho now route. Doubt
less the settlers who will be bene
fitted now will nid iw generously
wlthidonattoiis of labor. A&
7-sr '
This issue, of tho Bulletin is sot In
new li'pc, the pnjxjr just having in
totalled an entire now "tlrosa" of
tlie best modern nuwstmpgr typo,
sufficient toTioet nil the rapidly en-
larging requirements ot tho weoKly,
andtho semi-weekly, which it is the
BultfctlitVfntention soon Uiuiilhh.
1'ntk mill Uctltiioml. Jn.
Redmond TonllcCo. Jo Hurtjtt
I'mV. w i foU'lj. Mi S. t W'U J4i
IU-dtmmt. fjjo, ,-
U O. WHIcuxou Jo ,Jionl 'T!ii(r" gji.
lot i, j, urk U vc. , Y l,, R II.
J V lloldmon U City ot Madia Com
u.u(vrt Kouth of ww corner of bl6clt jj,
I'hlmnln, tlieiirv tt Jto,oiUh lto, wcit
Jim, nottU loi jtioa
Crtiok Comity Inv, Co. tnvChrtMUn
Ihiok lata Ij, .V, Uoik ty, Uillinmi.
0 W Vlicto S 1 Ortgury.lloti it,
II, block. J5, Uciliuoiul, l.cac
I.yllc Tiivnllc Co. to l.oU I h'flok
on. Into .), J. tilook J. Lytic. Coil, fl
Crook county Inv. Co, to O lf Home
ll Ji. .M. I'liH'k 41), llilliiiitu. Con. t i.ti-
.iUtii Ti!UcCo, to Kntli It Roli
uiW'ii, lot 6, liloU 46, l.alilUw. f 100.
TnrcaMwt 11 wttiiirtrcaiiUtiir a
f U ev I J, ami c 4 nc ( cc J4i a t"
if a CnHl ef u'Tto ,1litlt Brinl InV. Co.
nw.'jU. we 4, nml nt'4 c ami '
f'Ji .
ll.Jj l' A vl - v.
IWh.,lrtnn,...i .. .ip
1 111; nu. inv iiwuiMi.
Tho Krcat story of Aliwktt and tho
Norlhwost, begins In tho Bond
IS . F. Pitmait Real Estate Co.
Farm arid Stock Ranches for solo.
We handle La Pino Townsito Lots.
w - "Tell Us Your Wants.
La Pino, Oregon.
There's one place in Bend a here you're sure to jct nbso
' iutcly-thcr best ot'-every thing in Wines, Liquors
uud Cigitrs, and that one )lace is
1 sioie 10
We conduct an Orderly -Emporium for tho
entertainment of all energetic, enthusiastic
and enlightened Bend Boosters and our
selves ever eagerly encourage emigration
to this Eden of Eastern Oregon. Knockers
inoculate our entire anatomy with ennui
and, eventually, may expect to bo ejected
from our establishment. Get wise! Eh?
See our window display of bottle goods.
We are exclusive agents for the famous
for all Central Oregon. Your Patronage
Berid's New
Harness Shop
The breath of tho wiM north
wot t.i in fus reflf fory o ovc
and Itfi ami hato nnd death
Rax llcach and Jack London
have rvwalvd the hidden my a
tonetnnd romances of the Alas
kan waste o have no other uu
thora, and lit this stirring, grip
ptng narrative is iuiwi the boat
work of Mr Beach' carver
B6'd Emerson and his saporhu
man efforts to win a fortune for
the n'orriori he loved; Cherry
Matotte, the captivating, ener
getic young vomin who combat'
od desperate men on the battle
ground of thctr5wnchoaaiTtg' .
Mildred Wayland. the imperious
beuuty and society favorite. '
whose hand was sought by bitter
rivals who did not stop at nmr
dor; Oeorga liult, the sturdy
fisher hero, whose voice was
like tho roar of giant waves on a
Ice shore ; "Fingerleas" leaser,
whose quaint humor atone pro 1
vented htm from going to jail,
where he really belonged, and
Willis Marsh, pnprmcipled tn
trtguer and a betrayer of men
and womenthe "'"' some ofK
the characters and elements that
make this story one of the great
tst tales of adventure ever writ-
ten. ' -
Hero in TCgruut opjwrtunity to
rend a groat wriul. Don't inlfw a
word of it HulMcribo now.
- - "tTV- -
Thli Wat tha Original Draii of tht
. , 8vtlh Hiah(anflr.
Tho orlclnnl ttrt of tho hlKhlniiilcr
wna tha Iwllrrt I'htlil. U'hl. ti it piiw ,
of inrtitu 1 loth, two junln hnwil iiih.
four lotnc, wlilrh t druwii iinniii)'
tho uitlut In nicely iulJuMt-0 fnliU mill
tlfihtly liucklttl mIIIi n IkI. TIic lowor
unrt ennio Iumi Jn ttjc knrv In much
tin' mmip inmiiiiT u lln iihhIitii kilt
whll U10 iiim.t linn wa ilniwn ii.
ami niljuitiil to tin' left ihoiilifcr, a
Ihnt the rluht nrm inltflit I Hrfrclli
frco. Thin iiprnT jmrl wim tho ptalil.
which una uiil no n rowrliic for thr
hotiMoni nml lxly In wet w outlier,
pint when tho uw of x;jh qrma yta
reijtilrtil It ivna fnaleneil nenwa the
hreaKt lth n Iidmk'Ii. oftvn curlouil)
enrlchnl. . brooch wu ulna iim! lur
fnfttcn the phihl on tho left ahnuliler
To ntllro hlnxrlf In the Mint lalil
recjulnM on the pnrt of the hlghlnmlcr
no ainnll n mount of ilexlrrlly. -The
itnunl wny wim lo lay It on tho floor
nml nficr cnrefnlly nrnmcliiK' the
Mil to tic ilon 11 nnnti It nml then
liticklo It on. Thu lowcr-eml -wim fun
trued nt the rlk'ht hip Tho utility of
uch a driim In the hlglilttml In ol
Tlou, for tho jilahl remlerctl tho man
Imlllfcrciit to atoruia "Uml prepflrrU In
nam n nljrht In the open nlr In the
mewt luplcinent wentheY. "whllit the
I'ooko iiudcrgarmcnt etmhleil hm lo
wailo rlvcra or oaruml moiintnlnn with
equnl etiae. It wna thim pecullnrl;
nilapteil to the wnrrlor, the hunter nml
tho ahejihenl. I.omlnii "SliTII.-
Only Complete Stock of
Builders Hardware
Stoves -Cooking'
" Giins -and
Sporting Goods
Farm Implements.
Barb Wire at Cost.
Bend Har
Manufacturers of Harness
Repairing of All Kinds
including SHOK and HOOT
A Big Stock of SADDLES, BLAN
SaIe of Buggies
$115 Michigan IJuggies (tQ!3 CA
8100 Michigan B8fcS85.00"
Genuine Mandt Wagons
Form Implements
Jiendr (Oregon.
Ramarkabla Will and Furftrat Of a
Quiar EnallihvYOmaq.
Tbo will of lira, llnrunrct Thoui
wo, which In fireacrreil n 11 rurloMlly
at Hotnvrnvt lloime, Knslnml, In 11 trib
ute to tho ilellKhtn nml cimmilnlloiiH of
nnuff. Tho tuHtatrix illrtwUit Hint In
hercotUn nliotilil lie Imrlctl with her nll-t
her hamlkerchlefa iniH'AiJIirpiitr of tlnH
bout Hcotcu anuff to cot or her Ixxly.
Tllln alio prof emit to flow era, n "noth--
Inc could txi niprir (rajsruut nijcl. no re
froahlni; to 1110 nn Hint prevloua pnw
dcr." rurlher. tho nix Krenlent MtiufT
taker lu tho pur lull of Ht. Jntiien,
Woatmlnster, wuro to bo hex iMHirerx.
.Six old maids, encli henrlUK In her
hnud n box tilled ulth tho bent Bcofch
nnuff to tuko for Ihulr rufrtMhuiunLm
tlioy wnlked, Hero to bear tho pull
Bcfqro the. enrpxo tho minister wna to
walk, carrying nml pnrtnkliiK of 11
pound of nnuff At ctery twenty ynrdn
a handful of nnuff una to bo delivered
to tho byataudon, mid nt tho door of
tlmjwtajrlx't liouno wyott lio placed I
two tJtiHiiciH or tno autuo iiiiiuiy or
auuff for crntultoun distribution. In
order to lnsuro the ciirryliiK out of tier
wlBUDd'OioleslatHx mfidu ttlo fcunctc
Klren by tho will dependent upon an
oxact and literal fulllllmvnt of the
conditions abovo mimed, In cloning
nho budo nil concerned to reunrd nuuff
an tho rund cordlnUof-nnturo.
Adjoins Bend 911 -the south.
Most beautiful residential sec
tion in Bend.
Also Some-Choice Business Lois.
-' Timber Lnnds Bought and Sold.
The citizens of Bend and tho Com
mercial Club have establUheJ a
splendid record by their accomplish
ments during tho last week in rais
ing tho fund for tho Bend-Burns'
nad. Thj work is of vast Immcdi-,
afc Importance" to- tho town? Bjr
UnfH nrAMAfAtio rtni film Inno lnol '
The Pioneer Wood Yard
Call on or tclcpuonu us for'ull kinds of
. "We sdw Cord Wopd uud Limb Wood on bliort notice,
, ,. , Ofdrs Promptly Pilled,
- W. P..DOWNINGPrqjirietor.
Tha Art of Carpantry,
Howman coinuion ll(,'urn(lro ex
proMloua ln'our Uuxgunxu nro bor
I rowed ron tho art of curpoutry muy
do noon rrom tno louowini; aonicnco;
"Tho lwycr,who filed tho bill, ahuvod
tho note, cut nn ncmmlntatice. tpllt n
fmlr,-mndo tin fntr.tot lip n enne,
framed nn Indictment, Impiinolcd n
Jury, put thorn Into n box, nailed n
tillnnxn, hatutmired n JuiIko and bored
n wliolo court.' 11 1 1 lu ono dny,vhan aluco
In Id down lawxnnd .turned carpenter,"
Contrary Human Natura,
"I nippoHf It In our nnliirnl conlrnrl
noun which makes us do audi paradox
leal ihtnss."
"Huch ns what?"
"An makes us lone for thine when
N 0 W
"- ' '' " -i
We Have New Type, New
Stock, iNew Ideas and
All Are At Your Service.
The. Bend Bulletin.
rJgqna WFStmaZZB&-lEZ.
hvoBrD--Btiort"llaltrraoro Atncricnn.-